"Lovecraft Country" Sundown (TV Episode 2020) Poster

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Well, THAT escalated quickly!
AlsExGal17 August 2020
I had my doubts about this show. The trailers and promos had it looking like it was trying to weld together some kind of stylish True Blood horror story, Green Book, and the Supernatural TV show all into one. I figured it would be art designer heaven with a scrambled narrative. Boy was I wrong.

The first episode does a great job of establishing all of the characters. And I felt the suspense. There was the apprehension of being an African American driving through the Jim Crow south and making sure you have everything you need - including a mattress and parts to fix a car - because you just can't show up in the white part of town needing help. And then the horror shows up. Great shades of Bruce Campbell that was scary. Is Courtney Vance going to be the Van Helsing of this little group? I don't know, but I do know I'll be watching next week.

And I feel so ancient seeing the excellent Courtney Vance of "Hunt for Red October" and "The Tuskegee Airmen" as an older man.
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Interesting Show
shacoria1417 August 2020
I just finished watching this episode and thought it was great. The characters introduced in this episode were interesting enough to make me want to know where their stories will go. The episode started out a bit slow and I didn't really know where it was going (having never heard of Lovecraft Country before and knowing nothing about the story). It picked up steam in the last 2/3 of the episode and kept it going right until the very end. It did what the first episode of a series should do, which is make the viewer excited to watch the second episode. I am really looking forward to the next episode because I am really curious what will happen next.
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This always happens with Black lead roles
davohnj17 August 2020
This was a great introduction To the LoveCraft series it had the right amount of pace from beginning to end. The cinematography was excellent and the music was even better. When it comes to shows with black leads the reviews are always negative even before the show premieres and we all know why!

The ending is what really set the show off for me it left me open to so many questions and wanting more I'm definitely looking forward the the following episodes!
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Take this as someone who had zero knowledge of the book/show going into this episode.
TheFirst0117 August 2020
As I said in the title, I had zero idea about what this show was about. I hadn't read the book, didn't see any trailers, and didn't know any context. I was merely intrigued by this show only merely by the names in the producers lineup from Jordan Peele to J.J Abrams, two filmmakers whose filmography I admire so I knew this would be right up my alley. This show to me is in the shadows of HBO's phenomenal limited series "Watchmen", (created by Damon Lindelof who worked with J.J Abrams on Lost), and boy does it get the job done.

First of all the intrigue is there. The mystery we know and love from J.J Abrams is there, while Jordan Peele's what the f... is going on abounds profusely in this show. I had zero idea what this show would be about, and boy does it deliver in its context. A black man looking for his father in segregated America with Lovecraftian monsters on the side. Sounds good to me right? The ensemble is great, altough I wouldn't expect anything less from an HBO show. The cinematography is great, and there's some good old-fashioned action inspired by flicks like Evil Dead which deliver goods.

Overall, this show is looking like a must-see and we'll have to see how the season unfolds. Also love the parallels the show portrays in this 1950's Jim Crow racially, segregated America of racism being a monster of its own just like the Lovecraftian monsters that appear on the show. Just prepare for what looks to be a wildly, twisted ride.
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jhearne94217 August 2020
So many layers of goodness! Superb acting, cinematography, history, sets, action! I'm an instant fan!
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I'm Intrigued
Jrken7717 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I love the way this episode mixed real-life and sci-fi horror. The scenes of Tic, Leti and Uncle George being hunted at the diner and harassed by the police are gripping and scary. To know that this actually happened in America and people watching this show have experienced that kind of racism is horrifying and unimaginable.

As for the sci fi, there wasn't a whole lot revealed about the monsters so I'm excited to see the story behind them. It seems to get more complex as the series go which is exciting and promising for the show as a whole. Can't wait til next Sunday!
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juliewebster-2622017 August 2020
Read about this series ages ago and have been looking forward to it starting ! Not disappointed, it was excellent. Story is very intriguing, very well acted and the special effects were great. Cannot wait for the next episode
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Haters are going to hate
stubblefieldtracy17 August 2020
This show is great storytelling. Enjoyed by a non-horror watcher. It is interesting that when there are shows with more that two Black actors (or one in a lead role) the shows receives low rating (ex. Watchmen). I was sad when Underground was cancelled. This show soften the blow.
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Really good!
ktnolan17 August 2020
Starting off strong. Really like the entire story and feel of this.
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average and boring
kellindil-759-44882818 August 2020
Out of 65 minutes we got most about black community in Chicago which was pointless from narrative point, lots of racism examples and some B quality action scenes. Script seems really weak
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A very fun start to a new series
KookShanty17 August 2020
This episode balances a lot, horror, family, drama, and it still manages to be fun. The cast is likeable, the tense moments are extremely tense, and the special effects look great, especially in the opening sequence. I'm definitely looking forward to watching more.
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bobcobb30114 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't quite sure what to make of this show. Slow-moving at times, and then in your face intense at others. It is intriguing and a good combination of period drama with sci-fi.

