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BandSAboutMovies19 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
With only three days to prove his innocence, a struggling ex-soldier (Derek Davenport) is forced to take one last job and save his sister (Amelia Haberman, who was in not one, but two Krampus-themed films) or go to jail for a crime he did not commit.

This comes from writer/director Joseph Mbah, who was also behind Krampus Origins and the upcoming Battlefield 2025.

Richard (Davenport) is dealing with the memories of his military past while struggling to make ends meet as a Uber-style driver while also looking after his sister Sarah (Haberman). On a day that he's running late to pick her up, a man named Chris (Richard Lippert) kidnaps a co-worker's daughter and Richard gets blamed for the crime.

When Chris takes Sarah as well, that's when this all gets even more personal. There's also Detective Moro (Michael C. Alvarez), who thinks Richard had something to do with the crime.

I don't know what the deal with the wound and bruise makeup was in this movie, but it's so dark that it's borderline distracting in parts. Also, the PR for this film compares it to Commando, which is a pretty high bar for it to reach. Amazingly, this movie ends with a total science fiction twist that seems to set up for a sequel, then hits you with over ten minutes of credits that pad its hour-ish run time to eighty-five minutes.
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Wow what a flop!
lilzfatz1 September 2019
Seriously dont even attempt this sad excuse for a film. 10 minutes in and it was enough. It was agony from the get go. I created an account based on how utterly bad this movie is just to give this review and hopefully save someone from seeing how truly crappy it is. You are all welcome.
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3 stars for making the effort
canison-678-91819917 October 2019
I honestly believe that this film is a group project. The acting is quite terrible. I do not want to trash this movie since it's better than my own (which I haven't made or thought to make). I can tell that the crew believes that they are doing a good job and are trying their hardest. I wonder if the cast is made up former military buddies. Most of the actors are in pretty good physical shape, but again, the acting...

The flashbacks are often disjointed and come without warning. Some of the sequences begin and I can only tell it's a memory due to the coloring.

I don't give up on movies regardless of quality of content so I watched to the end. I feel I owe the cast and crew that much for their hard works. While this movie will not win awards or make anyone rich, they can still be proud that the movie made it to Netflix and has been seen by people.

Just stop having police hide behind cardboard bins during a gunfight....
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snstefanov13 September 2019
Acting so bad that we couldn't watch more than 10 minutes.
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Lost at the end
amirajamhour31 August 2019
Could someone please explain the ending of "expo"?
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vauxhallgraham2 September 2019
I'm not sure how I managed to watch this to the end, this film is terrible my child's school play had better acting and make up. Just don't worry about waste your time.!
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a_c_thompson6 September 2019
I don't mind low budget movies. I think it's great seeing people try to follow their dreams and make a film. The film makers for this movie never had dreams of making films. This is a bad first draft from someone that knows nothing about film making. It's complete garbage.
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rhaley-862497 September 2019
I don't think I've ever seen such a bad movie as this. Bad script and terrible acting. Please don't waste your time.
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bentuck-180131 September 2019
Agree with the above review. Tried so hard to continue watching but the terrible acting of the main characters makes it unwatchable.
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A terrible, terrible film.
filmsbyq21 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Brief Synopsis: Richard Evans, an ex-soldier and part-time chauffeur, is accused of kidnapping a client's, Mr. Smith's daughter. As well as having to look after his sister, Sarah, he must prove his innocence by retrieving Mr Smith's daughter.

He also wants to take down a local drug ring. A detective, Moro, is determined to pin the kidnapping on Evans. It becomes personal when his sister gets snatched.

Is it any good?: Good god, no! Expo is worst than Alien Warfare. It is badly written, badly directed, badly edited, the acting is atrocious and the action scenes-ha!-are laughable. There is nothing good about this film. I am writing the review as I watch it otherwise I could not finish it. Onto the review proper.

Spoiler Territory: Ex-soldier Richard Evans (Derek Davenport) makes ends meet as a chauffeur, picking up rich clients and their charges. He is given a job to pick up Mr. Smith (Tim Davis).

