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How About a Bit of a Break!
Hitchcoc18 June 2018
Edward is captured and kept prisoner by the evil one I cannot disclose. The truth gets revealed and Marcella and the police go in search of this person. But there are horrible revelations about the death of Juliet. This sends Marcella off the rails. What happens next is so incredibly lacking in sense, that I was stunned. The last ten minutes of this show, unlike the first season, is so far fetched and ridiculous, I just stared into space. Marcella becomes a caricature, a kind of alien presence. Her pain is finally explained. It should have set her free. But instead she acts in a ridiculous way with ridiculous results. My reason for the 6 was that it kept my attention all the way to the asinine conclusion. I guess we will see what happens a year from now. Great acting; totally weird plotting.
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Loose Ends...
songod-9500316 September 2018
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Many reviewing this ep complain it tied things up too quickly. I agree.

What was the exact connection to Joel and Becky? She spoke with Gail right before she disappeared and yet no mention was ever made afterwards of it. She must have been related to the Coletti's. Yes? And one killer disposing of all those bodies in all those places. Impersonating a lift service repair person! There had to be more people involved! What was the business with Kids Call? Jane did not work there (right?), the two women who were trying to have a baby did, Maya ran it, and her husband was of course a suspect, so then someone else from there to be feeding her information on prospective abusers.

Also what was the hospital Joel was in trying to cover up? Or were we just meant to believe that? If not then, again, how did Jane know about Gail? Through Becky??

The acting was superb and no complaints on the directing or any other aspect except the writing. Then again last season they also left us hanging about the brother of the lorry driver who thought Marcella killed him. He just vanished. No explanation as to what happened after tying Marcella to a chair and putting a knife to her throat! Next we see Marcella is free, unharmed, no sign of a struggle... and no Mo.

The set up at the very end was nice but if the writing is going to continue to leave us with important questions at the end of a third go round then I'd rather they not bother. Though it would be nice to see Marcella free of the kids, her a-hole ex husband, and all that luggage and operate as the ace detective she is.
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Weird ending but all in all I'm satisfied
DaveGe30 June 2018
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This season was certainly a wild ride and while the ending of her turning into some kind of antihero superspy was a little shocking, I was completely expecting everything else that happened. She foreshadowed the fact she may not like what she finds by going back in time and that was delivered. The kill the abused to stop the cycle of abuse killer was one I had never seen before. I think Marcella's family is in a constant state of PTSD with her so I absolve them of all their feelings (expressed and unexpressed) to Marcella. I even excuse Jason for doing whatever was necessary to get custody of those kids and get them away from a clearly dangerous mentally ill person who refuses to seek adequate treatment. I wish that the corrupt couple had been caught but her having to live with the husband she hates might be worse than prison. The chief who cheated on Marcella may or may not have gotten what was coming to him. I'm satisfied and actually a little excited to see a Marcella season 3 unhinged and I hope her family moves to Singapore so they don't have to deal with her ever again, those kids are traumatized and Becky seems like she can help that whole family heal.
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Episode 208
bobcobb30126 February 2019
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They wrapped up the story this season quickly, but then moved onto something much different.

I did not expect the show to go so dark and so fast. I was almost cringing while watching Marcella hurt herself.

They set the stage for a completely revamped third series, which I am on board with.
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Nothing to Cella-brate
xmasdaybaby196626 January 2021
A weird ending after a good episode 7. It could make for an interesting series 3 as long as the script writers have the imagination to take advantage of what this leaves them with. It seems strange that many of the leading characters from this series weren't in the final episode though. This episode just seems to beguiling and leaves viewers with a feeling of incompletion.
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Despite all the negative comments, this was a great series/final
nelsy5827 June 2018
I'm not sure what the critical reviewers were watching but I cannot agree with any of their comments. The series is suspenseful, not easy to predict hence an enjoyment to watch, and all the points come together in the conclusion except maybe one. First those that expect Marcella to be OK after her last session with the Dr clearly haven't paid any attention to the character or understand squat of the characters state. Every character has a role to play in the series that either gets to the ultimate conclusion or further develops the plot. Only the eventual fate of Alan is somewhat murky at least for now. The last scence even explains the lost of Laura the first DCI for Marcella. Clearly she hasn't been stalked by MI5 as it is quite evident that with a tad of thinking that 'DS Marcella' could not be dead despite DNA as the fire was occurring as she was with Henry when the TV showed the fire. The DNA goes back to the illegal in the subway that Marcella used for a DNA swab in the first series. Now whether people can make the links to how Laura who now runs a special organisation of undercovers determined all of this, well clearly this will all unfold in Series 3...yup they set it up for one. Maybe the Alan issue gets solved there as clearly the series writers know their stuff. For all of those critics who had a hard time with the final show, go back a watch it this time, I mean really watch it. This is not NCIS, Hawaii 50, or any of those other mindless mystey shows. Marcella is quite worth the time to watch and I found it superior to other series such as Luther itself a brilliant show.
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Just about right
broncosfollower16 September 2018
This episode is getting a lot of negative reviews because of the way it ended. They spent the final 20 minutes of the show creating an audience for the next season. But it wasn't bad. The whole season reaches a peak in the middle where there were so many spinning plates. They finish it well without dragging on the story after we find out who the killer is in the episode beforehand. Kept to the theme of the show and the theme of the character (not that she's likeable)
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What the what?!
Otkon10 April 2018
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Okay, so I was okay with this show. Up until about 20 minutes into this finale.

