Eye for an Eye (2019) Poster

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Bad yet could've been worse
jonniecomet-142097 February 2021
Sadly this film could have been many hundreds of times better if the sound department (Madison Erdmann and Frank Ralph) had done even one-hundredth of their jobs. Half the sound, including key dialogue, seems to have been recorded on a pre-2005 mobile phone in a concrete conduit alley. The rest seems to have been recorded somewhere the scene was not set; but it doesn't seem to have been looped-in, just really BAD.

By the last sequence the actors are just running around in an eastern-California field as though the plot expired 15 minutes ago (because it did; the denouement sequence is about 5-10 minutes too long).

It's all a shame because the story itself had some merit.
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Don't - just don't!
jimj405 August 2020
It difficult to review this waste of electricity and time without reaching for my Dictionary of Pejoratives. The sound-track is perhaps the best part of it but it's still dire - think cats walking over a synthesiser programmed with every cheap piece of muzak imaginable. The story is less than juvenile, the acting and casting are just laughable, and the locations are low-budget beyond belief.

I rarely review movies that I couldn't bear to watch all the way through but I just had to warn anyone reading this that you really have got better things to do than subjecting yourself to this dross. Even the studio's paid shills won't dare to give this mess more than two stars if they have an ounce of honesty and humanity in them....
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A real poke in the eye...
Osmooms-201-5171126 August 2020
One can only assume that there must be huge 200% tax write-offs for spending money making dreck like this. OK, I get that it was probably made on a shoestring budget, but that doesn't mean the end product has to be just so appallingly bad. In ALL departments. The camera work suggests that the person behind it has spent a lot of time filming soapy episodes for daytime TV, with the earnest close-ups of the "actors". The dialogue is stupendously bad, and so it fits the acting abilities of the cast to a tee. Very little action, mostly a talkfest, and what action there is is inept and unintentionally hilarious. Adversaries face off about 10 feet apart, firing machine guns at each other for what seems like an eon, but no one gets hit!!! Seriously, REALLY seriously, don't waste your time. I've already regretted doing so. No "spoilers" above, it would be impossible to spoil this more than the producers have already done so.
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wow what a waste of time
glepa8 August 2020
I sure have watched a lot of low budget movies in my time. But i didnt know there was a low low low budget movie category. But now i found it. I couldnt watch further than the first "action" segment as it had so bad effects that i was sure there had to be something wrong with my new tv....

Stay for god sake away from this move. Its time you never will get back.
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Amateur Movie
mb-3308718 October 2020
Inconsistent sound. Poor acting. Poor special effects. Poor poor poor. Don't waste your time.
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Cringeworthy awful!
stuart-0987425 March 2021
Well where do you start? Well let's start with the terrible acting which was way beyond wooden, in fact quite unforgiving really! Dialog, must have been written by the directors 5 year old. Special effects, not so special really! Sound, some of the worst sound production quality I have ever heard, ever .... no seriously I mean EVER! It needs a review all to itself, sound levels up and down from minute to minute, times where the dialog has clearly been recorded in a toilet cubicle! The sound engineer should seriously hang their heads in shame. Storyline, well there was some semblance of one which in more competent hands might have been half decent, unfortunately for this movie and the viewer these certainly weren't competent ones. Action scenes, good lord help us: no amount of good acting were that possible in this movie could have prepared me for how bad the fight scenes were going to be, I am still trying to get over it to be honest. In short, do yourself a favour and gives this a pass, unless of course you are one of those folks who go into a movie thinking it can't be that bad, OK but I did warn you ...
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Total failure
nabeelalma19 August 2020
Plot, location, and music are all cheap.. I really regret that I watched
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Low budget but worth the watch
germainepena12 August 2020
Ok, clearly low budget,non studio but found this to be a fun , entertaining easy watch.
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Interesting Plot
dballard-8262311 August 2020
This may not be the slickest or biggest-budget spy movie ever made, but at least the plot is pretty interesting and has a fair amount of twists and turns. There are literally hundreds (thousands?) of movies out there with much bigger and better production values that have MUCH worse storylines.
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One of the Best on a Budget
catwalkphilly14 August 2020
A very well written and executed movie on a shoestring budget. They should do a sequel.
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That wasn't my mission
nogodnomasters21 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Stacy (Alex Sturman ) worked deep cover for the CIA in Tunisia. When a routine mission goes bad, Stacy is accused of having "the list" of Russian operatives and being part of a shadow organization. So they imprison her? Let dismiss her from the CIA and let her go live under a new name in Los Angeles. Then her past catches up to her as folks want that file and think she has it.

I liked the plot twist. I would have liked someone like Scarlett Johansson or a martial arts expert play the role. Stacy really sucked at the fight scenes. And maybe Samuel L. Jackson being the CIA man. He could even wear an eye patch. This had the potential to be a classic series with the right people. As such it will be a forgotten film.

Guide: F-word. Sex on film. No Nudity.
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spjones3513 August 2020
This film is definitely worth watching, good script, good acting from both the main characters and the supporting cast as well. It will keep your attention. Check it out!!!
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Low Budget Movie With Some Merit
toddf-996853 June 2024
No denying this is a very low budget film but I thought it was a good story with many twists and turns. Alex Sturman made a good heroine and Shirley Dalmas was a great villainess. Their confrontation in glider planes was well done and the highlight of the movie to me.

I have seen a lot worse big budget movies of similar type. Even though the special effects were spotty throughout the film it actually lent a certain charm to me thinking back to low budget films made in the past. The movie kept me entertained throughout. The rest of the cast was good to adequate. I will give the movie seven stars.
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