Soundtrack (TV Series 2019) Poster


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mrMAYKEE19 December 2019
To everyone complaing that they are lipsyncing than singin... it's in the name of the show. it's SOUNDTRACK of their life. it's like when you go trough the city with your headphones and music on. and then! your favourite song is playing and you feel like in music video. just like characters presented in this amazing tv show. it's their soundtrack.
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Good story, would be great without the singing!
maria_marchesini4 January 2020
I know it's the point, that's why is called Soundtrack but the series has really good stories and characters but it is spoiled by the forced and not that good musical numbers. This series would have done so much better without the soundtrack!!
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Choice of songs let this show down
kerriewillman6 March 2020
Really encouraging storyline.. took me a few episodes to work out what was happening but once I did.... I loved it. However the song choice were just BORING so in the end I was fast forwarding through them.
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Better than some would lead you to believe.
benji-UCLA19 December 2019
So many complaints about the actors lip syncing instead of singing the songs themselves ...why? How is that so important that you are willing to write off the ENTIRE show? Yeah, they referred to this as a "musical" because of the dancing and theatrical elements...but it was never intended to be your standard sing-along musical- which is why it is APPROPRIATELY titled "Soundtrack"....I feel like most of you have had to have heard the phrase from someone at some point about a song or album being the "soundtrack to my life" ...

The feeling that you get when you are experiencing an extreme high filled with joy, or an extreme low filled with anger and/or sorrow, and you pop in your headphones to play a song from your playlist that you LOVE because it sums up your current emotions and experiences so completely and honestly....that feeling (at least for me) is like no can feel so beautifully spiritual or so painfully surreal that it has, at times, brought me to tears. That is the power of music....the music that we love so much that holds a special place in our hearts because it feels so deeply personal. The music that we can't stop listening to, when we are in our feels, for so many more reasons other than just the catchy beat or hook..THAT feeling...THOSE emotions...that is what Soundtrack is about. It's putting on your favorite crush song after a new spark or connection give you butterflies's going for a drive and blasting your favorite heartbreak anthem while you sing along and cry as you do your best to cope with your feelings and's dancing with your new husband/wife/spouse at your wedding to the PERFECT love song to discribe your relationship, and feeling so emotionally attached to that song that even decades later you STILL can't help but smile or be brought to tears Everytime you hear it.

Look, the show is far from perfect, but it is also far from being a complete waste. The actors were okay, the story was solid, the music was still great and fit into the situations perfectly's a solid 7.5 (the perfect ten is just to balance out the unjust 1 star votes) and I'm glad I sat through it. I would absolutely recommend it if you are a fan of relatable romcoms ... The descent music and fun dance breaks were just a delightful bonus for me. It gave the show some flavor and fun to break things up a bit. Give it at least 2-3 episodes and see if it works for you...don't write it off based on the jaded opinion of a few people who only watched the first 20 minutes because they didn't like that the actors were not actually singing. I feel like a lot of those people missed out on a new series some of them may have actually really enjoyed
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It has it's ups and downs.
marritjonker26 January 2020
I liked the idea of the show and the story. The truth is that the concept is great but Some of the songs are too long and it didn't keep my attention. The Sam story was great. I do think they had the worst actress to play Nellie. She was not confincing and looked terrible most of the time. If there will be another season i would watch it. As long as the nellie part of the past is gone. I want to see everything present.

