"BoJack Horseman" Stupid Piece of Sh*t (TV Episode 2017) Poster

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It's just a great episode
leader-of-men14 February 2020
I can't relate more to this episode. It shows you the mind of a person with depression, how he tries to push people away from him not because he hates them, but because he is afraid that he is a bad influence in their life and he wants to save them from him self. The way he shame him self The way he cant just do simple things like buying milk Every little detail was real.
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I've never felt more seen
wisdommurray-351159 May 2021
As someone with severe anxiety, this is such a great showcase of what it's like and how it feels.
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All too true
bnevs186 March 2020
I was kind of hoping for an entire episode of BJH's inner monologue, because its sort of what I and a lot of depressives go through every day...even the IM animation was different yet perfect...its silly thinking and childish but its real.
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too accurate
standledropstan6 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode we get to go through bojack's mind and how he thinks and its all so sad and depressing also how he believes that he is poison to anyone who gets to know him and in the end when he tells his daughter that the voice she hears will go away i found it pretty wholesome.
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Edvis-199727 October 2019
Pretty sad epsidoe and also really good showing how Bojack feels every day inside.
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This one won't go down easily
mattiasflgrtll66 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
How do we stop hating ourselves?

That's the big question this episode poses. Because of all the mistakes he's made and relationships that have been ruined, BoJack is now afraid to make even the tiniest decision that can possibly get misjudged or criticized. And a lot of the time, it's not even what he might be told in person that scares him the most. Rather, it's what people *wouldn't* tell him. They'd talk behind his back, think about how untrustworthy and worthless he is. And this in turn makes BoJack think that he's worthless himself.

But we can never predict the exact outcome of something. We're not mindreaders or psychics. A lot of life is devoted to guessing, which can gave a lot of us severe anxiety since we don't know which decision will be the right one every time.

I think about and relate to BoJack's thoughts in here so much it's creepy. I wish I *didn't* relate to them, but I can't deny I do. By addressing the subject of self-hatred so frankly however (The drawings throughout are wonderful), we can hopefully reach a healing process inside ourselves.

Yes, sometimes the worst does happen. And it sucks. There is no way you can ever reverse what you did either.

So how do I stop feeling like a stupid piece of shít?

You're not provided with any answers, but it's a beautiful piece of psychological art.
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Literature Stuff
alpber6 March 2022
This episode all alone can be demonstrated as an example of depression attack. How a person feels, what s/he thinks, how s/he acts.

And by the way, this is what I guess it may be called. Maybe what we saw in Bojack is something many of us have experienced and that is why it is touching, but an extreme measure of it is definitely a symptom or a disease, psychologically.
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That voice..
and_mikkelsen18 February 2024
Wow.. this episode was really something special that I felt like came out of nowhere, but manages to show a very realistic look into BoJacks thoughts and what is exactly's going on inside his head!

It was creative and brilliant to have BoJacks thoughts animated, and the things he tells himself, gives such a realistic look into what It means to be suffering from mental illness, like depression! Its that voice... the voice that tells you have terrible you are and how nobody likes you! The voice that keeps adding chains, holding you down!

This was emotional as BoJacks keeps confronting himself with all the things he has done! The last scene at the pool really hit hard! Man.. BoJack is such a complex main character!

I can't recommend this enough!
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real asf.
ovexteam15 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is all too real and, in my opinion, is the most relatable episode of the whole show. Everyone has that little voice in their head saying "you stupid idiot, wtf is wrong with you" or has had that at one point in their life. But aside from being incredibly relatable, this episode gives us some much needed development for Bojack where he sees how he's affecting his "daughter" and dragging her down with him. At the very end, they have a heart to heart where she reveals that she had that voice in her head as well. When she asks if the voice ever goes away, Bojack replies with "yeah..." despite knowing that it definitely doesn't.
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shwhwhtbbfxjis11 July 2022
This episode is incredibly written watching the inner dialogue of bojack horseman and all the issues he has, especially now that his mother is living with him, the writing is just too good.
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An Incredible episode as it is, but too much missed potential.
ashtonslacey5 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers

I am a very strict reviewer. In order for me to rate an episode 9/10, I must think it deserves a rating of 8.5-9.4 overall. And to give an episode 10/10, I must think it deserves a 9.5 or higher rating overall. And this episode got so close to a 10/10. This episode has one of the most expandable concepts I've ever seen, viewing the world through Bojacks mind with a sketchy art style to convey anything the writers and animators could think of. And yet, I only think it deserves a 9.1. Because there is a ridiculous amount of wasted potential. Because we only see about 6 minutes worth of Bojacks inner dialogue. The scenes we do see are amazing though.

The first scene establishes a real sense of self loathing. The fact that he can't even get his own breakfast reminds me back in episode 1 where Bojack says he can't even be responsible for his own breakfast, but this time is worse since his body doesn't even try to get it. And of course, if he can't get breakfast he can't get milk, and although knowing this, he hates his mother so much that he decides to get milk. After considering suicide, then deciding that he doesn't deserve the way out, he further proves this to himself by not managing to get the milk until night, where he decides to go home without it. The next inner monologue he has is when he throws his mother's doll, a brilliant foreshadow to Times Arrow. He sets off to get it back before realising how much of a screw up he is and seeks advice from Diane. In the final scene of the episode, there is one of the best sequences in the entirety of Bojack Horseman as guilt hits him like a brick multiple times. The thought sequence goes by in about 20 seconds and shows that he doesn't only feel guilt for the big things he had done, but also for all of the small things too. Behind Bojack in one part was a crowd of people, all being those he felt guilt for, and one of the people in the background are Lenny Turtletob, and all Bojack did to him was not show up to the recording of Secretariat. After that BoJack and Hollyhock have a heartfelt conversation a little bit like BoJacks conversation with Beatrice at the end of Times Arrow with BoJack starting off stern and slowly becoming more solemn.

That is brilliant for six minutes. But the other 20 minutes just feel like a run of the mill 7/10 episode, which isn't very impressive. Of course there are comedic moments and powerful moments too, but nothing impressive for BoJack Horseman. It's a shame this episode had a subplot, because if not I think this episode could have gotten a brilliant 9.8, or possibly even a incomprehensibly powerful 9.9 rating. At best this episode is brilliant. At worst it is good. Unfortunately, it stays at its worst for too long. It just goes to show that an Incredible episode still isn't safe from wasted potential.
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