Kate (2021) Poster

(I) (2021)

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When Life Hands You Boom Boom Lemons
MogwaiMovieReviews10 September 2021
There's actually a lot more to like in this new Netflix offering than one would expect: Mary Elizabeth Winstead makes a surprisingly capable action heroine, and the fight scenes are very well-staged and exciting. She goofs enough times, and faces enough adversity, to protect her from any accusations of being a Mary-Sue, and as a result we buy into her journey an awful lot more than we would a Rey, a Captain Marvel or Black Widow.

The dialogue is all filler, and the plot almost a carbon copy of better action films like John Wick, Lucy, Kill Bill, Hanna, Nikita and The Long Kiss Goodnight, but the Tokyo setting and nighttime cinematography look great, and all the actors pull off their roles pretty much faultlessly.

All in all, very predictable and containing nothing original of any kind, but a well-made and decent-enough popcorn-muncher if you're in the mood.
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You've seen it before just not in this combo
sibleybridges10 September 2021
This was a La Femme Nikita/DOA situation filtered though live action anime with touches of the current slate of action movies like Atomic Blonde, Hardcore Henry, The Raid, and John Wick.

I guess I don't get the critics being harsher on this than any other action movie of late. Stuff happens. Action happens. Some more stuff happens. Some more action happens. It's a fun romp that dosnt outstay it's welcome. And you get to see a unique fight haircut.
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Fun movie despite predictable plot
Movi3DO10 September 2021
Shoot them in the stomach. They die slow, in agony, and they know, it's personal.

A brand new original Netflix movie starring Woodie Harrelson and Mary Elizabeth Winstead.

Stylistically this movie was awesome. Tokyo at night looked vibrant with many colorful neon anime characters. There's a lot of pink, especially in the car chase scene. That was some amazing camera work and reminded me a bit of Baby Driver. Also, the music hyped up the movie throughout.

This led to the violent and entertaining fight scenes. This gave some John Wick vibe with some creative use of weapons. In these scenes Mary Winstead was a total badass showing brutality when she kills. She carried every scene and I loved her performance.

The biggest problem of the movie was that I could see 99% of the movie from a mile away. Honestly this didn't affect me as much as it should because I loved the style and action a lot.

Overall, an enjoyable flick despite the predictable story. 7.5/10.
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Familiar Assassin / Revenge Movie, but Works!
erikarcher13 December 2021
Netflix is at it again with another algorithm driven "mashup". This movie pulls from: La Femme Nikita, Atomic Blonde, Kill Bill and Crank (among others), but, thanks to slick production and solid acting from Mary Elizabeth Winstead it WORKS MUCH BETTER than I expected. The high contrast, rain-slick neon streets of Osaka and Tokyo are on full display here and the pacing is fast, with just enough back-story to bring the characters to life in a way that was engaging. A couple things of note:

1) The action is more similar to Atomic Blonde in that our female anti-hero is up against an army of dudes, and, instead of some easy one-punch win (a-la Kill Bill) she employs all manner of environmental tools and favors speed over strength. While hyper action movies are always on the low-end of believable - the no-nonsense violence and savagery (and creativity) of the weapons / tools she uses seemed accurate for the character.

2) Mary Elizabeth Winstead nails it. From subtile facial expressions during character moments, to fast action fight-scenes, I bought her in the role. There was zero "cringe" in her approach to the character and I was totally won over.

Finally, a few others have complained that this is yet another "white person kills asians" movies. There's merit to that issue but I would argue that - especially towards the end - the context of western vs eastern (Japanese in this case) crime culture is brought specifically into the plot as topics of honor and loyalty are specifically discussed and contribute to the evolution of the plot in meaningful ways. Personally - as a white guy who spent 7 years in Japan and who speaks Japanese - I thought they did a great job of bringing this stereotype into the plot vs just having another "white action person takes on Asian crime-syndicate" movie...
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Mary Elizabeth Winstead comes that little bit closer to a favourite
matty_mushroom198310 September 2021
Majority credit to her ability to feel her role, to empathise with the story and deliver humanity through her character. She was just as impressive in Fargo, where I first encountered her. It takes true talent to convince ME that your character is simultaneously cold blooded and warm hearted.

As for the flick itself, the action is real enough in that the protagonist displays the ability to f-s-up but will fumble with fatigue and sickness, misjudge enough to be outweighed by an opponent not necessarily of an equal skill set.

The usual sacrifice of substantial plot and believability of her opponents' characters remains as with any martial arts snd/or action flick, which isn't necessarily something to frown upon. In fact if the opposite were the case it would be an instant 10 stars.
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Everything new is old again
siderite10 September 2021
The world works in a kind of spiral, where everything 30 years ago becomes popular again, with small alterations. Kate is a story of a perfect assassin, betrayed and raising hell in the name of vengeance as poison is slowly killing her. Stylish, with Japanese neo-noir design, involving the Yakuza and greedy Westerners, it is a return to the 90s stories, where lone gunmen (people?) were dealing their own brand of justice in a corrupt and decadent world full of greed and inequality. Of course, the main character is female now, but you've seen this film before, a few times perhaps, and everything is pretty standard.

