"Suits" Good-Bye (TV Episode 2018) Poster

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Huge disappointment
tomaskovanikola18 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is titled Good Bye but after 7 years of friendship Robin just casually mentioning to Batman that he ain't coming back 5 minutes before the episode finishes so they don't even get the chance of proper Good Bye is not how I thought this chapter will be closed. And Jessica's storyline complete overshadowing the fact that Mike and Rachel are leaving the show just so they can introduce her spin off is not right. I must say I have lost interest in season 7 after all.
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Mike Ross character, gone?: the writers have 'Sh#t the bed.'
gfmlata8 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Hi Ether (sister of Abyss), hope you catch my message 😌

Yes, at the beginning there was a great tension because Mike Ross (aka My Cross, nice!) did not have a degree bar certificate, etc, and others were on the edge of finding out. But since that time there was another essential attribute that was growing: Ross had become a good TV lawyer to watch. His cases were deep and involving. It was like watching Sherlock Holmes as a lawyer. His intuition and memory made his actions and decisions profound and really interesting.

A division inside the firm should have been created: Class Actions. This would have not only helped develop the Ross character and confront the Spector character, but it would have developed and deepened the Firm's character. This did become evident in the first episode back in Season 8: it had no lustre, a very simple plot, no entrenched characters, and Heigl and the Alex Williams character don't have the same presence. We all know why Rachel Zane had to leave, but that could have been a great story for Ross: the major exist: the giant break up or death or something would happen to Rachel. This would have deepened not only the Ross and Firm's character but also give an extra element to Robert Zane's character. Ross' character at first being in prison had come off cheesy, but then it added a new conviction and perspective. A chance was taken and it paid off. That's what Suits is good at, just when you think something has no resolution in sight, there is a great twist or resolve that fits well. It disappeared in Season 8.

When a series teases a Superman with a chapter like Ross, where he was going to find out he can fly as a man on his own, and the Pearson character's new plot in Chicago fighting a vicious fight with corruption, and then just stopping all that, kills a series. Why?!! What happened? This felt like they went Mad Men rather than The Wire plot wise. The Wire moved from the Projects, to the Docks, to the Journalists, etc. It was still The Wire. Suits does not need to be in the same office or Be in New York. The plot can widen its location, it were the human characters that made the connection.

This is a call out to the series writers and producers, rethink the characters and how they develop, because you were on the right path but then like they have been saying in Suits: "You sh#t the bed." Remember how Game of Thrones finished, or how bad Dexter series finished, both where writers had disconnected from the characters and sentiment of the series. Rather think about Breaking Bad or The Wire. Suits has (had?) the characters built up very strong to be 'That Series' !! Think about it.
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Tries to be too many Things..!!
tarun-814801 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Well the episode left me out with mixed feelings. It has completely given out that the bromance is over and but it has been rushed. The episode tries to be many things and left with very less. The Jessica part was completely unnecessary and the marriage which we were rooting for a long time has been also rushed. If they wanted to end it here they could have omitted the Jessica part for a better episode and move on entirely focusing on Mike and Rachel. Well only part that has been good is the sweet looks which Donna and Harvey give each other during the wedding. Teasing us to finally end them together...!!
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Emotionless finale
emilian_grosu2 May 2018
Lately, Suits became such a predictable story. You could have guessed from the start of the episode what would happen next. I start to believe that the director refuses to work harder in creating a smarter plot.

Regarding the end of the series, there is nothing to say. I am deeply disappointed. After a long, meaningless mid-season, the director decided to come up with some intrigue that involves Jessica, some unexpected issues faced by the company and about Mike and Rachel, well, wrong decision.

If you were to ask me If there is something remarkable to remember from this season, I gotta say that it would be hard to answer. The creators should re-think the way they see the future of the show. Otherwise, it will lose its fans.
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It was great
idanshlomov17 August 2021
I get why you may complain and this episode being too much for one episode, but some how this episode got me nin my feelings and i can give it less then 10. Im not even goin to ignore the fact that im not thinking logicly but this episode deserves it and i dont even care if i get 100 dislikes on this review. Still worth it.q.
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My 3 dogs could have written a better exit.
monkeebooboo4 September 2019
So disappointing. We grew to love Mike and Rachel and they were tossed away like yesterday's newspaper. I wanted to cry.
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johnknightplc26 April 2018
One word... Wow.

