"Siren" Aftermath (TV Episode 2018) Poster

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Bodies ~Drowning Pool
PurpleMotherLoad25 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers

I think the network showed way too many previews. They almost showed the whole episode by the time ep 10 aired.

The fan base is young, from what I can tell, but I'm trying to enjoy it on my own personal "Twilight" level.

All that being said, it was a solid episode. I cheated and live tweeted, so I knew what was going to happen, so I didn't have a lot of emotion.

Some observations...

1. How did anyone expect Donna to survive an abdomen shot from a high caliber rifle. It requires surgery, not just patching up the wound. Did they think the stem cells were going to magically pop the bullet out? Mermaid or no mermaid.

2. They should have shown Decker walking into the water at least.

3. Everyone is hating on Maddie, but she is the most logical one.

4. I know having the three of them together would not be traditional, but I kinda want them to be a threesome. Or just Ryn and Maddie. Ben and Maddie is too predictable.

5. Maddie, letting the police handle this will not keep this delicate information contained and then all of the world is upon your town for all the wrong reasons.

Lastly, The scenery was absolutely beautiful, the music fit and the sound guy or girl is pretty dope. The sound of her tail moving in the water was the perfect attention to detail, you could almost tell how strong her propulsion is.

Enjoy. Bring on Season 2!
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Felt sorry for decker.
CursedChico4 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Felt sorry for decker.

Before donna sang to him, he was already not bad person as i remember. He said to commander "no more we should try, she cant survive if we try." .

But of course this does not change that he helped them to torture donna but also helped donna to escape. Maybe without knowing. Even, designed new cage for mermaids.

It was sad episode. maddie left ben. They are both right, just cant understand each other. Ben was almost dead.

Ryn was in mermaid form but did not attack. She could beat her instincts. She wants to be human and there is no more relations to sea. Her sister was gone.

And we saw the cemetery of the mermaid-human people's. And they were connected to ben's family.

I wonder if The sheriff told ben's father about truth, i dont think so. We will learn next season.

It is good to see xander and his friend are friends again. Xander is alone, just lost father. They need to unite. But his friend called media and reporters probably. It will be bad next season.

It was good episode and finale. Everything was solved, for now.

Episode rating 8/10 season rating 8/10

After finishing season 1 of you're the worst series yesterday, i am here. It was fun to watch it, now time for mystery and action :)

I watch series season by season. So, i will watch one season and then i will move to another series.

I chose that series because I am interested in mythology. Siren and song of the siren is close things for me. In Dota game, there is naga siren character also; its ulti is song of siren :)

I usually does not watch so recently series but here i am.

I hope i can enjoy.

I will copy this to episode 1 review also. I will add here after i finished some episodes i hope.

ADD ON 3321 AFTER EPISODE 4 Military and governments. Worst enemies of peace. They take prisoners aliens, animals and in this series, mermaids and they make experiments on them. They dont care the pain. Each episode, story is going nicer and cooler. Ryn ben and maddie are in a good relationship now. It is really cool. Sometimes this series remind me rosswell series. There were also a small human group connected to nonhuman people and together, they were fighting against bad humans. And sometimes reminds me being human series. Maddie does not want to be human but tries to be sometimes. Maybe in future she will want to. And I love those kind of towns. They can be united because they know each other well and believe in each other. They can protect each other. Just like how doctor did not question much about chris and helped him.

ADD ON 4321 AFTER EPISODE 8 Being human and approaching to end Being human is also two different series, one is UK one is USA. I sometimes felt like this show reminded me those series. In this episode, they are saying good bye to a dead person, father of xander. I could not understand why ben said to xander at that time, between everyone. He could do it while both are alone. In previos episodes, in which father of him died because of ben's lies, i told about how ben would tell about it. Probably ben feels very sorry and regrets. Here we saw it. It did not become such problem. Ben was guilty yes but also xander was greedy. So greedy that wanted to hunt a mermaid!

ADD ON 4321 AFTER EPISODE 9 The mermaid gang came. It is hard to blame them. They only wanted to be safe, no more human attacks. Can we blame them? They killed the people in the ships, xander's father. They only defended themselves with instinct. For example they took clothes of three people but did not kill them in this episode. They are not killers. Their enemies are military and deep state but they cant know this. They only know humans attacked them so they try to kill humans. Ben is attracted to ryn. Because of song probably. How will ben maddie ryn relationship will go, we will see. It is good sherif is also supporting them. Just like the series, rosswell and that decker does not call military. Because of song maybe. And maybe he regretted. Also we cant blame xander. his father was killed. Cant think straight.

season review:

I loved season 1. At first, it was not going with so much actions but then it started to be interesting. We started not to see military, only a small town with (%90 of them) good people.

I really want to know what ryn will do without shapeshifting to mermaid. And we will see probably 3 people that cant go into Polyamory. Despite, maddie felt also something for her and maybe still feels.

I watch series season by season so now i will go to another series. I will miss this series.
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Felt sorry for decker.
CursedChico4 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Felt sorry for decker.

Before donna sang to him, he was already not bad person as i remember. He said to commander "no more we should try, she cant survive if we try." .

But of course this does not change that he helped them to torture donna but also helped donna to escape. Maybe without knowing. Even, designed new cage for mermaids.

It was sad episode. maddie left ben. They are both right, just cant understand each other. Ben was almost dead.

Ryn was in mermaid form but did not attack. She could beat her instincts. She wants to be human and there is no more relations to sea. Her sister was gone.

And we saw the cemetery of the mermaid-human people's. And they were connected to ben's family.

I wonder if The sheriff told ben's father about truth, i dont think so. We will learn next season.

It is good to see xander and his friend are friends again. Xander is alone, just lost father. They need to unite. But his friend called media and reporters probably. It will be bad next season.

It was good episode and finale. Everything was solved, for now.
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bombersflyup21 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In Aftermath, the enchanting siren song takes hold of Ben and Decker, meanwhile Dale must answer for the escalating crime in Bristol Cove. The siren song causes obsession, Decker takes his life and Ben almost loses his. It's even starting to give me a headache. Though Maddie aware of the danger Ben's in, decides now is a good time to give him space... Not great writing there. Xander's anger has washed away and descendant of Kung Lao makes a rash decision to make a quick buck, which will turn Bristol Cove into a feeding frenzy. Little happens in this season finale though and not really warranting further viewing.
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