Fall in Love with Me (TV Series 2014– ) Poster

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Fairly Flawed But Enjoyable Series
spasek30 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There is some deception involved in the poster of this series. You may think that it's almost entirely about a young man, who adopts a second identity, in order to win the heart of the young woman he loves. This is only the case for about half of the series.

Fall in Love With Me tells the story of a advertising industry mastermind, who feels that he has lost his vision and creativity. Lu Tian-Hsing inadvertently meets Tao Le-Si on his way to a presentation. After the presentation, rather than be bombarded by the press, he slips out in a makeshift disguise and comes across Tao Le-Si's own small team in the middle of shooting a commercial. Tao Le-Si's team believes that he's the actor who is sent over to help. Lu Tian-Hsing not only finds himself enamored with the creative process of the company, but also with Tao Le-Si herself, who is the CEO of OZ Advertising, a small company originally founded by her deceased older brother.

Lu Tian-Hsing takes time off from his own company, SkyRider Advertising, in order to work for OZ and help the nearly-failed company, re-establish itself. He does this by transforming himself and creating the false identity of Xiao-Zu. Of course, OZ's staff is quickly impressed by Xiao-Zu's ideas which immediately lead to successes for the fledgling company. No one, however, is more impressed than Tao Le-Si who sees the same vision in Xiao-Zu that her brother had.

Lu Tian-Hsing not only transforms his physical appearance, but his personality as well. AS Lu Tian-Hsing, he is gruff, rude, and condescending. However, he is also extremely confident, and teaches others through empowerment, even if his methods are a bit questionable. As Xiao-Zu, he is kind, shy, compassionate, and supportive. Of course, Tao Le-Si falls in love with Xiao-Zu, not knowing that he's really Lu Tian-Hsing, the arrogant CEO of Skyrider whom she despises.

Anyone who has ever watched this type of formula (because there have been quite a few) will easily see the pitfalls and even the outcome of what will take place between these two characters. This only covers the first half of the series as Lu Tian-Hsing realizes that his disguise is too good, and he needs Tao Le-Si to fall in love with Lu Tian-Hsing, and not Xiao-Zu.

The second half has to do with the vicious and depraved family circle of Lu Tian-Hsing's adoptive family.

Step-brother Lance is the COO of Skyrider, and he only has dreams of destroying OZ Advertising (a company he views as a threat) and helping his sister, Huan Huan marry the only man she's ever loved: Lu Tian- Hsing. This the plot behind the second half of the series. How is Lu Tian-Hsing supposed to win the love of Tao Le-Si and keep OZ Advertising intact with his rich and powerful family doing everything that they can to destroy OZ as well as the love between Lu Tian-Hsing and Tao Le-Si.

The second act of the series is far darker and more intense than the first half, which is mostly light, fun, and very sweet.

The acting in this series is pretty much first rate. My only issue was with Beatrice Fang (Huan Huan) who sounds like an 8-year-old girl when she speaks. After a time, the whiny, pouting, screaming personality becomes grating and very one-dimensional.

Virtually all of the characters have flaws. However, the rock of the series is Tao Le-Si, whose power it is to believe in people and have faith, even with those who abuse her. Over time, we see her grow in strength and confidence. Much of this is due to Lu Tian-Hsing's help. He doesn't pity her. Instead, he urges her to be strong. In the end, we even wonder if Lu Tian-Hsing is worthy of her love.

My biggest issue with this series was the end. I'm all for happy endings where everything works out. I'm not for contrived endings where the depraved characters are suddenly and miraculously transformed with little-no explanation for the resurrection. In this way, the ending feels rushed and barely plausible. Additional scenes between Huan Huan and Lu Xian-Hsing as well as between Lu Xian-Hsing and Auntie Li should have been utilized to help make the viewer believe that the ending, not only worked, but was very much plausible. Unfortunately, we don't get that.

