The Way You Look Tonight (2019) Poster

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Not shy
Rob-O-Cop3 May 2020
When I saw the one very low rating and a bunch of 9 and 10 ratings I got worried that this film was going to be a dud, hyped by crew and friends, but I'm glad I made the effort to check it out.

The pluses are this is a very strong concept well thought out and executed. The writer director hasn't shy'd away from some uncomfortable repercussions of the premise which is essentially saying people are who they are on the inside regardless of what they look like on the outside, and it definitely tests that hypothesis. It is a little bit 'woke' in it's presentation of that and doesn't really acknowledge concepts of physical attraction.

I thought the acting was really good, very natural and did pretty well to convey the one person many faces thing. I really liked the world building aspects, ie the big out, the local bar that specialises, the help group and their meeting, etc and the central character managing to miss all of it. The things it didn't quite manage to deliver was selling the core attraction of the 2 main characters, the why they should bother with each other angle, and any explanation of the why this is all happening, although I think that perhaps that was a wise move in that there isn't a scientific point to be made on the mechanism, more a point to be made from the mcguffin of the set up.

As much as I support the perspective on gender fluidity and inherent nature of us all on the inside that's not the world we live in, and it would have been cool to have seen so acknowledgement of the traits of physical attraction and sexual orientation, beyond the 2 guys get it on scene. How does our changeling character who has said she is female and identifies as female feel about being changed against her will to Male, and does she sympathise with our central characters difficulty in deal with this?

Questions to be answered at another time I guess, but for what it is this movie is not a 1 star piece of junk made by amateurs, it is a thought provoking and interesting concept, acted and shot well, and doesn't shy away from the deeper and possibly more uncomfortable aspects of it's premise.
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Stick with it: the story comes together beautifully
cruzarts-739465 May 2020
I nearly gave up on this film in the first half hour, but lead actor Nick Fink kept me interested. For a newcomer, he has immense chemistry with the camera and believable delivery.

The script is flawed in that it has natural humor, but has a sitcom smirk. The two go together like honey and motor oil. All of the bones are here for a spectacular TV series, if handled mindfully and steered away from gags.

The parallels with people in so many life situations who do not conform to expectations is right there. Examine the human experience in those varying situations and the scripts write themselves.

This was a valiant effort and there are some promising talents in the extensive cast.

Production note: this is a film where photos with the names in the end credits seem crucial.
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ALMOST. A great film.
matt_sole-372-20820330 December 2022
This film is on the verge of being fantastic, but it never quite gets there.

It's not because of the cast, Why Nick Finck isn't a huge star is beyond me, he is amazing on camera and just feels like a natural. Overall, every cast member is stellar.

The film takes a little too long to get going, the first 30 minutes seem to drag. Then the story is revealed and the film gets interesting. The slow start is made even weirder by the ending, which seems quite abrupt and provides little closure to the story arc. With a bit more budget and some better writing, this would have been a 10/10 film. As it is, it is still very much with a watch.
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Something quite different, "how someone looks" in our building relationships.
TxMike20 August 2020
This is a small independent movie, I don't recall ever having seen any of them in prior roles. Yet I was impressed at how uniformly good and authentic the acting is. In fact having "unknown" actors probably helps its impact.

I'll not give away the plot, which is something I've never encountered before, but the cast list and characters gives a hint, there are Heloise #1 through Heloise #17. If you find a person who "clicks" with you, how much does their "looks" matter in all the days afterwards?

Interesting and entertaining, my wife and I watched it on Amazon streaming movies.
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It's not perfect.
cuteangelbird11 August 2022
It's not perfect: The script is a bit weak and there are dull moments but something made me stick around. I think it was mostly the lead and some of the other supporting actors who were impressive even for relatively unknown actors. I also really appreciated how the writer approached the concept. I was a bit weary that it was going to be an interesting idea fleshed out in an uninteresting way but it was interesting.
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I agree with all the positive reviews
whatithinkis1 July 2020
The characters are all likeable . . . loveable even. The acting is good. The concept original.

The problem is that, while it's watchable and it IS absorbing, it isn/t either of those things to a great enough extent to rate the numbers of stars I'm seeing here.

I watched and enjoyed the whole thing, sort of. But had to fast forward several times 'cause it just wasn't quite absorbing enough.

