Islamic Exorcist (2017) Poster

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Nowhere near as interesting as it sounds
Leofwine_draca13 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Islamic Exorcist should perhaps have been called Indian Exorcist to give it a more regional title. It's a shot on video indie feature from India that has an interesting, over-saturated colour palette throughout, which is the most engaging thing about it. The rest is a complete dud, about a married couple whose daughter becomes possessed, leading them to call in the services of the titular exorcist. This is a very low budget feature, far too talky to be interesting, and one that gets bogged down in philosophy and long-windeded. The possessed girl isn't a very good actress and there's some annoying overacting from the exorcist to boot.
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I Have a Hunger That is Fulfilled with Raw Meat
nogodnomasters26 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is a Bollywood dubbed and subtitled film that exhibits the typical campy style of their films. The story is done as a flashback as told by Isha, the wife. She describes the possession to a reporter of her adopted daughter Anna and being subsequently killed by her policeman husband.

The interrogation was funny. The cop is smoking with an imposed warning about smoking on the screen. He then slaps a man which makes the over-the-top noise typical of those fine old karate films. There is a slur on Sharia. They used a voice distorter which I despise. Anna was done and shot all wrong. There is really a clue as to what is actually going on (the quick adoption) however it is tough to tell if something was a clue or not due to cultural differences.

I missed the Bollywood musical line dance. Where was that? Guide: F-word awkwardly used. No sex or nudity.
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One of the best foreign scary movie till date...better than Over the Shadow
rekkmane11 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I seriously wish i could see more Horrors from overseas countries such as Korea, Japan, Israel and India. At least they do not follow the regular cliché norms about showing the same old scary stuffs which Hollywood does.

Islamic Exorcist talks about To-The-Point story of an adopted demonically possessed child and her mother who is very much sure that her husband will be the child's next target. The mother now has to save the Husband by any means from her satanic daughter.

The cinematography and the loud sound design and the score along with the lead actress and her awesome performance will leave you speechless in this wonderfully executed Horror film from India.

I recently saw acclaimed Iranian Under the Shadow (2016) which talked about Jinn and supernatural forces. In Islamic Exorcist, they showed shia Muslim voodoo and black magic that was creepy and chilling at the same time.

I personally loved this one better than Under the Shadow! Surely go for it.
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Keep calm and enjoy this slow masterpiece to the core
amhiaynabaji13 July 2017
So me being an Indian and living in United States, i can fully get what the maker tried to show in the movie here.

Be assured if you watch the non HD version that is floating around the internet with huge Arabic subtitles bothering you, you would understand Sh#t about what's going on in the movie. Also, because the dubbing would be out sync (At least, that is what i noticed and it hit me badly). The versions that i came across was all Web Ripped!

Islamic Exorcist is worth all your money for two important reasons.

1. If you understand and you are well aware of Indian and Islamic culture (Especially Shia and Sunni conflicts).

2. If you are not into flying creepy woman in the air, horror with lots of Effects etc.

But if you intent to see or know about all the black magics and voodoo part in Shia Muslim community, if you're really into slow creepy scary stuffs, Islamic Exorcist is definitely your movie.

Also, the movie explains a lot before entering into the actual terrifying happenings. So sit tight and enjoy this one and be really very scared.
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Holy Akbar! This one was fantastic
thereignbrothers12 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The minute you hear about Islam, you think about bombs and killings. This movie gives you another take about the religion in a scary way.

A horror film which doesn't believe in CGI or effects but simply follows the creepy factor. There are these Muslim couple who adopts a girl named Anna of 9 years old and the girl comes with supernatural activities in the house.

It's not that i am watching an Islamic horror movie for the first time. There are certain well made scary movies in Turkish. But this movie was really very unusual and creepy and it comes from India.

Islamic Exorcist also has some bitter stories to tell such as a father killing his own daughter because she fell in love with a man who is disapproval of the father's caste.

I was shocked to know such practices happens in a country! Taking a break from all the Hollywood or Japanese horrors that i have been watching, this wonderfully movie really made my day!

I highly recommend it to the horror fans who genuinely wants to feel creep! For me though, it was a slow scary poison.
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Intriguing if somewhat problematic effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder11 December 2017
Attempting to uncover a story, a reporter seeks out a survivor of a strange case due to the similarity to a case she's involved with and has her tell of what happened in the past where she was subject to a frightening ordeal following the adoption of a young girl and how she escapes.

This here turned out to be quite the decent offering. One of the better aspects on display is the manner in which this one utilizes the familiar setup to tell a rather different story. Rather than go for the traditional methods featured in such an effort, this one features a slightly different take in the psychological storyline that gets fleshed out nicely through flashbacks. Whether it's her hallucinations of seeing the mumbling figure walking through the house to being tormented by the disembodied voice while being home alone forcing her to wander through the house searching for the source of it all and the later discovery of the bloodied footprints found in the house which is a rather dark and chilling sequence. The additional input gathered here from the adoption angle gives this one a rather fun series of scenes here with the girl obviously causing some freaky moments here which helps to enhance the tension caused by the different events occurring around her which causes plenty of fun. From the scene of her forcing the guest to chop food endlessly while she floats around the kitchen to the hallucination of the dead child after taunting her with information no one else could've known and the odd behavior she demonstrates afterward, this one generates quite a compelling and creepy setup that all combine together into detailing the actual possession. That these come from a far different cultural perspective gives this a strong flavor that gets nicely exploited in the finale where it switches things around in a fine twist that allows for the different cultures to get plenty of play here and generate some finely chilling moments. These here manage to hold this one up while it does have a few minor problems with it. The biggest issue is the rather dispiriting pacing which is rather odd for what is a shorter effort. The running time shouldn't have allowed for such a dragged-out pacing here since the film's slow-burn approach takes on a lot of filler scenes that didn't need to be there. Although it builds up the idea of her possessed daughter nicely, the fact that it doesn't start until nearly the halfway mark when she even gets adopted and taken in makes the first half feel like a series of fruitless scenes that go nowhere since it just drops her in out of nowhere. As well, some of the budget limitations come into play here but it's nowhere near as damaging as it could've been. These here are what really hold it back.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language and Violence.
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