"Lucifer" Off the Record (TV Episode 2017) Poster

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Finely crafted
gelobautista18 November 2017
This episode is the best episode of Lucifer so far. It's an exquisitely crafted story. While some fans might find the exposition slow, I personally found it thoroughly engaging.

The regular cast members performed admirably and the guest stars, Patrick Fabian and John Billingsley, showed great acting without stealing the show's thunder.
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Best episode of the series yet
jorgealonsocolmenares17 November 2017
I have been watching Lucifer from the first episode, but this is in another level, the whole story the final twist en rhythm...everything smooth and amazing. In fast doesn't advance any of the main story, but it doesn't matter. I hope the rest of the series continue with this quality.
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The best episode on the show ever
tubehoda28 November 2017
What a fantastic episode! the writers, the actors, all the cast did very well, this time! I always considered Lucifer to be a show that we only watch to laugh, despite all the writing mistakes, we always get entertained at the end. BUT this time was INSANE and I hope they keep this style on the rest of the show.
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Standalone doesn't always mean useless
gibbons91522 April 2019
This episode is probably the best standalone episode of a series I have ever seen. The flow and tone of this episode is masterful and the acting is great. The episode doesn't have anything to do with the plot of the season but rather than just having a random throwaway episode or a clip show the writers gave us a masterpiece that can be enjoyed by anyone. I don't want to have spoilers but I would watch a whole series based on the concept of this episode.
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It was pretty much a feature film, Best Episode this season.
megaruda14 November 2017
I recall the Angel series doing an episode similar to this at some point, the brilliance of this particular episode relies on how the story told was great even without seeing the whole Lucifer series, it was a solid story from beginning to end, the acting was great, they created a character that I though was good enough to be the next major villain, I was able to hate the reporter who came off as a great antagonist. The story had very subtle twists and at some point I was confused at the time line but understood it about a minute after. The ending was a beauty.

Great storytelling, could of been a feature.
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Fresh an breathtaking...!
djkonichiwa15 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Pardon me, i like Lucifer as an character an his way of being humoristacal but sometimes i would like to see another side of him. In this eps a got everything i wanted, suspense, thrilling sitting on the edge at my couch. Just a plus, as guest starring Patrick Fabian also known from better call saul do an excellent performance. This eps added something fresh an new to the entire series. GOOD JOB!
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Best eisode of the entire season
insideout09826 November 2017
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Finally, someone other than the shrink is in on the game. Patrick Fabian played a snoopy reporter who discovers Lucifer's true identity - even sees his true face - and then goes literally berserk with this revelation. It was so entertaining watching him deal with the supernatural implications of his discovery and trying in every way imaginable to trip up Lucifer. There was very little procedural, which was a godsend given the growing boredom I have been experiencing with this show. How freaking obvious does Lucifer have to be about his true identity in front of Chloe for her not to get it. It's impossibly frustrating. I see endless possibilities with this new direction, but I can tell you now that the next episode goes straight back to procedural 101.
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A haunting masterpiece
Film_Diva27 May 2019
Off The Record is a masterpiece of storytelling. For viewers of Lucifer, it added layers of complexity to the mythology. For non-viewers, it can stand alone as a lesson in responsibility and karma. The main cast was very strong, and the guest actors were a wonderful addition. Something to think about for a long time...
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One of the biggest end plot twists i have ever seen
Giannis250419 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
WOW...By far one of the craziest episodes of the series yet...I mean yes it was a little of for the storytelling and so was I...especially when the story goes one year later i was so frustrated...But in the end with 40 sec it explainds everything and make this the best episode so far...Patrick Fabian was excellent on his role and so were all of the cast...
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The darkest episode so far
thibault-li11 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first review that I write for this show. This episode doesn't advance the general plot but has some special moments.

First of all, because of the guest stars : Patrick Fabian from Better Call Saul and John Billingsley that I know from "The Man from Earth". It's a very smart choice of actors, the roles they play are also well-developped and Patrick Fabian adds a lot of depth in the show.

Secondly, there are two scenes that truly add something to the serie : The first one is visual and it's the face reveal of Lucifer. Visual effect team made a real improvement, I found the former version of his face less convincing, but this time I was truly scared and amazed by the result and it was efficiently presented. The second one is more conceptual, and it's when Lucifer explains the nature of hell. The serie dares a lot to dig on some concepts, that has always been one of the strong point of the serie but this time it has a more philosophical meaning than usual.

Finally, the twists are particularly amazing, the first one being the character played by Patrick Fabian being the husband of Linda, The second one being the very dark ending that reminds me of an episode of Black Mirror

There are still a lot of funny moments but I was surprised because of the far more darker tone of the episode compared to the others until now.

This episode proves that Lucifer can create very good "standalone" episodes. I hope that they continue with this constant quality.
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A surprisingly entertaining episode.
Egotisticallectual13 November 2017
After seasons of boring generic police procedural episodes this one actually is quite entertaining.

A solid mix of supernatural elements, very little police procedural and great guest actors that actually brought something new to the series. Even the murderer of the week's few lines were quite good.

I sincerely hope they continue the show in this fashion & style but don't bet on it this may be one in a life time...
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Black Mirror vibes!
nishaankar12 March 2021
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Unique and strong episode with black mirror-ish twist at the end.
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The infernal triangle
ygwerin124 November 2022
Lucifer Morninstar, Dr. Linda Martin, and Reece Getty, a hack reporter for the local rag, what could they possibly have in common?

On the face of it sweet fanny adams, but then appearances can be deceptive, Linda and Reece were married but they are now separated, Linda wants to move on with her life, but Reece just can not let her go.