It IS heartwarming . . . it's just, I guess, not quite well enough written to draw you all the way in.

Very loving, though. It has a good heart.
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Too heavy-handed
name99-92-54538931 December 2020
The idea is interesting, and the first 30 minutes or so are intriguing as you start to understand what's happening. But then the movie veers off into "A Very Special Episode" territory, laying on the morality and social criticism one trowel-full after another.

Maybe this sort of extremely obvious analogizing works with the 20-something crowd, but I'm old enough that I'd prefer some subtlety or, hell, even better, how about keep the interesting parts of the story and try to make a movie that isn't lazy social awareness?
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Rom Com that isn't what you'd typically expect
AnxiousArtist19 May 2020
This film has a bit of a slow-burn start - there's a meet-cute at the top and everything is going well for our lead, but then the girl he was connecting so well with disappears the next day. What follows is a bit unconventional - there's a bit of a mystery element as Peter goes on a new dating site and keeps finding women who are acting strangely towards him and wearing very similar clothing - and there's hinting of a connection to that first girl, but the "twist" comes in about a third into the movie. It's hard to talk about what makes this movie cool without ruining the surprise - but I think the slow burn mystery, while a little cumbersome at times, is worth sticking out. I'll just say there is a bit of a fantasy component that comes in, which is used in some interesting ways to talk about issues of identity and gender and a lot of other things. Overall, I think this is a smartly executed film that demands more from you that the typical rom com.
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A shame
jroyals-043415 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It started out as an interesting concept yet it still borrows heavily from Shallow Hal. The last quarter took a turn into woke territory that totally lost me and didn't work with the rest. It tries way too hard to shove the point home when sometimes simple will do the trick.
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Great movie!
frank78-19-46492317 May 2020
It is really hard to find new ideas for movie authors and especially to bring the ideas to life. This movie made it happen. Sweet and funny way to make us think about relationships and that our beauty is on the inside.
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Strange but engrossing
aj111122 June 2020
Very strange but nonetheless I interesting story. Relevant to contemporary times in not quite believable ways.
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Wonderful, thoughtful love story
ceeingred135 May 2020
I caught this at a film festival and am so excited that it's finally available to the general public. In addition to a well thought-out story, its an impressive acting feat from the members of the cast who were able to so convincingly play the same character. The leading actor did a fantastic job of maintaining chemistry with the rest of the cast. It was at times funny, heartbreaking, and moving. Highly recommend.
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Unique take on the human condition
carllowe-9072722 March 2020
This movie takes a singular look at romantic relationships -- and with its remarkable perspective forces the viewer to reconsider a lot of preconceptions.
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Romance with a Twist!
methridge-0845222 March 2020
I really enjoyed this movie! I love the way the characters interacted with each other and how the plot kept me engaged. I hate movies that make you feel like you're sitting there forever, and this movie definitely didn't feel that way. I was entertained the entire time! I enjoyed the love that was shown throughout the film and the comedic points. It keeps my hope alive that people can love others no matter what!
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vdelgado-163334 February 2020
I never expect to like romantic comedies, but this film was pretty special. Not only does the premise feel fresh, but it comes off as sweetly genuine and well-intentioned. Without giving anything away, I especially appreciate how it lovingly touches on how we set personal limitations on who and how we love.
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Beautifully Authentic Indie Film
cameronalexismoore11 July 2020
I am still crying as I write this because the film was so touching, unique, and heartfelt. This is an indie film so without a big budget, they achieved so much! The script is well thought out with an in-depth psychological look into the dilemmas this couple face and the feelings that the woman has about her situation. Also, it was believable the uncomfortable adjustment periods for them as a couple. Usually I don't like feel-good endings, but this one is fantastic and well shot. Nick Fink is an amazing actor, I never once drifted from his sincerity on screen. I highly recommend watching. This film deserves more views and praise for originality and great performances.
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So excited for this!
ChelseaJGiles30 January 2020
Incredibly talented cast and crew - can't wait to watch. Bravo/a!
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Surprisingly moving low-budget gem
jonathan-11028 October 2023
Glad I knew so little going in (be careful reading the other reviews here!): each revelation as the clever narrative unfolded surprised and delighted me.

I wasn't expecting to be moved and challenged by what appears at first to be a standard meet-cute rom com. Nick Fink does a great job in the leading man role: he's lovable, confused, and also not perfect, which really drew me in.