The lip-sync is also A bit boring i think. It's Nice sometimes but most of the songs are boring and long.
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Something you've never seen but feels so familiar
gbjo185121 December 2019
This was something I couldn't stop watching. The storyline was fresh and intriguing. The cinematography and direction should be applauded as well as the actors. The song/dance scenes were so well choreographed and helped drive their characters. I have to say that Sam is a dream stuck in a nightmare. His grief was palpable and I wanted him to find joy so badly because he put so much joy into others. I know this won't be everyone's cup of tea, but I am so thankful this piece exists in the world for people to experience. Bravo.
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I really wanted to love it...
kimberlyhurlbut20 December 2019
The story itself is pretty awesome! But I love love musicals and this did not do it for me... Lip syncing existing songs does not make a musical for me... Sorry!
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This show makes me happy and also sometimes sad
whitneyvan22 December 2019
The story line is so compelling and real. At first I didn't love the lip-syncing, but it's grown on me. It reminds me of myself listening to certain songs when I'm sad or happy and I love relating to it like that. I love the variety of music as well, so many songs I've never heard but I it's enjoyable to expanding my music horizon. Characters have a lot of depth and I like getting to know each of them as the story line develops. I recommend for people who like good music and acting, although maybe not for people who don't. I know my husband would probably hate it, but I love it!
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Shame about the lip syncing
jamesprismallfilms26 January 2020
This is an excellent drama, however I personally think it's ruined when they start lip syncing! The music is great but would work if it's was just background music.
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Off Beat
loriepot18 February 2020
I really wanted to love this. I tried! Storyline is interesting enough, but the more I get to know the characters the less I like them. And I know this is the 'soundtrack' to their lives, but the music seems to come in at weird times and it doesn't really flow together with the storyline. Not to mention that when they try to mix the songs together, it doesn't sound good at all IMO.

Go watch Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist for a happier experience!
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Heartwarming, Real, Genius
cohenuk1219 December 2019
Soundtrack is a masterpiece. It is creative genius superbly executed by the actors. It's real, painful, uplifting, hopeful and entertaining. A definite must see!
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This could have been an amazing show. But...
paulellerman28 December 2019
Great acting, great storylines, great writing, but the inclusion of the actors breaking out into dance/music cameos during the show detracts very negatively from the show overall. I have to zoom past these hideous scenes to watch what would otherwise be an amazing production. Whose idea was it to include these music cameos? They should really be fired.
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Soundtrack should be scratched
cdeanroane20 December 2019
I guess this time of year was picked to release Soundtrack, as there is so little to watch except reruns, people would watch Soundtrack as it at least new! The show itself is confusing in that it jumps back and forth in time, of the main character Sam, so keeping tack of who what and where leads to confusion at times in this show. In many ways this is like watching episodes of Glee, set in a drama, or a long bad version of La La Land
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really good show!
Daukinus19 December 2019
I really liked the show!! I have nothing against lipsync. Excellent mashups!
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Don't watch it for the music.
me-628-52984227 December 2019
As I write this review, I progressively add more and more to the rating. It started out really low because I was very disappointed but I think I'm bringing it up to 6/10 as I continue to rewrite this review.

The plot, the characters, the story, the acting, the writing -- all FANTASTIC! I'm really in love with the story.

But I also really like musicals and that is NOT this. I thought I wouldn't mind the lip synching but it's really easy to hear the original artist's Studio Recorded performance of the song and that is one of the many things that derail the concept of the show.

The second thing is how each time a song shows up, the first few seconds (a scene or two) can be a pretty enjoyable scene, but quickly the song jumps to different settings and breaks physics to get the point across. To go into that more, this can be applied to the very first song. SLIGHT SPOILERS.

The main actress starts singing about the situation at hand (and by that I mean she lip synchs to a pop song about that situation). The song is initiated with a SWEET dance number from her and the other extras where she is, and they fill in the first 30ish seconds of the song. But then it immediately goes to her running down an elementary school grounds; and then a highschool hallway; and throughout other memories she has. At the end of her song, she's supposedly climbing up a tower of men she has dated before? Like, what is this?

I'm not saying that is a *bad* thing, but that's not something for TV. Storytelling through this visual surrealism is fine. Storytelling through music is amazing. And combined, they make this awesome thing called a Music Video. But Music Videos are 2 minutes, maybe 3 or 4 if the song is stretched out on purpose for that love story.

But, seriously, we've all been there. We've all pretended to see a love song but played out with our own memories with our own desires. Musical songs in movies should NOT simply copy and paste elementary quality Music Videos.

That Music Video formula didn't work out, but it actually could have if they didn't lip synch the songs. Moulin Rouge pulled a middle-ground approach to that visual storytelling; while a lot of the songs started within the setting, they stayed in that setting for a while. But they also left that setting by breaking basic physics (when Ewan McGregor swings on the Eiffel Tower, on top of clouds, for example). But because they had their original covers, it didn't feel like a Music Video.

