"Longmire" Goodbye Is Always Implied (TV Episode 2017) Poster

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Wrapped up several threads
ttaylo0122 January 2021
But left several unresolved. What happened to Travis?
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Off into the Sunset..............
girvsjoint2 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Seems that people either love or hate this final episode of the best every modern western series I've ever seen! All things considered, I thought it was a decent ending, I think the main disappointment for most people is that it had to end at all? I could easily have taken another 6 seasons. The only thing that really irked me about the ending was that after finally getting together with Vic, he rides off into the sunset and leaves her? Didn't have a problem about his daughter running for Sheriff, would have preferred Henry staying at the Red Pony, but hey, you can't please everyone! Just hope someone offers Robert Taylor another great role like this, even a Big Screen version of Longmire would be great? A classic show that hopefully can be revisited over and over for decades! Everyone involved can hold their heads up high!
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If this is the series finale...
etherdog24 November 2017
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If this is the series finale...

the wrap up of loose ends was executed very well. We knew before season 6 started that Neflix was not renewing the show, so we had time to get used to that sad fact. The writers closed the series plot lines, but left open some intriguing threads that if another production company was interested in picking up Longmire, there would be ample material to continue in a similar vein. Too often, really good shows end too quickly for resolution, and the audience is left hanging without resolution. Thanks for the nice wrap.

Oh, and what is the song at the end? It is so difficult to find music credits. I just discovered that the song at the end is Ends of the Earth by LORD HURON, found at https://www.tunefind.com/show/longmire/season- 6/54752. Apparently, this song is used in several other shows, too.
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Such a disappointing ending.
l-qualls16 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
My advice - skip the last episode and just imagine what should've happened.

I watched this entire series and have enjoyed most of the story lines and characters, but this last episode was very disappointing and unbelievable. In fact, while watching the last few episodes, I kept asking myself "who wrote this??" as the lines and delivery were so slow and predictable.

I didn't buy the whole Walt and Vic romance, especially at the end - in love, but not wanting to be together?? The bed scene was jarring and hard to watch. I don't think they developed the whole thing nearly enough for it to be believable.

Cady as a sheriff? No. She is too unpredictable and willing to bend the law for me to see her trying to enforce it. And if she's to be with Zach, then that just adds another layer of unbelievability to this story projection. He's going to be a deputy under her as a novice sheriff?

I didn't get how Nighthorse suddenly became the morally conflicted friend with that he had never been to anyone throughout the series. He was for his people, but mostly for himself.

Ferg and his romance - Cute, but just didn't flow at all with the story.

And Henry as the CEO of the casino is not realistic.

Too many unbelievable loose ends for me.
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Very Good Ending
mileswbe22 January 2018
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I'm more than a little surprised by some of the negative reviews. It's been obvious since the first episode of the show that Vic had deep feelings for Walt; what was never clear over the past 6 seasons was whether those feelings were reciprocated. Vic put Walt first over any romantic interest she had, including her own husband during the first 3 seasons.

For example: in the first episode of season 4, "Down by the River," Vic drives over to Walt's house with a six pack, unbuttons a couple buttons on her shirt, and enters with the clear intent to take their relationship to the next level--only to discover Walt was involved with someone else. The people saying they didn't see the ending coming must've been watching a different show.

I was surprised that they ended up together at the end only because the show never made it clear what Walt's feelings were until that episode. But it worked very well, and felt organic to what had happened during the season. Kudos to the writers for making it NOT seem like a fan-driven development when it easily could have.

As for his daughter becoming Sheriff, the position is elected and anyone can run. It's not completely unheard of for someone with little law enforcement experience to run and win. She has a lot of knowledge on the legal side, so she's not completely lacking in competence. Although the development was a little out of left field, it's not beyond the realm of possibility.

