Aussie Gold Hunters (TV Series 2016– ) Poster

(2016– )

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i love it
baptisteur2 May 2020
Amazong show, i can't stop watch this ! what an amazing casting
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Really enjoyed the first few seasons and like it better than other Gold shows
mtheory-710-5290705 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First 2 seasons of this show were just fantastic. Season 3 Introduced Drama that wasn't needed and It seems we lost the crew from season 1 & 2 who were about to buy a dozer... boo

I enjoy these gold shows in seeing real people doing some exploration, prospecting, mining, and discovering riches or hitting the bottom.

Quit it with the drama!
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enjoyable and interesting people show
peterg1124 December 2021
I get the impression the editors are desperate to create the story than just record the story as it was meant to be. Some later events seem fabricated. People are often repeating themselves too. I appreciate that filming people just wandering about silently listening to weird noises from a machine that tells them where a "target" might be located may appear boring, but clearly this is the job. It's what prospectors largely do. The editors need to scrap a lot of the dross in their episodes and pare them back to the interesting normal events, not make things up or force things to happen. HOWEVER, I learned a lot about prospecting by watching these Series and find the characters very interesting and likeable. It just needs more judicious editing.
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Enjoyable show about hunting gold in the outback
facebook_notification13 August 2017
An enjoyable show about hunting gold in the outback.

Brought back memories of my 55 business trips to Australia for 2-3 weeks where I also got some time to hike the Outback, Olgas or Ayres Rock (Uluru).

Love the beauty and danger of the outback and these 3 teams are quite different from each other and present different levels of hunting for gold and all are interesting.

Well worth watching on Netflix.
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Was once a great series. Not so much anymore.
AusStew30 April 2021
As each new season comes out, I'm finding it less enjoyable and it's a shame. It's more about the "drama" then actually finding gold now. That drama is so manufactured that you can't help but laugh. What happened?? Were audiences asked what they most wanted to see and Drama was number one??

Last season was stretched out to 20 episodes but half the time nothing happened except for lots of talking, lots of repetitive narration (same with Opal Hunters. YES, we know what black opal is!!!!) and fake drama. What about that theft from the dust devils where the car "broke" into their property? Damn, they got away!? Uh oh, you can see the 4WD's number plate...we'll just need to blur it out in post production ok!

Season 6 has just started and the Dust Devils, who did pretty damn well last season are already talking about going bankrupt in Episode 1 because they had a smashed excavator windscreen and a blown truck tyre. Guess how much gold digging they did in the episode? None.

I'll just watch the highlights on youtube this season thanks.
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Great Aussie Gold show
randlskelly121 August 2018
This tv show is the Aussie version of Gold Rush. I wouldn't mind seeing a few more episodes per season. Really good to see someone using machine which is well known in the Klondike. I hope this show continues for season 4.
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Suspense 🤔
idphilthomas9 June 2022
What is it with the background music? Overpowering and distracting from programme content. No need for it. You just lost one viewer.***************************************
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There's GOLD in that there outback!!!
davepolain6428 October 2018
Despite some overly dramatic scenes here and there, I really love this show and ALL the characters in it. Even makes me want to buy a detector and a lease. Just FYI, there's no WAY I'm gonna be straying on to Vern's lease!!!!!
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Staged scenes
desertdweller-1944729 December 2021
You see the ground has already been disturbed when they find a target in many shots. That red ground shows it has been dug or scraped before they start picking on it. I enjoy the show anyway.
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Early seasons good, later seasons atrocious
bitbucketchip8 July 2021
The early seasons depicted actual gold hunters wandering about the outback looking for gold. It showcased the challenges associated with trying to find gold with metal detectors and small operation mining equipment.

Unfortunately, the producers became bored with reality and felt the need to introduce "tension" into the show. Now we are treated to desperately untalented actors repeating every two minutes how if they don't find gold they won't have gold. As if this were some deep revelation worthy of repetition because we could never figure that out for ourselves. It's insulting. Minor, routine situations - a split hose, a fly bite, rain, summer heat - are treated as though they are life and death situations. They aren't, and no amount of "if we don't fix this our season is over" can transform a flat tire into something exciting. It's all moronically simpleminded. Worse, it isn't interesting or compelling or worthy of our time.

Early seasons were an 8, later seasons a 2.
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Golden Groans
oldbill-2766727 September 2021
Just wanted to say that when I was in NZ, all I heard from Kiwis and Aussies was snide comments about whingeing Poms! Well I've watched every one of the Aussie Gold Hunter's episodes and all I can say is ; "They should listen to themselves, they moan, moan, moan and moan even more than anyone else I've ever heard. They are the real WHINGEING, WHINERS"!!