So they wrap up the killer-of-the-arc and the reason for Marcella's blackouts and psychotic behaviour. And that was fine. But then she goes all DC supervillain nutso, carves herself half a Glasgow smile and stumbles out into the London fog while cackling like Nicholson's Joker. Then sometime later, an MI-whatever agent finds her living rough like an urban troll and tells her that the agency faked her death. Only now she is to be reborn as some sort of whacked-out La Femme Marcella?!?!

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Here comes to Joker!
serrakiper16 February 2019
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What kind of a final is this... Juliet and Marcellas' story is dramatic. Hearth breaking and sad. All season is about kids. Solving case and catch the killer is good enough. But some characters are stay in surface. Anyway its fine. End of the season Rav and Marcella breaks the ice or breaks to bones... She could find another solution to be dead.No need to jaker smile. Wait for the new season.
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Really disappointing ending.
j_rager10 June 2018
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If this were a marvel origins story, it would almost be forgiveable. But if it were some superhero tripe, most of us would know better than to watch it. The logical end would that she would have thrown herself off the roof. The seed of suicide had been well planted earlier in the season, and that she had opened the door for her son to be so hurt coupled with the revelation under hynpnosis that she had smothered her infant would be enough to give her one lucid, selfless moment of self-destruction. But instead, we see her emerge as a legally dead, deformed shadow being reborn into vigilantism. It's embarrassing. It's beneath the promise of the narrative. And I'm done.
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A little perplexed, but thoroughly satisfied.
tupkczavvn15 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I love reading one-star reviews from petty cretins who are sad the show didn't end in the predictable cliche they wanted. Too bad, I guess it's like the writers didn't want to pander to a bunch of mouth-breathers who let a strange few minutes ruin their day. There's plenty of one-star shows out there. Plenty of one-star finales too. If you think this is one of them, then I can't help you. It's not like it was the series finale. Don't get your panties in an uproar until you see the series til the end. If not, then BYE! If you're done, then be done. Don't one-star an otherwise intense and thrilling finale because Marcella gave herself a half-Chelsea Grin. Kill your youngest child, repress the memory and then see how you fare. Odds are, at least some of you will do a looney thing or two. There's plenty of other British entertainment to type your angry reviews at. Safe, The Stranger, Retribution...all of which are fine shows, but I'm sure the angry masses can find something to get all sensitive about in their respective finales.
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Terrible end
scottiew6914 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers

First 6 episode we fantastic ... Then I nose dived! Far to many unanswered questions: Black outs - how dose husband know? What happened to young nurse? What was the point of the lesbian couple? How was killer strong enough to put child in wall and kill lorry driver etc Why did Marcella do what she did at end?

If you ask me I wonder what the writer was smoking when he wrote this episode! Please don't do S3 if this is how it's going to be written
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Terrible ending to a wonky series
fiona_r_lamb10 October 2018
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I just don't know where to start. It was going OK until Marcella hit the poor Inspector with the toilet lid. WTH??? And then it went down the toilet. Pun intended.

I thought the first series wasn't very good but it held my interest so I watched the second series hoping it'd get better but it didn't. I think my major beef - apart from Marcella herself - is how terrible it must be to be her child, especially her son. And she favoured him over her daughter which annoyed me too.

However, I had TWO major issues with the plot and characters. Firstly, there were too many convenient connections between major players and secondly, how on earth did a midwife and single mother have the time to kidnap so many kids, take them off to a country house, keep them there and operate on them for days on end??? All whilst holding down aforementioned job and task of child rearing in the city? GIVE ME A BREAK!
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Ridiculous finale
louisgl-992-51496610 April 2018
So disappointing end to this series -the storyline became quite ridiculous and totally unbelievable. Left lots of loose ends and set up an implausible idea for the next series but no incentive to watch it based on this .
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This episode ruined a really good show !!!
scottmarble2 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The first season was a solid mystery with undertones of Marcella's mental issues. Season 2 started strongly, but the last 2 episodes really crapped out. The killer's identity was a WTH moment. The last 5 minutes turned me off this show for good.
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Sleepin_Dragon15 August 2020
Ok, I struggled with this second series, until part five, where it seemed to open up, it became coherent, and exciting, the loose strands managed to combine together. This episode started out pretty well, so points for that, but as it went on it became dafter and dafter, resulting in an ending which was bizarre to the point of being stupid.

