The Lion King (2019) Poster


JD McCrary: Young Simba



  • Young Simba : What's a motto?

    Timon : Nothing, what's a motto-with-you?

    Pumbaa : Nice!

    Timon : Boom!

  • Young Simba : I'm going to be King of Pride Rock. I want to be brave like you.

    Mufasa : I'm only brave when I have to be.

  • Zazu : How lovely to see the future King and Queen!

    Young Simba : What do you mean?

    Zazu : One day, you will be betrothed.

    Young Nala : Simba, you speak bird?

    Zazu : Married... to each other.

    Young Simba , Young Nala : Ewwww!

  • Scar : This gorge is where all lions, come to find their roar.

    Young Simba : All lions, even my Dad?

    Scar : Even Mufasa came here when he was your age, refused to leave until his roar could be heard above the rim.

    Young Simba : All the way up there?

    Scar : That's when you know you've found it, with a little practice you'll never be called a cub again.

    Young Simba : Watch this.

    [does a small roar] 

    Scar : You'll get it Simba, just takes time, I'll check on you later.

    Young Simba : Dad will be so proud, huh?

    Scar : It's a gift, he'll never forget.

  • Kamari : [to Simba and Nala]  Well look at this, we weren't expecting guests... today. Would you two cubs like to... stay for dinner?

    Azizi : [butting in]  Yeah stay for dinner, because you look like a midnight snack.

    Kamari : [annoyed and irritated]  Can you just give me a little bit of space.

    Azizi : [backing up a little]  I'm helping.

    Kamari : We've talked about this before- I come in alone I'm the lead distraction so everyone can circle.

    Azizi : Okay, okay. I'm sorry.

    Kamari : Don't be sorry, just do it!

    Shenzi : Now this is a meal I've waited my whole life. What an unexpected treat to meet the son of a king.

    Kamari : Wait a second the king, as in you know who.

    Azizi : Who rules you know where.

    Shenzi : Mufasa does not rule me.

    Young Simba : You cant do anything to me, because I'm the future king.

    Shenzi : [chuckles]  he's telling me what to do, his father's strength flickering inside, I wonder how all that bravery will taste.

    Zazu : [suddenly appears]  Let them go Shenzi. They made a mistake a horrible mistake, but if you do this, you will start a war with Mufasa.

    Shenzi : Hyenas and Lions have been at war since the beginning of time. But Mufasa's bloodline WILL END HERE.

    [lunges at Simba and Nala but they escape] 

    Shenzi : don't let them get away!

  • Timon : Repeat after me, Hakuna Matata.

    Young Simba : What?

  • Young Simba : I'm gonna be the king of Pride Rock.

    Scar : Is that so?

  • Young Simba : You live here?

    Timon : Well, we live wherever we want.

    Pumbaa : We do as we please.

  • Scar : Long, live...

    [Raises paws] 

    Scar : THE KING!

    [Scar slaps Mufasa] 

    Mufasa : [screams as he falls]  Aaaa-aaaa-aaaahhhh!

    Young Simba : [cries out]  No-oooo-oooo-oooo!

  • Zazu : Come along! Keep up! Let's move as a unit!

    Young Nala : So, were are we really going?

    Young Simba : How'd you know?

    Young Nala : You hate the water.

    Young Simba : I've heard about this place, Nala, the most incredible, amazing...

    Young Nala : Just tell me where?

    Young Simba : An elephant graveyard.

    Young Nala : Whoaaa. How far is it?

    Young Simba : Not far. Just through the shadows. But don't worry, everyone's been there.

    Young Nala : We've never been that far before. What if we get lost?

    Young Simba : Relax, Nala. I was shown the entire kingdom this morning with my Dad. There's nothing to worry about.

    Young Nala : Well there is one thing...

    Zazu : [flying overhead]  We have an eminent threat! Something is approaching - oh, wait, scratch that. It's my own shadow.

    Young Nala : How do we get rid of the dodo?

    Young Simba : Trust me. I got this. Follow me to freedom

    Zazu : Oh, how lovely it is to see the future king with his future queen!

    [perches down] 

    Zazu : I could just molt...

    Young Simba : What do you mean, "future queen"?

    Zazu : One day, the two of you will be betrothed. Intended. Affianced.

    Young Nala : Simba, you speak bird?

    Zazu : Married. One day, you wi be married... to each other.

