Alex Rider (TV Series 2020–2024) Poster


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Hope there is a 2nd season.
allan_whitesmith6 June 2020
I read critics review. They seem to think the series was for kids. No way! Although I don't imagine that some won't watch it. I'd say 15+. Yes it was violent but not unnecessarily. Some called it slow, I think the pace was nicely set fast enough to keep interest but not so fast to miss the detail and the detail was needed. Ok it wasn't that believable but neither is James Bond. So what if the number of times Alex rider isn't shot is stupid, it's entertainment not reality. Compare it to other action adventure and forget that your meant to watching a kid. When you do this, you realise it's better that most and compares well with some of the best.
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felixbrown-319656 June 2020
One of the many problems the 2006 film had was that it had to start with in my opinion one of the worst books in the series, Stormbreaker. Clearly learning from their mistakes this time they began with the second book in the series, Point blanc. This in my opinion is one of the best books. This resulted in a well adapted series which, while it does have a few problems, is a solid series which I recommend to anyone who is or isn't a fan of the books.
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I may have taken 14 years, but we finally got a good adaptation of the Alex Rider series
IonicBreezeMachine20 November 2020
Alex Rider is a typical 14 year old whose world is thrown into chaos with the death of his Uncle Ian. Upon investigating his uncle's suspicious death, Alex discovers that his uncle was an agent for an off the books intelligence section of British Secret services. Alex is unwillingly recruited for an operation investigating a mysterious reform school, Point Blanc, for ultra wealthy problem teens that conceals darker secrets.

Alex Rider is the second attempt to adapt Anthony Horowitz' best selling YA series following the critical and box office failure of Stormbreaker back in 2006. The series was supposed to be James Bond by way of Harry Potter, but Stormbreaker's approach was more akin to Spy Kids than Harry Potter neutering much of the book's action sequences and leaving it a rather toothless and dull affair. With this latest incarnation being made in a post Harry Potter/Hunger Games world where adaptations are allowed to have more breathing room, Alex Rider is given a more than worthwhile adaptation.

The series is developed by Guy Burt of Wire in the Blood and The Borgias, and he brings a more grounded approach to the material that is more in line with the Bourne movies and Daniel Craig Bond movies than with the considerably more fantastical and gadget reliant Bond movies that inspired the Alex Rider series. The approach is very well done and keeps the series' high concept believable and gives weight and a sense of danger and intrigue to the material. Otto Farrant is pitch perfect as Alex Rider and brings both a sense of humor to the character as well as a hair trigger intensity that gives the character a darker edge than he had in the books. Otto Farrant is a massive reason why this series works. The series also has a very capable supporting cast who all fill their roles well and feel very much at home in the shady espionage world created for the show.

Alex Rider is a show knows what to keep from the books and what to change and update. While the show has the arduous task of Frankensteining the second book in the series into a jumping on point, it does so successfully. The show takes the introductory elements from Stormbreaker and does a near seamless job of attaching them to Point Blanc to make for an entertaining ride for both fans of the books and newcomers to the series.
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Just watch the whole season please
johnrider-551395 June 2020
Alex Rider was a major part of my childhood, so I had high hopes and expectations going into this show. Safe to say, I wasn't disappointed.

Salient Features:

1. Otto Farrant - Otto Farrant does an incredible job as Alex, and he is everything the books made you believe. His physique and that superb run is just what you imagined Alex would have.

2. Casting - The casting for this show is great. Everyone does a very good job, especially Miss Jones, Jack Starbright and of course Tom.

3. Adaption - While they didn't meddle with the source story, significantly changes were made to fit times and make the show less childish. And they were mostly great choices.


1. Takes time to kick off - The show doesn't find it's pace immediately, and takes a good 3 or 4 episodes before it becomes intriguing. So PLEASE just watch the whole season before leaving behind a negative review, cause it really does get better.

2. Lazy writing - At times it feels like things happen too conveniently for Alex. There are a couple plotholes and inconsistencies, but nothing glaring.

3. Smithers - Not having Smithers is one thing, but calling someone Smithers and making his traits completely different is just unacceptable.


Most of the bad reviews I've seen are people complaining about the show not getting you hooked and them leaving it after the first 2 episodes. Someone even gave a 3 stars for a poor synopsis. The show despite a rocky start finds its footing into episodes 4 and from there it's exactly the Alex Rider action the novels always promised us.

Tl;Dr - It's a great show. Just don't get discouraged by the first few episodes cause it really gets better. And if we get more seasons, the following books have some really great content so buckle up.
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if this is for kids pass the pop tarts and sign me up
A_Different_Drummer27 August 2020
I watch a lot of TV -- check out my reviews -- and this is one of the best first seasons I have seen in years. The writing, the suspense, the tension are at a level as good as or better than the best spy films. WOW
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Great adaptation
ryanmcclure-814247 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, it was an excellent choice to start the series at Point Blank, which was in my opinion the strongest book of the series.

