"The Orville" Sanctuary (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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nnom19 April 2019
Is STD even still on? Cuz it's gotta suck getting stomped on by what was considered to be almost a scifi parody in the beginning. Seth, we barely knew ya....obvs. Anyhoo, Bortus was arguably the least interesting crewmember in the first ep (real close second, jell-o boy)...he has grown by leaps and bounds. Is it a bit preachy? Maybe. Probably. Yeah, it's a bit preachy....and I don't bloody care.
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Dolly Pardon Revolution
Nightmarelogic18 April 2019
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Normally I don't review individual episodes on this site but the one review comparing the episode to GreenBook was so ridiculous it was actually offensive. Writing an episode about women doesn't mean every man has to be cast as a villain or even leave the room and giving A lead male writer top billing over a guest actress is not an act of misogyny.

The simple fact is this story was a fun an exciting story about allowing people to be who they are. Moclans storylines like them or not are hard coded into the series but when they are written well they tell an interesting story and this story helped dig a little deeper into the history and fir that matter the herstory of the Moclans and it did it all to the tune of 9 to 5.
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Not perfect but still a very good episode.
daggit6912 April 2019
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There's not much to dislike about this episode, the writing was good and unpredictable and the dialogue was exceptional and well delivered by the cast. My only criticism was that the society of women moclans were so well armed and seemingly prepared to defend themselves against an attack when the orville showed up, but couldn't even do the job later that Kelly and Bortus were able to do on their own in 30 seconds. But I can forgive this because a strong storyline is more important than realistic gun fights. And the Dolly Parton stuff made me laugh. That feminist review that gave it 1 star is idiotic.
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A previous review and 1 star rating forced me to reply and rate it at 10 stars for the sake of sanity
xxxphilbluntxxx12 April 2019
The only other review posted before this one is either a joke (which I hope it is) or as time deaf as it accuses this episode of being. Rating this (or ANY) episode of a show as 1 star because it does not single handedly rid our real world of every form of gender inequality that has ever existed is absolutely insane. It's only a TV show; it has to work within the framework of the show as a whole that has come before it, and within that framework has to try to tell an interesting story. If within that story they can try to get a bigger message across, that's all well and good, but what the previous review was bashing is just absurd. One of their complaints was that Sirtis apparently did not get top billing as a guest star, another was that Frakes directed this episode and he happens to be male. No show is perfect, but to review bomb a show that is making a attempt to actually further a cause only because it didn't go so far over the top as to cast aside everything else about itself in that attempt is insane; to attack something that is trying to help your own cause just sets your own cause back. Just to counter that precious review bomb I rated this ep a 10 just to set things back to as close to even as possible, so hopefully the rest of the reviews will actually rate the episode on the merits of what it actually is instead of some hateful insanity directed at an episode of a very good show that is doing its best to both entertain and move perceptions forward (even if some people are ungrateful for it's attempts to do so).
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The Heart of Roddenberry
jeskalie6 August 2019
Real issues, real conflict, real use of brainstorming ideas for compromise. It's not just one way or the other, there is a way to find an agreement when we stop arguing one extreme against another and find a common ground.

MacFarlane and the writing crew are not afraid to own, and even be self deprecating, about our current culture (addiction to cigarettes in previous episode was real and hilarious) while also claiming the strengths of our empowerment with the likes of Dolly Parton. I do think Dolly and Gene would be proud! Also: Fantastic direction by Frakes with a wonderful touch from Sirtis.
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a great follow up to About a Girl
FranTesla12 April 2019
About a Girl was a fantastic episode of the first season, this one, follows up the story and enhances the message, is great so see Heveena again, is always good to see a well executed episode about civil rights, it has some minor editing issues, some scenes feel disconnected on the final cut, and only because of that I give it 9.5, for me Sanctuary is About a Girl part 2
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Slartibartfast .
idanielgarau13 April 2019
Great pun at Hitchikers guide to the Galaxy inside the Episode. The past Star Trek actors cameos and the cleverness of the writing is why this should be the true heir to Star Trek past. Sure it doesn't have Star Trek name but it sure has the feeling and the soul of Star Trek specially STNG . Bravo. Keep them coming.
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Loved seeing Marina and loved seeing the direction of her "work husband": Frakes.
sevenhorseshoes12 April 2019
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AND it was a great episode. Better than 99% of STTNG. loved the Dolly Parton thing. HIL-arious. The only thing I'd nitpick is maybe Seth being a bit more playful. Liked his joke with Victor in the conference room.

That Maclan woman quoting Dolly was priceless. Probably one of the best jokes I can remember seeing in a drama of any kind. Great contrast.
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The Orville can become surprisingly good when they don't try to make jokes.
metzelmax2 January 2020
The longer the series goes on the less they make jokes and the better the series gets. Sure it basically is just a cheap knock off from TNG but that's what the fans want after all.

This episode has the additional feat of having Johnathan Frakes as its director. Just to complete the transition to Star Trek.
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Service and Devotion
d.rust12 April 2019
People are getting a little too negative about the Moclan culture.

Sure, Klyden is a REAL JERK. Yeah, we know it. He's a reactionary typical Moclan macho male moron who is insensitive to others not like himself. Yeah, we get it. WE HATE HIS GUTS. The actor is probably a nice guy, but the character is HATEFUL.

So you see, this is why we get these narratives about them, they are antithetical to our own Humanity.