Did someone drunk and suffering with concussion break into the studio and re write the episode, that's what it felt like, it was a shambles, the killer's identity turned out to be somewhat out of left field, but Marcella's actions were ludicrous, the ending felt like it belonged more so on a b horror sci fi than a cop show, they really insulted the viewers.

The acting was hard to fault, Ray Pathanki has been a joy to watch throughout, what a fine actor. Friel has been good, but with the material you must feel for her, let's hope that Series three returns to Earth.

Once again a series ends with an episode that's, pants! 4/10.
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Season Finale goes down the crapper
ecfarrell6028 July 2019
I enjoyed the first season, and also the second - except for the bewildering last episode! It's like they had no plan on how to wrap up the season and picked fortune cookies out of a bag and then improvised on the weirdest one they could find. I was literally aghast. Having said that, I will give season three a chance.
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slaintechristensen21 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw my notification that Marcella season 2 was here, I couldn't wait to finish what I was into at the time and dig into it. I love the contrast of suburban mom/dark, disturbed detective. But I think we all were tortured by her brutal treatment by her children (and Jason!) and couldn't wait for them to finally see her as heroic. This was probably the worst ending I could imagine for this amazing series! I'd demand a do-over if we were playing a game. Not only do the writers turn her into an even further tortured soul by having her had accidentally smother Juliet but now a suicide victim to her two other children. Even more reason to resent her and Jason gets away with all wins. Are you serious???
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Wacko weirdo
terrychasefl15 June 2018
Never fear. The writers succeeded in the weirdest wacko ending nobody could anticipate.
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Smelly writing.
corbwood10 April 2018
Absolutely crap full of terrible loose ends, and ridiculous plot twists. I actually thought this season was half decent for the first six episodes. Nice to see a gritty crime series now turned fantastical Sherlock Holmes / Marvel Superhero. Season 3 should be binned as soon as possible to save the souls of everyone who's worked on this project.
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jagolaren2 November 2019
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Feels like the scriptwriter can't manage to pull the threads together and totally destroy the character just to shock, worst possible ending
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Would give it zero if I could
tenealesharman30 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There just aren't enough bad words to say about the title character. I'm not going to go in about her mental problems, her personality, the fact that she is quite possibly one of the worst on screen mothers I've ever seen; how did this woman become a police officer? Did she skip the mental evaluation? And I'm sorry but how did she go from stay at home mum for a good 10 years, while her kids were in boarding school, back to super cop? I really enjoyed the beginning of season 2 and it ended so terribly. There were way too many side stories that ended up being completely unnecessary. And really, the super villain child murdered was a mum?? Give me a break. And what was the point of the pedo story line? And her son got attacked twice in 1 season, quite brutally and nothing. And does NO ONE care that she killed her baby

This was so terrible it was almost comical. But it seems to get better, after a mental breakdown (isn't even the right word) cutting her hair and slicing her face open, she's recruited to be an under cover agent in Ireland?

I'll say it again, worst mum ever
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So many pointless side stories
EvanKevelson5 August 2020
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I personally don't care about the lesbian couple. I've read she shook the baby too much, I've read she smothered the baby...Her memory via hypnosis is not reliable(hypothetically speaking). What I saw was a distraught mother not doing anything horrible praying for the baby to stop...and it dies. We've seen in season 1 with her sociopath Jason how Marcella is a moral masochist. Then why would she tell him about the blackouts. She is a moral masochist who'll blame herself if it helps. So I figure in her demented state and memory losses it's comforting for her to give these episodes a route cause. Spent a lot of significant time on The Charitable blonde and her sociopath husband as well as the nurse and her brother. As a viewer I should be informed what happened to the nurse, what the supervisors role was and why was she suppressing Joel. I don't want to hear a writer tell me that the suspended police officer who was intimate with Marcella isn't important or that Gail isn't important. My time is important and these 8 episodes feel like 8 months... This is garbage
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Too exaggerated
daniel-timariu15 August 2019
I was very pleased with this series, it is interesting, full of suspense. But the last episode is too exaggerated. I am very dissapointed.

Marcella turned out to be a schizoid psychopath, probably so she managed to solve the riddles, but that's not for the benefit of the show.
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*a sigh of disappointment
alexandra_d_1511 May 2022
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I watched 2 seasons because I liked the vibe of the show. The cases seemed twisted enough and kept me interested to find out who is the killer. But at some point the 2nd season became ridiculous. I think they overdid it with the plot lines and characters: the musicians, the foundations, the nursing home, Gail's story, the gym and everyone is connected, which is unbelievable too difficult to follow. Moreover, not everything was tied up properly at the end.

***a sigh of disappointment.

As for the very ending, I liked that they bring back the fake DNA...at least that was an unexpected twist among all the events the writers thew up at us in season 2 :((
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