I thought the finale was great, and treated the characters with the respect they deserved after 6 terrific seasons.
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Great ending to a great show
Calicodreamin17 May 2020
A final farewell that wraps up most of the outstanding storylines and gives you a few morsels to let your imagination run wild.
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lnhuskerfan23 February 2022
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Thought the first 3 seasons were very good, then show kind of went downhill from there. That being said, I'm giving the finale an 8, which is probably generous. Things I liked: finally getting some resolution with Vic and Walt's feelings for each other, finally getting rid of Malachi, I actually liked the way Jacob Nighthorse's story got wrapped up. Things I didn't like - one thing, really, and it persisted throughout the show. Disclaimer - I have never read the books so I don't know how closely this character resembles the one in the literature, but here goes: I HATE CADY LONGMIRE. Dear God, what a horrible character. I'm not talking about the actress - she's fine and did what she could with her portrayal. But the character was awful! What an idiot! She supposedly grew up in this area but seems to have very little understanding of native life. WTH? Whenever she has a problem she runs to a man to solve it, and all the men in her life treat her like she's 5 years old because she's so naive and needs to be coddled. The ending with her running for sheriff makes no sense whatsoever. Poor decision maker, poor at politics, questionable grasp of the community around her and the law, cries at the drop of a hat, father has to hire someone to keep an eye on her because she can't take care of herself, zero law enforcement experience, yet she runs for sheriff. I can only hope she doesn't win. She'd be better off learning to deal cards and working at the casino except that she's not native and has alienated almost everyone on the rez. I'd say tend bar at the Red Pony but she was lousy at that, too. I don't know if the writers just didn't know what to do with her or what, but I hated the character and the end of her story made absolutely no sense.

I always felt like the final scene should be Walt answering a call on his new cell phone, and was surprised to see that I must have read the writers' minds on that one. I'm telling myself it was Vic giving him a call. I was not weirded out with the relationship between Vic and Walt, it was a slow burn from season 1. And I was happy to see Walt retire because a) he needed to, it was time, and b) he is Vic's boss, so if they were going to pursue a relationship, then one of them needed to resign. And I'm glad it was him and not her.
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This is not a good episode, but let me explain.
jacobnoahmizell8 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I do not like this episode. I still gave it a 10 though. This episode falls victim to writers being cut way to short. We have three episodes of (strange) material that is crammed into one. Let the series go on for two more episodes, I would have been happy. Whether you like it or not, Walt and Vic were going to end up together. That's a given. I could have done without the long awkward scene, but we had to know it was coming. I'm fine with that. Henry gets the casino, I really like that. Why they were discussing this during a raid though? We will never know. Cady the new sheriff- yeah I'm not real sure on that one. I understand that no one else on the show can fit the bill, but there is absolutely no precursor to this. Like came completely out of no where. I would have been fine if it was at least hinted at. It just seems rushed. So, yes I hate this episode. It was corny. It was rushed. But I still loved it. This one is the only episode in the entire series I was upset about. I love this show. Everything about it is perfect. I'll give the writers one mistake compared to some of the other shows out today. Longmire always executes everything perfectly, and they just missed a little on this one. Still one of the best shows I've ever watched.
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Very late viewing
TexasGreatGrams27 April 2022
I just saw this last episode of this wonderful series, many years after it ended. Personally I found the ending satisfactory. I especially loved the scene on the cabin porch between Vic and Walt where they expressed their real feelings.

Truly a remarkable series.
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Love Longmire - Until the Last and Final Episode
anitalansing-40-5819155 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I have always enjoyed watching Longmire from the very beginning when it was on TV. The relentlessness and determination of Walt, the interaction between the White citizens and the Native population, Walt's long-term relationship with Henry Standing Bear - all makes for a good series.

However, the very last episode did not connect with the rest of the series, and frankly, made no sense whatsoever. When did Vic get the hots for Walt? And how does her love for her dead child interfere with feelings for Walt? How can Cady be the next sheriff when she has no police training whatsoever. Being an attorney and knowing the law is one thing. Being a cop is another. The finale episode was written as though it was rushed, and also it was trying to explain some situations but didn't know how.

I will just ignore the final episode and allow the entire series stand on its on merits. A pretty good show.
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Miss this show
sarahtopdavies20 February 2023
Just rewatched it. Literally miss Walt and Vic. I genuinely think it was the precursor to Yellowstone, even though Dark Winds is better. If Longmire ever comes back they shld have Chris Eyre direct it.....cannot understand why so many fans got so angry about the ending as it is all preordained in the books isn't? I have nothing else to say but have to film the word count so i did like the horse in the show too!!!

I am not being funny but why do i have to write an essay to egy a genuine review, all I wanted to say was I LOVE this show not write a thesis on it! 600 words is practically the length of a High School essay! Why!!!'
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He was the Sheriff until the end
hawkthedoc17 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The episode went a lot like you would expect for a series finale. It did wrap up many of the major plot point over the last few seasons and this current season.

