The Sinner (TV Series 2017– ) Poster

(2017– )

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Disturbing first season
derezonajazz28 September 2018
Couple of things: Jessica Biel never ages. Pullman can pull off weird disturbed detective well. This is a series that will keep you guessing till the end- very unusual, very dark and very disturbed. You won't feel good about yourself at the end in the nicest possible way. Very addictive and I loved the soundtrack too! Check it out.
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Give it a go and you will be stuck before you know
rghvvikas10 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This show is the BEST THRILLER to come out in a long time.

It's the type of the show where you are always inside the screen. you are paying close attention to every little details, you are trying to connect all the dots, you want to untangle the characters get in their mind, solve the mystery and at last you will be asking "WHY CORA TANNETTI DID THIS??"

The performances are top notch, you can see inside the character through the actor. Jessica Biel really leads the show in an extraordinary manner.

The plot is amazing and writing make sure the show is always connected to the original content.

The mystery deepens with every episode and you will be left crying for the next one. DON'T MISS IT!!!
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A Promising Why-dunit
atlasmb11 August 2017
Cora (Jessica Biel) is a normal looking young woman who commits a shocking crime in full view of many witnesses. As viewers, we witness the crime also, so there is no doubt of her guilt.

Means and opportunity are never in question, but what is the motive? That is the central mystery around which this series revolves. And it is the question that drives police detective Harry Ambrose (Bill Pullman) to dig deeper despite Cora's confession of guilt.

Ambrose is a sad sack character who seems to commune better with nature than with people. Perhaps he understands compulsion and seeks to unravel his own while investigating Cora's.

In the first episode, Cora says, "I never thought that I would have a normal life." This is a major clue that her behavior may be rooted in her early years. Throughout the show, there are flashbacks to various happenings from all periods of Cora's life--clues that form pieces of the jigsaw puzzle solution.

As for the acting, most of the heavy hauling involves Biel and Pullman, who are convincing. The tone of the show is moody, suggesting the turmoil that lies just beneath the surface.

It remains to be seen if the writing can weave a tale that keeps the story interesting over the course of the 8-episode season. This is a good start.

Update 8/25/17: After four episodes, I am raising my grade to "8". The story is riveting. I would recommend this show to anyone who likes a good police mystery.
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emoweeee15 July 2018
I don't do many reviews on here. Usually only if something is extraordinary or horrible. This show had me on the edge of my seat the whole season from start to finish! Jessica biel has always been a good actress, but her performance in this blew me away! Hope she does more dramas like this in the future.. she's a natural.
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Loved seasons 1 and 2 - season 3 was such a disappointment - what happened?
lmlewi13 March 2021
I watched seasons 1 & 2 in a matter of days. I loved the show and thought it was a great treasure. I was so excited when season 3 came out. I don't know if there are new writers or what changed, but this season was just simply unbearable to watch.

I ended up having it on to finish the story but literally looked for household chores to do during the episodes as that was more exciting. So disappointed. I hope if there is a season 4 it gets back on track.
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I LOVED The First Two Seasons
My-Two-Cent13 March 2021
But the third season is horribly terrible or terribly horrible take your pick.. First off, the story was boring and it didn't hold my interest and it seemed forced.. Secondly, I think the actors who played Jamie and Nick were terrible choices because I just didn't care about the characters they played like I did in the first two seasons because they were so much easier to connect with which made me care about what they were going through.. I've read that there's going to be a fourth season and even though I didn't care much for season three I will watch it because Bill Pullman is fantastic as det. Harry Ambrose..
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I feel like this show is going down
nkishudak13 March 2020
Jessica Biel was the perfect choice, the first season is amazing. I loved it. The second was enjoyable as well. However I felt like there's a hole, somehow could've been better. And the third season is okay. Not more. I wouldn't rewatch it. Shame. I was really excited about it.
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When seemingly normal people do brutal things
blanche-230 July 2021
"The Sinner" is (so far) a three-part series asking what drives people to commit murder. Each story is 8 parts.

The first one stars Jessica Biel as a married woman, mother of one, who goes to the beach one day and stabs someone to death nearby. A police detective, Harry Ambrose (Bill Pullman) becomes interested in the case and works to find out what happened.

The episode will have you on the edge of your seat, as there is one surprise after another, leading to its shocking conclusion.

The second series concerns a young boy who, while he is in a motel with his parents, poisons them. Again, Harry Ambrose becomes involved, determined to find out the boy's motivation. Though this series of episodes isn't quite as good as the previous, it's still terrific and again, will really have you guessing.

