"Supernatural" The Bad Place (TV Episode 2017) Poster

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Hug jack
izzymann24 May 2020
Somebody better give that damn boy a hug or I will.
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Wayward Episode
Semicolon19998 December 2017
I am giving this episode a 10 out of 10 because it deserves it. This episode is the lead in to the Wayward pilot episode that will be aired in January. Director Phil Sgriccia and his camera crew have done a stunning job. The look and feel of this episode is almost cinematic. The aerial shots are a thing of beauty. Locations and set design are magnificent and probably the strongest feature of this episode. Robert Berens has written a nuanced, character based, but still plot driven, story for this. There are scenes to thrill you, and scenes to chill you. The cliffhanger/twist ending was brilliant. Newcomer Yadira Guevara-Prip was the star of the show, and Alexander Calvert did an amazing job alongside her. Padalecki & Ackles are awesome as ever.
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New Worlds, New Characters, New Story lines...
alirezamatrian8 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
i wish that my English was better, but it doesn't matter for now, I'm gonna say what i could and should...

so, this was the 273th episode of the series, and maaan wasn't it great!? i mean, there are series out there that's only after 3 years being on the air, have troubles with new ideas and they're getting boring. but there is no TV show like Supernatural, that even after 13 years is remained on top of many series; that's... Supernatural!

new story lines are cool, and i'm so happy about the spin-off. the only problem with this episode was... where are you castiel?
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Wayward pilot lead in.
clayjanellem7 December 2017
Gonna be as spoiler-free as possible but if you take a cult TV show with seemingly infinite longevity, war-hardened production crew with massive skills, fantastic actors, and shake them up in a bag looking to get a spin off for the new generation, you get the FANTASTIC vigor that is Wayward. A+, 10/10, whatever you need me to tell you.

Fantastic mood camera felt like old SPN courtesy of Sgriccia, giving us grit. Bobo's pen lets us know the fire in our future for all of this. Our new girls are ready to grind. Let's do this. Supernatural, Wayward Sisters, all of it. My body and mind are ready.
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towerflower200013 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This whole season so far has been one fresh take after another. We're seeing the brothers finally, painfully, learning how to break out of their old emotional habits. We're seeing actual grieving; shift in their roles with each other; new challenges that reference the old ones but offer new solutions.

Kaia is pretty amazing; the angels and their new tricks; Jack beginning to choose for himself ("I AM home."). Dean's moment with Kaia, pulling the gun to force her to help them, was shocking, as it was meant to be. Not OOC at all; this is Dean deep into his guilt over losing faith that they'd find Mary and giving her up as lost, when she's alive and suffering. What's really amazing about that moment is everyone else's shock and disapproval. You screwed up, Dean! :)

This episode was fast-moving and crammed with action and information, and the amazing Bobo wrote it so smoothly and skillfully that everything fit together, even as it left us with questions (that's what a cliffhanger is, folks). We had just a few seconds of what Jack saw through Kaia - an indeterminate number of alternates/universes/timeslines?? - and then: WHAT?? I can't wait for January!
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Wayward Kaia
rmfangirl-5591414 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was by far my favorite of season 13. Robert Berens' writing was incredible and kept me on the edge of my seat. Everything about the episode was just amazing. The introduction of new character, Kaia, was the best character introduction the show has had since Cas walked in. The way she was played by Yadira Guevara-Prip deserves all the applause. I instantly felt compassion for her. I wanted someone to hug her and take her out of the horrible life she's had. This episode and the next are the Wayward episodes, for the spinoff starring Kim Rhodes & Briana Buckmaster. I fell in love when Patience (Clark Backo) appeared earlier this season and now with Kaia in addition to Claire (Kathryn Newton) & Alex (Katherine Ramdeen) I am so psyched about this spinoff!

Aside from the Wayward part of the show, the trio of Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, and Alex Calvert were incredible. There are episodes throughout SPN where Jensen just goes to a whole other playing field with his portrayal of Dean. This was one of them. While I didn't care for *that* moment with Kaia, I think it showed just how damaged he's become after losing so many of the people closest to him. I think it was a necessary evil. The scene between the trio in Baby was so amazing and heartfelt.

And can we talk about the synchronized angel stomp deal?! That was brilliant!

All in all this will go down as one of my favorite SPN episodes. Really well done.
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Wild Wayward Ride
tarynreed10 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this episode! The scenes with the first dreamwalker Derek were intriguing and captivating. Meeting Kaia was the thing I was most looking forward to this season. Her introduction did not disappoint. I loved how the scene was framed and that her face was hidden until the dramatic reveal. I enjoyed how honest and raw it felt. I can't wait to see more of her next week. The choreography at the end with all the angels was so intense and I could not peel my eyes away long enough to live tweet. Just when you think it can't get weirder the boys end up in the Bad Place and there's huge bones and footprints and I cannot say enough how much I am looking forward to seeing part two of this wayward world hopping journey.
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Wayward AF
chloekuypershp-1576214 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was a rollercoaster ride! The whole look and feel of the cinematography, editing, camerawork etc. was different too. As this is the lead in to the official backdoor pilot of the spinoff Wayward Sisters, Berens, Dabb (writers) and Sgriccia (director) are obviously deliberately selecting a a style to set Wayward apart from Supernatural. It really worked for me - had a very cinematic feel.

