The Suicide Squad (2021) Poster

Idris Elba: Bloodsport



  • Bloodsport : No one likes a show-off.

    Peacemaker : Unless what they're showing off is dope as fuck.

    Bloodsport : [under his breath]  Fuck. That's true.

  • Bloodsport : We're all going to die.

    Polka-Dot Man : I hope so.

    Bloodsport : Oh, for fuck's sake...

  • Rick Flag : Alright, who ate all the fucking empanadas?

    Bloodsport : I had the chicken. Mine were very good.

    Rick Flag : All right, here's the deal. We fail the mission, you die.

    Bloodsport : We find out any information you give is is false, you die.

    Harley Quinn : If we find out you have personalized license plates, you die.

    Rick Flag : What? No.

    Harley Quinn : If you mismatch blacks, you die.

    Rick Flag : No!

    Harley Quinn : If you cough without covering your mouth...

    Rick Flag : Harley. Those last three aren't things. Although, probably don't need to say this, but that isn't an open invitation for you to cough without covering your mouth.

  • [King Shark has a false moustache] 

    Bloodsport : You still look like you.

    Peacemaker : It's the worst fake moustache I've ever seen.

    Bloodsport : If you followed us, we'd have to kill you, shark-shaped bloke with a moustache creeping up on us like that...

    King Shark : FUCK YOU!

  • Bloodsport : Uh, what's with the javelin?

    Harley Quinn : I'm waiting for God to tell me.

    Bloodsport : Jesus Christ!

    Harley Quinn : Yeah. Or Him. Or any of them really.

  • Peacemaker : You gotta be kidding me! You're gonna risk the entire mission for a mental defective dressed as a court jester?

    Bloodsport : This coming from a guy that wears a toilet seat on his head?

    Rick Flag : We don't leave one of our own behind!

  • Peacemaker : Hey Norman Bates, if that shits contagious, we need to know.

    Polka-Dot Man : It's not.

    Peacemaker : What is it?

    Polka-Dot Man : It's an interdimensional virus

    Peacemaker : Fuck is that?

    Polka-Dot Man : My mother was a scientist at STAR Labs, and she was obsessed with turning me and my brothers and sisters into superheroes. She infected me. Now, if i don't, you know, expel the dots twice a day..

    Bloodsport : Then what?

    Polka-Dot Man : They'll eat me alive.

    Rick Flag : What happened to your brothers and sisters?

    Polka-Dot Man : Some lived. Some died.

    Ratcatcher II : And your mom, where is she now?

    Polka-Dot Man : Everywhere.

    [From his pov he sees everyone as his mother] 

  • Bloodsport : Look, I know Flag wanted to give the drive to the press, but we just saved a whole bloody city. We can't have it all.

    Harley Quinn : Flag was my friend.

    Bloodsport : Mine too. And i haven't got many of those.

    Harley Quinn : I could be your friend, Milton.

    Bloodsport : Not my name.

    Harley Quinn : What? What are you talking about? We just had a conversation for like three hours about how your name is Milton.

    Bloodsport : Didn't.

    Harley Quinn : Yes, we did.

    Bloodsport : No.

  • Rick Flag : Fire on three, two...

    Harley Quinn : What are you guys doing?

    Rick Flag : You. We're here to save you.

    Harley Quinn : You were going to save me?

    Rick Flag : It was a really good plan too.

    Harley Quinn : Well, I could go back inside, and you can still do it.

    Bloodsport : That's patronizing. What's with the javelin?

    Harley Quinn : I'm waiting for God to tell me.

    Bloodsport : Jesus Christ.

    Harley Quinn : Yeah. Or Him. Or any of them really.

  • Bloodsport : What's the plan?

    Rick Flag : How the hell am I supposed to know?

    Peacemaker : You're the leader! You're supposed to be decisive!

    Bloodsport : And I'm deciding that you should eat a big bag of dicks!

    Peacemaker : If this whole beach was completely covered in dicks, and somebody said I had to eat every dick until the beach was clean for liberty, I would say "no problemo!"

    Ratcatcher II : Why would someone put penises all over the beach?

    Peacemaker : Who knows why madmen do what they do?

  • Bloodsport : Yeah, well, we can't function as a team if we got to watch our back from one of our own eating our bullocks.

    Ratcatcher II : Nanaue, would you eat your friends?

    King Shark : I no friends.

    Ratcatcher II : You have no friends? If you did, would you eat them?

    Bloodsport : Yes.

    King Shark : No?

    Ratcatcher II : Then can we be your friends?

    Peacemaker : He's obviously lying.

    Ratcatcher II : If I die because I gambled on love, it will be a worthy death.

    [Shakes hands with King Shark] 

    Ratcatcher II : friends.

    Bloodsport : You are a little idiot.

  • Bloodsport : Next time you want to nick something, you take a partner, and they can be your lookout.

    Tyla : That's your advice?

    Bloodsport : Yeah.

    Tyla : You're a terrible father. I can't believe you don't care that I stole, only that I got caught.