Definitely will continue watching.
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Not lovecraftian, all the characters wear plot armour and are immune to any form of trauma.
Otter9188724 August 2020
I expected this series to be somewhat Lovecraftian horror with a black cast, that was filled with some form of angst, (white) degenerates, dread and or insanity. It became clear early on that I had to change my expectations. The main character was no angsty disturbed loner / scholar like. We got a group of well functioning and loving human beings instead. And the backdrop wasn't some half decayed backwater village with a hint of moist vermin it was a lively but overly racist town.

It soon became clear that I had to change my expectations. This was clearly not going to be a modified Lovecraft story with black actors. This was a going to be a commentary on racism with some references to Lovecraft and a love for showing of CGI tentacles. So I changed my expectations, and expected some form of brutal trauma inducing racism similar to watchmen, preacher or even the umbrella academy. The episode did not deliver on this.

Yes it was incredibly violent, somewhat gory and really bad thing happened in this episode, but nothing really got to the characters. Only a fraction of the horrors in this episode would be enough to drive a sane man insane but they just all seemed totally immune to the trauma and their plot armour was just too obvious when it came to the scenes that could have been thrilling.
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Crazy Good!!!!
dancerlifetdm17 August 2020
This premiere was amazing! When great minds create together, you get pure magic on the screen. I've been waiting for a sci-fi series with black characters at the center.
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Superb start!
hnt_dnl17 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
SUNDOWN, the excellent premiere episode to what looks like a potentially fascinating series, doesn't waste any time of getting to it's premise. The first 30 minutes gets all the pleasantries, introduction, and exposition out of the way, then the last 40 minutes kicks into full gear! Deftly combining elements of fantasy, horror and sci-fi within the context of a scarily gritty and realistic period piece, this show looks like it could end up being the next big thing on HBO. Fueled by an impressive cast, strong writing, great acting, top notch action scenes, and an entertaining story, this new series LoveCraft Country appears to be jumpstarting a new era of HBO and could very well be the flagship series for the network in the 2020s, much like Game of Thrones was from the previous decade.
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ckrick-117 August 2020
I doubted this project from the trailer and I was really wrong. Smart, savvy, fearless, honest, and unafraid to get weird. Thanks for giving us something to look forward to next week.
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Terrifying but amazing
notar0b0t17 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Yes! This is everything I was expecting and beyond! The photography, acting, everything is top notch. Jurnee Smollett-Bell shines in this role. Every scene involving the cops terrified me. Especially when we thought Atticus, George & Leti were safe, then we found out the cops were lying in wait. I'll keep watching because, quite frankly, I'm hooked.
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"What the Moon Brings"
southdavid19 August 2020
I haven't done episode by episode reviews for a new show since "Watchmen" and so, getting similar vibes from the first episode of "Lovecraft Country" - I've decided to give it the same treatment.

Having recently returned from serving a country that still hates him for the colour of his skin, Atticus Freeman (Jonathan Majors) returns to Chicago to investigate the disappearance of his father. A series of leads point him in the direction of a remote area of Massachusetts and along with his Uncle George (Courtney B. Vance) and childhood friend Leti Lewis (Jurnee Smollett-Bell) he sets off across country. But these are dangerous times to be an African American, and the more remote the location, the more hostile and flagrant the racism becomes.

So I am getting immediate "Watchmen" vibes from the show, given that similarly it looks at the historical experiences of Black Americans, through the prism of a science fiction lens. Performances in this first episode are really good. I've not seen Jonathan Majors before, but looking at his previous roles, there's a couple of movies I've meant to get to for a while. I liked Smollet-Bell in "Birds Of Prey" and Courtney B Vance has been great in everything for decades. The period recreations looked good and the visual effects, when required were OK. I liked the opening dream sequence a lot and the usage of different era musical elements heighten the other worldly feeling.

I've not read the source novel, and I'm not that well versed in Lovecraft's writing either (although I can recognise a Cthulhu when I see one). . There was lot of scene setting in this first episode, as you might imagine (although I'm still not entirely clear why Leti ended up going with them?). But the episode ends in an explosion of carnage that I fear might shake off some of the audience, if they weren't aware what they were getting themselves into.

We're way too early into the run to consider it as coming close to how majestic "Watchmen" was, but so far, so good. Back next week.
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Wow and takes into many interesting turns.
cruise0124 August 2020
4.5 out of 5 stars.

Great first episode of the season. From the opening scene which is weird and wtf moment on what was going on. It does not stop there with a lot more wtf moments. The first half does start out slow with the tension building. The 1950s era with racism and characters fearing for there lives when travelling to hostile territories. Without giving away spoilers. But the characters come across some kind of creature. The last half of the episode is intense and the direction does not hold back on the gore and intense direction.
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That genre change oh my god
ksharath199925 December 2022
Although the time the episode takes to connect with the audience is huge, it finds its target in the end. Love Craft Country may feel like a dull lullaby with an unconventional cast that delivers nothing special. The deception it creates is praise worthy because no one would expect that surprising twist and climax. As the title suggests sundown is the main highlight of the episode after sun sets expect the unexpected from this variety series. There are only a few entertaining sequences in this one which ranges from the shocking climax to the weird aesthetic filled dream sequence which were a delight to watch. The climax sets up something promising which is to be explored in the coming epsiodes.
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For a first episode it was very excellent
cavalcanteadamo18 August 2020
The cast was well chosen, great soundtrack, good visual effects and a story that leaves you wanting to see the other episodes soon.
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What actually was that?
W011y4m515 September 2020
Lovecraft Country begins promisingly with this pilot episode titled "Sundown" - but gradually, the quality of the writing noticeably deteriorates from the moment after the protagonist's journey begins - & as things continually progress, you're eventually left wondering whether a single moment of it makes any sense whatsoever - & what it's meant to really mean / if it genuinely matters anyway.