The plot was interesting and engaging, and the pacing was great. As always, Berens does a great job with character moments, and all actors (and actresses) involved get room to shine. There's a big action scene near the end of the episode that was so suspenseful, I was spellbound. And then the twist at the ending...this is something only a show like Supernatural can get away with, but they do it so well.

Highly recommended! I would also encourage you all to watch the actual backdoor pilot on January 18 on the CW! If we want Wayward Sister to get a full season order, we need to support the heck out of it (use the hashtag wayward on twitter and tweet your support, too!)
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Here for Wayward
kmacgrath13 December 2017
This episode was fantastic! The writer of this episode is honestly one of the few writers on the show I truly feels knows these characters and their stories and actually writes them well. Also, the alternate universe this episode took us too was VERY interesting to say the least. (no spoilers!) Kaia, Kaia, Kaia! LOVE HER. Kaia is an amazing character and I cannot wait to see more of her hopefully on Supernatural, but also as one of the leads on Wayward! I'm really excited to see her team up with Donna, Jody, Claire, Alex, and Patience in the pilot in January. If this episode was just a taste of what's to come with Bobo's writing and the cast in Wayward, I CAN NOT WAIT.
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Two writing cheats soil an outstanding episode
CubsandCulture16 July 2021
This would have been one of the best episodes of the season had the writers not placed so much stress on the misdirection surrounding Derek and worse created a new rule for wards. Outside of this episode wards could not be destroyed by the creatures they warded against. I hate when the show does this-the mythos is already a mess-a real dog's breakfast-and I don't need yet another ad hoc plot mechanic.

With that said, this has several really engaging action set pieces and two very touching Jack moments and a *great* Jack line (i.e. Coke). The direction is also really engaging here.
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getting excited!!
kisafishy4 October 2018
Ok now I was just reviewing the last episode with 5 cuz its getting boring and Sam and Dean getting dumper and dumper

well, this episode just revived supernatural

I give it a 9 cuz I still don't like how Dean is still an ahole but his desperation is understandable

and this episode just added a new variety to Supernatural although the hooded figure is looking like "Grimm" kinda thing but I am still getting excited cuz its been a long time that I can not guess what would happen next
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How may alternate universes are there?
rjg-313568 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I have mixed feelings about 'The Bad Place.' Some is good, but most of it is quite average, even bad, like the writers forgetting that Sam and Dean have past experience with dream walking. This seems to be a filler episode to introduce us to the cast of "Wayward Sisters.' Patience has a few brief scenes where she decides to find the brothers and Jody after having a vision that they're in danger. The episode begins with Jack soliciting the help of a dream walker to visit Apocalypse World where Lucifer and Mary are trapped. During the session, he uses his nephilim superpowers to mind meld with Derek, the dream walker so he can see where he's going. Derrick's dead body is discovered with his eyes burned out which results in Jodi alerting the Winchesters that Jack has been found. Looks like Derek's been killed by angels. They visit the dream walker's studio and see a painting of Apocalypse World, but Sam resists discussing it because Dean thinks Jack is trying to find Lucifer and this means they will have to kill him. Same shows Dean all the lore about dream walking as if it's all new. I'm confused by them not knowing about dream walking. They used African dream root in S.3, E. 10 to stop a killer. They know all about dream walking. Did the writers forget or is this a different kind of dream walking? We're then introduced to Kaia who can see 'The Bad Place" what we're led to believe is Apocalypse World in her dreams. I LOVED Kai discussing her view of her drug dealer: "It's my idea of a small businessman just trying to make it in Trump's America." HA! A seemingly sinister Jack finds her and breaks her out of rehab, but is intercepted by the brothers. He explains what really happened with Derek and shows them Apocalypse World where their mother is imprisoned. The look on Dean's face when he realizes that Mary is alive but in danger was so emotional and well acted it almost made me weep. Jensen is so good with those types of scenes. They then encounter the 'bad' angels who are chasing Jack so he will come to heaven and make more angels. They are running out, which stretches incredulity. Most mythology places the number of angels at about a gazillion, i.e., innumerable. The showdown between the angels, Jack, Kaia, Dean, and Sam is heartpoundingly suspenseful with new special effects, but the ending is a little corny. Sure enough, Jack takes them through the door to the alternate universe, but they all wake up in different places. The final scene pans up and out to show that the Winchesters are trying to scramble out of a HUGE footprint. The scene fades to black accompanied by a loud roar……..what? Are we in Jurassic Park? Jack wakes up at Mary's feet, so we know he's in the right place, but where are the brothers? Where is Kaia?
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I love this show
Maxitsu23 October 2021
Season 13, I loved the show so far. I hope this episode seems the start of a political-woke mess...i hope not.