    Bloodsport : I don't only care that you got caught, I care that you got caught for stealing something as stupid as a fucking TV watch!

    Tyla : It does other things too!

    Bloodsport : But nothing that your phone can't fucking do! It's embarrassing!

    Tyla : No, what's fucking embarrassing is having you as my father.

  • Ratcatcher II : [Sebastian the rat is being affectionate to Bloodsport]  Aw. He always wants to be near you. I think he senses good in you.

    Bloodsport : Yeah, there's no good in me.

    [He shuts the van door on Sebastian] 

  • Bloodsport : Why the fuck are you in your underwear?Tighty-whities? Really?

    Peacemaker : Now that's just racist.

    Bloodsport : No. It's not racist. They're tighty-whities.

  • Amanda Waller : Each member of the team is chosen for his or her own completely unique set of abilities. This is Christopher Smith, known as Peacemaker. In his hands, anything is a deadly weapon. His father was a soldier who trained his son how to kill from the moment he was born.

    Bloodsport : You just said each member of the team is chosen for their unique abilities. He does exactly what I do.

    Peacemaker : But better

    Bloodsport : I always hit my targets dead center.

    Peacemaker : I hit them more in the center.

    Bloodsport : Well, you can't hit something more in the center.

    Peacemaker : I use smaller bullets.

    Bloodsport : What?

    Peacemaker : They go inside your bullet holes without even touching the sides

  • Peacemaker : How we getting in? Especially with Charlie the Tuna here.

    Bloodsport : How the hell am I supposed to know?

    Peacemaker : You're the leader You're supposed to be decisive.

    Bloodsport : And I've decided that you should eat a big bag of dicks. How's that?

    Peacemaker : You're being facetious. But if this whole beach was completely covered in dicks, and somebody said, I had to eat every dick until the beach was clean for liberty, I would say no problemo.

    Ratcatcher II : Why would someone put penises all over the beach?

    Peacemaker : Who knows why madmen do what they do?

  • Ratcatcher II : Aw, he's offering you a pretty leaf to show you he means no harm?

    Bloodsport : Why the fuck would I want a leaf? Just get the rats out of here!

  • Bloodsport : [Nanaue tries to disguise himself with a fake moustache]  You still look like yourself.

    Peacemaker : That's the worst fake mustache I've ever seen

    Bloodsport : And if you had fooled us, we'd have to kill you, shark shaped bloke with a moustache creeping up on us like that.

    King Shark : [throws a fit]  FUCK!

    [he grunts and walks off] 

    King Shark : You, you

    [Ratcatcher 2 and Bloodsport are snickering while Nanaue is grumbling] 

  • Amanda Waller : You didn't tell me you had a fear of rats, DuBois?

    Bloodsport : I'm an assassin! Why would I share my liabilities?


  • Bloodsport : Hey Pissmaker, we're on a mission.

    Peacemaker : Easy, Inspector Gadget. A little drink never hurt nobody.

    Polka-Dot Man : Except for the thousands of people killed in drunk driving accidents every year.

  • King Shark : Nom nom?

    Bloodsport : Really? That is what you're thinking about right now?

    King Shark : [points to a dead body]  No. That nom nom though.

    Ratcatcher II : No, it's not nom nom.

    Bloodsport : [as Nanaue points to another dead body]  No!

  • Bloodsport : How deep of a sleeper are you?

    Ratcatcher II : I was having the most wonderful dream.

    Peacemaker : If it was you about to be eaten by King Shark, then you're a psychic.

    Ratcatcher II : I don't believe he would do that. He has very kind eyes.

    King Shark : [looking at Sebastian]  Hungry.

    Ratcatcher II : You bastard.

  • Bloodsport : That's just a taste of what's on that drive. I've uploaded it all to a secure server. Now, if you kill any one of us, or my daughter ever sees the inside of a prison, it goes public. If we all go free, it never has to see the light of day.

    Amanda Waller : I told you I'd make you a leader, DuBois. You got a deal.

  • Bloodsport : [holds gun underneath his coat to the Thinker]  That is a gun. So smile.

    [the Thinker smiles nervously] 

    Bloodsport : We're old mates who are going to take a trip to Jotunheim.

    [They both laugh] 

    Thinker : Yup. Even with my help, you think you can get into Jotunheim?

    Bloodsport : Well, if we can't, I've got a great white out back that's looking for some chum.

  • Ratcatcher II : [referring to Waller]  She'll kill you, you know.

    Bloodsport : Thats her business.

    Ratcatcher II : I knew Sebastian sensed good in you for a reason.

    Bloodsport : Just keep that fucking rat away from me.

  • Bloodsport : I think liberty's just your excuse to do whatever you want.

  • Ratcatcher II : Why are you so afraid of rats?

    Bloodsport : Why are you so in love with them, Ratcatcher 2? You know what I think? I think you have a serious case of daddy issues.

    Ratcatcher II : I have no issues with how much I loved my father.

