Smolensk (2016) Poster


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It looks bad
Rgajewski66616 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I've watch this movie 7 years after tragedy, so the the excitement is over both in people and official parties, it is much easier to rate this movie. Apart from that, if You agree or not to official party propaganda :

Well it is not a good movie on almost any perspective. The actors play is not the worst that You can anticipate. (Yes it is school-play level.)

Special effects looks like made by students - low budged.

The screenplay is chaotic, I would say disaster. It is no way to do a good film with that kind of sh*t. The characters paper-thin and there is nothing in background, some silly romance thread in middle? WTF?

I liked the last scene with ghosts, it is nice idea.

Actually I've found one good thing in this movie - It is not 3d
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Worst film in the world!
jakubstrama11 April 2021
The plot, acting and basically everything in this film is bad. Not to even mention the story is a conspiracy theory.
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Movie disaster, distorts reality
mieszkosobczak22 April 2022
This film aims to convince the viewer that the Polish President Lech Kaczynski, along with the other 95 people, died in an attack organized by the Russian authorities in collusion with the then Prime Minister Donald Tusk, which is clearly not true. The Polish Tu-154M plane carrying the president with Polish representatives crashed as a result of the fatal decisions of the plane crew, politicians associated with President Lech Kaczynski, and the violation of a number of protocols at the request of the president and his brother Jaroslaw Kaczynski.

The film supports the conspiracy theory by Antoni Macierewicz, the former minister of national defense in the government of the Kaczynski party, which they have been using for many years for their political purposes and the polarization of society, thus defaming the memory of the death of other people who died in this catastrophe, not related to the Kaczynski family.

In addition to definitively distorting reality, the film is badly shot and you have to force yourself to watch it until the end. In the meantime, you are attacked by poor acting, terrible shots and hideous manipulation pouring out of every frame of the movie. I advise against everyone watching this movie.
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one of the weakest films I have ever seen
marekdymarski15 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The acting of the actors gives the impression that they are all just learning the profession. The main character in particular is absolutely unconvincing. The scenes are bloated and ridiculous. A huge tragedy reduced to absurdity, especially in the last scene of the film, where the victims of the TU154 crash meet the Polish army officers shot in Katyn in 1940.
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slawomirhess11 April 2021
The movie becomes boring very soon as the course of action is predictable and based on a single assumption about the root cause of this fatal accident. That makes the story one-dimensional and trivial. The narrative is basic and pushing into a basic conclusion. The characters are very plain and acted badly.
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Badly written, badly executed
in-0192114 April 2021
I've watched this movie two times. First in the cinema, and recently at home. I cannot honestly find any upsides in it. The plot is "thin" and "expected". Acting is very poor and completely unrealistic. Overall it is a very bad movie. I don't recommend it unless you've enjoyed Killer Tomatoes Attack France and you just watch it for laugh.
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How not to make a movie
jata411 April 2021
It is a fictional vision that has been never confirmed, the acting, writing and everything is so bad in this.
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The worst political fiction movie ever
esorafal12 April 2021
If You want to waste Your time, You can watch it.

Film tries to show real catastrophe as plane bombing using cheap actors, cheap special effects, boring action and dialogues although it is targeted to people which believe in conspiracy theories.
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hancia-7299712 April 2021
Worst movie I've ever seen. Bad script, very poor acting. Exaggerated animations. Unfortunately, the film tells a distorted and untrue truth.
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Not a completely botched effort.
alexpietkiewicz12 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
As a patriotic Pole it urges me to dislike the movie but I'll try to be as objective as possible. The political influences and one sidedness of the movie, deliberately making it look like it was in fact an attack make the movie hard to watch. Again, regardless if you haven't known the current political situation in Poland - the movie is still weak. It feels like it was made by two producers angrily swapping between takes and arguing whose shot should be included. It's too chaotic. The film digresses between being a documentary,a feature film and a news report and step by step disorients the viewer between the three. The ending result is very... questionable, to be the most subtle. The actors seem wooden, the plot seems very far-fetched (especially to someone who knows about the political situation in Poland) and rewritten a few times over. As an advantage, the movie has some decent CGI effects (still not as good as Hollywood blockbusters), the score is composed properly and to effect and some shots are very pleasing to the eye. Other than that, this film is nothing more that pure propaganda - trying to disprove what has been proved a thousand times already. Unless you are in absolute desperation for a political, action, drama movie, look for something else.
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Good movie!
takimalyczlowiekzestanow11 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
There is a very good movie and I want to ask why it's discredited for polish viewers... to be honest, I know the truth... There are sorts of people who didn't watch it but they are rating it. This movie gives us an answer for a lot of things connected with Smolensk 2010 so I really recommend it.

The plot is about Smolensk 2010 aircraft tragedy. Why do Polish authorities told a truth few hours after an accident. Then they were trying to discredited polish pilots telling lies they were drinking an alcohol. Is it normal that after 7 years there is not a wreck in Poland? That a plane fell down from 20 meters and felt into 1000 pieces?
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Truth will out
szpancogito18 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The film gives a glimpse of the cover-up to hide the truth about the death of the President of Poland Lech Kaczynski, his wife and 93 other people on board a Tupolev Tu-154 over Russia on April 10, 2010.

The protagonist of the film is a woman journalist of a Polish TV channel who initially accepts the official version of the tragedy. It is worth noting that in 2010 practically all mainstream media in Poland were either controlled by the left-liberal government or owned by post-communist establishment and foreign media conglomerates. After the Smolensk disaster, they immediately offered several theories, all of which laid the blame on the President himself, his entourage and the pilots. They also ridiculed and brutally attacked all those who demanded international investigation of the disaster, which was left to the Russians. The official Russian version of the events (i.e. Pilot error) was accepted without reservation by the Polish left-liberal government and the mainstream media alike. To date, the remains of the plane, including the flight recorder, have not been returned to Poland. The Russian authorities claim they need them to continue their investigation...

