Magnum P.I. (TV Series 2018–2024) Poster


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This is not the original Magnum....get over it.
bigwilliebigs25 September 2018
Magnum P.I was my favorite show going up. I own all the seasons and watch them all at least 3 times a year. The original series is over 40 years old, and while is not relevant to anyone born after it went into syndication. This is simply the updating of a classic show with current references, the advancement of technology, cars, and style of today ( not saying it's better, just different) Its not trying to copy the original shows magic and characters, just updating an idea from the past. While there may some bugs to iron out, I'm going to give try and let it stand on it's own merits, while not expecting my old favorite show to be reborn. This will never be the original ( and that's good) but I'll give it a chance ... maybe you should as well.
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Loved the original, liked this one.
neilcolbourn8 November 2020
Ok, so the origin was bloody amazing, but I really enjoyed this new take on it. It was fun to watch, good stories and looking forward to more. Lot if haters of it, fair enough, but think they are being a tad unfair with a lot of the comments. I say give it a go and make up your own mind.
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Magnum P.C.
phantom-2025 September 2018
I got douche chills when I originally saw the new series trailer. It typified a lot of what I find wrong with Hollywood these days! I watched the pilot and it was as underwhelming and ill conceived as expected. Why not go full PC and make T.C. a female combat pilot and Rick trans gender while they are at it? Anxiously awaiting that re boot of "F Troop" starring David Hasselhoff and Kevin Hart. All the enjoyment of drinking warm, flat soda. Ugh...Meh! Hollywood really can screw up toast!
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timmyvaughn-6707225 September 2018
This was a major disappointment the way they butchered this show is almost criminal. I grew up on the original and this is not even close.
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One star for the Leonard's Easter egg.
mingo59-241-85876125 September 2018
I understand the concept of reviving the series. It was insanely popular, and you are already filming Hawaii 5-0, so it's a no brainer. My biggest gripe, the casting is horrible! No charisma (no Tom Selleck look alike), no chemistry, unbelievable situations, just blah! Liked the scenery!
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Take a minute to read this coming from a big fan of the original series
VideoMagicRental3 May 2019
Let me start with making one thing very clear: I was (and still am) a big fan of the orignal series. No love lost over the last 30 years, I still watch the original series and nothing can be compared to it.

Ok now that's clear, let's get back to this reboot, which receives a 5.5 rating on IMDB at the moment of this writing.

But now scroll down.... check the episodes....and check these individual ratings. Quite high, right? Actually...if you add these all up and divide it over the episodes, you'll probably end up with a rating closer to an 8.

So why the 5.5 as an average overall rating?

That's quite easy to explain: it's coming from people like me, who are so desperately stuck in the 'good old days'. We loathe any reboot because nothing these days can be compared to what we had back than. I know.... it was a magical time. Magnum P.I., Miami Vice..... we were extremely lucky to witness it all.

This time I actually bothered to WATCH the series first before talking bad about yet another reboot (like the upcoming Miami Vice we're getting next year. Let's hope it's better than the 'movie'....yikes...)

And what did I see? A very fresh and cool approach very similar to the original series but not quite the same. Oh boy....I hated the fact that Higgins was now a woman, because you know....who better than John HIllerman?

But the series grew on me....Close your eyes and Jay Hernandez sometimes even has the same voice as Selleck. And Perdita Weeks (the new Higgins) adds something to the series....

Would I prefer this over the original series? No. But that was then.... And you don't have to watch it if you're a hater from the start. But I highly recommend you just give it a chance and admire the fact that these directors, cast and location managers actually work hard to recreate that feeling we had back then. It's 2019.....we live in a world full with people ready to be the next Jersey Shore. We should be rooting for people who at least try to give us quality tv.

So, in my humble opinion, what could be improved? Rick.

I really like the new actor, but the original series was very funny and often mocked Rick. The new Rick is a lot tougher and bigger than the original one, and that makes it hard to mock this character. Also, the original Rick (Larry Manetti) was really concvincing being a connected guy. His accent, the clothes.... it was perfect. Hard to believe he was almost axed when the original series started, right? I read Larry Manetti's Aloha Magnum book and it sheds a light on how things went down in those days. I'd highly recommend it.

What I'm basically trying to say... Don't compare, but be grateful there are still some people trying to recreate that feeling we had back then.

And please remember that the IMDB rating is unreliable. People who didn't even bother to watch the show just give it a poor rating.