    Bloodsport : You remind me of my daughter, the reason I'm here.

    Ratcatcher II : Why are you so afraid of rats?

    Bloodsport : My old man. When I was a lad, if I didn't finish a task right, he would dole out the punishment. And one day, he just locked me in a crate for twenty-four hours. And it was full starving rats.

    Ratcatcher II : As imperfect my father was, he loved me. I wish I could give that to you.

    Bloodsport : Don't you worry, yeah? I'm going to get you out of here alive.

    Ratcatcher II : I'm going to get you out of here alive.

  • Rick Flag : Here's to being alive in thee hours

    Bloodsport : I'll be alive. You speak for yourself.

  • Peacemaker : [about Harley]  you got to be kidding me. You're going to risk the entire mission for a mental defective dressed as a court jester.

    Bloodsport : This is coming from a guy that wears a toilet seat on his head?

    Peacemaker : It's not a toilet seat. It's a beacon of freedom.

    Rick Flag : We don't leave one of our own behind.

    Peacemaker : You're okay with this?

    Bloodsport : No, but I've been around Flag when he's got a rag in his mouth. Best not to tug it.

  • Peacemaker : [referring to King Shark]  Does it talk?

    King Shark : Book read.

    Bloodsport : Wow.

    Peacemaker : Books upside down. See that? It's pretending to read a book.

    King Shark : So smart me. Enjoy book so much.

    Amanda Waller : Be a mite careful, as he's developed a taste for human meat.

  • Rick Flag : [to Thinker]  Alright, here's the deal. We fail the mssion, you die.

    Bloodsport : We find out any information you give us is false, you die.

    Harley Quinn : If we find out you have personalized license plates, you die.

    Rick Flag : What? No.

    Harley Quinn : If you mismatch blacks, you die.

    Rick Flag : No.

    Harley Quinn : If you cough without covering your mouth...

    Rick Flag : Harley, those last three aren't things. Although probably don't need to say this, but that isn't an open invitation for you to cough without covering your mouth.

    Thinker : This is suicide.

    Rick Flag : Well, that's kind of our thing.

  • Harley Quinn : I love the rain. It's like angels are splooging all over us.

    Bloodsport : It's good for cover.

    Harley Quinn : Yep, that too.

  • Bloodsport : I'm no fucking leader!

    Amanda Waller : Then I'll make you one.

  • Bloodsport : What's with the javelin?

    Harley Quinn : I'm waiting for God to tell me.

  • Bloodsport : No one likes a show-off!

    Peacemaker : Unless what they're showing off is DOPE as FUCK!

    Peacemaker : FUCK! THAT'S TRUE!

  • Bloodsport : [referring to Sebastian]  Oh, no way. That's not coming with us.

    Amanda Waller : She controls rats.

    Bloodsport : I know, I caught that. It's a disgusting superpower.

    Ratcatcher II : This is Sebastian. Say hello, Sebastian.

    [Sebastian waves at him] 

    Bloodsport : I'm not shaking the rat's hand.

  • Bloodsport : We're all gonna die.

    Polka-Dot Man : I hope so.

    Bloodsport : Oh, for fuck's sake.

  • Bloodsport : To get me to lead your shite fucking mission, you're going to send my fourteen year old daughter to prison?

    Amanda Waller : No. Your daughter is sixteen, DuBois. You're a real father of the year. You have the military experience necessary, and everything in your psychological profile tells me you have what it takes to be a leader.

    Bloodsport : No, I'm no fucking leader.

    Amanda Waller : Then I'll make you one. Are you in, or are you out? Good. Let's meet your team.

  • Bloodsport : I'm no fucking leader!

    Amanda Waller : ...Then I'll make you one.

  • Sol Soria : There are clothes in the boxes for all of you, so you can blend in. That said, the walking tiburon is going to have to stay out of sight.

    King Shark : I wear disguise.

    Ratcatcher II : Oh, you're going to wear a disguise.

    King Shark : Si.

    Peacemaker : Hey, he's learning Spanish m

    Ratcatcher II : And what kind of disguise?

    King Shark : Fake mustache.

    Bloodsport : Yeah. Fake mustache isn't going to cut it, mate.

  • Rick Flag : Alright, who ate all the fucking empanadas?

    Bloodsport : Mine were very good. I had the chicken.

  • Starro : [possessing citizens]  This city is *mine*!

    Ratcatcher II : This city isn't yours. This city isn't ours. This city is *theirs*.

    Bloodsport : [as Ratcatcher 2 releases an army of rats]  Oh, hell.

  • Sol Soria : Why did my people not alert me of your arrival?

    Bloodsport : We didn't see any people.

  • Ratcatcher II : [talking to Bloodsport]  As imperfect my father was, he loved me. I wish I could give that to you.

    Bloodsport : Don't you worry, yeah? I'm gonna get you out of here alive.

    Ratcatcher II : I'm going to get YOU out of here alive.

    Bloodsport : [smiling then wiping the tears off his eyes]  Hhhh...

See also

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