"Fear the Walking Dead" The Wrong Side of Where You Are Now (TV Episode 2018) Poster

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Enjoyable but makes little sense
callcooldude5 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Most of the problems I had with this episode happened towards the end and could have been massively improved with just a few writing tweaks. When the Vultures were driving towards the Stadium with trucks (which they knew were filled with walkers), why didn't they at least ATTEMPT to stop them from releasing the walkers by shooting them? They just let it happen.

When the walkers were approaching Alicia and Nick's car, they just let it happen. Why didn't they just drive away?

In hindsight, going to save Mel probably wasn't the wisest decision but at least that's believable.

I dont mean to be nitpick-y (like most people on IMDb) but if THAT is the reason why the Stadium fell, then it *almost* ruins the first half of the season for me because it's so stupid.
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pariisaap10 October 2021
Some of the events are really meaningless : How Alicia and nick surrounded by zombies while they knew they shouldn't be there?

How Alicia Luciana and victor could fight against those many people?

I tired of flashbacks and I wish somebody kill charlie this kind of children who pretend they are innocence but they are savages and murderer really make me sick.

And Morgan try hard to be a good person in a world that can't trust anybody and all the people kill each other. He just hurt other people with stupid good manner I really hate people who can forgive any bad thing .
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slow but isnt confusing at all
rfgtdfgvdfg20 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
4x7 Rating: 7.2/10 this isnt confusing just slow.

Storyline: Naomi tries to help John Dorie as he lies unconscious. Meanwhile, Alicia, Strand, and Luciana exchange gunfire with the Vultures.

Morgan runs over to help Naomi while she gets medical supplies from an ambulance.

Mel drives off in the ambulance. Naomi runs after him to get the medical kit. Alicia blows up the ambulance with a grenade launcher then strides up to Naomi and accuses her of betraying their trust. Naomi escapes and runs back to John's side. She tells Morgan that she knows where to find more medical supplies.

Luciana finds Charlie hiding. Charlie apologizes for killing Nick but runs off when Luciana gets distracted by a Vulture.

Althea videotapes the battle. Morgan urges her to stop filming and help save John's life.

Alicia corners Naomi and John at gunpoint. Al rides up in the SWAT vehicle and aims her guns at Alicia, forcing Alicia to lower her weapon. Morgan helps Naomi carry John inside the vehicle and urges Charlie to board if she wants to live. Charlie joins him.

Naomi instructs Al to drive to the stadium.

In a flashback, a group of residents rebuilds the stadium garden. Douglas radios Madison via walkie and tells her they have a visitor.

Charlie enters the stadium gate and asks Madison for help.

In the present, Charlie asks Morgan why he saved her even after she killed Nick. Morgan says the fighting needs to stop. Al asks Naomi what she did to Alicia's group. Charlie defends Naomi and claims responsibility for what happened to Alicia's group.

In a flashback, Charlie takes Madison, Nick, Alicia, and Naomi to Mel, who is slumped over the driver's seat of a bus after getting into an accident. Charlie explains that she and Mel parted ways with the Vultures after Mel got into a fight with Ennis. Madison agrees to bring Mel to the stadium's infirmary, despite Nick's concerns that it might be another trap.

In the present, Alicia, Strand, and Luciana predict that Naomi is heading for the stadium. Alicia sees Mel crawling on the ground and demands to know how long Naomi colluded with the Vultures. Mel doesn't answer. She kills him.

In a flashback, Mel wakes up in the infirmary and warns Madison that Ennis is planning to destroy the stadium. Madison insists that she can handle Ennis.

Ennis closes the door of a truck filled with infected.

After scouting the area, Strand informs Madison that the Vultures removed all of the infected that they had trapped in storage tanks. He shows her a stack of white number flags that the Vultures had used to tally up the infected. The total indicates that Ennis is amassing a vast army of infected.

In the infirmary, Mel obtains a knife and orders Naomi to bring him to Charlie. Naomi punches him in the ribs and snatches the knife back. Mel urges her to flee the stadium and invites her to leave with him and Charlie.