For goodness sake just get on with it whilst you can and S T F up bleating for 90% of the time!!
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It feels like I'm listening to a ship full of pirates.
key-9041515 December 2021
This shows why you don't look for gold with a metal detector in Australia. I would shoot myself before dealing with the flies for $40 worth of gold. Every time I've watched this show I get tired to listening to some of the casts Aussie talk they sound like pirates.
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Phony and fake
marinerhome10 January 2022
Really enjoyed the early series but after a while the phony scripted talking and fake finds began to grate. See them driving along talking in the radio, we need to find gold. Really? And it is always near the end of the season, The hunters play to the camera and so much of the scenes arranged But the worst part is the continual use of the word Taaarget. It is non stop. Who the F cares about the taarget, we just want to watch the hunt. Sod the Taarget taarget taarget.

I was told this would be addressed in the new series but if anything it is worse.
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Consistently good and varied "Mens" TV
dfddwm-106-33681022 December 2021
While losing some of my favourite characters from the earlier seasons such as the world-wise boss of the Dirt Dogs Vernon Strange, the latest episodes still consistently entertain. There is an irritating amount of repetitive dialogue and a predictable trajectory in some of the story line (save the day big nugget finds - what a surprise!) which suggests a certain amount of artificial scripting and scene padding. Also a sense of humour would not go amiss amongst some of the hunters whose single minded determination becomes tedious after awhile. In this sense the redoubtable Shane and Russell offer welcome comic relief proving that in the great Outback there is always room for the really intrepid and adventurous however eccentric and lacking in resources. I enjoyed their antics a lot, not so much the younger team of Rob and Turbo who come across as a hardly mature pair of unwashed slackers living in a world of fantasy. A major question for me hanging over the whole raison d'etre of the series concept is the environmental one and climate change. If you want to study how human activity continues to adversely impact the planet then this show is good subject matter. On the other hand it is great undemanding television.
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Really annoying background music
alanansheila14 April 2022
Like the programme but fed up of straining to hear what is being said because of the annoyingly loud background music. The music really spoils enjoyment of the show, don't know why producers do this.
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Bee keeper hat
rjcdwdfq11 August 2022
You people need to wear bee keepers hats with the nets to get away with the flies! Ok it is very disturbing to watch the cast swat flies it's disgusting!!!!!!!!
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Fast becoming a fast forward show
anthonyiaclaims23 May 2024
Started great, petered off and now it's 9% made up drama using people who can't act at all. They are fine when doing their actual job but wouldn't make the cut for a high school play when it's scripted which just makes the bad script even more obvious.

I just saw the last episode where Kat former office worker want a tree uprooted because she knows there is gold there. Then she pulls a large very clean, I mean really clean nugget out of the red dirt. Hmmm, was that nugget there for centuries or seconds?

I think you could start a minim business and sue the producers of this show if you go belly up for false and misleading content.

I love the shows, but the fake crap needs to stop. I don't give a can of beans about the drama either.

On the same shoe Jaquie "hits" her hand with a hammer. Watch it and laugh about how bad it is. She is hitting a spike into rock, then she just starts swinging all over and pretends to hit herself on the hand. There is fake blood and everything. We are spared the "wound". Later, her blood soaked bandage is clean and white!

An 8 without the fake crap and the drama, a 4 with it.
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Awesome show
morganparker211 January 2022
This show is still going on, season 7 just started. I'm not sure why it doesn't show up on here. They change some gold prospecting teams from season to season but overall I really like the different types of the business and the personal experiences with it.
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Scripting gets worse with each episode
ThatGuyFromNZ29 March 2021
I understand there needs to be scripting on these reality shows but Aussie Gold Hunters scripting just gets worse with each episode. You can tell outright that the drama the teams have are scripted, their reactions are scripted, heck I wouldn't be surprised if some of the finds are scripted too.

After talking to a gold prospector in Australia who was approached by Aussie gold Hunters he turned them down when he was asked if he minded scripted scenes.
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This is a fun show
morganparker23 April 2022
I enjoy seeing the different groups with different approaches as well as locations down under. The show is on season 7 and IMDB doesn't seem to keep up with this show at all.
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Not much info here
intrepidami25 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There's not much here. Episode after episode of virtually the same thing.