Reece Getty is convinced that's he has a hot story involving Lucifer, so he manages to ingratiate himself with the Los Angeles police department, to enable him to tail Lucifer in an endeavour to see what he gets up to.

Has he been at his job for far too long, are his gut instincts all he cracks them up to be, or is really just as much of a dog in the manger about it, as he is with his marriage?
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The first episode that's gotten it really wrong
heatsink9813 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The arc within this episode was the first real miss I've seen with LUCIFER.

The plot jammed too much into one hour. The insertion of the reporter who just happens to be the doctor's estranged husband came off as contrived. The plot also had fits and starts as a result of too much going on, and the shoehorning to scrunch everything into the timeline(which jumps a year at one point) added to that. The final ending was a nice touch, however. The other parts needed a rework.
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Excellent episode. Pleasant drift from normal.
andrewfelber13 June 2019
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This episode, which has to be viewed as a singular stand-alone one-off, is Black Mirror-esque or Twilight Zone-esque. Yes it contained the show's characters and played off of the history that we, the viewers, know, but, this must not be viewed as another episode in the timeline that we know to date. This definitively and explicitly exemplifies the show's interpretation of what hell is. This reporter reliving his own guilt for eternity even with the knowledge provided to him by Lucifer that the door's not locked and he can leave whenever he wants to abandon the wasted emotion of guilt.
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One of the best by far
stephen_mac9 September 2021
An episode with a difference.

Seeing the world through someone else's eyes to create the story was an interesting angle. It gave a very different feel to the episode.

This aspect of the episode and the storyline itself would be enough to rate this one high but the twist in the tale, only revealed come the final scene was excellent and built on many aspects of the Lucifer-world lore that other episodes have alluded to.

Very much a "must watch" episode.
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Ten !!!
toro9503730 November 2017
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Every series has a "Best Hits". This episode is one of those hits (in fact a home run). I've always enjoyed stories that mess with your head and take place out of linear time - it adds an enjoyable dimension of complexity.

Be warned though, to fully appreciate this episode you will have had to have watched the other ones or you will not understand all the nuances portrayed and you will probably not fully understand the ending.
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Wow. The best episode of this season, if not of the whole series
David-Bernhardt14 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This episode really hit the nail one the head. Its the first one in this Season that really brought back the supernatural elements of the show and perfectly mixed them with the police and crime fighting aspects. Its not afraid of going into rougher territory, concerning Lucifers relationship with humanity and his dealing with individual humans. Overall it manages to balance the comedy, drama and supernatural (or almost spiritual and moral) parts perfectly.

The twist with Linda being the wife of the reporter is brilliant and gives much more gravitas to the hole situation. All the characters especially Lucifer himself and Linda benefit from this episode, as it expands on there connection and character traits. The Ending of course begs a few questions: Is Lucifer back in hell punishing people or is it just a simulation and will we see more of Hell and maybe even Heaven in the following episodes.

The one thing, that seems to not quite make any sense is the time jump of one total year during the episode. This of course is cleared up because the hole thing was taking place in hell. It also means that since the reporter woke up in Hell and keeps waking up there, he must have done something else and is now being punished. Which leads to the conclusion that he might have never meat Lucifer before in the real world.

Alright, i'm probably overthinking this. Still, clearly one of the best episodes so far.
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Wow what a great episode!
alex_watson-346-66797215 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It's amazing you would go up against someone like Lucifer.. You know you are going to lose... But, this episode shows to the fact.... Why bother. This is probably the best Lucifer episode I've ever seen... I'm glad the reporter in the story is changing his life around. It's a brand new day. :)
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My Favorite Episode!
G4rlic28 August 2020
This episode flips the normal show formula on it's head, showing the existential crisis and dread of a completely random side character who is shown the true reality of Lucifer's identity and is sent down a drastic downwards spiral as a result.

Seeing the show take the reveal that the devil walks among us seriously, filling someone with existential dread, is something the show needs to do more of, and it is handled so perfectly here.
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Best so far
sloopnp28 January 2019
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Best episode of the series so far. I love how the episode ends the same way it started, very entertaining. I also missed seeing Lucifer's true face. Its fun watching people's reactions when they realize who he is. This season, they took that away from us. Lucifer needs to get that ability back. Just having his wings back is useless and dull.
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Redeemed After Previous Bomb
piperactive2 December 2017
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This episode really delivered the goods, and just in time too. It had been starting to look like "Lucifer" was slipping - the writing was getting weak and formulaic, and the character driven plot points seemed stagnant. But "Off the Record" brought a tight script and compelling guest characters to weave new interpersonal plot connections and introduce its best explanation yet to the nature of Hell.

In a crafty way the story revealed that no one is trapped in Hell against their will, its all just a construct of our own guilty consciences. That shines new light on the persona of Lucifer, the Keeper of Souls, and makes him even more sympathetic. His exasperation at the common misunderstanding about him fuels our continued love for the fallen angel.

I'd recommend this episode to everyone. It's must-see TV!
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neelsinger3 October 2020
This is very disappointing to wacth this episode (s3e7) i really wanna say that if there is someone who belongs to the hell is linda and other one is lucifer and the writter also......

Reese was a good guy not evil.......
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Good One
ahmet-berra14 November 2017
Actually what i think is this episode is can be compared with season finals.In this one series is more than detective to fantastic had an fluent and definitely bonding story. Assisting actor played well.As always Ellis played also well.But Lucifer should be smarter i think.Why i didn't wanted to give 10 because Lucifer was so idiotic in this episode scriptwriter has to make him much more smarter.
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ozyurtsemih28 March 2020
The whole episode was amazing but especially the ending was insane! Best episode of the series ever!
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