Then we come to the third series. Every review you will read will tell you to skip it. Just one problem. No one who says "skip it" happens to mention that it stars the gorgeous Matt Bomer. I wouldn't have cared if he read the phone book for the entire episode, I would have watched it.

However, it is absurd. A real let-down from the previous stories.

I am not sure if Bill Pullman is good or not. He plays a pretty wacky guy and basically has one expression, kind of a half-smile, throughout all of the episodes. Frankly I found his personal life somewhat of an intrusion, as those details were unneeded.

Highly recommended, one of the best things I've seen, with the exception of the third story. But, hey, it stars Matt Bomer.
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Decreasing quality
robsav-3965818 March 2020
Season 1. Great

Season 2. Average

Season 3. Garbage.
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Please make a third season
epvandijk20 November 2018
One of the best series I've seen, both seasons. Excellent thrillers. Great role for Bill Pullman
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Seasons 1 and 2 are great. Season 3 not so much.
HlenSki28 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was intrigued by this series since first episode of season 1. Absolutely marvelous! Season 2 had the same kind of murky waters and complex mystery feel to it, enjoyed that as well. The slow unravelling of history behind the seemingly pointless acts of violence is delicious. Mystery at it's best. I would give season 1 a grade of 9, and season 2 the grade of 8.

But unfortunately season 3 I just found to be very boring. The start is great, but I guess too high expectations kind of ruined it for me. I was sort of waiting for it to unravel, but it never did. They changed the concept. I don't like it! Around middle of the series it just looses the appeal. Maybe it's because I am not that into analyzing the detective's struggle with partially sexualised control/submission/pain thingy he has going on due to mother trauma. And the relationship he is building with this criminally insane dude with existential unstableness... Not my cup of tea.
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Amazing from season 1-3
simona-7788428 June 2020
We loved season 1 and 2, and loved season 3 as well! I'm not sure why people didn't like it but it was just as amazing as the others! Season 3 was like an iceberg, you feel you were give all the facts to begin with but with each episode you dive deeper into the darkness! I also loved that each season is so different! Maybe that's why people disliked season 3 because they wanted more of the same, but I loved the different approach to all 3 seasons because it makes you excited to start each story! Love love loved it!!
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christimc3320 September 2018
I give the first season an A, but I give the second season a C. Both were entertaining, but the first season was way better in my opinion.
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Season 3 ruins everything
aoifemfc21 June 2020
Season one & two were brilliant! however season 3 was the biggest let down with the most ridiculous story line ever. I kept thinking each episode would get better but to no avail.
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Season 3 is ludicrous
Ripshin10 February 2021
"Harry" keeps doing idiotic things. It's distracting. And Pullman's mannerisms have become far too exaggerated. This newest season feels like a mimic of NBC's "Hannibal."

I like the previous two runs.

But THIS one? In each episode, Harry just screws up. I realize, obviously, that the plot is intentional. But it's impossible to become "invested" with a character who acts illogically at almost every turn.

And it's not just Harry. I just keep thinking to myself, "Hey, that person would NEVER do that!" And I'm not discussing "Jamie," who is unbalanced.
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On the edge of my seat...
sierrakhunter14 September 2017
I have never noticed Jessica Biel's acting as anything other than sub-par, but I am blown away at how great she is in this roll! You can tell she's hiding something or has blocked her past out for one reason or another. Every episode ends with a cliffhanger! I am on episode 7 of the 8 and I have no idea what's going to happen next! The unpredictability of this show and the characters. I am just as confused with Bill Pullman's character and the why he feels inclined to help or figure out why Cora did what she did. I can't wait till next Wednesday! I love a good show that I can't figure out the ending!
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Criminally underrated
ebert_jr6 November 2022
This is become one of my all-time favorite anthologies and streaming series ever and I rank it right up there with the likes of Breaking Bad The Sopranos everything else although it's impossible to compare any of these truly because they're so distinct and that also describes the sinner. Each episode focuses on the main character a detective who who seems to walk a fine line between the real and the Paranormal and always seems to be attracted to the most difficult cases and the most interesting ones like opposite charges attracting one another. There are so many themes and sub themes to this series especially including the concepts of religion life death suicide this is just an amazing series and I can't even begin to write a proper review without spending a lot of time but please give it a try.
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Definitely a solid, slow-burn show
AnonymousFilmLover269 September 2017
This show, "The Sinner" is certainly a slow-burn show. It won't appeal to everyone; and the episodes do move slowly, but with purpose - to build a greater sense of tension and curiosity in the viewer. It's a little extra-sexual in parts, (and I agree with the comment on Ambrose, I feel like his sexual preferences/habits aren't really central to the plot of the show) but for the most part, this too is purposeful...Cora (Jessica Biel) was obviously abused and extremely oppressed as a kid, so she's had less freedom to find herself than the average (30 -something?) woman.