What shines trough the bland plot is the acting of Mary Elizabeth Winstead, who singlehandedly carries the film through. In fact, every other actor is an extra in the plot anyway, so she either made this film work or not. And it works. Kudos also to Jun Kunimura, who can, with a slight adjustment of body posture and a couple of facial expressions, tell an entire story in a second.

Bottom line: a predictable story from start to finish, but made well and acted well. Ridiculous body count which could have, with small changes to the plot, be significantly reduced and the time gained spent on storytelling.
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Exactly what I expected in a good way
watsonjeffj-138-13483727 October 2021
Good looking, fast paced movie with good fight choreography and a simple story. Basically, a female John wick. If not for a little too much sentimentality and a plot twist you can see coming from the start I would have given it an even higher score. Keep your expectations low and your gratitude high and you'll enjoy this one.
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By the Numbers Netflix Movie
mumblesh12 September 2021
So ok this is my take. Every year the big studios are handed scripts, many scripts and many are rejected. How many scripts with the whole "trained assassin" have we seen? Netflix must get thousands with the same bloody main plot, and reject them. Warner Bros, Sony probably do too and keep maybe 2 out of a hundred. Netflix, on the other hand, get (say) a hundred of these assassin scripts and keep 50, and seemingly work through them making movies to fill a need. They love them. They tolerate much more, lame and average scripts, than you would expect a movie studio to... but then they are essentially a TV station, and have more time to fill.

This film is your typical double-hard assassin movie. Well made - I like the lead and supporting cast - plus it looks good, is watchable, but ultimately is generic and predictably unoriginal. The plot will have no surprises, and will be the least interesting aspect, but it won't offend you too much either. Maybe as a slightly older person, I have seen too many movies like this to be involved and excited by it. Were I half my age, with less experience of such film, I might have better things to say. As it stands, if you like this kind of assassin getting revenge movie, you'll have a good time. Just do not expect anything new here.
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This week's female assassin
jackbaumel11 September 2021
I have a major crush on Winsted. Having said that, good fights, bad cgi car chase. Watchable.
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Very Good Action
Drfilmes-212717 September 2021
Acting was alright music is very good.

Mary Elizabeth is impressive i liked her Character a lot.

We can say this is the female Version of John wick

And dude if u like Action ur gonna love this !

+ i have to say Kate is real Bad ass.

Love the movie.

Recommended For everyone Enjoy it.
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worst movie ive seen in a hot minute
ivasilyev-4706612 September 2021
Sad to see some obvious bots rating this a 10/10. Its just really really bad. Worst of all are the sad moments forced on the audience. Characters are as bland as they can be. Action is bad except for one scene. The plot is a complete mess where it feels that the writers had to rethink their decisions halfway through filming. Last time i gave a Netflix original a chance.
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Big dumb fun...
gillespiesan10 September 2021
What can I say, I'm a sucker for the recent slew of female bad ass movies, from the sublime - Atomic Blonde, Ava - to the less impressive - Anna comes to mind. Kate falls neatly in the middle somewhere, extremely enjoyable while you're watching it nut ultimately forgettable. But that's how it should be for a movie like this, right?

Mary Elizabeth Winstead has always been a favourite of mine and Woody Harrelson is always good value. Add some nice night time Tokyo scenery - Tokyo being where I'm living so all very familiar - and buckets of blood and you have an entertaining way to pass 90 minutes of so.
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Generally ok
elliedario19 September 2021
It is a good action film and acting is good. I just don't think that the bonding between the assasin and the kid is credible. The development of their relationship feels forced and not genuine at all. I needed more work and the kid's character is a bit annoying.
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Fooled again by number 1 on Netflix.
Sleepin_Dragon13 September 2021
Why do I do it, why do I always think that the number one choice is going to be good, it never is, and there's a good example of it here.

Kate has 24 hours to get revenge on those that poisoned her, that's literally the plot, that start is followed by the most improbable, crazy fight sequences you will ever see.

It goes on a bit, it looks pretty good, I loved the visuals, but that's the best element, the story is wafer thin, it lacks any sort of heart.

Good acting, Mary Elizabeth Winstead is cracking, I am a big fan, sadly Woody isn't around for much, and that's a real shame.

All in all, another disappointing film on Netflix, 5/10.
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Loved it
tracy-9732012 September 2021
Great action flick, loved the story albeit slightly predictable but extremely enjoyable...Kate was amazing bad ass !!!
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If John Wick had a female character
wajidayub18 September 2021
All plaudits for it's smooth action. Total carnage.
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Surprisingly great action adventure.
Boristhemoggy10 September 2021
I watched this only because Mary Elizabeth Winstead starred and I am a big fan of her previous films.

I did wonder if she could pull it off but as the film progressed it was obvious she was not only pulling it off, but loving it and really getting in the role.

There are so many films now with the same storyline, but this feels very different with a fast paced but interesting flow that never leaves you behind, and a leading actor who relishes her role and brings the character totally to life.