I would say it is because of all of those things combined which really hurt the music in this show. Because they went for a lip synched Music Video approach, I'm finding myself just fastfowarding through all the songs so I can enjoy the plot normally. Which is a real shame.

Please, anyone, everyone, if you're going to make a "Musical" like this (because this isn't really a musical) then please either write your own songs or have your own actors sing the songs. Yea, it's tough, but making your own Music Video to a popular song is what highschoolers do for school projects these days. Please...
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It's really good
JayaJaya19 December 2019
I'm writing this review cause I saw bad IMDB score and I don't agree with it. I love that they are lip syncing, it's like when you're having a bad or a good moment and you are listening to the music and you imagining soundtrack playing of a good or a sad song. It's better this way, trust me on this one. The story is interesting, actors are good and I love it so far. Don't give up because of the bad score as I almost did but than I've read those three reviews and I'm glad I gave it a shot. Go for it!
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Nice story but the lip-syncing is weird
amdewildt23 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I like the story very much. It took me a while to realize that we're watching two different timelines. The music is really well chosen but it would have been better if the actors would sing themselves. The lip-syncing is just weird...
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Such a great show!
patriciaking-7024320 December 2019
This show has everything you could want. Between drama, music, dancing, romance & friendships...the writers have put together a beautiful story that puts a soundtrack to life's events. Exceptional!
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It's great once you skip the music
tarragansm19 September 2021
So watching this I was sick of the music by the second song so I started fast forwarding through them. The story line is so good!

45 minutes in I wasn't sure so started to read reviews to see if it was worth finishing the episode and then it got so good, definitely give it a chance but you may need to fast forward through the songs.

The problem with the songs are that 1) they are lip syncing over the songs which doesn't always sync and don't match the actors. 2) they're boring, if you've watched zoeys extraordinary playlist the music numbers in this are shxt.

But again story line and plot so heartwarming and interesting, you see small parts of the characters development through out the episodes jumping back and forth through time.
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Never-ending Soundtrack
michelleoverton19 January 2021
Ugh! This show really started off great. I love musicals and drama. The dancers, singers, actors are really talented! I hated so many flashbacks that sent us on a scavenger hunt just about every scene. Is it ever gonna make sense?
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Different and in a good way
ingieodapacha22 December 2019
Honestly, I think this show brings something different to the table. As a huge Netflix originals fan, I can say this show is unique in its own way. The first episode definitely raises the bar high, but the rest of the season does not disappoint. Actors are charismatic and the music is very well picked. Hoping for a season 2.
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Hooking at times, a drag at others.
brynners-832664 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have very mixed opinions and reviews about this. It was super good and times and a DRAG at others. I was super hooked, then found myself fast forwarding. I liked the idea of the sound track, but I think it would have been better to do popular songs that people know (this is where I mainly fast forwarded). I also skipped the entire Gigi episode. Very unnecessary in my opinion. With all that said- the story was actually really good! Seemed a little random at times, but great for the most part.
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The music ruined the show
courtpassion2 January 2020
Thrown off by the music video scenes. Some of the writing/storylines are questionable as well, but I kept watching! I'm no quitter! Lol The show would be better minus the cheesy song selections and musical numbers!(I began fast forwarding through them). Overall, it's ok.
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In a class by itself
mogansage23 December 2019
Just stop it Netflix... stop making such incredible, out of the box, inspiring television!!!! I can't say enough good things about this show... so I won't... just watch it in it's entirety and you will understand!
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Good drama, disliked the songs
simhedges-53-45079030 December 2020
The first rule of musicals is that the songs must either drive the action forward or tell you something about the characters better than the spoken word. This fails completely on the first count and mostly fails on the second: the music stops the action completely and the songs are too generic and rarely tell you anything that the (really good) acting doesn't. By the time I got to about episode 4 or 5 I was fast forwarding through the musical numbers to get on with the drama. As a drama, I'm sorry the show was cancelled. As a musical, it was a blessed relief. Other than the music, I thoroughly enjoyed it. If it hadn't been on netflix with its ability to easily fast-forward, I would not have made it to the end of the series.
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