Farrant was absolutely excellent as Alex Rider. In the books, Alex was complex, moody, snarky, badass, angry, but fundamentally good at heart. Farrant captures this perfectly, and honestly doesn't look too different than what I pictured while reading the books. Farrant and O' Connor are both great actors and had terrific on-screen chemistry. The scenes between them are some of the best of the series.

The show did take a few episodes to find its swing, and I'd say toward the end of the second episode (when Alex is resisting interrogation) is the moment the show clicked for me. By the raid of Point Blanc and the stunning finale (which book readers were waiting for the whole show), the show had definitely found its pace and rhythm.

There were a few things that detracted from the overall quality of the show for me, though. First is that throughout the show, we see several sets in Brookland, so why did they have to show so many scenes of Alex and Tom walking down that same hallway? It made it feel like the only set they had for the school was that one hallway, it was distracting. Second is that the Point Blanc school was intensely creepy in the books, but the school itself just felt a little drab in this show. Also, the ages of Alex and Tom make me nervous for the future of the show. The appeal of the books is that Alex is 14, but here I think he's meant to be 16. And the thing about young actors is that they get older and don't look so young anymore. It's something that they'll have to content with.

Finally I have to address the elephant in the room: Jack Starbright. In such a terrific cast, this baffled me. First of all, the actress' American accent was horrible. It cycled between a British accent, bad standard American accent, and an even worse African American dialect. Her acting is also pretty bad. When she's meant to be concerned, she looks totally bored. In fact, she never delivers a convincing facial expression or tone of voice. Jack was a total miscast in a show with so much great acting. Especially in her scenes with Tom. It's like watching an audition tape that should have gotten her passed over in favor of someone else.

Overall it's a much better adaptation than the 2006 movie, and I'm excited to see where the show goes in the future.
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A faithful adaptation, that's a rare thing!
coldplay-285777 June 2020
I was a huge fan of these novels growing up, Point Blanc being one of the best of them. This is such a good adaptation I was blown away, from the trailer and lack of marketing I figured it would be some cheap attempt but this show is SO well done. Not only is it technically well made, with every shot looking slicker than the last, but it also sticks really closely to the original novel it's based on, while managing to flesh out areas where needed. I think the writers decision to skip Stormbreaker was probably a good one after that awful film, but I really hope this gets picked up for many future seasons. Fans of the books will definitely enjoy the name drop towards the end of the show that makes it clear they want to make this a long running success and I hope it is!

Oh and also, Otto Farrant, perfect casting. The closest I've ever had to the image I've had in my head when reading a book actually coming to the screen, he nailed it.
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Great.....but not amazing, so, so close
tomgailey5 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't review, never really felt the need but I hope, hope that they do read this.

I loved the books growing up, I never put them down and must have read them at least 5 times cover to cover. I like the way the series worked it followed the books better than "stormbreaker" (yuck)

Constructively though, it's serious and gritty and needs to be, but Alex was always ment to balance that with the wondrous, exciting view of fictional spy, where's the gadgets! I feel you need to introduce these to get the most out of the plot. Going to real, like the current James Bond, just takes some of the creativity and entertainment out. Don't get me wrong there need to be a balance.

Also with the older Alex your going to need to make us care more about him! Especially if your going to take us down the emotional rollorcoster of the books.

One of my favourite parts of point blanc is when he saves Fiona at risk to himself, just because he's a good person. He even elects not to press a advantage with her instead favouring to compliment the horse and put her in her place. What about the barge too? I know, hard to fit in with having to put the introduction in but again Alex sticking his nose in to help others, is what makes him great! (I did see a barge whilst cycling (ep1) and wondered if it was a reference?)

Overall, just please continue, would love to see more! I know I've whittered on about the small things, but you were SO close to bringing the real Alex Rider to the screen
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Faithful to the book yet changed for the better
After the disappointing Stormbreaker movie in 2006 I was feeling nervous going into it but it's really good faithful to the book. My only complaint is they didn't use the "I'd rather kiss the horse" line. Other than that as a longtime fan of the series I'm feeling pretty pleased about it.
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It started brilliant but it went down fast in season 2
ovaere_robin29 December 2021
The first season was very promising, the cast was performing well, the story was believable (to some degree) and full of background stories such as Alex was trained by his father for example but the viewer was left hanging why exactly.

But then we get to season 2, the cast acting drops huge time and the story goes something like a boomer came in and wrote a script of what he thinks that teenagers like to see. Let's make it about a villain that creates video games, a sidekick woman that comes straight from a horror movie and offcoarse, lets involve the president of the USA and somehow glue that story to season 1 but don't bother to make that glue believable. No more complex stories and where Alex, a character that has been secretly trained and can withstand torture, suddenly changed into some classic Hollywood teen drama queen.