Out of "Somewhere Between", this show, and "Midnight, TX", this is the one I find myself coming back to. It's dark, moody, you KNOW something's just not right but what is it???

Start watching, and keep watching, to find out.
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Season 1 outstanding season 2 good dont bother with 3
lrg338411 May 2020
The first 2 seasons were really good but what on earth happened with season 3 its rubbish and boring
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1st two seasons excellent..3rd is BORING!!!
feev27 March 2020
First 2 seasons are definitely worthwhile but the 3rd took a BIG nosedive.... We actually stopped watching because it was so painfully SLOW..... There's some sort of "big reveal" which they keep milkin' episode after episode... Got sick of waiting!!
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Season 2
senhor-ron7 October 2018
It's funny.

Many people seem to have an issue with the second series. "It's too slow. Nothing happens. The team does not know where to go."

For me, these negative reviews tell me more about the reviewers than about the series. So what if a series is slow? Don't you have any patience? Do you really want artificial action and GoT tension in every minute of every episode? Have you ever read a book???

Yes! The series starts of slow with the viewer seemingly knowing everything there is to know. And then it slowly unwinds, throwing us of balance every time we think we know what is - and was - going on.

Some actors do a great job, some do a bit less than that. Just like in any other series or movie. That is just the way it is.

The viewer has to want to watch the series. What the hell is wrong with that?
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creepy sister
SnoopyStyle10 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Cora Tannetti (Jessica Biel) is a seemingly normal religious mother in upstate NY. She's at the beach with her family when she starts fixating on a young flirtatious couple nearby. She picks up a knife and mindlessly walks over to stab the guy to death. She is arrested. Her husband Mason is confused. She refuses to have a lawyer and tries to plead guilty. The judge orders an evaluation to determine her state of mind and the cause of the murder. Harry Ambrose (Bill Pullman) investigates the case as her past is revealed.

This is an interesting little limited series mystery. Biel does solid work and so does Pullman. It does feel like a show which drives down several dead ends like the husband. It's all good due to a truly creepy character in the sister played by Nadia Alexander. I sit at attention whenever the sisters are together in the flashbacks. It is wonderfully uncomfortable. Their dysfunctional relationship is what excels and what makes this show fresh.

ADD The first season is a good creepy limited series. The show gets more continuation with Bill Pullman doing three more seasons heading a police crime show. He does compelling work and there is a good amount of darkness in this crime mystery show.
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Interesting and compelling drama of pain and secrets, that connects with morals that involve sex and religion.
blanbrn2 September 2017
This new limited "USA Network" series "The Sinner" is one to watch as it shows how the secrets and problems of the past of one's upbringing can cause them to change and commit violent crazy acts. And the themes mostly involve around moral choices, dark secrets, sex, and religion. Set in upstate New York Cora(Jessica Biel in a dark and crazy role)a young mom who seems to have it all with husband Mason(Chris Abbott)all of a sudden one day her life and others around her take a spin for the worst. At the beach one day Cora does a violent act, soon each episode is revealing as to what lead up to the blood and surprise killing as secrets from childhood and other people involved are revealed. No one is who they seem, even Harry(Bill Pullman)the detective who investigates the case also has his own dark demons. One by one everything seems to involve a connection of dark pasts and moral choices brushing up against religion, sin, sex, and the unexpected twist of what you don't think. Overall good limited drama series that spotlights the bad and dark nature of many.
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Disappointing 3rd
gibmontiel26 April 2020
Season 1 Brilliant. Season 2 Not Bad. Season 3 Waste of time. Watch something else.
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season 3
winnie337815 March 2020
This season is so bad it's almost unwatchable. Bill Pullman has one expression the whole time. He's ineffectual and gets himself into the stupidest situations. Matt Bomer has one look too. It's the wide eyed look of someone who's just sat on glass. There's no one to like in this season. No one to root for. Hated it.
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