Evans looks after his younger sister, Sarah (Amelia Haberman), their parents died some years prior. Sarah wakes up late and asks her brother to take her to school. He tells her he does not have the time. She leaves the flat.

Caden (Shepsut Wilson), Evans' girlfriend and neighbour, meets him as he is leaving. She tells him she took Sarah to school. Evans goes to see his friend, Majeed (Titus Covington), a local drug dealer.

Titus tells him he can make more money working with him. Evans declines the invitation. He gets a call from his employers, Mr. Smith wants him to pick up his daughter, Lyla (Hayley Vrana) from violin practice.

He gets a call from his sister. She wants him to pick her up. At first he refuses, but after she pleads with him for a bit, he agrees to pick her up. Whilst Evans picks up his sister, Lyla gets kidnapped. Evans arrives late to pick Lyla up and finds her violin. She is gone.

Majeed goes to see a friend. The friend tells him he can make more money selling women and it is less dangerous. Majeed declines. Evans goes to the police but the detective, Moro (Michael Alavarez) believes that he is the most likely suspect. Evans leaves.

Caden comes over to see Evans, the two planning to have a pleasant evening in. They argue because Evans wants to go looking for Lyla himself. Caden thinks it is a bad idea. After they have gone to bed, there is a knock on the door. Evans is arrested. Moro is convinced he kidnapped the girl.

Evans' lawyer, David Peele (Eric Lettman) comes to the station and get him released. Evans returns home. Sarah goes to stay at Caden's. Evans remembers being taken in by Majeed when he and Sarah were on the streets. He remembers clashing with Majeed over Majeed's dubious earning choices.

Evans goes to see Majeed. Majeed tells him he is thinking of expanding his business and shows Evans a webcam, telling him that he going to start kidnapping girls. Evans freaks out, hitting him. He leaves Majeed's place.

Chris (Richard Lippert) is auctioning girls over the web. Evans shows Caden what he is accused of being involved in by showing her the webcam. He goes to see a drug dealer, Javier Diaz (Alfonzo Lopez) and gets beat up when he asks about the dealer's suppler.

Caden gets a friend to patch Evans up. Evans calls an old friend. A doctor, Dr Ekon (Richard Ryan). He asks for a clandestine drug. He is told he cannot it get unless he is returning to service.

Evans tells the doctor that he needs it to save a girl. He remembers how taking too much of the drug almost killed him. The next day, the doctor brings him the pills. The pills make him stronger and given to violent impulses.

Evans goes to a local store and is buying some milk. As he goes to get the milk, Javier comes in to rob the store. Evans beats him up and gets the name of the drug dealer, Carlos Ricardo (Humbetto Roman). He breaks Javier arm. Chris, who has Lyla captive, is torturing her psychologically.

Detective Moro sees Evans loading a bullet proof vest into his car. He still believes that Evans is the man he should be pursuing even after seeing the same dark web video that Evans showed Caden. Moro warns Evans.

Evans leaves Caden and Sarah alone as he goes to try and find Lyla. He goes to find Carlos Ricardo. He confronts Carlos in his house, telling him he just wants to talk. Carlos is not interested and has his henchmen beat him up.

Evans, who had taken a pill, goes into a rage and batters the henchmen. He asks Carlos about the girls. Carlos tells him he is not talking. Evans stabs him in the leg with a pencil. Carlos tells him about Chris and gives him an address.

Two masked men break into Evans' house and snatch Sarah, knocking Caden unconscious. A battered Evans returns home and is patched up again. He wakes up and asks about Sarah. Caden says that one of the men who took her had a broken arm.

Realising it is Javier, Evans goes and beats on him to find out where Sarah is. Javier tells Evans that she is going to get raped repeatedly. He beats him to death. He returns home. Caden comes over, not wanting to be on her own.

Caden rages at him for refusing to get help from the police. He kicks her out. Evans goes to see Majeed. He wants him to help him get the girl back. Chris streams another video. He tells his audience that he is not selling one girl but two, Sarah being the second girl.