    Young Nala , Young Simba : [disgusted]  Ewwww!

    Young Simba : That's not gonna happen, Zazu. Nala and I are friends.

    Young Nala : Never ever

    Young Simba : And besides, she's afraid of rhinos.

    Young Nala : And he's never eaten an impala.

    Young Simba : I've tried it once.

    Young Nala : We're never getting married, Zazu.

    Zazu : A monarch who ignores tradition? With an attitude like that, I'm afraid you'll be a pretty pathetic king.

    Young Simba : Well, I'm not letting anyone tell me where to go, what to do, and even who to marry. There will never be a king like me.

    Zazu : Simba, you can't escape your destiny.

  • Young Simba : Wait, Dad, let me come, I can help.

    Mufasa : No son, you must stay with the other cubs.

  • Young Simba : My dad was pretty upset with me

    Scar : That's why were here Simba, I think I know a way for you to make it up to him. A gift that will make him forget it ever happened.

    Young Simba : But he's the king, what could I give him?

    Scar : Your roar.

    Young Simba : My roar?

    Scar : Yes

    [his voice echos] 

    Scar : did you hear that?

  • Scar : [Simba has unsuccessfully tried to hunt a beetle]  If you wish to kill something, you might want to stay downwind.

    Young Simba : I know how to hunt, Uncle Scar.

    Scar : Well let's hope we're never attacked by a beetle, go back to your den Simba, I don't babysit.

    Young Simba : Babysit? I'm gonna be the King of Pride Rock, my Dad showed me the whole kingdom said I'm going to rule it all.

    Scar : Is that so?

    Young Simba : Think about it, when I'm king- I'll have to give you orders, tell you what to do, how weird is that?

    Scar : You've no idea. So your dad showed you the whole kingdom, did he show you the shadows beyond the northern borders?

    Young Simba : No, he said I can't go there, but...

    Scar : And he's absolutely... right. An Elephant Graveyard is no place for a young prince.

    Young Simba : An Elephant Graveyard, whoa.

    Scar : [feigning surprise]  Aah, I've said to much, well I'd supposed you'd of found out sooner or later, you being king and all.

    Young Simba : You've been there?

    Scar : We've all been there, it's no place for a cub, all those rotting bones, burning pools of oozing mud.

    Young Simba : Rotting bones, oozing mud.

    Scar : Promise me you'll stay away Simba. Now you run along, and remember its our little secret... Your Majesty.

  • Scar : Simba! What have you done?

    Young Simba : It was a stampede. He tried to save me. It was an accident. I didn't mean for it to...

    Scar : Of course you didn't. No one ever means for these things to happen. But the king is dead... and if it weren't for you... he'd still be alive. Your father had such hopes for you... gave you so many chances. And this is how you repay him.

    Young Simba : I didn't know. I didn't know.

    Scar : Oh, what will your mother think? A son who causes his father's death. A boy who kills a king.

    Young Simba : What am I gonna do?

    Scar : Run. Run away, Simba. Run away and never return.

  • Young Simba : [wakes up]  Who are you?

    Timon : Um...

    Pumbaa : Uhhhh...

    Timon : We're the guys who saved your life. Risked everything. Fought off angry vultures.

    Pumbaa : Hordes of them, flocks. I'm Pumbaa. This is Timon.

    Timon : Did I mention that we've saved your life?

    Young Simba : It doesn't matter anyway.

    [heads off quietly back out towards the desert and sits down] 

    Pumbaa : Whoa. How bleak is that? "Doesn't even matter"?

    Timon : [sighs]  Like I don't have enough that I'm dealing with. His problems are my problems.

    Pumbaa : We can help him, we're in a position to help him

    Timon : Uhhhh.

    [to Simba] 

    Timon : So? How are you in as few words as possible?

    Young Simba : I did something terrible. But I don't wanna talk about it.

    Pumbaa : Look, kid. We all make mistakes. There must be something we can do, right?

    Young Simba : Not unless you can change the past.

    Timon : Well, you know, that's a lot to ask. If I'm being honest...

    Pumbaa : That's a biggie.

    Timon : can't change the past that's already happened. But you know what you can change? The future! That's our specialty...

    Young Simba : How can you change something that hasn't happened?

    Timon : Well, to change the future, you gotta put your past behind you.

    Pumbaa : Way behind.

    Timon : Look, kid. Bad things happen and you can't do anything about it, right?