The rating of this film is intriguing enough to watch it: so far, 36,199 out of 37,578 opinions are 1 star. If you're interested in what and who inspire such negative emotions, you have to see the film.
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Could be better but isn't all bad
mrkiz20 January 2017
What most reviewers and voters are missing - it is NOT documentary, so it simply can't be judged as one. You wouldn't expect "Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies" to be judged only basing on historical accuracy would you? Basically it is a movie that bends some facts to make those events more dramatic and movie itself more entertaining. It is listed as "Drama, Thriller, Inspired by true events" and it does a quite good job as that if you use some common sense.

Sure, Hollywood productions with 10-50 times bigger budgets give you more bang for those few bucks spent on tickets, but it is worth seeing anyway.

Music is decent, acting is fairly good most of the time, there is few bits that could use more post processing as it is fairly noticeable that those are green screen scenes.

Sure it has plenty of flaws, some (mainly script) are even critical ones - no one would plant multiple exploding devices on the plane when just one is enough, plus - there must be many other ways to destroy a plane without leaving any actual evidence. But again - it is a FICTION loosely based on actual events. It is not a work of investigative journalist but just entertainment.

All in all - worth seeing if that topic even remotely interest you.
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Weird judgement
gabxel12 April 2021
Honestly, it's so stupid that instead of watching a movie and judging it subjectively according to their own beliefs, they judge it negatively because no matter how someone told them to, I rate it 5 stars because I don't think that the whole truth is shown there, but this movie is by no means directed by Patryk vege, so it should not be the worst movie.
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Impressed by the abyss between reviews and the movie
gosiafe16 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is not a document, although it contains documentary ingredients. It puts together different facts and arrive at a certain conclusion. Taking into account the confusions, evasions, understatements and passivity of the previous Polish government - this movie shows in an elegant way, without exaggeration, the suffering of the families, the doubts still present in hearts of many Polish people, the unexpressed questions. How? Why? What is the truth? There is no streams of tears, no lamentations and yet it is very touching.

Questions, doubts and artistic vision of possible answer.

Where is the propaganda? I can't understand all that hate and contempt present in reviews. It makes me question reviewers decency... But in the end everyone has right to express their opinions freely and diversity is an advantage not a disadvantage.

So thank you Andrzej Krauze for your patience, courage and an effort. Thank you for the movie that was simply needed by many Poles I needed it.
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Be aware of trolls and devoted political enemies of the crash victims
sylwekwazuuup21 September 2016
The movie is very good, I was surprised when I watched it. The scenery, the actors' play. Few scenes however are cut out from TV auditions, with lower resolution and you can see that if you watch it.

Be aware however, that there are many people that just hate the passed away polish president. They hate him because their favorite political party used hatred for settling political fights for power at that time and even now.

Now they are commenting the movie, without even watching it. The movie isn't about the crash itself or any versions of what really happened, but they didn't watch the movie, so they don't know what it is really about. The movie just shows the facts, it doesn't judge them and it doesn't go into argument about one version or the other.
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Very good film
blebla-670669 February 2017
Very inconvenient for previous government (Platforma Obywatelska - Civic Platform with Donald Tusk) who was guilty of too many mistakes and for people supporting that government (so call lemmings - called that because of their self destructive nature) therefore so many low scores. Film is based on real events that happened after the crash - manipulation of mainstream televisions, politicians involved in same, sudden deaths of people who knew anything about the crash which proved that there was definitely something more behind it than mainstream media were telling people. That film is showing the whole net of connections between politicians, government and media in a mission to cover up what happened in Smolensk. I must admit - it's not the best actors play however very good scenario.
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Great movie honor vs betrayer!
smichalak18 September 2016
The movie excellently uncovers the plot that led to Smolensk crash. My heart and mind was so excited seeing the drama but not because the President Kaczynski and many others died in the crash but because I knew that there are people like me who suspected since beginning that it was not just simple crash. Why? Even looking at very prosaic reason. The party, Civic Platform and Polish government at that time with Prime minister Donald T. were doing everything to attack and punish people who dared to asked about Smolensk crash.(were they hiding something at that time I thought ?). Even after many years in the review you can find false claims "pilot fault ...and pressure on pilots" even though Miller report said that gen Blasik was not into cabin and there was no pressure on pilots". I have questions to many who reviewed by writing "propaganda". Do you trust investigation done on the crash by Putin FSB-former KGB? (by the way when Nemcow, Russian activist, was shot in Moskov cameras were under maintenance.. coincidentally). Do you think if plane with Netherland citizens that was shot over Ukraine was investigated by would see Rusian missile as a main cause of the crash.?

Just yesterday I was listening to report on Smolensk crash and the head of the commission at that time Mr. Miller (Civic platform) on old recording said few days after crash "We need to match Polish report to Rusian one otherwise we will be in big trouble(we loose a lot)!" Thus, go watch the movie! and experience tragic but thrilling and exiting moments of honor, love and betrayer just before ..."Polish titanic" Tu-154 crash.
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Movie isn't easy to handle it.
damianox-5479713 April 2021
A film for fans of the genre. Negative opinions are the result of the opponents' initiative to let the world learn the truth about this event. If this conspiracy theory were unfounded, the Russians would have given up the wreckage and the black boxes long ago, which they have not done so far.
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malczykpaul13 April 2021
Stupid Polish oposition started hate against that title as it shows how they behave at that tragic moment of Polish history, rubbing shoulders with Russians and letting them run investigation and only let Polish official WATCH !!!
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darreniceton12 April 2021
Good movie based on true facts about the plane crash. Some facts have been changed for the movie but most are true.
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