"Star Wars: Rebels" A World Between Worlds (TV Episode 2018) Poster

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Hands down the best episode of Rebels
Dormamu28 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
...Not only the best episode of the show but possibly one of the best 20 minutes of the franchise. While time travel may sound odd for star wars, in this episode we are introduced to the world between worlds where everything is happening at once and apparently people can be saved from dying as long as it doesn't affect other people's lives. Filoni just connected all the timelines in the star wars universe in one scene and hearing those familiar voices brought chills down my spine. This ones for the true fans only, thank you Dave.
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"A World Between Worlds"
lassegalsgaard30 March 2020
Epic! That's really the way to describe this episode. This franchise has always been about the Force, and whenever someone tries to do something new and excited with it, it brings me a lot of joy. This episode shows a completely different side of the Force. An incredible opportunity to visit other points in the galaxy that we have no knowledge of yet. The creators found a unique way to explain some plot threads that had been left hanging a few seasons ago, and brought back some characters that I didn't think we were ever going to see again. It had an epic appearance by the Emperor, bringing his incredible powers to the game and proving to be a challenge for even a fully-learned Ezra. All the possibilities that this episode opens up for are endless, and with the new era of the "Star Wars" history coming down the pipeline, this seems ripe for more exploration. I loved this episode, and it is definitely one of the series' very best. I can't wait to see the creators bring it all full-circle and do something that brings "Star Wars" fans all over to a huge and epic conclusion to this series.
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Possibly the Best Episode Ever
uhzach27 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Following the episode "Wolves at the Door" that seemed like a generic, dress-up-as-scout-troopers, infiltrate a base and ultimately get captured type of episode, this episode strikes me as the most interesting and awe-inspiring one to come to mind.

The concept of this world between time and space does seem a bit strange for the world of Star Wars, as it is difficult to imagine utilizing this concept in a Star Wars film or portraying it as scientifically as this episode did, yet the writers managed to use it to their advantage. The concept could easily be exploited in other material in order to ret-con facts and be used as a throwaway, lazy storytelling trope to justify plot holes. However, this episode clearly dismisses this unfortunate possible path by showing Ezra (the audience) how its implications are dangerous and unpredictable, reasoning why it shouldn't and cannot be used very often. The world itself is gorgeous, with the swirling arches and cinematic blue flames portraying an artistic simplicity of such a grand concept, showing the artists' ability to handle the delicate idea of creating a universe between time and space.

Ahsoka's reintroduction was an interesting choice that inevitably payed off, as it clearly answered any questions regarding her fate, allowed her character to get caught up in present events so that she could be reintroduced physically (I hope) to the rest of the characters, and allowed for an aesthetically pleasing parallel (with Kanan's fate) shot of her holding back flames to save Ezra, possibly foreshadowing her future death as sacrifice. Speaking of which, it was pleasant to see Palpatine easily access the world and try to kill Ezra and Ahsoka then, although his physical limitation justified his loss.

The B-story was also interesting (for a change) with Sabine realizing she's trapped and might as well interpret the art to save Ezra, while the scene of the ship tilting on its side was like that of a space action movie that felt exhilarating to watch. The score used during the scene where the cave is being closed was more beautiful and memorable than any I can recall for this show, as was the final shot of Ezra and the clouds above the temple.

All in all, a very interesting, beautifully animated, necessarily told episode, the best of which I personally believe we have seen all season, let alone for the entirety of the series.
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Connectivity is the Key
neloangeloo3 March 2018
This is the episode ladies and gentlemen, the 25 minutes of entertainment that connects the prequels, the original trilogy, the sequel trilogy and Clone Wars together into one living breathing being. Not only does the brilliant Ian McDiarmid return as the viciously evil Emperor Palpatine, but everything feels like it belongs now. This is the episode that awards those loyal and those who pay close attention, but also brings out new interesting questions about the force, and also reveals revelations that prove worthy of the legacy of Star Wars. In a way that isn't insulting to the audience (unlike the Last Jedi with Force Ghost Lightning) because it all connects with what's previously been established, without anyone raising an eyebrow for longer than 10 seconds.
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Enter Sidious
patrickgamer690227 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
He's here. The emperor, the chancellor Palpatine! The look on Ezra's face when he got grabbed by him was pure horror. Other than that this is episode is the best one of rebels just yet. The surprising voice cameos took me by surprise and just showed the extent of the power of the force. And we did got to see the fate of a beloved character.

10/10. + the score was beautiful.
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Blending science fiction and fantasy
wms-927412 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There is one reason this isn't the best episode of Star Wars Rebels: the competition is too fierce. "A World Between Worlds" features a familiar science fiction trope, a time/space portal, and brings it to us cloaked in Jedi mysticism. It brings us back a beloved hero and a hated villain. It brings closure to the story of Kanan Jerrus at the same time it prepares us for the series finale. And it does all these things while being visually stunning and emotionally compelling.

