"Re: Zero, Starting Life in Another World" Zero kara (TV Episode 2016) Poster

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Why Subaru is the best written character in Anime
nileroan25 November 2018
I know many people find Subaru to be a terrible character, and in particular they find him to be extremely cringe inducing.

Fair enough. For people who are watching Anime to escape reality, a main character who is suffering from extreme depression and is growing steadily more broken by the episode probably isn't all that much fun to watch.

But for people who understand depression--who have lived with it, and who have experienced the agony of soul crushing depression--Subaru's character makes sense. We cringe when he's making mistakes, but we understand, and sympathize. We've made mistakes, ourselves. Sometimes horrible mistakes, that we wish with all our being we could take back. But we can't.

Depression changes how you think, and it makes things that seem obvious to healthy people seem anything but to you. You focus inwards. You don't know what to do. You don't know how to connect; you don't know how to reach out and ask for help; you think you're the only one who can find a way forward, while at the same time thinking that nothing you do will be good enough, so you struggle, you flail, and you fail. You make things worse. And you want it all to end--you want to die, but in Subaru's case he can't even do that (he'll just reset, again).

So when I look at Subaru's character, everything he does makes sense. It often isn't what I would have done, but I have no problem recognizing that it's something he would have done, that it's something that fits his character.

And this episode is where he finally, truly, breaks.

But it's also where he finally, truly, heals.

Subaru may not always be likable--he may even be easy to hate, at times--but he is the realest character I have ever seen in Anime.
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Simply the best episode in anime
michaelsoft-4105219 February 2017
This episode is about Subaru trying to escape the land after he had been in a traumatic memory and got returned by death. He tries to get Rem to go with him and escape this land. Then Rem starts talking to him about things which I'm not going to spoil because seriously, this is the most touching and the best episode I ever watched in the history of anime. There is only one flaws as if you watch this without sound on, it may seem boring as it is mainly focused on the dialogue.
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Subaru is best written character in fiction
ArynicVaruna28 March 2021
People are just fucled in head who say when a charcater is not strong have relatable feelings be human they say he is written badly which is just bad take as their brain This ep is just peak fiction.
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saumyass-3093114 April 2021
Best mc of anime hats off to rem .

Tappei is genius.
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Best episode of this anime I've seen so far.
Deco052322 October 2023
Usually, two characters talking for 27 minutes isn't something many would find entertaining. But this is undoubtedly one of my favourite episodes of any anime I've ever seen. So much so that I felt implored to actually write a review for the first time ever. This is episode was absolutely incredible. Both Subaru and Rem shine spectacularly this episode. Both their bond and mindset are explored deeply this episode.

Hearing what Rem envisioned the future to be was breathtaking. I literally sat still and just stared at the screen the entire monologue. This episode and the ones before it have done everything I hoped this show would be.

I am truly excited to see the rest of this show, and I am shocked this episode only has an 8.7 rating on here despite being so great.
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To the person who gave this episode a 1/10 READ this.
lilgreektortora27 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Its not trying too hard to be psychological. IT IS psychological. Its all about character studies and why character's do things and why they feel things and how they go about those emotions. This episode dictates that clearly. It shows you that you may see yourself as something while someone else sees you in a completely different light. Perspective is what matter's and just because you look so far down on yourself doesnt mean anyone thinks/feels the same. Thats why at the end he realizes her words ans it strikes a cord in his heart. Episode 4 in season 2 is a great episode in contrast to this.
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The fall of re zero after the mansion arc
suchalad11 May 2023
The first 10/11 episodes of this show are amazing and i look forward to going back for a rewatch and forgetting the latter episodes ever existed. Afterwards, we've entered the typical period of a show where the writer tries too hard to make it deep, and the nuance is replaced by lots of highly "dramatic" "emotional" moments.

Don't get me wrong, the first 11 eps were very dramatic themselves, but that was before the writer decided to dabble in too much pseudo-psychology and get deep for the kids who automatically associate crazed, crybaby MC, vibrating eyes, and artsy music and camera angles every 5 seconds- with actual emotional and good writing. This sounds like a contradiction because the first 11 episodes also feel quite melodramatic with subaru, but the writing was there to back it up. Another good example is the film lost and delirious, with a highly melodramatic MC obsessed with love, very shakesperian feeling, but its actually good, so the melodrama isn't cringe like re zero after episode 11.

I actaully had a couple moments early when i called Subaru a chad. There were also some very weeb/strange moments which i tolerated because he had a good balance between being a man of action and actually caring about these girls vs having some occasionally super over the top and weird moments. After the mansion arc, this balance gets thrown off a cliif and dies a painful death.

A similar problem occurs with Rem. There's a scene where they're having an "emotional" moment on a bed and she's comforting him, i imagined her eating him alive after he fell asleep, as this cutesy rem felt so lifeless and robotic. In the early eps this was balanced with her (and her sisters) cold nature towards Subaru and not being such a s*imp for him, which she becomes after ep 11.

I don't know why the writer decided for the MC to lose 50 iq points + have extreme depressive emotional breakdowns, as if something happened off camera which we missed.

The re zero fans will say this was a build up of the trauma "exploding" which is pure cope for the fact that it's just bad writing. Subaru was already going through depressing stuff and being traumatised earlier in the series, simply having him being depressed in certain senarios is more than enough due to how intense the anime already is in these violent moments. Having emotional breakdown after emotional breakdown just causes melodrama overload without good plot to actually back it up.

Please show DON'T tell (for the most part) . In the first 11 episodes we see Subaru having traumatic moments and we see his depressed nature soon after. After ep 11 the trend is more TALK TALK TALK about how depressed he is, how much of a lo*ser he is, he feels worthless yada yada yada. I miss the chad subaru who was slightly traumatised but chose to stand up and continue fighting for the girls he cared about.

And rems role is now to comfort the sad lo*ser weeabo and tell him how beautiful and wonderful and caring you truely are!! (she's talking to insecure people watching the show). So rem has gone from being a real honest character who cared for her sister and came to trust in subaru, to a subaru si*mp who's here to comfort him even after he's a complete rude idiot on multiple occasions + becomes a crybaby.

Amelia also becomes more of a si*mp towards Subaru. She only ever respected him because of the respectable things he did, and tolerated his goofyness because of that. But now he's a complete rude idiot and doesn't listen to her....declares she will win the election wtffff????? Tells her she ought to be grateful for stuff he KNOWS she can't remember (bad writing). He literally grabs her arm at one point and just tries to force her to leave her house in the dumbest and most thickheaded way possible. And yet she still just stands there and tolerates him instead of doing what episode 1 Ameila would have done- kick him out!! (yes even after being helpful in the first 10 episodes).

These problems with rem and amelia are typical examples of MC syndrome, where the MC (subaru) gets treated better than he should because hey we're basically the tv show 'friends' at this point, amelia is the confused one who puts up with him (because the plot tells her to) , rem is the cutesy waifu MC simp, and Subaru is basically luffy without the rubber.

To summarize, the cool action scenes + psycological thriller aspects take a nose dive, but the melodrama (moments the producers THNK is deep and dramatic) are increased 300%,

The show actually was already deep without trying so hard .... and then it tried to be deep, oh boy.

Watch the first 10 episodes, stop. Move on to something else, go for a walk, breath. You're welcome. Those 10 episodes are actually really good television.
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