Evans and Majeed sneak up on the address Evans got from Javier. Majeed knocks Evans unconscious. When he wakes up he finds himself tied to a chair. Mated tells him he did it for money and is in the trafficking business. Majeed is about to shoot him but Evans breaks his bonds and beats Majeed to death. He passes out again.

He wakes up at home, having been arrested and taken there by Moro. Moro tells him to stay home whilst he and his team go and try to get the girls back. Moro leaves. Caden persuades a despondent Evans to go and save Sarah.

Moro sees Evans as he goes to find Chris and tells him to stay back. Moro and his team sneak into the house. Chris' henchmen see them coming and tell Chris. He tells them to distract the police as he takes the girls. Moro fights with one of the henchmen and is soundly beaten. As the henchman is about to kill him, Evans rescues him, beating the henchman.

Moro and Evans go looking for the girls. Chris shoots Evans and takes the girls to a van. Evans, who had been wearing a vest, goes after him. Lyla jumps out of the van, forcing Chris to stop and try to get her back.

A disorientated Evans points a gun at Chris. Chris slaps the gun out of his hand and knocks him to the ground. Sarah gets out of the van and beats Chris up. Evans shoots him in the head.

Mr. Smith turns up. He has the same face as Chris. Chris was a clone. The whole, elaborate story had been set up to get Evans back into military service, him getting a full pardon in exchange for his return to duty. The end.

Expo is awful. It is an absolute abomination of a film. Written and directed by Joseph Mbah, one can only hope someone tells him to stop. Stop making films. Jesus Christ! This film is terrible.

No part of the film is good. The acting is, without exception, terrible. The script is so bad that if they had improvised every scene it could not possibly have been worse.

Basics, such as framing, story, visual flow, discernible sound, are all missing. Shot selection is bad, the story makes no sense, the music is horrible, it is badly lit, badly edited and just an all around mess. It is is not even bad enough to be entertaining.

The actors in this film are so uniformly woeful that I cannot actually single out an individual as particularly terrible. The real star or villain however, is Mbah. He is listed as a writer, director and cinematographer. Charlatan should be added to that list.

Expo is a travesty of a film and Netflix needs take a long hard look at themselves if they are going to keep asking people to pay for this sort of tripe. With the impending arrival of Disney plus and Apple TV, Netflix, with a head start on those two services, need to up their quality control.