Always look at the ratings PER episode.... that's the rating which was done by people actually watching the show.
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Big Disappointment
juliefolden25 September 2018
I loved the original show and was excited to see the remake. Huge disappointment. Weak acting, characters, storyline. Took me a bit to realize this wasn't supposed to be a slapstick remake. So disappointed. Can't believe this is a CBS show. Well below this network's standards.
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Why call it Magnum
nx-895-66305725 September 2018
Seeing the name of the 1st episode I thought that maybe the writers were magnum fans and maybe this would be good. It wasn't. The characters are uncomfortable, makes me uncomfortable. The stunts are unrealistic, the plot was weak and made no sense. The whole thing was really bad. The episode had nothing to do with the title. It truly amazes me how disconnected Hollywood is to the public. This could have been great if it were written intelligently with all the new technology. Instead it's unwatchable. Higgins a woman? Very sad.......
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Well we like it!
Can't believe the poor reviews of this, average overall - what is wrong with People? What's the point in just doing exactly the same as Sellecks version? Likeable, fun characters, with the same premise as the original but with TM's buddies equally adept, and excellent support - overall, just like 5-0, a well made and enjoyable modern revisit - haven't missed an episode, and hope it carries on for a while yet!
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I like it for what it is.
njacobs-801-4231615 October 2019
I don't bother comparing to the original. I'd encourage you all to do the same.
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"Oh My God"
tsm_pi25 September 2018
Wanted to give it a fair shot.

I really tried.

Felt so forced and fake from the beginning.

The dialogue was as if actors were simply reading single sentences back and forth to each other.

One of the worse things is they tried to cram 8 years of character development into the first episode.

Zero magic here like the original (and only) Magnum, P.I.

Hard pass on these rebooted classic TV series. Horrible.

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Enjoyable and fun
kbk-1464221 September 2019
Been reading all these complaints about how this isn't like the old Magnum. With all due respect, the original was great. However, times have changed. Stop living in th past. This is a refreshing take on a classic. Does it meet the old ways? The answer is no. It's a different take and a different feel all together. I think it's a nice take on a classic, enjoyable, fun, and willing to see it go further.
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I gave it another shot...
dklirette21 September 2019
So, since CBS moved the new Magnum PI to Friday night, after Hawaii 5-0, I decided to give it another look. I had stuck through S1E1&E2 back in September of 2018. I gave it 3 stars. I was very disappointed with all of the characters ant the writers. I have watched the last 4 episodes as reruns, and it is growing on me. Not as much as the remake of Hawaii 5-0 but I'm interested to see where this will go.
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myfindsmyhauls25 September 2018
I can't! NOOOOOOOOOO! This show is a Potpourri of Hawaii 5 0, NCIS and SWAT combined. No no no no no no. ARE YOU KIDDING ME????!!!!!!!! Rick listening to the SpiceGirls. SOOO MUCH BLOOD AND VIOLENCE. I wonder how the original characters FEEL? CAUSE I AM PISSED. I have a creepy feeling with this show that Magnum PI might just fall in Love with the FEMALE VERSION OF HIGGINS. AGAIN PISSED AND IRRITATED.
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Don't like this reboot either
MiketheWhistle25 September 2018
It should make me feel younger to have so many of the shows I watched when younger being de-mothballed, but they all just miss the mark. It's certainly a high bar along the lines of one's lost first-love, but mostly I feel like the acting and inter-acting chemistry never lives up. The actors that they put on these shows I feel like are just not of the caliber of the original cast. If it was one show, then maybe it'd be my perception, but after Magum, MacGyver, Wonder Woman, Dallas, SWAT, etc as well as several old tv shows remade into movies. Funny enough the one that I think hit the mark was Battlestar Gallactica. Maybe it will improve.
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No it's not the old Magnum, but this one has plenty of heart!
Patchista6 October 2019
Not too heavy, gorgeous scenery, diverse actors and a sense of humour. I will definitely keep watching. No, it isn't the same show as the original, but it's good on its own. Great message about family and friends.
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Another Hollywood PC EPIC FAIL!
rsvp32125 September 2018
Brain dead writers ruined another classic, because they don't have the imagination to invent a new show so they leach off someone else's success, and heavy-dose inject political and social agendas instead of entertainment for the audience.

One episode was enough to nauseate me, and a definite BAIL!

My sincere advice to the industry in Hollywood - please start hiring legitimate writers for these shows, not social activists.
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It's only improving!
mjking-1720013 October 2019
I liked the first season but I did think it was a bit cheesy. Only three episodes in to season 2 and I'm loving everything I'm seeing. The character's are being better developed the chemistry between Higgins and Magnum is really great. And I'm a sucker for anything set in Hawaii. I think this will replace Hawaii Five-0 for me!
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Honestly, if this wasn't a Magnum P.I. remake, it wouldn't be that bad...
majormadmax25 September 2018
...but it's trying to be, which means it IS that bad!

I swore I wasn't going to watch the remake, but ended up doing so purely out of curiosity. How can I honestly say it's good or bad if I don't even watch it?

This show should never have attempted to replicate one of the greatest TV series ever. I am a huge Magnum fan since it was originally aired, and used to pay respects at "Robin's Nest" ("Pahonu") every time I was on O'ahu until it was torn down earlier this year (a large emotional hit already for all Magnum fans!). Now this show comes out...

Obviously it has to be "updated" with even bigger fake action scenes (courtesy CGI) which distracts as the original never needed such "tricks" to make it interesting. The cast isn't bad but they don't come anywhere near the chemistry the original Magnum crew had. And changing Higgins into a woman, that just shows how desperate it is to cater to its audience. Why? John Hillerman was the quintessential actor for the role, and played it beautifully. Changing the character's gender is only pathetic attempt to draw interest to her. Swing and a miss!