I'm glad we finally get to see what we have been waiting for, for the entire show. Longmire and Vic FINALLY give into their emotions and get together.

I really liked Walt stepping away from Sheriff to end the show. And all the other main characters seemed to be in a good place when the show ended.

I thought the last scene was very clever. I like how Walt finally got a cellphone and he answers it and the screen cuts to black. I thought that was clever and it shows that his character has came full circle and he's now a new man with a new outlook on life.

Ride easy into that sunset, Walt. You've earned it.
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More seasons of Longmire, yep. Vic & Walt in love, nope.
flyinghorseart-0158721 February 2022
I loved this series, great modern western. The music (and a lot of guest stars) echoed Friday Night Lights. A lot of characters to keep up with arcing over several episodes. Vic spent the whole last episode like a nagging wife, all of a sudden worried about daddy/Walt getting shot even though it's their job and he's her boss. I would get fired for that esp. If I'm packing. Loved Zach's character and would've loved 6 seasons of those love scenes - WOW, I don't care who he sleeps with, he's yummy. Henry Standing Bear cleaned up nice at the end and A Martinez as Nighthorse was the perfect villain trying to retroactively do the right thing. Graham Greene actually was an excellent villain. Didn't like all the white people bashing all thru the show and racial rhetoric - can't we all just get along? And yes you get the bail money back, the casino isn't Enron.
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Could have been so much better
rj-272 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Knowing they were wrapping up this very good series, the writers seemed pressed to come up with their own version of the "twist" ending that would leave loyal viewers to think "Never saw that coming!". I am not referring to the long and much anticipated love scene with Walt n Vic. That was a given. It was simply a matter of how they were going to film it. Nor am I referring to Henry ending up running the casino after Nighthorse takes his leave of absence. It seemed out of character for Henry to give up his beloved continual soiree at the Red Pony for a suit job. Nor am I referring to the long wished for demise of Malachi which had to happen and was therefore predictable. No. I am referring to Cady Longmire running for Sheriff based on the urgings of her overly protective father, who has inexplicably decided to retire! And that after a long hard fought win to get reelected. This would be about as expected as Ruby and Ferg making a love child. To say this makes no sense is a gross understatement. For six seasons we watched Walt get beat up, shot, sued, defamed, insulted, framed, and confronted with mysterious crime after crime that only his experience and Holmes-like deductive reasoning could overcome. And now he thinks because his daughter has a law degree she can handle this kind of occupation? This stretches credibility to the breaking point and does so irreparably. It left such a bad taste that this contradictory story line could be conceived as laudable let alone probable. My disappointment resides in this being such a well written series that this "twist" is so unsatisfactory to me.
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the last episode...spoilers
tabari29 November 2017
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I liked the last episode. I even like Walt with the phone! He had been working in that direction as he discovered how handy they could be. He had even walked off with Ferg's phone at one point and had learned to text. It wasn't a moment without some precedent. And, I think his choice of Cady as the sheriff had a lot of merit. For all the reasons that he gave her. She was a local. She knew the people and she had ties in the Cheyenne community. I don't think Vic could be elected as a non local, eastern girl. And as Walt said, no sense of politics. His resigning gave him and Vic a chance to make it as a couple. Her being on his front porch as he left looked like she had moved in, to me. Even Cady has a possible guy with Zach. The Ferg was fixing to try his beau geste." And yay....no more Malachi.
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This is what I wanted
ronwikholm18 December 2017
I think the finale was great! Vic has obviously been in love with Walt in the deepest way. I could always sense her admiration and respect. And he had the same sense of her. How it would happen had to remain unrevealed for many reasons, but I had a hunch the writers would do it the way they did. Cady and Shane, now that is another issue and I don't get it. Why the paternity papers were burned bothers me, but Vic just didn't want to know. I hope they are all happy and healthy. I'd love to see them again.
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Cell service
richardbartlett5 August 2018
I want to know what cell service Walt has to be able to get a call in the middle of nowhere. If I could only have a moment like Walt and Vic had on the porch, very touching and emotional. Then Walt's talk with Katy, passing on the baton to trusted friend.
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Everyone Who Was Paying Attention Knew Vic And Walt Would End Up Together!
jsmith98-131 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I do not get why people think that the fact that this incredible series ended with Vic and Walt together? It was obvious that she had feelings for him from the first few episodes. It is a great show and sadly it should have been a few more seasons long. I admit that I have problems with people that think that the relationship between Vic and Walt is not possible. Love is love people and it does not constitute Daddy Issues or should it be viewed as icky or some physiological issue. To some of us age is just a number. I meet my husband when I was 30yrs old and he was 60! Twice my age and it was something that I was not exactly looking for as I have always been attracted to older men. I initially was looking for an older man in the 45 to 50 age bracket. A lot of this was that most people my age were immature and they were still acting like they were in their early 20s! We talked for months and finally met in person in New Orleans and I for me it was love at first sight in love. He was the one who was worried about the age difference. He did not actually think I was even going to show up in New Orleans. I would not give up the 22yrs we have had in a serious and monogamous relationship for anything. I could not have found a more honest and faithful life partner and we finally got married in 2016. I hit the big 50 last year and he hit 80. He does not look like he is that old. This past year while in self quarantine has brought us closer together and we have never had a fight in the time we have been together. Not many people can say that about their relationship. We talk out issues and we do not get mad or raise our voices. It is not a control issue or anything else except LOVE!