Do not watch Expo. You're welcome.
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Only one good thing about this movie
lovettstough12 September 2019
The only good thing about this movie is it highlights human trafficking & how much it's really going on & how bad it is. All the other reviews are correct other than what I just pointed out. Human trafficking is wrong no matter what. I'm a U.S. MARINE VET myself & would love to catch the people in real life doing this as I would make them suffer first before I kill them & I would kill them. The odds are & I'd bet unfortunately for the U.S. that the U.S. EVIL president trump is deeply involved in human trafficking.
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This is long video clip not movie😂
lazaromtui661 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I thought i was watching wedding video 😂😂😂 this is not movie
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I think this is the worst movie I've ever seen
cam2003 September 2019
If you want to have a laugh it's fine, but honestly not worth your time. I feel bad for everyone involved.
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Worst thing ever
ayoolafakoya21 September 2019
Terrible acting, terrible, directing, terrible editing, terrible framing, terrible everything.
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What was this?
cozellharper10 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
What in the ham sandwich kind of movie was this. I have never written a review for anything but this I had to. The acting was like school age acting, elementary. He gets a crap beating, not once but multi-able times. He is suppose to be soldier. The flashbacks was senseless. The shooting scene was laughable. The kidnapper had a clone face of a Top US Official. Never explained the reason why. Only reason I watched, I had left my remote in the kitchen and didn't want to get back up. What a torture.
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Found it on netflix trending movies
oteplovesmd1 September 2019
First 5 minutes seemed hopeless to me but i kept going to give it a chance. 10 more minutes later, I was wishing I could UNSEE this movie. Such horrible plot and the bad acting of the main character and his sister just made it worse just when i thought it couldnt get any worse.
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Liam neesans job is safe I think
lopezpatricia-061397 September 2019
Ridiculously bad from the acting to the make up. Thank god it was only 1:20 long. My mother said what's that on his face, I replied Tomato ketchup. The synopsis says he leaves a tail of bodies in his wake. Erm only a few. How can it all thing be bad from direction to acting.
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Made it as far as 23 minutes
murphy-shay8 September 2019
Movies like this will make me cancel my Netflix subscription. Awful story line, jumps around timelines (I think), no pace, really bad acting, REALLY BAD, no direction, ridiculous script, amateur camera work. 0 star if I could.
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All around terrible movie.
soundtm19 September 2019
I only could stand to watch this about 5-10min. My profession is in audio engineering. The first thing I noticed was how awful the sound design was in this "film". Not any cohesive sound from one shot to the next, much less one scene to the next. I feel like this was a final project for somebody in film school..maybe it was. The edits and shot selection are atrocious. There are many continuity issues from shot to shot. The acting leaves much to be desired. I wanted to try and stick it out, but in no way could handle watching and hearing anymore of it. Not sure how Netflix could put this on the popular film list.
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Very good at being bad
zsorens11 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This might not be the worst movie to watch while super drunk or something. I'd like to think the makers are intentionally making it bad with everything being so terrible. Make-up with the dudes face is hilariously bad at times when he gets punched several times and the cuts between are so wonky. The random glass sticking super far out of his face and the scares that make his face look diseased while they heal. Dude goes through several phases of going and getting beaten up by some dudes and getting fractured bones/facial cuts/scars that his neighbor/nurse fixes up real quick and he is fine the next day. Sex traffickers that put their own face on camera that is in the end revealed to be some other dude who has his face weirdly on experiments so he is totally identifiable in those video auctions but somehow isn't in prison already. I guess the main character is a driver and his clients are specialized in teenage girls that stand out in broad daylight to get kidnapped with no prior planning from the bad guys. Also the main character is a fat out of shape dude who has a training montage which consists of punching a boxing bag for 10 seconds which wears him out completely as his fat rolls are falling out of his shirt while doing so. Made for a few good laughs, probably not worth enduring the other stuff but ehh, what else am I gonna do.
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cuboradioas11 September 2019
This film must be REQUIRED in all universities, which have courses in theater, sound, image, director, in all schools of the film world. It's a great movie, maybe the best, that has everything you shouldn't do in a movie ... note 10 :)
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Don't waste your time!!
amyk-864904 September 2019
We had to turn this off after 15 minutes. Horrible actors! The story line was impossible to follow. Probably the worst movie I have ever seen.
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Not a Good movie
unkel_andee15 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Have you ever watched a movie so bad it was good? This is not one of those movies. There is a basic plot that seems to be about human trafficking. There is also some sort of subplot that could be about a "super soldier" program or something but it's all so muddled I can't say for certain. The "hero" takes pills that apparently turn him into a guy who does not get his ass kicked in every fight. The "acting" if you can call what the people in the film are doing acting, is worse than bad. The writer/director seems to feel just saying the lines is enough. Billed as an Action film there is not much Action to be had. If you come across one good review of this movie it was probably written by the Director's Mom. Put this movie on your "skip it" list and save yourself some time
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Don't waste your time
benhorne-967434 September 2019
I seem to be one of the only people that made it to the end of the film.

What an absolute waste of time, bad acting and camera angles. The story line woeful.

The end, just no.
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matthew-723854 September 2019
It was like watching a badly directed version of a shocking episode of neighbours in the middle of a story line that didn't exist.

Some good acting from the girlfriend and the drug friend on occasion . Apart from that everything was bad. Sound effects. Makeup especially was terrible. Camera angles. Timing. Pace.

The police man. Wow. Totally off the mark.

It has made it onto Netflix so someone thought it was watchable. It is fine if you're bored or depressed although could make both of those things worse.
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