Bride of Scarecrow (2018) Poster

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bloodborne-7882023 October 2018
The film was absolutely terrible. The plot got very boring with a lot of talking and hardly much action to keep you entertained. Don't get me started on the acting, it was very poor. Do not buy and save your money.
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Don't bother
TheSchinppenSchnaff15 April 2019
I love indi-horror. I always try to find something to appreciate in these kinda low-budget flicks. This movie, however, fails of every level. I have never regretted watching a movie so much before. Do not waist your time.
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Watchable if heavily flawed genre effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder6 November 2019
After being fired from her radio show, a woman and her friends learn she has inherited a strange farmhouse out in the countryside, and when they travel to the location find that she's in line to stop a devastating family curse from unleashing a murderous scarecrow from killing her friends.

For the most part, this here was a decent enough if underwhelming effort. When this one works, its mainly due to the rather intriguing setup that gives a great detail for the scarecrow haunting the land. Given a great backstory involving a person mistakenly killed and cursed to roam the land as a scarecrow following the incident and looking to reclaim the lost bride he never got which is the reincarnation of the new girl, this gives off a solid and far more enjoyable setup than expected. Featuring the extra bit about the family being aware of this and taking on the role of protectors manages to provide some really enjoyable setups here that come to pass in the second half where the curse is given life to the scarecrow and results in some fine suspenseful moments throughout the farmhouse. However, these here are all that work for there are several big flaws to be had with this one. The main flaw here is the film's utterly laughable and hilarious slasher setups that just make the film a pain to sit through. There's almost nothing here in this regard that works, as the scarecrow is laughably bad and so silly that it's nearly impossible to be scared of this thing with his burlap sack stitched in a crude, haphazard manner that looks really lousy. On top of that, the other scenes here are incredibly underwhelming and slipshod which makes this one feel really slapdash with scenes featuring the scarecrow suddenly appearing behind someone and then sloppily throwing them around or attacking them when it's been underwhelmed because of some unbelievable circumstance that allows the scarecrow to attack from that spot. With little to no gore at all from any of these, the deaths are some of the most disappointing elements here. The other factor with this one is the agonizing slow-burn pace that drains the energy from this one completely. That the opening flashback to the first victims learning of their family legacy and then getting wiped out takes way too long and could've been trimmed down since it doesn't need fifteen minutes to tell this tale, and the exploits of her job feel like padding to justify her moving to the farm. As well, the start/stop nature of the investigation into what happened to the previous owners causes even more time to get dragged out by stalking all the information needed, which all pushes the rampage so later into the film that the few signs of life that are generated from this come off as too little, too late with the film in need of some trimming due to the excessive and dragging scenes. These here are the film's main issues.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language and Violence.
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You're invited to a wedding
nogodnomasters10 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In 1910 a man accused of something is killed by a vigilante mob and his bride to be is burned alive. Except we don't get to see it. Now every 20 years (although it never works out that way) he comes back at the anniversary and kills anyone on the land. His descendants, not too much about the out of wedlock child, guard the farm to make sure no one gets hurt, but people do go missing from miles around. If it was me, I would post the land and take a holiday at this time.

May (Claire-Maria Fox) is a radio talk show host who specializes in unsolved 19th-century murders and can't keep her ratings up. She inherits the place and the scarecrow who wears new clean work gloves. He looks like a man with a burlap bag over his head and also appears during the day...not too sure what the seance was about.

The barm/stables were very clean and I was not sure who tended to the horse and chickens that were there for the year no one lived there. Also, the old newspaper clippings showed zero signs of yellowing. In fact, they look like something that was printed by a computer printer. All the newness was very insulting to a seasoned viewer. The filmmakers didn't even try, or else they thought the audience would be too stupid to notice. Wifi service, but no cellphone service.

The horror was light and the scarecrow wasn't scary.

Guide: F-word. Near sex. No nudity.
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bartrkottelaar15 February 2019
It's exactly as bad as you'd expect any horror movie to be that has the word 'bride' in its title.
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Worzel did it better.
parry_na3 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The idea of a malevolent scarecrow is such an appealing one, it's a constant surprise to me that every film based on that premise I have seen is so mixed. This, sadly, is no exception. I have no problem with a low budget. Some of my favourite films are chronically under-funded. Stilted acting is not a huge issue for me. Sound problems synonymous with such projects is a minor irritant. Yet these things, alongside listless characters (with a strange collection of mangled accents), repetitive dialogue, a thin story-line with no originality, a running time that seems to last a lot longer than it actually does, ensure things become very dull very quickly.

Years ago, June's parents were murdered by a scarecrow who rises every 20 years. This time, he's seeking a bride, bless him. We get a quickly told backstory, involving curses and a murdered man having his eyes pecked out, and that's about it. Claire-Maria Fox plays May, a faded radio host, who inherits a large Welsh farm house. With a motley group of friends, she sets about solving the mystery of the scarecrow. Before the opening credits have rolled, we have three attacks. Each victim reacts in exactly the same way: sensing 'something' behind them, they turn around ever-so-slowly to confront the hooded horror.