The end of an era

This brought about so many thoughts and emotions in such a small time period. The music choice, the simple goodbyes, It just felt real. You can see the true sadness and emotion on their faces throughout, they really are a family. Thank you for the Past 7 years
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Essay-Kun4 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be the most chaotic and impactful episode ever since Mike came back from Prison .

Huge changes to how things are going ahead .

I felt so insecure watching this that things are moving ahead with no more sense of home .

~ Jessica has gotten her step into something god knows what can happens .

~ Harvey feared a day like this would eventually come, and it did .

Mike going on his own path .

Make no mistake it's his choice but it's also Harvey's fault that he didn't make him stay in the first place and that was to make him a senior partner when he had the chance but didn't coz Donna didn't think he was worth it .

Too late to feel now .

In my whole experience of watching suits , season 6 was the weakest followed by this season which was also a bit off the radar .

But this might be coz when starting a show people setup the rhythm and it's not often that a rhythm changes but for sure as hell it did in this season and all of it was for the good .

People were left to want , but in real life scenario this is how fast people move on and they never look back .

Perfect last episode .

Onto the next setup . A pre finale season .
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Good but not the best ending.
michaelwilson-7250217 November 2018
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I was really excited for this episode because I was looking forward to see Harvey fight for Jessica, everyone else fight for the firm, and of course, Mike and Rachel's wedding.

To me the two fights in court happened and ended in the best ways possible. I especially liked Mike's last battle in court because it showed how far he'd come throughout the series.

Unfortunately I was kind of disappointed by the ending. First, the way Jessica's situation was left was not a good cliffhanger - assuming it was a cliffhanger. Then Mike and Rachel's exit from the show happened way too fast. After the wedding there should have been a scene of them leaving the firm.
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tobiaskruse26 April 2018
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An end to an era. Suits have had so many person in the spotlight for many seasons. And this may be the best way to say goodbye to Meghan Markle and Patrick Adams. The biggest question is how they are going to make a follow up on some of the biggest characters leaving the series
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Was it perfect, don't think so, but it was satisfying , and there's always an 8th season ;)
Aktham_Tashtush26 April 2018
So the episode had some excitement ,, fighting on three fronts, keeping the firm alive , a case in the clinic and in Chicago helping Jessica out, still wasn't as amazing as the finales we had in the last seasons,, but i think it all went that way because of the imminent exit of Patrick J. Adams & Meghan Markle so i believe this was a simple satisfying way, still not the best ever.

"That was almost seven years ago" --- Do you remember that time when Mike walked into Harvey's office with a suitcase filled with weed :D .. well the duo is no more :'(

The cast was good, we initially know who's exiting and who's probably staying for the next season , but i still can't figure out how things will shape into with the merge and is Jessica is gonna be in the picture !!

Let's leave that to the writers, bringing us new cases to be solved by "Zane, Specter, Litt " ;) i think that's how it'll go on the wall :D
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The best
lisadcates27 April 2018
The best show USA has done hands down. I really hope we get another season.
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drnikic25 March 2022
I have come very late to this show, so of course I knew that Meghan was leaving, and that apparently Patrick decided he would go too.

What I didn't expect was the completely underwhelming way they were exited. As do many other reviewers have said, far too much was crammed into one episode, and they favoured the back door pilot for "Pearson" over giving Mike and Rachel the send-off they deserved. One of my favourite things in the show was Mike and Harvey sledging (that's wisecracking to you in the US) each other. We barely got any of that, and the way Mike announced they were leaving felt totally OOC.

I think many of us viewers wanted the proper goodbye scenes between all the major characters, and we were left disappointed.
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Terrible Send Off; Too much Pilot for the spin off
meyersjl-959-17933623 June 2018
I really liked the Jessica storyline but it should not have been the season finale. Her storyline dominated 50% of the episode.

This was Mike and Rachel's last show. For all the history they have, they were an afterthought for this episode. There were no flashbacks or nostalgic moments. The last 5 minutes of the show were about them. Even the conversation of Mike leaving was abrupt. This show was centered around Patrick J Adams (Mike) and Gaberiel Macht (Harvey). They have been a funny, intelligent unstoppable duo. How could the writers give them a total of only 1 minute of interaction in their last episode together???

VERY disappointed.
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One of the best endings ever
caiodfmaia18 September 2019
O have too little to say about the conduction of the series, once I think that after all there all only few mistakes, but one of the GREATs episodes was this Season 7 Finale!!! Music, storytelling, photography, acting... everything was gorgeous!
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Ratings bombed
chrismucci-3092813 April 2024
Don't look at the low ratings. This episode is excellent and a worthy send off for Mike & Rachel. This should have been the series finale. The final two seasons are tough to get through. It began with Mike Ross, it should have ended with Mike Ross. Prolonging the series for another two seasons just dragged down the quality. Harvey is an excellent character, but without Mike Ross he isn't quite the same.

