Chameleon Shadow (2017) Poster

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Low budget, lacks closure
livin_the_weekend29 October 2019

I'm not knocking low budget films but this one felt like it was recorded by my nephew. The acting was pretty shocking and at no point was I left to feel like I was involved within the film. Half of the storyline really didn't make sense and the ending of the film lacked closure. Wouldn't recommend watching if I'm totally honest!
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Not all homemade is good
citichris10 October 2018
The 10 star reviews made me laugh. Probably Sam and company writing. The film is just too flimsy. My 15 year old would have done a better job. Acting was painful. Shadows were not even funny, much the less scary. Storyline was childish. Sorry Sam but I could not even finish it. Try harder next time, get some help and advice from pros. And please! Take acting classes. Worst movie ever and I am not trying to be cruel here.
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Not great
orbitfishfirebckp3 November 2023
My mother was in this so I had to add an obligatory extra star because she's a decent actress in this movie but other than that it is NOT a good movie and even she knows that. I wouldn't watch it unless you want to have a good laugh (or snooze) at how bad it is.

I watched this when it came out so I don't remember much about it but I do remember that it's just a passion project with poor editing and a strange concept. It could've been good but the 'passion' in 'passion project' really wasn't there, so perhaps I should say that this movie is just a project. A very strange project that looks to be recorded on a gourd.
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A terrific independent movie (and I even hate horror)
plumwineslc6 October 2017
The editing is superb and the storyline is very clever. I found it intriguing and mysterious. I don't like horror films but this movie isn't a normal scary film. It is quite suspenseful and meaningful.

Sam Mills is a wonderful actor and his presence in the film is very real. He plays the character as a flawed man. He plays another character as well much differently, and it shows a good range that impressed me.

The effects are not perfect. But they are appropriate for the film.

This is a wonderful picture and I think anyone who enjoys independent cinema will like it very much.
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As arthouse as you can get!
qrichards30 August 2018
I saw this film at a special screening and was totally wow'd by it. I am a fan of independent cinema and seek out arthouse films. This was referred to others as such a movie and it really is as arthouse as you get! The story is classic and unique. The look of the film is a little cheap but attractive. I loved it!
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The Chameleon Shadow was mysterious and captivating!
cruzclan4 October 2017
Mysterious, captivating,haunting and so much intrigue! The Chameleon Shadow possesses a well rounded storyline with me wanting more. The movie left me wondering about my reality and with the stressful world we live in, I could see a Chameleon Shadow helping us all!! OR NOT!

It left me wanting more from this filmmaker! I give this movie a 10 for the intrigue, creativity, haunting and mysterious qualities.
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Like a Silent Era Horror Film
Jasmerrin4 February 2018
Despite the low budget, Chameleon Shadow succeeds on its original concepts and some strong, old fashioned visual storytelling. Fans of old timey horror films will find a lot to like in this movie, which pulls its high contrast nightmares right out of a film reel from the early days of cinema.
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This could become a classic one day
richardsouthworth-958196 October 2018
I saw this film at a local theater and absolutely loved it. I later discovered this on a streaming service (I'm not sure I'm allowed to say which one) and watched it several more times. It definitely begs to be seen more than once because there is a lot of mystery that I didn't even notice until seeing it again. It's a fascinating movie and I even decided to raise my score from a 9 to a 10 after seeing it again. It's really all about a subject we can all relate to, the inner demons that we haunt ourselves with. Reality is at the core of this fantasy film, and I couldn't help but wonder if there is more going on here than perhaps we see (or maybe more than the director intended). No matter, because it's fun to ask ourselves if we can accept the strange happening as literal or perhaps symbolic. Maybe both!
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A terrific film, a classic truly
paterk10 October 2017
This is a film that I very much enjoyed after seeing it on It is a film I have watched several times, and it's because there is a lot to figure out and I enjoyed the possibilities. The movie is a thriller and it has some good chilling scenes. But it's also incredibly thoughtful. I would compare it to the classics of yesteryear's. The plot is personal, the editing is very smooth and the movie flows well. I liked the characters. This is a small film, but it is very entertaining.
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Low budget and not scary, but a good drama
peterjamesbaby10 October 2018
Clearly a low budget film, this thriller nevertheless provides some intrigue. The story is about a nightmare plagued guy who decides to get help and it backfires. It's something I can relate to because if something seems to good to be true, it probably is. Chameleon Shadow isn't really a scary movie but as some of the other reviews have said, it is a twisted drama.
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Concept-Driven, Grass Roots Horror
TheAll-SeeingI7 February 2020
If you must know, I happened to watch "Chameleon Shadow" while in a certain blown state of mind, and while in possession of a family-sized bag of Cheetos. Neither lasted the night, but orange-fingered impressions from this nascent, grass roots horror still linger.