Director Louise Warren and writer Shannon Holiday mix some effective flourishes (especially towards the rather touching finale) to what is otherwise a drawn-out and unengaging story-line. There are some excruciating moments too, to be honest: in a séance scene for example, the camera pans round slowly across to the four characters taking part, which leads to a long pause between lines of dialogue as each actor waits for the camera to fall on them, leaving the others gesticulating wildly as they await a response. Possibly May's boyfriend Darren (Manny Jai Montana) emerges as my favourite - it's a good, unforced performance that manages to escape the dialogue issues infecting the others.
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A Dull Horror Film that Lacked Suspense
Uriah437 September 2021
This film supposedly revolves around a Welsh legend concerning a scarecrow which terrorizes a certain part of the country for a limited period of time before abruptly disappearing--only to return a few years later and repeating the process. To that effect, as the legend supposedly goes, a young man was falsely accused of theft in the spring of 1910 and then brutally punished for it by being hung on a cross and left to die approximately 48 hours afterward. During this time crows mercilessly picked at his eyes while his fiancé was being burned alive in a nearby barn. For this reason, the spirit of the man returns every now and then filled with both a desire for vengeance and a yearning to be reunited with his long lost bride-to-be. That being said, after a brief detour the scene then shifts to the present day where a young female radio host by the name of "May Sealey" (Claire-Maria Fox) has just been told that she has inherited a farm in a remote part of the country and-being naturally curious-she decides to drive there with some of her friends to check it out. What she doesn't realize is that she bears a striking resemblance to the scarecrow's fiancé and that he has chosen that very night for his return. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was a rather unremarkable horror film based in large part on its low-budget nature and the lack of any real suspense or quality special effects. To that extent, the story basically plodded along with none of the actors really standing out in any appreciable manner. Again, everything was all rather dull and for that reason I have rated it accordingly.
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Bad Jeepers Creepers knock off
kdycekd5 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I wish it was possible to give a film minus ratings... this is really bad! My hubby got it for £3 from a bargain bin and even that is a rip off for this film. Some dj finds out she's inherited a property and land which is under a terrible curse - a scarecrow who comes back every year to get a bride and slaughter people. It's an awful premise for a film. Terrible acting, no suspense, predictable and downright boring. Jeepers Creepers did it so much better. We switched off after 15 mins. Don't waste your time.
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Worst movie
dami-0559911 April 2022
Okay, that's like the worst movie I've ever watched. And trust me, I am a HUGE fan of trash/low budget movies, but this one was just boring, made no sense at all and I wish I'd get my wasted time back. I'll keep the DVD though cause the cover looks cool....
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This movie is horrible
horrordvddevil11 March 2019
The acting is bad the special effects suck It could have been a better movie
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A true gem of a horror film! It's like the best ever!
Woodyanders17 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Man, this indie horror flick was simply amazing! For starters, the story was so original and inspired: It's about this lady who inherits a creepy old farmhouse with a dark history and grim curse attached to it. I've never seen a horror film before with that particular premise. The scarecrow was really scary, too. Okay, so he's just some guy wearing gloves and overalls with a burlap sack over his head, but he still scared the living poop out of me just the same. I also loved how the story just dragged along at a super slow pace. All those scenes with people just standing around talking were so lively and exciting! Beautifully nuanced acting, sharp writing, and masterful direction, too! This film is just loaded with tension and spooky atmosphere! It's sure to be considered a true classic of the horror genre by countless generations of future horror fans. And any rumors that the filmmakers paid me twenty bucks cash to write this rave review on the IMDb are patently untrue.
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vengeance204 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Very forgettable film.

Unconvincing story. Lack of actual horror. Blood effects were poor as hell. Dumb storyline that doesn't even take itself seriously.

And the ending... well it ended...

1/10 Bad & misleading
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What kinda of gift should you bring ?
profundovic-537-32572910 October 2020
Pretty crappy but fun at times but no honeymoon for sure ! Invites are in will you survive the ceremony ?
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Coulda Woulda Shoulda
arfdawg-118 August 2019
The concerpt is a bit like Jeepers Creepers only not even 1% as good. It's rather moronic actually.

Very poorly written and directed
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Almost a good throwback
doctorsmoothlove2 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
You have to give "Bride of Scarecrow" some credit for reviving albeit not classically the monster seeking marriage subgenre. I struggle to think how such a movie could exist in today's politically correct world. Women were props in those movies as much as the rubber suits.

This entry by director Louisa Warren feels modernized by its heroine sacrificing herself in order to destroy the monster. Her lover feels relatively useless and isn't even killed off. Instead he suffers a stab wound while failing to save her.

The film begins by the main character learning she has inherited a farm from a distant family member. The farm is stalked by the ghost of a former owner who was killed along with his fiancee for a crime he did not commit. Instead of haunting the nearby town, he waits for anyone to visit and kills them. It makes one wonder how did anyone build a modern house while also keeping horses and chickens? Why does the film establish that being inside the house is safe to later disregard its own logic when the scarecrow enters the house?

Plot holes and inconsistencies are so obvious that any viewer is left thinking the screenwriter is as incompetent as Ed Wood. In spite of that the film avoids boredom with its use of color and sound. Scenes within the house can be deep shades of blue or orange for seemingly no reason at all. In a bad movie such as this, I appreciated having a distraction. I will point out for anyone watching the Region 1 DVD that some compression artifacts are distracting in the character's hair during the neon color scenes.

The actors are regulars to the director and most of them are convincing enough to keep us engaged in the narrative. The director can at least build some tension by flashing back to past events. Blood stains can apparently remain on the premises a very long time. The film's plot and pacing are reminiscent of "Dark Harvest" from several years ago which is much worse than this film. This movie could have used more victims or a faster pace.
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Funny film! Worth a watch!
contact-0209124 October 2018
Thoroughly entertaining light hearted film! Not to be taken too seriously and some great scarecrow puns! Mental twist at the end.
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