People who don't bring enough spare tires, oil, gasoline, or living supplies into the harsh outback 100's of miles from replacement. For TV dramatic filler! Dramatically pushing equipment to the breaking point, while admitting once it inevitably breaks down, you're f'd for days! This sort of thing.

It does no good to go out there and cost yourself $75,000 and find $80,000 worth of gold, you'd have done better working at a gas station! You're literally working for the gold prospecting equipment companies! I assume they don't want anybody shown making 5X out of fear next season they wouldn't be able to find a spot with all the 1000's of new prospectors that would show up.
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I enjoy the show. But earlier seasons were better.
collectorofsorts11 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
We're into season 6 now and things definitely changed after the first couple seasons. The prospectors seem to be getting dumber. Or, maybe it's just the script. It's been posted too many places that the producers manufacture much of the drama. That being said, I preferred the early guys with the detectors to the huge open pits of today. And, there is still some detector use. But it's mosly guys with 6 figure investments (businesses) instead of the small timers that I enjoyed watching so much. PS: I'm an American. One of the things I used to love about this series is that they didn't try to be 'Gold Rush'.
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Australia, what happened?
CherryBlossomBoy9 October 2021
I grew up with an idea of Australia as an unwelcoming and dangerous but eternally sunny place, inhabited by people that always see the funny side of life. Undoubtedly, the cultural exports such as "Land Down Under" by Men At Work, the "Crocodile Dundee" franchise, Stewe Irwine and the sharks at Bondi beach contributed greatly to that idea. I never once thought it could be a depressing place. And it obviously is. The current events unfolding around the pandemic and the tyrannical course the Australian government took towards the citizens brought this new notion about with vengeance. But hints were there earlier, in the shape of two reality shows. One of them is the "Aussie Salvage Squad". Another one being this one. They seem like they've been made by the same production.

It starts out promisingly. The series follows several real life teams from all over the continent, at places where there's a chance to find golden nuggets in endless dirt. The teams range from amateurs, with nothing but a license and a couple of metal detectors, to organised professional crews equipped with seriously heavy gold-digging machinery. The first two episodes, whichever you pick to watch first, are fine. The scenery is gorgeous, the people are working hard, there are some shiny, sparkling results on the measuring scale...

...then it all goes down the drain. You realise they never find anything substantially big. There are infightings, there are problems with poachers, the machinery breaks down constantly, there are flies, there are runnings out of supplies, the weather changes abruptly and obstructs the works. You realise that none of the characters are very likeable, so their plight is not very relatable. To boot, they're constantly moaning and whining about every little thing. Some of that is probably scripted, to make for some suspense, but most of that is probably real. I mean, what could they do when they don't find anything but whine? Several of the characters have obvious drinking problems, even though they don't drink on camera. It's an unpleasant sight. One of them is gravely ill, yet he is there, toiling, "sacrificing" for his son-in-law who is also a partner. The said son-in-law soon becomes just a partner, because his marriage falls apart due to never being home and putting bread on the table. Another one keeps being quite rude to his wife, on-camera, and she just keeps putting up with it with a desperate smile. Long story short, you soon find out a lot of unwanted info about the characters and very little about finding and excavating actual gold. You find out that they're more miserable than yourself.

I was wondering why the substantially succesful crews aren't being covered, surely they exist around, but then I realised that if you're successful in the gold mining industry you wouldn't want cameras around you. You'd prefer anonimity.

I guess you could be doing one of the most interesting and rewarding jobs out there, surrounded by beautiful scenery and still be miserable. It's all natural, we're all humans. Even the Aussies. But I don't have to watch that. I'll check up on the new season, though, to see if the attitude has changed some. Because it's better to be there in the outback and finding nothing, than to be at home in Sidney and finding yourself locked up by fascists.
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Fantasic Reality Tv .. Unfortunately Series 5 is a Nil & Void, Damp Squid of Repeated clips from the Previous Episodes/Series !!
darrentullock29 March 2021
I really Love this show , sadly series 5 is not as Advertised .. New Aussie Gold Hunters Series 5.. is Simply Re Run old Clips of previous series that have been Repeated yet again !! Basically Money for old Rope !!

2/10 ...AVOID !!
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Star trek
davejavuslater6925 November 2021
Ffs, unless it's captain kirk and spok doing the filming I'm absolutely 100% sure that the prime directive does not apply to the production team, especially that odd looking thing called Tyler who looks like a zombie with her shadowed eyes, calls herself a model and fashion designer, yet only yesterday I saw her dive into a creek with a metal detecor wearing a polo neck pair of bikini bottoms, it's something to watch before interesting programs, why is reality TV to fake.?
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