    Young Simba : Right.

    Timon : WRONG! When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world!

    Pumbaa : And only embrace what's next.

    Timon : And turn the "What?" into "So, what!"

    Young Simba : Well, that's not what I was taught.

    Timon : Then maybe you need a new lesson. Repeat after me, kid. Hakuna Matata!

    Young Simba : [confused]  What?

    Pumbaa : Hakuna Matata!

    Timon : Hakuna Matata.

    Pumbaa : Hakuna... most people get a bigger reaction when we say it! Ha-ku-na Ma-ta-ta. It means "no worries." One, and a...

    Timon : [interrupting]  Okay. I do the counting.

    Pumbaa : I wanna count!

    Timon : Why don't we count together?

    Pumbaa : Okay. That's a good idea.

    Timon : All right.

  • Timon : [Timon and Pumbaa reveal Simba a gorgeous rift-jungle panorama: waterfalls, woods, distant mountains, lush lakes and rivers]  Welcome to our humble home.

    Young Simba : You live here?

    Timon : Well, we live wherever we want.

    Pumbaa : We do as we please.

    Young Simba : It's beautiful!

    Pumbaa : That's really nice, huh?

    Timon : Everyone, this is Simba!

    Guinea Fowl : That, my friend, is a lion!

    Bush Baby : What 'bout food? Have you thought 'bout feeding that thing?

    Young Simba : Yeah, I'm starved. I could eat a whole zebra.

    Timon : [under his breath]  Oh, here we go.

    [to Simba] 

    Timon : Uh, no-no-no, kid. Uh, we're fresh out of zebra.

    Young Simba : Any antelope?

    Impala : Uh-oh.

    Timon : No, listen, kid. If you want to live with us, you have to eat like us.

    Guinea Fowl : And most importantly: not eat us

    Timon : This looks like a good spot to rustle up some grub.

    [Stopping in front of a log, Pumbaa forces it up with his snout, revealing many insects] 

    Young Simba : [disgusted]  Ewww. What's that?

    Elephant Shrew : This one's got the nuttiness.

    Timon : Mmmm... now that's what I call slimy.

    Pumbaa : [slurps up dozen of the bugs]  Slimy, yet satisfying.

    Timon : Mmmm! Extra crunchy.

    Pumbaa : They're local.

    Timon : Oh, are they?

    Pumbaa : They're from right there.

    Timon : I'm tellin' ya, kid, this is the great life. No rules. No responsibilities.

    [notices a nearby caterpillar] 

    Timon : Oooh! The little cream-filled kind! I love it!

    Pumbaa : Those are good. Those are the best.

    Timon : [offers the caterpillar to Simba]  Well, kid?

    Young Simba : Oh, well. Hakuna Matata.

    [gulps up the caterpillar, then swallows it indisposed, he yet looks more cheerful] 

    Young Simba : Slimy, yet satisfying

    Timon : [excited]  That's it!

  • Mufasa : You deliberately disobeyed me.

    Young Simba : I know.

    Mufasa : You could have been killed. And what's worse, you put Nala in danger. Do you understand what's at stake? You jeopardized the future of our pride.

    Young Simba : [holding back tears]  I just wanted to show you I could do it. That I could be brave like you.

    Mufasa : I'm only brave when I have to be and leave no other choice.

    Young Simba : But you're not scared of anything.

    Mufasa : I was today.

    Young Simba : [disbelieving]  You were?

    Mufasa : Yes... I thought I might lose you.

    Young Simba : I guess even kings get scared, huh?

    Mufasa : More than you could ever know.

    Young Simba : But guess what?

    Mufasa : What?

    Young Simba : I think those hyenas were even scareder.

    Mufasa : 'cause nobody messes with your dad. Come here.

    [They nuzzle their heads, and tussle playfully for a brief while] 

    Young Simba : Dad?

    Mufasa : Huh?

    Young Simba : We're pals, right?

    Mufasa : [gentle laugh]  Right.

    Young Simba : And we'll always be together, right?

    Mufasa : Simba, let me tell you something my father told me... Look at the stars. The great kings of the past look down on us from those stars.

    Young Simba : [awed]  Really?

    Mufasa : Yes... So whenever you feel alone, just remember that those kings will always be up there to guide you... and so will I.

    Young Simba : But I can't see them, Dad.

    Mufasa : Keep looking, son. Keep looking.

See also

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