Mind Control: HAARP & The Future of Technology (Video 2017) Poster

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Complete dribble
mastrait16 December 2019
O.H Krill. Yeah try to find any papers, or even an actual educational history for this self proclaimed scientist, I dare you.

Much like ever conspiracy theorist out and about making money off the unwashed masses , this guy is everywhere. He is all over the place. To the general public, he sounds well spoken, and tosses quasi technical terms and scientific "facts" around. It all adds up to a typical con-man ploy. The difference here, is sadly it is legal.

If you'd like a good laugh, here is a great bit of silly fun. If you are looking for any sort of science, or proof just move on, this guy is just silliness.

Why spend time reviewing this dribbled? Maybe someone will pass on wasting time on this film, and take a moment to look into actual science.
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Mind reading
mrburchall5 September 2021
Interesting reading, but to read someone's mind it doesn't stop If you are awake at work, or asleep or everything else, to read someone's mind means, no more secrets or privacy even when you go to the toilet, only people who are going through what I'm going through can you understand what I'm talking about.

To read someone's mind means that there is the means to see site behond site, what I'm saying is if I look at my phone, I see my phone but in Reality you see everything that my eyes see, and much more cos I'm only Concentrating on my mobile and not everything else what I'm actually seeing, But in Reality all that I've said is not possible After all privacy is one thing but when you live a normal life and private life and live day in and out every day with some one you love. The Secrets and lies you must tell them to keep them SAFE.
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ACE are ya out there?? On Amazon Prime Video there are three reviews. How can this be if the movie has yet to be released?
nealvan55726 December 2018
I wish I could copy and paste what this guy calling himself ACE on Prime Video saw this movie and chose to write a very lengthy review which turned out NOT to be a review at all. What it actually is (believe it or not) is his lobbying for write in votes so he can get elected president of the USA! Add to that insanity ACE cannot make a proper sentence. He cannot figure out how to make a sentence. He seems not to be able to locate the 'shift key' in order to put capital letters on what I would guess are new sentences! And this person wants to become president of the USA???

As much as I have seen this country fall to ruin by those in power in our government. No....not the president....I mean the REAL people in our government who answer to no one. Have never and never will be held accountable for what they've done to all the regular people. These people ignore the law, change the laws to suit their needs at the time, and get paid Billions upon Billions of dollars each time they gain stronger footing on the throats of Americans who are not asleep at the wheel. They've used lies, cheats, and out fights fraud without a single one being written about or brought to any type of trial. For those who might remember what happened in 2008 among so many other similar world altering, life changing for us below their level have suffered through and perhaps are still suffering. Not one of these criminals have ever been brought to the minds of the general public. Even worse back in 2008...the US government bailed out all these criminals and their organizations with Trillions of dollars the US never had but BORROWED from countries like China, Japan, Taiwan, India, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, and so on. This means that the USA is now OWNED by these other countries who have hated this country since we came over and showed them all how to create, builds, and capitalize on the stupidity and greed of this country. And WE let them get away with it because nearly ALL people of all ages simply are so brainwashed, lazy, and apathetic to even bother causing some type of uprising to finally put and end to our broken, corrupt, and bankrupt government.

Our founding fathers all agreed that if the government exists to have the people serve them, we the people should tear it down and create a new government that follows what our founding fathers wanted most of all...the government that is there to SERVE the people! Who thinks it's just perfect that when something is shipped TO Singapore the receivers pay NO import tax. However, when items are shipped FROM Singapore or any China and their many other owned countries the receivers here MUST pay high import taxes. Does anyone feel this is an acceptable trade agreement?? If you feel the answer is no, I'm thrilled. If you want to know just how long this single thing wrong has been going on, please to an internet search for the following...import export differences between the USA and Singapore. And if in the mood while searching. Have a look at what you see when you change the word Singapore to China or Japan or Iran or Iraq, etc.

Has no one ever wondered why not a single union has gone on strike in over 30 years??? And then to give just one final example of insanity allowed to prosper....BitCoin.

I will watch this movie when it comes out on video rental and see if it covers the topics mentioned here or by that ACE guy.
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Biggest bunch of click bait BS. Better stick to stupid science novels... Oh that's right, not enough talent!
signupbillfrombuffalo26 November 2021
Biggest bunch of click bait BS. Better stick to stupid science novels... Oh that's right, not enough talent! This guy Nick Begich was just on a show hosted by William Shatner called "Weird or What?". He tried to prove his theory of mind control, by placing two piezoelectric devices on someone's head. They could hear music! Amazing! He was saying he was transmitting electrical signals right to the brain where it could then hear the music! Just no! He completely lied! This guy is an absolute conman!! Just to promote his books I'm sure. Amazing he can pedal this stuff!!! A piezoelectric device is simply a slim speaker. They used to be in old hand held video games. Since they vibrate and move a slight fraction than any speaker does, it's not audible to the ear by themselves. They don't push enough air. They don't have a diaphragm. But connect them to the plastic shell of a handheld video game, or hold them to furniture, or any structure, such as your own damn forehead, and you're going to hear the music because it will resonate through and to your ears! I am an engineer and a scientist that works on cutting edge science, and I can assure you, we do not have brain control via any technology. Technology is just not nearly as sophisticated (yet). Brain waves and patterns are way too complicated for us to understand yet, keep track of using even our most sophisticated technology, nor possible to alter them!!
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