Overall I thought this episode truly encapsulates the OG cast. It was the reason Suit was so good. It brought the emotional element to the table that Suits was able to bring out so frequently.
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Rushed departure
tarascopablo5 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This season was a bit bland in the overall plots and twists. Having Harvey getting his act together only for Donna to ruin it for him was a weird situation and the whole Louis Sheila thing was awkward.

We all know why Rachel had to leave but i believe things were way too rushed and they could have recorded in advance many things so that her exit was more "dignified".

The whole Jessica subplot was awful and i believe the writers destroyed the character completely and probably that is why her spin-off failed.

Suits began as a series following Mike and then Havery kinda took over but i don´t Suits could have existed without the Mike character.
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rajinmorar27 February 2020
This has to be the single most disappointing episode of Suits I have seen. Given that this was the last time we would see main characters like Mike and Rachel onscreen, it was a huge letdown.

This episode feels like they were trying to cram too much in, without really doing much justice to any of it. The latter half of the season deals with how potentially the existence of Specter Litt could be in jeopardy, but what should have been a critical plotline feels like it was just glazed over and resolved in this episode.

Most of this episode is actually a backdoor pilot for the Pearson series. While the execution of this story is very good and very real, I don't feel like this should have been in the same episode as some of the much more critical plot that it feels like we get a glimpse of.

By the time you get to the end of the episode, you almost forget about Mike and Rachel's wedding, and of course the fact that they were leaving. The wedding scene was a fine enough place to leave the season on, but it just felt hollow. It seemed wrong to me that Mike wouldn't give Harvey more notice about the fact that he was leaving. Worse still, the episode lacked the emotional weight and punch I was looking for. There were no tearful goodbyes or anything of the sort. I didn't think that this episode was able to satisfy the past 7 seasons that we as an audience have spent with these characters. They could have done so much better.
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What a disappointment
adamdonald1926 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Suits is one of my favourite shows. It always has been and I hope it always will be. I was pleasantly surprised to see this season be a vast improvement over the sixth season. I found myself fully invested in every plot line and all the characters were still wonderful. While this season (like all seasons) had a few naff moments, it was overall fantastic. However, one of the main reasons I was so invested in everything that was in this season was because of the inevitable finale of Mike and Rachel leaving.

Now creator Aaron Korsh had an opportunity. He could really make this send-off incredible. How was he gonna choose to depart Mike and Rachel from the show in which they play such a huge role? I, like many, had my theories, but the one thing I hoped didn't happen was they were just written out quickly. I didn't even want to think about it being rushed. Unfortunately, that's exactly what it was.

Here's the thing, I like Jessica. She was of course a significant character in the show. Gina Torres is great too, but her sudden return at the end of this season was so unnecessary. Her "big goodbye" was blown over a little, but we know she's going to make the occasional cameo from now on. Shoehorning her in for the season 7 finale was a very bad choice. I know she's getting a spin-off show, but I, for one, have little desire to watch that so to dedicate 90% of the season 7 finale to her was such a plug for that spin-off show. It's almost like a pilot for her show. That's potentially a good idea, but not when it's the last ever appearance of two major characters. To push them both aside in their final ever appearance is absolutely insulting.

Their wedding lasts a total of five minutes. Their "big goodbye" we were all expecting doesn't happen. Harvey and Mike's heartfelt relationship we've all got to love over the last seven seasons concludes with a petty, meaningless goodbye lasting a total of about 40 seconds. That's it. There's nothing else. Rachel is just brushed aside and has maybe 7 minutes of screen time in the whole episode. The Seattle job, which was dismissed in the previous episode, is the reason for their leaving and it just doesn't make sense. Why would they do that? If I didn't know this was Mike and Rachel's last appearance, I wouldn't have felt so strongly about this episode. I felt little to no emotion when this episode concluded and that is very hurtful to say. These are two characters I, and many others, have made such a connection too over the years and to just write them out of the show in this way is a total insult to the audience.