This is more than just a good cartoon. This is art. I can't recommend it enough.
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Incredibly good episode
julian-rueger200117 December 2019
In my opinion one of the best episodes ever, including Clone Wars. This gives the star Wars universe incredible possibilities and it was so exciting to watch, i loved it to experience all the ares from prequels to old trilogy in that amazing episode.
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Time and Space
A_Kind_Of_CineMagic28 October 2020
A very interesting aspect of Rebels is how it takes Star Wars much further into a mystical fantasy genre. The majority of Star Wars up until Rebels was 'space opera'. It was a drama with influences from westerns, Japanese cinema and science fiction adventure. Clone Wars introduced some more mystical, mythical bits but Rebels really took that much further.

This episode has Ezra experiencing a world between worlds as the Jedi temple takes him into realms of the force which access different points in space and time.

It is a fascinating exploration of the force and it is brave, bold storytelling.

Part of me resists it and wants it all to be a bit more grounded and less mystical but another part of me loves it.

Either way you cannot fail to see the quality and the engrossing story and the fantasy ideas are very thought provoking.

The exciting and powerful scenes as Palpatine gets involved in trying to influence Ezra are spellbinding.


My rating: 9.5/10.
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A world between ALL worlds
Trey_Trebuchet18 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Star Wars is the one franchise I never would have thought I'd see time travel in. I had hoped I never would. Everything is usually perfectly fine without it. Here I am watching this show for the first time in 2022, not knowing that time travel was kind of sort of in Star Wars already.

I actually like how it was handled here. It actually made sense and added a lot of depth to Star Wars universe and the force as a whole. It also kind of limits the use of it ever being in star wars again. I will admit that I would not mind seeing this place revisited again in a future project, but if this is it, I'm totally okay with it.

The possibilities and implications here are endless. I could go on and on about them. I thought hearing voices from just about every movie and show up to this point was awesome. It also adds a bit of depth to the finale of The Rise of Skywalker for me, oddly enough...

Anyway, the actual drama and action in this episode were legitimately great too. I loved the switching back and forth between narratives of this world between worlds and the rebels outside of the temple. The interrogation with Sabine was cool and reminiscent of some Clone Wars. The eventual escape lead to a very shocking, moving last scene that I never saw coming.

The last interaction between Ezra and Ahsoka has me so dang excited for the finale. Everything does honestly. I'll be very surprised if the final two episodes of this show aren't good.

One of the best episodes in the series and one I'll probably revisit some day. This was beautifully directed and written and animated. God bless you Dave Filoni and co.
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This is one of my favourite episode in Star Wars: Rebels!
charliehope-553815 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! Wow! Wow! Ashoka Tano was back! The way Ezra saw the portal of Ashoka fighting Darth Vader was off the chart! Truly spectacular! This episode gave me the climax, the thrills and showed me the world of the past. The moment when Ezra saw Kanan hits me hard. It just painful! Also, the sinister villain, Emperor Palpatine was just the best character that I ever seen in this episode! He's just iconic! The voice actor did the best acting performance as Palpatine! The way that Palpatine was very angry and tried tempting to kill Ezra and Ashoka gives me thrills, the excitements and pure horror! It's one of the best episodes ever in Star Wars: Rebels!
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It binds the galaxy together Warning: Spoilers
The episode in itself is very good - it provides closure over the loss of Kanan, some great visuals, it features the return of Ahsoka, Palpatine, an interesting Imperial in the shape of Hydan, and the blend of voices from across all the Star Wars years, including Alec Guiness, is touching.

What I personally do not really like is the lore aspect of it - I was not a big fan of the Mortis gods and the implication of their existence in Clone Wars either (I thought those episodes were also very good but prophecies and chosen ones are a no-no), so I am not sure about their indirect presence here. And continuity-wise, if this portal / world between worlds existed all this time in a Jedi temple, well, it creates more questions than it answers. I also don't see why just closing the portal results in the total destruction of the temple - this is a rather lazy resolution. But in any case, I think the story serves its purpose for the show, and at the very least justifies why Lothal is important, better than 'there is a big factory here'.
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failure summed up here!!
Marynewcomb201314 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If this existed in the real canon, then Yoda would have known since they say this came from the Jedi archive!! This would have been explained to Luke or even Ben & would have been used to end the empire before it began!!! This is proof Disney had no care in the world for Star Wars & the fans!!! If they had cared, they would have stayed true to origin!!! They only care about getting people's money!! True fans will or have already thought about this!!
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