This is a show about Human values, not about Moclan failings. We may soon see a breakthrough for Moclas. The social schism that has ripped apart their race and raped their planet tells us the morality tale of being whole, the advantage of having both sides seen and heard.

This is an episode that made me DREAM after seeing it.
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A story about Saudi Arabia and the UN/US
MartyisGreat13 April 2019
The US sells weapons to SA and has the UN overlook all their human rights issues against women. Women that escape from abuse in SA are in many cases murdered with the world watching, similar to what the Moclans were attempting to do. I guess it was a story related to real life.

Can the show focus more on sci fi now and less social issues? I watch shows and play games to escape reality...
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The revenge of Bortus
AliensReservoir12 April 2019
Nice episode, and Bortus can finally expel his demons (remember his daughter becoming a boy) by helping this Moclan female colony.

Some funny joke are crossing time to time, not enough i my opinion as I would like more fun like in the first season, but overall the true feeling of TNG is present.

I was taken by the story from the beginning up to the very end.

Yep I did love this episode.
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Time to give the Moclan's a break
efd-1046713 April 2019
An okay episode with another cause being championed but it has a good if not silly fight scene, but enough of the Moclans please, analysing the same characters in multiple episodes can get boring.
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Moclan stories have gotten boring...
gkbros12 April 2019
Bortus might be a interesting character but how many more episodes that are surrounding him or the "Moclan" culture til we get back to Star Trek style Orville again? This female/male discussion in the show is overused and no one wants it.
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Seth McFarlane is the one
schutzengel12 April 2019
This episode is so good, it is not a 10 because Seth is still trying certain lines but its almost perfect.

McFarlane saved Star Trek, he understands Roddenberry, and the fans.
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Solid writing, meaningful story.
nebula002415 April 2019
Seth McFarlane and his production staff have done it yet again. This episode tackles an important and poignant topic, while respecting the viewer's intelligence by not insulting other gender groups. This is the kind of writing other series and films need to take note of overall, and the kind of storytelling that engages the widest possible audience, while excluding none. I absolutely loved the use of Dolly Parton's music during the battle scenes, as it fit perfectly with the narrative and tone of the episode. Also, the guest appearance of Marina Sirtis was an absolute delight to see.
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The BEST fight scene EVER!!!!
hubbardamanda13 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Watching the Mocklunds and the Orville fight to the tune of 9 to 5 was probably the highlight of my life! I have never smiled at a fight scene like that before and my children were cheering! The best show, hands down, I think I have ever seen!
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Yes 10 stars and am a huge Trek fan
schlagzeugplayer22 April 2019
First this show is a refreshing marriage of Trekesque writing and McFarland comedy et Al Family Guy etc. You can tell he really respects the whole Star Trek culture. So I saw J.Frakes, Brandon Bragga and Mirina Sirtis which gave Trekkies a warm tribble hug. Then the plot evolved and we get another Moclan dilemma. I see no problem w this , the Moclans have an interesting and original ethos , bing a Trekkie actually is quite original . All in all the Dolly Pardon connection ( pure McFarland) and the HGTTG joke made for a great enjoyable and memorable episode. P.s. the comments on bring preachy are wrong. ST,TNG,DS9,ENT etc all according to their times had alot of political, philosophical and moral underpinnings. So stop being so arrogant it's not becoming of a Starfleet ensign or Officer. ( Ah a nerd power move)😉.
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Interesting Social Commentary Episode
chemist7212 April 2019
Now we have 2 planets in the Orville universe that harbor Moclans. One dominated by the male of the species and the other dominated by females.

This dichotomy sets up some interesting possibilities/questions. Will the two planets resolves their differences and move from a truce to, if not a peace agreement, at least peaceful relations?

Also will the female dominated planet allow breeding between males and females or only between females? In either case, with a starting population of only 2 males and 6,000 females, it would take a lot of time for this imbalance to be corrected. Unless of course there are Moclans on the male dominated planet who might wish to emigrate to the female dominated plant.

Lots of interesting possibilities for extensions and developments of the Moclans race.
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Awesome Show!
sdear-109-22104512 April 2019
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Great storyline! I love how Seth quietly gets people talking about subjects we all need to work on in this century. As a woman I loved it. 👏
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Enough Moclans
jameselliot-113 April 2019
After the high point of Identity, Orville is flying on fumes. Isaac has faded into the background, the Kaylon menace is inexplicably forgotten and we're back to the boring Moclan culture stories. At least Sirtis and Frakes are getting work.
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Seth McFarlane hits another home run!
josephbartrug12 April 2019
With the exception of the first two episodes of season 2, not a single episode has disappointed. This season was worth the wait. Great director, great guest stars and great story lines. Keep up the great show!

As for this episode....Bortis, you are the man! Well, Moclan anyway! Glad to see some old faces in this episode and I mean that in more than one way.
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bobcobb30121 April 2019
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Was it perfect? No, we understand how political this show can be and yet I didn't really mind that here. It was an interesting episode and yet again The Orville continues to find ways to innovate.

It needs to be less preachy though. Why would we believe aliens care about racism or sexism when they're already different from humans in so many ways?
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Was on a great stretch..
magnum-ajt12 April 2019
The male/female Moclan stuff has been overused to the point of exhaustion.
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Go Dolly!
Susieq4519 April 2019
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Never thought I would see an intergalactic battle being played to Dolly Parton! 😂
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