It's like season 8 of game of thrones, a huge potential being wasted.
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Wow.. did not expected I will get so hooked
klarry-989494 June 2020
I haven't read the books and I think this helps me to enjoy the show much better.. I have nothing to compare it with and I have zero expectations.

It is midnight in UK right now, as I'm writing this review. I'm on episode 4, I really want to go to bathroom, to get something to drink, but am totally glued to the screen. I decided to pause and write this review to express my excitement. Honestly, I don't remember when was the last time a TV show made me feel like that.. Stranger Things season 1 perhaps..

And before you start throwing stones at me, No, I am not comparing Alex Rider to Stranger Things, these are two completely different entities.

All I am saying is that I am hooked.. I am loving it! I genuinely envy people who manage to consume series after series, to binge them. Unlike them I am like that crazy picky eater with tons of allergies. It takes me ages to find something I can digest and enjoy. Tonight I found that and this makes me a very happy person this evening..


If you read the books, you know 100% more about the story than I do.

If you haven't read the books.. Good! Keep it that way, definitely there are more chances that you will enjoy this. You can always read the books later.

Personally I find the story is captivating and intriguing, the pace is excellent keeps your attention, the action is great.


Great casting. Otto Farrant, the one who plays Alex Rider is excellent. His convincing as innocent teenager and as a badass undercover spy! Loving him!

Overall not a single miscast in my opinion. All great performances so far. Well done to all the actors and to whoever done the casting on this.

PRODUCTION One word.. "Great!" (based on first 4 episodes)

Great soundtrack, camera work, action, cinematography. Again.. well done to all involved!

So My SUMMARY to Whoever is reading this!

Please do not get discouraged by low ratings of some people. I encourage you to -**Please give it a try!** It may not be your 'cup of tea' which is fair, but if it is, I just wish that you will enjoy this series as much as I am enjoying it right now!

Stay Safe and Take Care Reader!
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Fun, but holes
shenamere31 March 2022
The kid playing Alex is great, but he is let down by a weakening story and plot as the episodes progress. He made too many mistakes to not have been caught. Too many conveniences to make the weak story work. In my books, for TV it earns a 7 for being decent fun. As a lengthened movie, it would earn 5. One aspect it does cover well is that teenage kids are often capable of far more than adults might credit or expect.
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Started ok but got much worse
benarcher-729906 June 2020
This had good potential but ended up being so bad. Alex is supposed to be a teenage spy, right at the start he was in a fight and told his attacker he knew krav maga (a military combat self defense style of fighting). However, from that point, every fight he got into, including the big fight at the end... He seemed to have forgotten it! There were also many more plot holes and just stupid things that the secret task force wouldn't have made in real life. Alex himself turned out to be a spoilt rich kid whimp with a few cool moves.
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Read the books, but this is different in a great way!!
ho-182286 June 2020
Incorporating modern tech and making Alex older was a great move, edge of your seat stuff, lets go Season 2!!!!!
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Loved it!
trixietigger-974216 June 2020
I've read the books and listened to the audio books. I did get a shock at first with the differences but quickly adjusted and then really enjoyed the entire 8 episodes. I'm keenly waiting for season 2.
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More realistic take on a teenage spy!
stevebondi23 November 2020
Unlike other teenage spy iterations, this one is not as goofy, and is actually done a bit more believably and with cool scenes and above-average production values :-) However, there are also a bit of convenient writing and campy scenes that hurt the credibility of the show some :-(
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Young Adult content suitable for older adults
cruzarts-739465 June 2020
This series is produced at a very high level, not "kid's stuff" at all. None of the 2-dimensional adults. In short: ALEX RIDER respects its intended audience, but throws the net far wider.

There are a few plot conveniences that deserve overlooking, because the rest of the script and the entire cast is so strong.

When actor Alex Pettyfer portrayed Alex Rider in 2006, that film treatment was cartoony and Pettyfer's heartthrob beauty was spotlighted at every opportunity.

In 2020, this adaptation is gritty, frequently tense, and star Otto Farrant steals the show through the character he creates. My binge companion compared it to the kookiest James Bond flick and Daniel Craig's CASINO ROYALE. Farrant doesn't telegraph anything he does and none of his delivery feels rehearsed.

Like Craig, Farrant is worse for wear by the second episode. In the 2006 film, Pettyer always looks like he just stepped out of a salon.