I knew that the time we would have together was going to be short but we are still together and I am taking care of him and will always be there to do so! I have no doubt that he will probably out live me as I have had some sports injuries that are affecting me more every day. We have traveled extensively and have done more together than I probably would have never been able to do if I was in a relationship with someone who is closer to my own age. I owned my own business and made a lot of money on my own so it was not about money or gifts, but the chemistry between us was very apparent and it has grown much stronger with time. Now he feels extremely lucky to have me as well as I feel to have him. I probably will never meet anyone else who I can trust to be faithful. He is the love of my life and I am his!
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You had to read the books.
ambischoff14 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Love the books and the show. Walt and Vic were always meant to be together. From Season One it was obvious Vic was falling in love with Walt. Walt also had feelings for Vic that I think he kept trying to fight for many reasons. He was her boss. She was much younger than him. In the end love won out. Also, Robert Taylor & Katee Sackoff were perfect as Walt & Vic.
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A let down
futuretype25 January 2020
I'm in agreement with the other reviewers of the implausibility of the wrap-ups. It was over the top; the writers disappointed. It would have been enough for Standing Bear to have made the change and go from there (leave it at that or make way for continuing the series some later date). Vic doing the final shooting would have been a better result (which was poorly edited); it might have explained that terrible (change the channel) kissing scene. The "endings" were out of character and I had to wince at witnessing them. I wish I had not seen past the escape but even if warned (like some reviewers did) I would have kept watching wondering how bad it could be. Read the Spoilers if that will help you decide.
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Did they hire the old Happy Days writers?
meykman29 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the entire Longmire series, but in the last few episodes of season 6, it appeared the writers may have been trying to force the show to finally jump the shark. The last episode evolved into something like 24 with everyone running around like crazy and Walt acting like Jack Bauer in a cowboy hat.

If it did, it was in the last episode. It was a hurried mess, with characters acting as though the world was coming to an end. Walt and Vic hooking up reminded me more of one of those disaster movies where everyone is going to die, so why not?

After orchestrating a highly successful and intricate crime organization, Malachi and his henchmen became extremely stupid and careless in the last episode, similar to the bad guys at the end of an old Chips episode or something. Not to mention the luck and physical resiliency that Walt, Henry, Vic and even Jacob displayed, similar to Jack Bauer. Apparently the water in that part of Wyoming helps gunshot and stab wounds hear fast, not to mention beatings.

Then there is Cady running for sheriff? It appears Walt had leftover Longmire campaign signs that he didn't want to throw away and the only way to use them was to have Cady run.

This deluded plot turn makes no sense since Cady does not display the political tact for sheriff Walt seemed to suggest. It would have made more sense for her to run for mayor and put the current weasel out of office. Cady's qualifications for sheriff, or even continuing as a lawyer, are questionable -- she shows poor judgment, lacks understanding of basic laws and legal proceedings (how did she ever get those previous job offers in New York?), violated client confidentiality, got personally involved in her cases, quit every job she had in failure, including the large law firm representing the casino, physically attacked her boss, and she has no law enforcement experience. The only thing she has done is shot dead the husband of one of her clients, which normally is not a good thing. She was planning to go to New York to pursue her legal career? Doesn't make much sense when she claims she wants to help underrepresented people like she attempted to do on the reservation. I wish there was a season 7 just so I could hear how Cady campaigns on her qualifications other than being Walt Longmire's daughter.

