The Secret Garden (2017) Poster

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well... they tried
SnoopyStyle2 December 2020
It's a steam-punk futurism adaptation of the classic Frances Hodgson Burnett novel. Mary Lennox arrives at her uncle's Misselthwaite Factory. She befriends siblings Martha Sowerby and Dickon Sowerby. She finds a secret workshop which is referred to as The Secret Garden.

At least, they are trying for something interesting. The failure is still painful to watch. The sets look like leftovers from a second hand store. Some of the actors are struggling. At some point, one can see them rambling on with their lines as if they're just going through the motion. Somebody probably got the original idea but the budget was never there to fulfil it.
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Sadly disappointing
evilserpant25 October 2019
Horrible acting. Looked like an amateur school play. Story was good, could have been made beautifully. You could actually predict the entire play. waste of time and money
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Interesting, until it isn't
Snootz10 October 2020
For fans of Steampunk this adaptation starts out interesting enough, with excellent sets, boilers, gas masks and clothing to please. The directing was good so far as the script allowed; the shots were well-framed and the movie flowed well. Many have claimed the acting to be terrible, but really it's not (we've seen BAD acting). This is simply a Victorian setting-- welcome to stodgy and wooden. I thought the actors did well enough considering the script they were given; it's the script that was the problem.

This is not so much an adaptation of the original story as a near-total departure. No spoilers, but the last 20 minutes will leave one either "I love Steampunk!" impressed, or jaw gaping at the stupidity of the plot resolution (in most cases, I believe the later). The story has been done before and better, and while the Steampunk setting was fairly interesting... the liberties taken were disappointing.

Two significant issues: the garden itself (which has to be one of the most underwhelming gardens on the face of this planet) and a prop "doll" that is ridiculous to the point of my wondering if it will fit in the shredder. Honestly, from the moment that doll is introduced the entire plot goes down hill.

This movie regularly reminded me of the YouTube song "Glue some gears on it and call it Steampunk". The plot could have used quite a bit more polish and the ending quite a bit more-- everything. It barely achieves my 5-star "mediocre" rating. I wanted to like it a lot more than I did. Had it not been for the last 20 minutes and that ridiculous doll, I very well might have. The creators simply dropped the copper ball.
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I wasn't expecting much and I was still disappointed
mrs-cap8527 April 2020
Being a big fan of the original I hadn't expected much from this remake. But it really was awful. Low budget with terrible acting, it lacks any emotion or excitement. Wish I hadn't wasted an hour and a half of my evening.
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mccreight_audrey20 October 2020
The whole steampunk theme wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst either. The acting was horrible. I could hardly tolerate it. Don't waste your money on it.
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soonersweetie-483788 August 2020
I love the original story line, but this was painful to sit through. The acting was forced and awkward. They couldn't seem to figure out what decade they were in going between marvelling at "airships" to drones flying around. The story is not true to the classic. This was a disgrace and should not share the name "The Secret Garden"
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keiranmcl26 December 2020
Horrible acting, questionable plot changes. Using steampunk as a new setting is a great idea but dreadfully executed.

Possibly the worst thing I've done to my eyes in the past few months
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Do not waste your time
galaxylam846 September 2020
Awful, save yourself the trouble to watch this, bad acting, horrible plot.
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Not a bad movie
queen-of-hearts-7586411 April 2020
The acting is terrible let me start off with that, almost cringey in some areas. However it is an interesting twist on a well loved story and the costumes and steam punk elements really add to it. Overall it is not a bad movie and a mostly enjoyable watch with the quarantine.
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Don't waste your time. Horrible in every way.
lornagwater22 October 2020
How to ruin a classic children's tale: 1) Horrible casting. 2) Horrible acting. 3) Horrible directing. 4) Horrible sets. 5) HORRIBLE editing.

Remove the magic and stir in a heaping helping of steampunk conceit and - voila! - a ghastly mess.
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Was surprised to find more secrets hiding in this adaptation then I had thought possible.
nelsonmargo15 March 2024
To be honest I consider myself a connoisseur of the Secret Garden. From age 4 to 10. It was one of my very favorite books. To date myself, I saw the original Broadway musical starring Mandy Patinkin (Archibald Craven) and Daisy Eagan as Sara. I then saw Daisy come back to play Martha at the Washington DC Shakespeare theater production of the Secret Garden. I also as a child with my best friend must've seen the early 90s movie seven times in theater. I see all this not to brag, because I'm sure all of you don't care. But just to give justification towards what I'm about to say, I absolutely adored this movie. I really really loved it. Do I think it's perfect absolutely not, but what is? The set design, costuming, and production is extraordinary. I really enjoyed the development of the characters.

This was one of the first adaptations that I've seen that takes the musical and the book and combines them together. Which is why even though this was available for free with ads I purchased it with my own money. I can't wait to watch the over and over.
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Steampunk secret.......
beverleyhunniford14 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
An interesting twist on a classic story. I liked the idea of the "steampunk" treatment but it fell a bit short on where the story could have gone. The secret garden itself consisted of some fake looking ivy stuck to the walls and some very small pot plants....... I felt that it should of been a Willy Wonker style magical garden that you could believe was capable of converting carbon dioxide into oxygen. Instead we get something adding to the world's plastic mountain.
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Wasted another hour and ahalf of my life...
basiunia-4679130 August 2022
Terrible acting. Terrible terrible acting.