Well done Mary, a fabulous film.
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Its worth the watch
daintybeat10 September 2021
Fast paced, damn good action, all actors did a good job.
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4 Stars goes to Tokyo
LanaCassi10 September 2021
Japan really is the heavy-lifter here, the only thing that kept me watching until the end. Beyond this, what a mess. Starts off fairly intriguing but descends at about halfway with no redemption.

One of those movies where I was mad at myself for watching the whole thing.
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Same Dish New Name
pronitmallick11 September 2021
Kate is a movie that starts by glocking down a compelling presentation into the chamber. Starting from the first act the presentation travels at a good speed but hits a few bumps in its path as it approaches the 2nd and 3rd act. The main focus of the movie Mary Elizabeth Winstead has delivered a performance that fits into the magazines of expectations. The story and the elements of this movie don't appear in front of us as something really new or completely different, instead it feeds us the food with some of the old recipes we have already tasted before. Director Cedric Nicolas-Troyan has given his best to grab us on the seat with the presentation itself as it works till a certain level. After that we start to get bored a little and just wanna skip to the end to see the final outcome, especially when things starts to become quite predictable. The action scenes seasoned the presentation in a good way but it could have been more spicy. Overall it's a film you can definitely watch with a glass of soda in your hand. In terms of watching it is mixed where some people would wanna watch it again and others don't.
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Wanted: Capable Writers
Tweetienator27 September 2021
Well shot, some good fight and action scenes, solid acting, and a fine performance by Mary Elizabeth Winstead. Why no higher rating? Simple, the story is predictable, generic and sometimes even tiresome (scenes with dialogue), all ideas are known and borrowed from other movies. Also the running time is in my view too long, the longer the movie run the more I felt rather bored. What else we can deduce from Kate? The universe needs a new species of writers, pronto please.
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Phenomenal fight choreography and cinematography!
SkyWater828 June 2022
This is how fight scenes should be choreographed and shot. I especially emphasize the cinematography. With wide angles and longer takes, we get to see the fight unfold in front of our eyes in a way that feels real, and we can tell what's happening.

Of course, for that to work, you need an actor willing to do the hard choreography believably. And Winstead is absolutely game in that department. She really sells the strength, skill and brutality of the fights.
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Now this was rather entertaining...
paul_haakonsen10 October 2021
When I sat down to watch the 2021 action crime movie titled "Kate" from writer Umair Aleem and director Cedric Nicolas-Troyan, I must admit that I had been told that the movie wasn't all that great. But still, I opted to sit down to watch it and rate the movie based on my own impressions of what I saw.

And let me say that I am glad that I did, because "Kate" turned out to be a rather entertaining movie for me. There was just something dynamic about the storyline that worked out quite well, and I will say that there wasn't a dull moment throughout the course of the movie.

The story told in "Kate", as written by Umair Aleem, was well-written and nicely paced. It was a storyline that was easy to follow and actually takes you on an adrenaline-filled thrill ride. So the writer managed to put together a very wholesome and entertaining storyline here.

I was immediately submerged and drawn into the setting and the plot of "Kate", so the movie turned out to be rather enjoyable for me.

Visually then "Kate" is a great movie, especially with the setting of the whole thing. And the whole chase and shootout scene in the back alleys was just amazing, it was like watching an intense shooter game.

"Kate" has a great cast ensemble that includes the likes of Mary Elizabeth Winstead (playing Kate), Miku Patricia Martineau (playing Ani), Woody Harrelson (playing Varrick) and Jun Kunimura (playing Kijima). So you are in for a great treat in terms of cast. And the actors and actresses definitely performed well in the movie and brought their characters to life on the screen in a fulfilling manner.

I was more than genuinely entertained by "Kate", and it feels like a good old fashioned action crime movie, one that you can watch more than just once.

My rating of "Kate" lands on a seven out of ten stars.
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Really? The same story again?
ddebetta-8382411 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's the old best assassin ever but kills a target who has a kid and now all of a sudden she has remorse... yeah... same story we all have seen hundreds of times... is there no originality anymore? Is everyone just out of ideas? Why do we keep seeing the same thing again and again? And plot twists? A three year old could tell you what was gonna happen... just bad.
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Stylish if not predictable action flick
MarkAylwyn10 September 2021
Enjoyable and stylish. Unfortunately it's pretty much more of the same action fare we've seen hundreds of times before. Most major plot points were fairly predicable and the 'twist' near the end you can see coming a mile away.

The car chase at the beginning showed promise by offering a slightly new perspective but the sequence didn't last too long.

The most engaging part of the movie was the relationship between Kate and Ani and was enough to fuel interest and keep emotionally attached to the story.

I understand it's primarily an action flick, but I would have enjoyed just a little more depth and to have the thematic emblems dealt with more fully, but overall still an engaging film despite it's lack of originality. That said the action sequences were well done and I thought the cinematography was above par. And there were a few little nice idiosyncratic touches that enhanced the film, especially if you understand a little about Asian culture.

Go into the film without expectations of finding anything new or fresh and I think you'll thoroughly enjoy the film. I guess it does exactly what it says on the tin.
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