John Cerrito wrote, directed, co-edited, and co-produced this: rather than leading to a vacuous vanity project (as that often does), this is a terrifically successful embodiment of what's clearly his singular vision.

This film has really stuck with me!
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Wow. Entertaining, beautiful, thought provoking. Quality production. Glad I didn't miss this gem.
dandyersf16 December 2020
I've been watching all manner of films, sifting, searching for beauty. Tonight, I stumbled across this film on Amazon Prime. So glad I did.

It's a simple enough story, and moves along quickly. The twist is handled so delicately, so simply, so well that you easily go along the journey. I was engrossed in the specific story, but my heart and head were swarming with lessons that transcend this specific story. Amazingly spare script, not a word wasted. Directed with precision my John Cerrito who delivers a pace that holds your interest and excitement and lingers when you need to stay with it.

Every one of the actors delivers, especially Nick Fink as lead. The character seems like a doofus at first (a character I love in lighter romantic comedies) but he quickly grounds and Fink is able to pull you along on every step of the journey he takes, with such truth and conviction and vulnerability that the movie's power cracks open like an egg.

I can't imagine the creativity and sheer talent that came up with this idea and walked it carefully through to the production it ends up. "I see you" because a tagline for the movie Avatar, but "The Way You Look Tonight" steals it back with a power and an honesty that makes it forever theirs.

I'm so grateful I found this movie.
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Wonderful, different, brilliant and brave!
watsonfamily-627626 February 2020
A bit peculiar and quirky but incredibly done! The actors are perfect and wonderful in their roles making the characters lovely, genuine and unique.

Take time to enjoy this file, this is top acting, top casting and a beautiful movie to watch with each character being beautiful in their own way. This movie is meant to make you feel alot of thing and that is why it is such a great movie!
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This story was peculiar but incredibly optimistic and heart-felt.
magicalcreature16 February 2020
Watch a lot of different types of movies and most of them are mediocre at best. What a treat TWYLT was to find! I was pleasantly surprised by the message delivered because we can all identify with the love we share, the lives we impact, the challenges we overcome, the differences that make us individuals, and the strength of our will and character. I laughed, I cried, and I loved every moment. What I got from this movie was so much deeper, sweeter and more meaningful that I imagined it would be. This is one of those clever movies that you find hard to forget and you might find yourself thinking about the idea long after the credits roll.
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Edgy, Mythical and Romantic all in one
moviesaregifts16 February 2020
Drew me into the story from the beginning right up until the credits-extremely well constructed and i would give it an eleven out of ten. It really speaks about love in a way that most romantic movies miss and is a brilliantly written intriguing story. I recommend this movie to anyone with a heart.
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Rare Gem With So Much Heart
rwctrigg2 February 2020
When I first saw this movie, I could not take in all the different elements found in each new person introduced, wanting each character to stay just a little longer to get to know them. Looking at it now, I realize that it is surely one of the most extraordinary films ever. To some it may be too un-ordinary to be understood or worthy of its praise, but the overall impact of this film is extremely powerful. After you've seen it, you know you've seen something.

A few notable elements stand out. The direction is superb; this is visually a great film, for the director understands the subtle changes in the tone of each character. The writing is equally compelling; the story effortlessly interweaves multiple stories to create one amazing movie. Lastly is the acting. Nick Fink did an excellent job interacting with each new face and character for him to love. His performance evokes both fear, sadness and love, and his scenes toward the end give him a depth unlike any other character. The various elements of each new figure is magnificent and I enjoyed each character equally. You just can't know how it will end.

Most films can make an impression on its audience, but never has a movie been known to "move" its viewers as much as this movie to think about how you truly love someone. It says something about life, no matter how predictable it appears, this film shows us how to appreciate our individual lives and how we see our true love, so therefore, we each have something to appreciate.
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Watch this!
thtrigg22 March 2020
A spin on your typical rom com. It definitely had me in my feels, kept me laughing, and made me think. Watch this! You won't be disappointed.
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Remarkable, entertaining, thought-provoking
andletlive21 June 2020
Very creative, and engaging. Started as what could have been a cute shallow fantasy, but rightfully turned into a very serious look at us, humans. At times, I thought I could not handle one more uncomfortable scene, but I could not stop... So well written and acted, made me care about the characters, and to know more about them, and about myself.
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