The dual-identity also didn't work entirely well for me either. You'll wonder why Xiao-Zu can be so sweet and loving to Tao Le-Si, but Lu Xian-Hsing lacks that ability initially. Granted, he's "acting" as Xiao-Zu, but his feelings aren't fake. So, why is it that Lu Xian- Hsing is unable to tap those feelings? It makes no sense. Instead, we see Lu Xian-Hsing constantly grabbing Tao Le-Si by the arm and hauling her off while he loses his temper soon after because she's not complying with his wishes.

Overall, the series is enjoyable despite the flaws. You'll have to get used to some very immature and unloving characters along the way in Huan Huan, Lance, and Auntie Li. Ultimately, I found myself rooting for Tao Le-Si more than anyone else, including Lu Xian-Hsing. Tao Le-Si proves that love does, indeed, conquer all.

Please note that this series can be watched on Netflix and it is spread out over 32 episodes.
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Cute then turns
misswritercreates22 December 2018
This started off as such a cute and quirky show! I enjoyed the first half and the characters instantly grabbed me. The storyline was quite interesting as well. Then it just seemed like after the first half of the show it suddenly took a turn for the worst like instantly. It wasn't something that just happened over time it was like boom! This is what's gonna happen now and then the ending was like wrapped in a neat little bow. It was so weird. It was really good but I feel like they could've continued on being cute and even added some of the second half drama. It just seemed like so much just dumped out of the blue it was strange how it happened and kinda unbelievable. But I did enjoy it nevertheless even though be warned, the second half is kinda hard to swallow but you'll be pleased with the ending.
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The business world, couldn't get more complex
grimmiefanforever22 September 2021
Beyond a fine business suit and a bustling marketing environment lies arrogance, passion, creativity and love in this Taiwanese Drama. From the arrogant-yet-talented Lu Tian Xing to the modest and driven yet, ever-so-innocent Tao Le Si, comes a slow-burning story of love, deception and a test of character as Lu Tian Xing resorts to the creation of two personalities just to get the job of his dreams and essentially..the girl.

It's a great story, it keeps you wondering, hoping, engrossed and lying in wait for the perfect ending...only there's no perfect ending; and sometimes getting the girl, means the biggest battle of your life as strong emotions collide with both love and business...there's a reason why office romances aren't ideal. Either way, you'll be hooked on the storyline with the intent to finish it to the end.
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First half is fun and enjoyable
mcmugged27 June 2020
Fall in Love with Me popped up as I was looking for a new drama, so I watched the first episode and got hooked. What is not to like? A good looking, nice guy who has a secret identity. Reminds me of Superman and Zorro, although he isn't that kind of a hero.

It is almost as if this drama was written by two different people. The first half was great. It fit the name of the drama "Fall in Love With Me." But the second half was awful. Even though the ending tried to conclude what was supposed to be going on in the first half, it seemed almost out of place by that time.

Lu Tian Xing falls for a girl but she falls for his alter-ego identity and dislikes his real identity. It was so much fun watching the first half of this drama unfold. He is trying to get her to fall for his real identity but she only likes his alter-ego identity. I would have liked that to go on longer. I hoped she would start liking both identities and become confused as to who she really liked, but once someone found out his secret, everyone found out. That is when the storyline went south.

The main male actor, Aaron Yan is a pretty good actor. He reminds me of a tiger. His looks and his movements are very catlike. I really saw two different people when he was in each roll. One identity was arrogant and charismatic while the other one was friendly, shy and sweet. Wearing glasses and a different hairstyle and clothing really changed his appearance also.

While the first half of this drama was a comedy/romance, the second half of the drama turns into a melodrama. The "bad" people are so exaggerated, they should all have been evaluated for mental health. The "little sister" in particular descended into madness but instead of getting her help, her mother and brother just continue to try and give her what she wants, which is Lu Tian Xing, who doesn't see her as a woman, but a little sister.

As far as I am concerned, it was excruciating sitting through the 2nd half of this drama. You can only take so much angst. I was very tempted to just skip to the last episode and call it a day. But because the first half was so enjoyable, I kept watching, hoping it would get good again.

One of the soundtracks heard over and over in this drama sounds like a rip-off of Hotel California.

I would give the first half of this drama a 10 rating and the second half a 2.
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