"Chameleon Shadow" melds the sometimes-glorious ultra low budget vehicle with a storytelling concept that proves surprising and refreshing. Cameron (Sam Mills) and Patty (Kirsten Caron) are a husband and wife team living in American suburbia. Come nightfall, Cameron is beset by crippling nightmares. Just as his head is set to pop, he gets a referral to a mystery-shrouded fixer of such ills, who goes by the moniker of "The Chameleon." It soon comes to pass that The Chameleon has indeed removed Cameron's afflicted dreamscapes, but at the expense of those visions now presenting as actual real-world manifestations that don't go away once the sun is up.

This film reminded me of a slew of minimalist, concept-driven horror flicks that in the '80s would run on the USA Network as night turned to day. If you go into it with a hands-on familiarity and admiration of homegrown horror, it'll reward you with a shrewd concept that could easily lend itself to the grandeur of the silver screen. Grab your own Cheetos and give "Chameleon Shadow" a proper go. - (Was this review of use to you? If so, let me know by clicking "Helpful." Cheers!)
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Great Indie Flick
js190625 February 2020
I really did not know what to expect when I watched the trailer for this film. But I must say that even though this film is a low budget film, it definitely has quality. The production team should be given credit for taking chances at being creative with a lot of techniques to give the film a creepy aesthetic feel. The acting was good and the story line was easy to follow. I really like the film and I would recommend it as a good film to see.
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Creative Story in this Indie Horror
JGReviews6 February 2020
Chameleon Shadow is a creative low budget indie horror film about nightmares becoming reality. I know that low budget horror movies are not everyone's cup of tea, but I'm sympathetic to the challenges of not having the millions of dollars of Hollywood productions, so I appreciate the creative efforts of films like this. The lead character is haunted by nightmares and is desperate to find a way for them to stop when someone recommends he see the "Chameleon". The Chameleon cures him of his nightmares, but it's not that simple -- the nightmares seem to have become real. I think this is a great and creative premise. If you're down for the ride on a indie horror film with a unique story, then check out Chameleon Shadow.
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Something mysterious going on here
jjsckm8 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is a mysterious and often haunting film. The story is pretty basic and so are the production values. But the tone is suitably creepy and the film has a nice little sense of hope at its core.
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A Surrealsitic Ride Into the Mind of a Man
dfranklin-4182119 February 2020
This movie, in some ways, reminded me of a lower budget version of Eraserhead (and that's a compliment) - what starts as a man simply attempting to get some relief from his nightmares turns into a surreal haze in short order. If you're into horror movies that dive into the human condition and don't just want to gross you out, give this a watch!
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Unconventional psychological horror film
lbruhnca8 February 2020
While on the surface, the theme of what's real and what's not may seem familiar, this indie film is not conventional in any way. It explores the scary places inside your head and outside your comfort zone. Relatable in ways that one might not want to admit, creepy, scary, and overall entertaining for anyone who likes horror, especially those that delve into the self-reflecting psychological journey in their storyline.
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Great unusual mystery thriller
millsdem14 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I have known Sam his whole life. I have been very proud of Sam's work. It keeps getting better. This movie is a future classic in that it is so unusual. One needs to view it to see why. The movie begins innocently enough but evolves into a gripping journey involving many facets of life. The story line is quite original in my thinking and just when you think you know where the story is going something unexpected develops. The special effects seem a little crude but this is a low budget movie made without the benefits of unlimited funding. Sam used mostly friends and family who did surprisingly well.
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Good watch
Goingpro121 February 2020
I like this horror flick because it was different then other horror flicks. They were very creative putting it together. Good watch
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Unique and New Twists
darcyweir31 January 2020
I really enjoyed the natural and down to Earth qualities of the main character. You need to watch the film for longer than 20 minutes to truly appreciate the story and where everything is going.

There are some really interesting psychological themes here which will keep you thinking what is going to happen next. The dream sequences and the angles vs. demons theme also is really imaginative. I highly enjoyed it!
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