The Last Ones (2012) Poster


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cliche is the keyword
ops-525356 February 2019
Imagine you are sitting alone on an island somewhere in the pacific, with a vcr in onehand , a hand driven electrical generator in the other, a television set comes floating by, and this film comes from above thrown from a passing passenger jet. would you watch it or not.....? ihave seen it and would definately not have touched it at all , because the film is full of lethal viruses, so take a look if you want and read my scenery once again, was i right or not....?

lets review it......well, it goes like this i think, you have just moved into a new neighbourhood with a roundabout in the end of the road. all the other in the street thinks you are a super duper guy and wants to befriend you at all costs. so you got an idea of making a film about living deads because of a virus. you all fence off the neighbourhood, amnd then you draw the lottery whos gonna be the main cast, the zombies and extras, then you draw cards whos gonna film ,set lights,carry the sound boom and of course whos gonna direct this film. the descision to make it in black and white is made by the superguy who is colorblind, then they all do their job, puts it all together and snip-snap have made a film called the last one!!!!! what neighbourhood resident's association could beat that!!!???

lets rview. its a deadly virus leving 3 people where one is insane, one partly insane and a stranger that seems very well. it develops into a 1 on 2 drama or 2 on 1 drama, atriangle it is and its not a love drama. there a knives and guns, its bad ace zombies and dreadnecks, and a lot of pathias, and the sosiophobic and infectophobia are the main drivers to this horror drama. its the forces of existentiallity that is the key word.

the actors are quite good but the story fails a lot. the black and white production really camouflages the flaws and glitches that are made, so the B/W product are over the average believe me. the light settings are very nice, but the lack of fantasy on props and locations makes it dull to watch. i guess every horder and survivalists would go crazy watching this movie, even i , the grumpy old man , had better ideas of survival and recovery than the producers of this film had made out themselves.

on top of a bad story and worn out genre, comes the awful musical score, written and performed seemingly by one of the crew, i think maybe the neighbourhood pastor took a trottle on his harmonium to spice up the tension of the thrill and horror in the name of the last ones.

i know , this review is a mess, but when the product is a painfilled experience, then its a three from the sofa.
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joaosamarques19 February 2021
In my english i will try to explain this movie

  • awful image
  • awful actors, my god, everyone is dead and they don´t show any problem
  • i saw this movie x16, and lost 10 precious minutes of my life.

  • even a 5 y old child can act better than this people
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