I am not watching movies for your political opinion. I watch them for have a great time, to be entertained, to escape the real world.
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Just Wow
karmadrone9 June 2018
I'm an hardcore fun of the episode I hade see so many good episode of this amazing show but this... Let me speechless it almost like to be on Cinema The cameramen director and all the crew have done an amazing job. Best episode ever done in all the season of this Wonderful Show! 11/10
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Introducing strong, diverse, female character!
rlsalois14 December 2017
I loved the introduction of the new character Kaia. I loved the elements of reality that were blended in with her character, and I can't wait to see her again (and hopefully in the spin off as well)! I am excited for the infinite possibilities for alternative universes, I think it will help keep the show fresh, and I realllllly hope we get to see dinosaurs! I knocked one star off because I really didn't care for the way that Dean threatened Kaia... I know he was desperate in that moment, but I didn't care for that moment at all. Maybe that's not worth knocking one star off for, but there you go!
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Had me entertained and excited
shwetafabm1 August 2020
It gave a newness to the show. I thought it amped up the thrill as it went.
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illusionary-2450612 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Dean's treatment of Kaia, forcing her to get in the car, was entirely out of character - even with his desperation to find his mother he wouldn't treat someone like that. And really - dinosaurs? I'm hoping it's not really dinosaurs - that's truly jumping the shark. Showrunner/writers keep trying to make everything bigger/more exciting, when what would work is narrowing the focus of the stories and looking deeper at character. I'd been hopeful so far this season, because they seemed to be doing that - but this episode just went way off the rails. Hoping for a pull-back after hiatus.
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Please keep the SJW racists off the show.
Allynna9 January 2018
I hope this new character wont be around for too long... Also, I thought the president in Supernatural is Jefferson Rooney, not Trump. In your desire to be original and sjw, you became ridiculous.
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heeheehorse23 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am not a proffesional on films and stuff but I need to know if I am the only one who felt like this episode was butchered. Supernatural is my favorite show ever like I actually have an obsession with it but this episode didn't feel like Supernatural. I felt like I was going insane. Kaia had a lot of potential but this episode did not help her at all in my opinion, which is the same for that one alternate universe place with those weird dinosaur alien things. The story was fine but what was going on with the crazy camera movement and editing? The amount of times the camera zoomed in on a character was too much, actually the cinematography overall felt cheesy and crappy. The music too. It felt like a joke. Also the angels all hitting the ground to get rid of the warding wasn't cool at all I'm sorry it looked dumb. I need to mention Dean pulling the gun on Kaia too. I know he felt the need to do everything in his power to get his mom back after finding she was actually alive, but the epsiode moved so fast that I don't think the viewer had time to see how this had affected Sam and Dean, so when Dean forced Kaia to get into the car with a gun, it just felt too abrupt. Not in a surprising way, but it just felt wrong. Overall this episode felt tacky and made me feel like I was high.
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Great storyline
rickyvoytko26 August 2021
With it being said that I liked the storyline lying very much. I do have to say that I did not like the director's use of camera floating and zooming. Not something human beings do when you're using a POV shot.
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This would have been an arch...
expendable_gods18 March 2019
The bad place was an opportunity. But rushing in and rushing out doesn't work.
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Terrible Episode
hannahisaacs-617759 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is so boring and it feels so long. I do want to finish this show but I haven't been interested in any seasons past s10. I thought naming a villain "The Darkness" was bad enough but the best thing you can come up for as a name for an alternate universe is "The Bad Place"?? Who is writing these episodes? I think the only good thing about this episode was Kaia being introduced. How come the writers haven't followed up on Lucifer and Castiel being imprisoned in Hell and Ketch being back? Which by the way, bringing him back from the dead then pulling the fake twin storyline was quite possibly one of the stupidest things ever. The BMOL plot sucked and the worst character to bring back would be Ketch. The camera shots and angles in this episode feel so wrong. I don't care how much Dean wanted to get his mom back, him THREATENING to KILL a teenager (especially a young girl, literally the same age as Claire) was disgusting and COMPLETELY out of character. I don't know why the writers thought that was a good idea. It deeply disturbed me and I am very uncomfortable after watching that scene. I don't think I can watch another episode after that scene, at least until 24 hours. That's not even me being dramatic, I seriously hated that scene.
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suzieo28 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Toxic. That's really the only word that comes to mind when watching this.

This isn't empowerment, this is pure toxic masculinity and abuse. Kaia deserved better and Dean was such an a-hole.

No. No. No.
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