The cinematography is impressive, the visuals are beautiful & cinematic, it looks as though HBO have invested a sizeable amount of money in to the production, the lead actors give strong performances & the characters they portray are pretty likeable with their charismatic charm but none of this compensates for the lack of clear direction, the god awful score & the blatant tonal inconsistencies.

A debut should be capable of establishing a narrative by outlining the foundations following episodes are subsequently expected to build upon; it's about making a statement of intent to the audience... But 1 hour later, I've still no idea what this show wants to be; a sci-fi, fantasy, comedy, period drama etc. Because the answer to this pivotal question constantly shifts from one scene to another, rushing from one hollow, meaningless set piece to the next disposable action sequence.

I really wanted to enjoy this as it's fantastic to see an expensive HBO series led primarily by talented black individuals - due to the fact that these opportunities so rarely surface within the industry... But when a chance like this arises, they deserve far better than a script of this low standard.
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Amazing! Love it!
kimstausholm-8283417 August 2020
Great premise for a tv series. So looking forward to more episodes.
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This is the Lovecraft I've been looking for.
seven-johnson19 August 2020
I don't know if this makes a difference, but it's the perspective I'm writing from if anyone cares: white, male, British/English (it's where my folks did the nasty and fired me out).

I loved the Lovecraft books as a young teen, I did not love his poetry, but that gave me more insight into the books and yes, elements are repugnant. I don't believe that if you read Mein Kampf that you're a fascist though.

Post Pan's Labyrinth there were rumours of Guillermo Del Toro bringing At The Mountains of Madness to the screen, one of the directors I really thought could do the material justice, but alas...

I've watched Get Out and Us and was disappointed by both: Get Out was almost perfect, but I felt let down by something I viewed as an homage to Yuzna "needing" some viscera and whilst Us started well, had an excellent creepy tone, the idea of some government underground base or bases with duplicates just seemed silly and I struggled with the movie beyond.

I had high hopes for LC, but I didn't want to get them too high. Well... There was one singular thing that bothered me during this and that was the use of one piece of modern music not long after (the excellent) Jonathan Majors returns home. For an episode with an otherwise excellent soundtrack, this... just spoiled my immersion for a minute or two. However, whilst we're on soundtrack: the rest is excellent, there's a wealth of material for this era and I hope they keep it up sonically. I think the end credits version of "Sinnerman" was just perfect.

As to the acting, direction and most importantly - story 10/10, I've knocked one mark off for whoever chose that track spoiling my immersion ;) Jonathan Majors, Jurnee Smollet and Courtney B. Vance all did impeccable work, in context of the story, all were believable and I could empathise with their stories, I'm certain due to how they portrayed their characters. The sets were truly excellent, great attention to detail - the restaurant scene particularly.

I hope and kind of expect the rest of the season to be of this quality. I really look forwards to it and maybe it won't be Del Toro to finally bring this universe to life.
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One of the better first episodes of a series I have seen.
CDVI21 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not black and I'm also not visiting a haunted, abandoned mine in the middle of nowhere. You don't have to be in the exact same situation as the main characters to be absorbed in the fear they are experiencing. I didn't know about sundown towns/counties and I can see how horrifying that situation must be to the people in it. I thought it was great. I'm not sure how people gave one star for this. It wasn't incorrectly marketed like Shyamalan's 'The Village'.

Jurnee Smollett is talented and gorgeous (too bad her brother is a terrible person). Courtney B. Vance is good to see again and better than I remember him in Criminal Intent. The rest of the cast put in solid performances - typical of a Class A HBO production.

I can't stand sensationalist "news" like MSNBC or CNN, but I thought the first episode did a great job walking a tightrope without being too preachy or over-the-top. This has been typical of projects that Jordan Peel is involved in. I thought the military service commentary was on point: the main character is clearly proud to have served - but in turmoil with the complicated nature of that service and his place in society. This show did not spit our (America's) past, but gave a snapshot into what was, and told an interesting story.

"Don't read into it, just stating the facts."

9/10 - It was one of the best first series episodes I have seen on television in a while. Hope this will be as entertaining as Westworld's first season. The starting dream sequence gets a pass because it's a dream sequence, but the creatures throughout were silly looking. Didn't need to see them yet. Some premature exposure all over the screen.

Not sure why anyone would think it was making all white people look bad. I'm a proud WASP, this show did not make me feel bad about being white. It did make me wonder how we were so very segregated 100 years after slavery ended. That kid serving in the diner was afraid of the power structure in that town - what's his life going to be like after that crash?
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