The writers could have had Walt do more to groom Vic for sheriff instead of sending her on the out of character crisis she had in season 6. She is a more palatable choice for sheriff.

Zack came back, which was nice, but will he really want to be working for his girlfriend Cady who has no law enforcement experience? Sort of a professional conflict for Cady before she even gets elected. Fire Zack again?

The whole Ferg love-drama was strange. However, I did like how his character was allowed to grow towards the end.

I actually sort of liked Jacob. While he was a "bad" guy so to speak, he seemed to have some sort of conscience. However, what happened to his business instincts? Why did he take the $1 million rather than get a bail bondsman to cover at fraction of that amount? He must have some source money available, home equity, etc. He can't be flat broke all of a sudden. He gave Cady $750K for the legal office and she only spent $200K so far. Ask for some back and post bond and avoid the mess.

Henry getting to run the casino was good, I liked that and he had a good background for it, and it was a nice step up. People complaining about the suit, I don't get that. As the manager, Henry can choose what to wear, so the suit is his choice. He has worn one before.

What happened to Travis? Its like the writers ran out of screen time. I didn't even go into the whole east coast Irish Mob connection, but assume that was done for PC reasons.

Matthias is the only character that seems to have remained normal. He was one of my favorite characters in the show.

I liked Walt smiling on the phone at the end, sort of shows character development combined with his retirement, opening up to others rather than closing them off like during the series.

Longmire is a great series despite the last few episode and a somewhat weaker season 6. I'd hate to think the show jumped the shark, but if it did, it was in the last episode.
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Suffers the fate of cramming too much in the end
trudjoh28 June 2021
I guess they figured Vic's hormones would drive everything in the last few episodes. I guess also Ferg's. I didn't recognize some if my favorite characters. Especially Ferg. I was disappointed but then what shows have ended that the ending pleased anyone!!
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Skip this if you want to remember Longmire with Honesty and Integrity
caseybones3 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I waited to watch this because I really didn't want it to be well and truly over. Now I wish I never had. It was quite the Disney-esque move to wrap up everything neatly with happily ever after. So unlike the rest of the series.

First and foremost the sex scene was positively cringe-worthy. Vic mooning over Walt for all of this time was like some love sick teenager with a crush on an adult teacher. Those two had zero chemistry and the whole "turned on by the scars" thing was just icky.

We all knew that Malachi would get it in the end so no surprise there. Nighthorse off to prison, it appears. Henry taking over the casino - I suppose that's good for the tribe but so out of character for his character.

And Cady as sheriff? Where in the world did THAT come from? Just stupid.

Really, really disappointed. Season 6 was definitely the weakest and topped off with this wreck of a finale it really leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
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Mixed feelings
kingsx_648 July 2020
Just an fyi to the writers. When you put up bail money, you get it back when you go to court. You only lose it if you DON'T go back to court. So Nighthorse used the money for bail, but didn't technically steal it since he will get it back. heard to many characters act like it was gone for good. Not so. Although I really liked this show, The Native American aspect,the scenery, having it not be in NY, LA, Chicago.etc.,the finale left me with mixed feelings. I never liked Vic. And Walt in the past season and a half has been so different then the previous seasons. He didn't always have my support. Vic and Walt were probably the worst 'couple' in tv history. l ike many said, no chemistry, and nothing organic about their 'feelings' what so ever. Totally forced and for the fans is an understatement. But all in all it's a fun show, that for me had some great and not so great story lines, like most shows do. Can't please everyone all the time. This episode 5 starts. The show overall 8 1/2.
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Season Finale Suggestion
darcy-403 December 2017
Season 6 was not Longmire's strongest, to put it mildly -- but we'd watched it this far and vowed to finish it.

I don't want to spoil the final episode for anyone... but if I could unsee it and watch it again, I would stop halfway through. If you care for these characters and want to keep a fond opinion of the show, I suggest you do the same.

As soon as previous story arches are concluded -- you'll know when you reach that point -- stop. Back out of the directory and clear it from your queue. Because what follows is... well, it's not good. Two short, mostly dialogue-free scenes are nice, but not worth the damage the other scenes cause.

This is just my opinion, of course, but: You've been warned.
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