Unfortunately, Jay Hernandez, Zachary Knighton and Stephen Hill are equally unsuccessful in their roles. Hernandez simply doesn't have the charm and charisma of Tom Selleck (who does?). Knighton isn't bad as Rick but it's not a very deep role in the first place. Hill simply doesn't bring to the screen what Roger E. Mosley did.

Lastly, the desperate crossover appearances from the current 'Hawaii Five-0' (another poorly made remake) simply fails. The original 'Magnum P.I.' didn't need Steve McGarrett to bolster its ratings.

Overall, the show may have had some chance of success if it simply was another O'ahu-based cop/detective show; but as far as I am concerned this is yet one more in a long list of remakes that shouldn't have been made (i.e. the rebooted Ghostbusters, Oceans 8, what else am I forgetting?!?). Has Hollywood really run out of premises on which to base new TV series? Has there been one reboot that actually was worth watching? The new Magnum simply proves that writers cannot depend on nostalgia to bring viewers to the screen. Go back to the drawing board, guys, and come up with something original! These remakes are destined to fail...
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Forget about the outdated rose tinted glasses 80's version and embrace the new Magnum P.I.
charlesjtaylor9 September 2019
Like many I loved the original 80's Magnum, still do to be honest, but despite wearing my rose tinted glasses I have to admit it is now showing it's age. I admit it took two or three episodes to fully appreciate the quality of the new Magnum PI, but it's truly a breathe of fresh air. The acting is excellent, the chemistry between the cast is spot on, the story lines are great, it just gets better and better. The HD scenery in Hawaii is superb, the supporting characters seem to play a bigger role in this than they did in the 80's version which makes it better in my opinion. So pleased this has been given a second season.
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Why all the hate?
larmstr29 September 2018
I don't get why everyone hates it so much. I was a fan of the original series and surprised at how much I enjoyed this pilot. It almost feels like a smear campaign with the amount of hate going on.
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flukelansing25 September 2018
Can't get good acting anymore? The main character no comparison to The original Magnum. A female Higgins! What's up with that? I'll watch reruns of the original over and over again. Why also they keep bringing back all of these old tv shows? They never stand up to the original.
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Love it
garywrght7565 March 2019
Don't listen to the negative views. Most aren't giving this a chance and only want this to fail as it isn't the original. I loved old magnum but I really have enjoyed this. Give it a chance and don't taint it with your love of nostalgia for the 80's as it was the times that you were missing too
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This Magnum wasted little time "Jumping the Shark"
Ed-Shullivan25 September 2018
The Good: Hawaii's natural landscape in high definition color is so beautiful who wouldn't want to spend some time there so why not film another TV crime/action series there? There is also sufficient eye candy for both sexes. Men in the buff and shirtless and women in skin tight spandex stretching and strutting as they walk away from the cameras.

The Bad: This pilot episode introduces the viewing audience to the key players. Thomas Magnum (Jay Hernandez), Juliet Higgins (the token Brit, Perdita Weeks), T C Calvin (Stephen Hill), and Orville "Rick Wright (Zachary Knighton). I find it just amazing that these thirty something characters have all completed a long and illustrious military career and now run successful businesses. No one is fat and bald, no one is suffering from PTSD, and no one is married with children?

The Ugly: In the popular comedy/family (1974-1984) TV series Happy Days, at least the producers waited until the last 11th season of the series to have the Fonz (Henry Winkler) literally water ski in his customary iconic jeans and leather jacket as we witness him "jumping the shark" to kill the Happy Days TV series once and for all. Now we have Thomas Magnum in the very first pilot episode jump from his moving Ferrari onto the hood of the villain's truck that is shooting at him and chasing his car to jump on to the talon of a flying helicopter before the bad guys truck falls off of the side of the road and into the ocean.

If you enjoy gorgeous landscapes, sex appeal, and you can ignore dumb plots and even dumber action scenes than welcome to the reincarnation of Magnum P.I. I give the series a 6 out of 10 rating.
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Tom Selleck was a MALE MODEL
nycruise-125 September 2018
Let's start there. Before any viewers had given the original show a chance, they all tuned in to see HOT Tom Selleck. Once they experienced the "flair" of the show and its title character, people fell IN LOVE.

Move on to the 2018 reboot: sorry - the new actor portraying Magnum is likable, "cute" and - in this age of mandatory television diversity - suitably "ethnic". (hey - I'm Latino as well, like Hernandez - but I also remember the original show all-too-well). Unless you have someone who just commands every scene (even when he's not doing anything just because he's sooooo HOT), the show is no different than any other crime dram-edy. My guess is that someone close to Les Moonves (perhaps Julie Chen herself?) pushed to have this actor and this reboot greenlighted. Now that the "Old Order" is out and the "New Order" has yet to be named, I can't imagine this lame imitation is going to be around for long. My prediction: it's the first CBS new show to be cancelled this season.
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