Of course, being Suits there were still elements of this episode I liked. Mainly from Wendell Pierce who I am looking forward to seeing more of in season 8. However, I can't ignore the huge slap-in-the-face this episode was. I was so ready for an emotional goodbye between Mike and Rachel and Harvey, Donna and Louis. I can't entirely blame Aaron Korsh, but this episode was such a missed opportunity. To rush to get Mike and Rachel out of the show like this was appalling. How did the creators think this was okay!? I can only hope season 8 gets back up to the quality we know Suits can get up to.
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Suits is over.
MoLetalis31 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Before I watched this season I thought that only Markle would leave, but as the end was drawing nearer I still didn't notice any storyline that could mean her departure. But it turns out that PJ Adams is also leaving the show (complete surprise for me). But my question is: why make an eighth season? This show is about Harvey and Mike. With Mike gone, millions of others and myself have no interest at all for this show anymore. Especially after that very disappointing goodbye between the two. It lacked everything from that emotional scene in which Mike walked into jail. It seems like almost no tv show can end properly or with style.
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What a disappointment
Luigi_Sartor5 May 2018
First of all, I need to say I'm a big fan of this series from back to back. But this season finale was a huge disappointment. I'm really speechless about the way they produced this last episode, completely frivolous, emotionless, on a fastforward plot. It was really an insult to the fans. Meghan and Patrick did not deserve this poor finale.
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AWFUL!! :(
Just-A-Girl-1421 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe that they ruined the final with this unbelievably short and rushed goodbye. They have done it before but this was Mike's and Rachel's last episode. After all the talks about the wedding, all they did was to give it 5 minutes at the end. Why? I just don't understand it. If the plan was to send Mike and Rachel to Seattle then the job offer should have been offered several episodes ago (giving them time to make a proper decision) and this episode should have focused on just two things, the wedding and Mike's and Harvey's farewell. I mean, the show was about Harvey and Mike after all. Wasn't it?!

After all they've been through I cannot believe they would rush the wedding like that nor do I believe they would decide to get married WITHOUT Harvey's presence and while the firm is in danger. It was rushed, it was emotionless and it was just not believable. If they wanted to do it like that then they should have had the wedding before Mike went to prison. At least then we could have felt something. I wasn't happy to see them get marry (Even though I was really looking forward to it) and I wasn't sad to see them go simply because it didn't fit their characters. Taking a job so fast, not giving Harvey enough time, letting Donna decide everything about the wedding and worst of all are we really supposed to believe they were ok with getting married without Harvey? No way! This is not them! Not to mention that Rachel cared about her wedding, Mike would never leave Harvey like that and people usually don't turn their lives upside down in a split moment and just up and leave like that.

They did it before with Rachel's problem to pass the ethics committee. We were worried how was she going to explain her knowledge about Mike, will she become a lawyer after all etc. They mentioned it again and again and then rushed it and practically ignored it. If they wanted to do the Seattle move so quick then the least they could have done was keep Patrick J. Adams for another season under the excuse that Rachel in organising things in Seattle while Mike is finishing things in New York.

They cramped so much into one episode, they completely ruined it! We had the fight for the firm's future, the merger with Robert Zane, the led poisoning case, Jessica's story (which was completely out of place), the wedding, the Seattle job offer, Harvey&Mike's goodbye and Mike&Rachel's goodbye. It was way too much and it accomplished the exact opposite of what I assume they wanted to achieve!

As a viewer, it makes me feel disrespectful. I gave them all the time watching the show and they couldn't even give me a proper goodbye from characters I liked and care for for so long. Not cool! :(
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Bland send off! Poor Mike :-(
chunkylefunga23 August 2021
As someone who likes to watch shows without reading any external sources I didn't know this was going to be Mike and Rachel's last episode.

Man did this come out of nowhere, like the storyline doesn't even make sense. And now I get that the British royal family are making her quit by why write Mike out? Could have just had Rachel go off to uni, and just have Mike mention her from time to time.

Just felt like the writers put minimal effort into this.

Just an absolutely mediocre episode.

I hope Mike returns in future and the show will suffer with one of it's leads gone.
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Good Bye is Right
karinlouisa27 April 2018
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A very unsatisfactory ending for Patrick Adams and Meghan Markle. Without Patrick Adams, Suits has lost its initial premise. So I say "goodbye " to Suits.
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Big Opportunity Missed
aliilhangs20 July 2020
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This episode could have had so much more. We do not even see a goodbye scene between some of the iconic relationships such as Louis-Mike and Rachel-Donna. It is just a big mess of Jessica's storyline which nobody cares. It could have been an extremly emotional and something special If they had done a bit more. I love the show but not this episode
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