One point off for the writer allowing a few story conveniences to become distracting. Otherwise, this version of ALEX RIDER is polished, thoughtful and gripping.
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It's a mixed bag
pawebster9 June 2020
It's OK and has its strengths. It starts off well. The parts before Alex gets into his stride as an agent are by far the best. Every scene with Brenock O'Connor in is excellent - he steals the show, which is a big achievement because he had only a hackneyed stock character ("hero's cheery friend") to work with. Otto Farrant does a workmanlike job and is best in those early scenes, but he has insufficient charisma to carry the series. It's a tough role: once Alex becomes action man all nuance has gone and this version does nothing to make him more interesting. They've even taken away his gimmicky toys. When he gets his makeover to become Alex Friend, it's built up as an event, but in reality he just gets a slightly shorter haircut. There is no attempt to make him seem a bad boy who might need to be sent to a reformatory. In fact the Point Blanc school nearly kills the whole thing. It's a boring place, visually and in every way. It's lifeless and the scenes there go on too long. The tiny number of other students there are dull even before anything happens to them. James (the one who looks like Snape) sometimes has an Australian accent, but that's just about his only interesting feature. The plot collapses during the Point Blanc scenes (vast holes open up, which I won't go into). Almost all the adult roles are cardboard characters and the biggest names in the cast are playing them. It might all improve if there are future series, but Otto Farrant is already well over age for the role of a schoolboy, so I don't know how that would work.
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tahminanadia5 June 2020
From the acting to keeping true to the book's storyline, they did an amazing job with this series. It was soooo much better than I expected as the movie really wasn't up to standard so I was hesitant to watch. You will not be disappointed when you watch this and it will make you want to read the books again. I binge watched the whole thing in a day; that is how enticing this series was. Otto Farrant's acting was spot on along side the acting of everyone else. Can't wait for the series to be renewed.
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Perfect Saturday tea time viewing
thatll-be-the-day6 June 2020
This is the type of show I would loved to have watched on a Saturday evening as a kid. Its definitely worth a watch, and I would like to see another season, but if it has to be eight episodes long it really needs to have a faster pace,the whole story could have been told in six episodes. Well made show, with perfect casting.
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Alex Rider Needs a Season 4 and 5!!! Bring it Back!
ddbanks-548056 April 2024
I loved season 3 and think a masterful job was done with it. I am unexpectedly and unapologetically disappointed to learn of the cancelation. I think it a great disservice to cancel a show that brings such strong writing, acting and action in a clean, intentional manner.

While seasons 1 and 3 were the strongest to me, the entire series is exceptional, and the opportunity to see Alex and company return for more adventures, truly devoted and loyal friendships, and righting wrongs is exciting and intriguing. This cast and crew work so well together to deliver a product that made me create an imdb account and ask for more. Truly good show.
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I really wanted to love this but i can't
Isaaclk_2 July 2020
I've read the vast majority of Alex rider books when i was in primary school, i'm now 18, and i was so interested to see how they were going to adapt the point blanc novel to the screen - especially after the highly mentioned and awful film. I mainly found myself continuing to watch the series not because it was gripping but because i simply wanted to relight that childhood me and those memories. The whole change of smithers character was disappointing. No humor and lack of cool gadgets. I kinda hate all the MI6 people and although there are some high profile actors that make it up, they all seem rubbish in this. The way Ian dies originally is much more exciting than how he dies in this series too. In all honestly, i'm not a fan of this Russian guy side plot. Also, there are far too many plot holes it's kinda impossible not to easily pick up on a few. That all being said, i think they've made a decent basis for further seasons and i would love to see more.
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Painfully Slow
abigailjolane27 December 2021
More shots of empty rooms than waving in the Titanic. Painfully slow. Loved the books growing up but this series cut almost all the action out, dumbed down both Alex and MI5-they were utterly useless. The books had the character making smart choices and using so many different skills. My Nan has better skills. This version of Alex picked a lock once.
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A solid show for sure!
adilpatel-089177 June 2020
This is a pretty good show. Not your usual spy show. It's dark and intriguing. The actors are pretty good. Slow burner. Oh and the background music and soundtrack is an absolute treat, it so friggin good.
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The best part is probably Otto
bans_0045 June 2020
After watching the dreadful, yet star studded movie I did not have high hopes for this series.

Moreover, Otto Farrant (in & as Alex Rider) looked more like any unassuming, sweet teen; the farthest you can expect from a badass spy when it comes to looks. And oh! Wasn't I in for a pleasant surprise, in the best way possible. He played the kind, humble appearance to the best of his advantage with his splendid acting, alongside the rest of the cast, the beautiful screenwriting and direction.

Came in the evening planning to check out the new kid in the block, before I continued with my work. Ended up binge watching the entire season...and eagerly awaiting the following ones. Give it a go, Recommended!

Had went against reading the books after the movie, but now I sure will! Kudos to Otto & co ;)

P.S. Please someone manage this (& related) pages better.
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