Martha was... know whatever... getting to me. Sometimes some half-assed British accents seemed like they wanted to eke through but it just came out ridiculous. The whole movie was dry and emotionless (maybe that's what they were going for to reflect the coldness of the steel structure. Well in that they succeeded, hence the 1 star). Just ghastly. Awful awful script.

The twist on the original was imaginative but overall this movie lacked big time. Zero talent. Zero allure. Just boring and bland. I even forced myself to watch it until the end to give it the benefit of the doubt, to no avail.

I think the idea had potential but whoever took this on failed miserably.
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A very different version of The Secret Garden than what you're used to
Hannah_Bananah14 December 2021
This adaptation is small in scale, it looks and feels like a crowd-funded movie made for distribution online (or a made for TV movie). Unless you're willing to over-look the amateurish acting and lower overall production quality, this movie isn't for you.

The costumes are nice, it almost feels like the cast are a group of LARPers (Live Action Role-Players) who had access to a limited number of industrial locations and decided to make a movie. The aesthetic is Steam Punk, if you don't know what that is, then this movie is probably not for you.

The film-makers must have aimed for a 90 minute runtime, but they really should have condensed it down to 45-60 minutes. The story and pacing is far too slow (and dull) to keep younger audiences entertained, so if you're wanting to watch a family movie that's suitable for kids, this movie is probably not for you.

I've rated it 2/10, not because it's terrible, but because it has limited appeal. It may be passable for some people, but I believe most people will be bored if they weren't put off by the weak acting first.
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Great Costumes
JonnyDR756 May 2022
This was a good idea, but it was executed poorly. The performances were extremely flat which made the movie feel like it needed an enema. Everything felt slow, boring and deadpan. The only redeeming quality was the beautiful costume design.
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Bad acting
rachael-3739127 May 2024
I like the steampunk variation idea. I like clean fun family entertainment. I love the original book. The set was fine. But, I've seen middle school plays with better acting and costuming.

-The characters were one dimensional and the lines terribly delivered. For example: the doctor glared whenever he was on and delivered all his lines in the same tone.

-Colin crying? The whole family laughed outloud at what should have been a troubling scene. No emotion evoked in the entire movie.

-Mary and Dicken do tolerably, but no one else can act at all.

  • Martha's hair? What?

-The creepy doll? Creepy.

-The neglectful father? What a stupid character.
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5 stars for effort
maricam16 June 2022
I finally got around to watching this one and, while the pacing was too slow for my tastes, I have to give it at least five stars for trying something new, even though it didn't work in many ways. I have long mourned the death of originality in the entertainment industry. It's had so little to offer a viewer like me for so long I've taken to combing the long lists of obscure movies on Prime and Netflix looking for anything that might offer something other than the usual violent, vulgar, salacious rubbish that seems to be the fall-back for most screenwriters. This iteration of "The Secret Garden" avoided all those elements, gave the classic story a Steampunk flair, and for that alone I must give it credit. It may not have worked well but it's a step in the right direction.
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Low budget but charming
falconberger21 March 2020
In spite of the fact that this movie has clearly got a low budget it was strangely enjoyable. Best viewed if going in viewing it as a play since the costumes are wonderful but seem put together and the acting is very stage-like. I wanted to hold criticism for this as there is loads you could criticize but for whatever reason you could really feel that those who made it were putting their hearts into what they were making, whether that's the acting the thermography or costumes or settings. All in all, I was glad to of watched it and would watch it again.
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Totally enjoyable.
moomoo-7958026 September 2019
I didn't have any expectations, the acting was poor hence the score of 8, but the story line was brilliant. The steampunk theme really fitted in well. All up I thoroughly enjoyed it. Love the twists and turns especially the last twist. Thank you to all concerned parties that made this movie.
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Better than I was expecting
NZF1417 February 2019
I watched this on a whim, expecting it to be pretty bad. At first, it was indeed kinda bad. The acting isn't that great but the story itself was actually pretty okay. It became much better than I was expecting and the twists and turns kept me interested towards the end. Some of the steampunk-related changes they made to the story are pretty creative. Can I say it's really good? No. But it was okay, and if you have the opportunity to watch it and you're interested, I say go for it.
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Love & hate
tinabugvi9 February 2021
The story, steampunk theme & set has potential. I love the beautiful costumes. Unfortunately the acting is atrocious.
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A Classic
mandyvs-872147 July 2021
If you want to be transported into an imaginary world filled with wonder, this film is for you. It's imaginative and everything you crave in a fantasy film.
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Enjoyed the movie
terrix-787945 April 2021
So yes not a block buster budget movie, but was a good movie to watch.
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Good but bad ending
rockinwarrior7 April 2021
It's a good movie as a stand alone. It's not good as a version of the Secret Garden but as itself it's good. It tries to be both steampunk and future which doesn't make sense. I would cut it off before the ending because that leaves plot holes and is bad. The beginning and middle take on a life of their own.
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