"MacGyver" Ruler (TV Episode 2017) Poster

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SyoKennex1 April 2017
This was an absolutely stellar episode of MacGyver, one of the best episodes so far.

In this episode MacGyver must protect the Amsterdam public from a bomb, but ends up with his whole team being framed as terrorists and being cast out of the Phoenix Organisation. With limited supplies, Mac must get his team out before the worst happens.

This was a brilliant episode of MacGyver. The script writers outdid themselves with this episode. It was tense and I found myself on the edge of my seat. We saw a lot of development in the characters on screen and it was interesting to see how they worked in a situation like this.

This was a great episode and it's been the best episode of the season so far. I can't wait to see what else the scrip writers come up with.
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Bozer Needs to go
suzanneswonders27 February 2017
Bozer is no agent! He totally sucked! He didn't listen to direction NOT ONCE from seasoned agents. Plus he was going to open the envelope intended for Macgyver! I know it's a show but please let's respect the intelligence of your audience. I love this show but this one was terrible everywhere Bozer was. Let's leave him in the lab or transfer him to Siberia!
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Im like Half Dutch so i know a thing or two
mikeholmes-480127 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So I have missed a lot of episodes of MacGyver but got to catch up a little tonight. This is the first one I seen since Female Thorton was captured so I think I missed a few. But it seems if so, it didn't matter. tonight was Boziers first misson, an easy one that we knew wouldn't be easy. The beginning of the episode started so stupid and even more of what I now call the MacGyver effect (bullets flying everywhere, hitting near but never directly in harm, lots of ducking, like that matters and standing in front of said threats who just stop shooting to be surprised by something (also seen in Walking Dead). I was so happy to see it was a stupid Boozier dream and not the usual opening adventure that is brief and unexplained. And he had a talking robot he conversed with. that's a conversation. Boozier and a Robot. Evolving, I now know her name is Riley and not that "really hot Lisa Bonet but better lookalike" and all them agree to that mission in Holland to spy but they cant be seen spying or go to jail and cause all bad stuff . Riley was wearing a choker around her neck, that's hot in 1997 and in my book still is. I saw a fake article where a girl wearing one and the head line was "i bought this choker at (some store) and now I cant stop doing (insert dirty word here)" I'm not into that but it was hot. I felt Rileys choker was just a piece of black duct tape though. it needs to be more ribbon-y. Now that I said that, why was it duct tape looking . Hmmm. Anyhow , they were staking out a Dutch government lady, it went wrong, she ran, she had a bomb, they took bomb . drove it to a place it could detonate safely. now why did they stop the van, then run out of it , and bomb explodes? Drop it and keep driving but I figure for the sake of dutch agencies finding van, all the evidence would be there if not blown up. I guess. So they in trouble, Dutch people identify their faces but no American agency owns up to them, including Pheonix so they on their own. Oh yeah, this was after the MacGyver effect , where they see cops with guns aimed at them and go "run away" and run away like they assuming Dutch police shoot like storm troopers or A-team villains . Boozier likes the idea of being on the team but realizes its hard. MacGyver is like "its a movie but you make the ending". I thought that was stupid. I'd like once or twice to watch a TV show or movie where the threat is just killed or dies of something. Lame but more realistic. Oh hes gone. Think Walking Dead, Rick like, I'm going to kill you Neegan, then one day, some random guy assassinates Neegan and everything changes. Anyhow, they have all these ways of trying to clear themselves. LED lights in sunglasses, that make your face glow in face recognition software, (which isn't suspicious), and hagnig out at that models really incredible apartment who for whatever reason with all that still misses Jack and then disappears for an odd amount of time with strangers in her house, ones that can open a drawer and instantly find all her old remotes or makeup. And Boozier finding his calling and making his best work ever (and I was getting beer when he did it so I may have missed something) but then just made everyone fake noses to fool the Facial recognition cameras. Then Boozier as usual , decides what to do , instead of listening to the experienced people and turns out to be right but still. THen he hugs someone in front of the midget boss but cameras are sure to get her happy response which ticked me off as she should be a hard ass. THen Doozier is in his lab with the robot and tells this virtual robot human thing how safe he feels with it. I hope the robot someday is a threat and just kills him. "hey where's Doozier?" "oh he was assassinated by a robot" "really that seems abrupt"
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No actual Dutch people were (ab)used for this episode
SnoopyDogDog24 October 2019
So, this is a fairly standard, boiler-plate, run-of-the-mill TV episode of every American action comedy TV series ever made. Talking to actual Dutch people, they let me know that this was a horendous portrayal of Amsterdam and the Netherlands. Literally NOT one scene is taking place in Amsterdam. Not ONE actor is actually Dutch. The head of Dutch intelligence is Norwegian, his assistent is South-African but I would bet not even of the group that descends from the Dutch. The Dutch cop is from the Bronx. The way Eaton pronounces "Algemene Inlichtingen en Veiligheidsdienst" is atrocious, which means they didn't even bother to have a language coach, they probably used Translate Google or something. The scenes look like they were shot in Canada or whereever and the flag at the Dutch Intelligence HQ was not from the Netherlands but from Luxembourg, a neighbouring, yet a whole separate country. Some streetsigns were okay, but the number plates on the cars were not Dutch. And all cars had a non-dutch country sticker.
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I miss the real dutch vibe on this one
Rick-wessels9 April 2021
Even the woman which is supposed to be dutch isn't.
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