Madison breaks down the dugout shelter to free up lumber for wall reinforcements. Naomi urges her to flee the stadium, but Madison argues that this is what the Vultures want them to do.

Madison confronts Mel about turning Naomi against her and agrees to let him, but not Charlie, go.

Madison brings Mel to the gate and gives him the supply-laden truck. Mel begs Madison to let him bring Charlie, but Madison forces him to leave at gunpoint.

Nick suggests to Madison that she may have made the wrong decision to send Mel out to die.

Alicia, Nick, and Luciana inform Charlie that they sent Mel away. Charlie checks in with Mel via walkie then loses reception. Charlie begs Nick, Alicia, and Luciana to help Mel.

Alicia and Nick leave the stadium to find Mel, without informing Madison.

Ennis and the Vultures drive a convoy of trucks containing hundreds of infected.

Naomi informs Madison that she has prepared the infirmary for Ennis' imminent attack.

Nick and Alicia spot Mel's Land Rover on the side of the road. They put Mel in the back seat and inform Strand via walkie that they are bringing Mel back to the stadium. They spot Ennis' convoy heading toward the stadium and warn Strand that the Vultures are coming.

Strand asks Cole to alert Madison to the approaching convoy.

Strand and Madison see an ice cream truck drive up to the stadium gate, leaving behind a trail of oil.

Alicia and Nick arrive at the stadium and stop in the parking lot. The convoy arrives moments later.

Ennis and the Vultures open the trucks and release the infected. A massive herd makes its way toward the stadium gates.

Madison tells Nick and Alicia via walkie that she's going to open the gate for them. A herd surrounds the Land Rover.

A Vulture lights the trail of oil. Strand notices that the infected are covered in oil and will start a fire if they get close. Madison orders someone to get the irrigation truck then runs toward the gate to help Nick and Alicia. Strand and Luciana join her.

Madison orders Douglas to open the gate. Douglas insists they first extinguish the fire but Strand orders Douglas to obey. Over walkie, Alicia apologizes to Madison for going after Mel.

In the present, Al's group arrives at the stadium in the SWAT vehicle. Naomi explains that the Vultures never looted the stadium infirmary because even Ennis didn't dare go inside after the stadium fell.

Al plows through the stadium gates. As the dust clears, Naomi, Al and Morgan see that the stadium is filled with charred infected. The infected swarm around the SWAT vehicle.
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thomas20124 June 2018
A character mumbles some inane dialogue to someone else. They make pouty faces. The other character mumbles back. Sometimes it almost resembles human speech. Someone does something stupid and irrational. Then someone mumbles some more. Rinse and repeat.
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The moral complexities are examined through the lens of each character's actions, particularly Madison, whose past decisions continue to reverberate through the present
fernandoschiavi19 April 2024
In the past, Charlie returns to the stadium for help when Mel is injured. Charlie explains that she and Mel parted ways with the Vultures after Mel got into a fight with Ennis. Madison agrees to bring Mel to the stadium's infirmary, despite Nick's concerns that it might be another trap. As Ennis mounts a Walker army, Madison decides to send Mel away after he attacks Naomi but keeps Charlie with them. At Charlie's insistence; Alicia, Luciana, and Nick go after Mel to bring him back. As they return, Ennis' convoy arrives and they release the dead after and start an oil fire to prevent the survivors from escaping.

In the present, as gunfire ensues, Morgan and Naomi take John to Al's SWAT truck and they also save Charlie from Luciana's wrath. Naomi instructs Al to drive to the stadium. Alicia sees Mel crawling on the ground and kills him before her Luciana and Strand head to the stadium to kill Naomi and Charlie. Al's SWAT truck arrives at the stadium where Naomi explains the stadium infirmary still has supplies to save John. Al plows through the stadium gates where the stadium is filled with charred Infected.

The episode opens amid chaos, as the conflict between the Vultures and Madison's group reaches a boiling point. The carefully constructed peace at the stadium has crumbled, leading to a series of violent confrontations that are depicted with gritty realism. One of the most striking scenes involves a shootout that not only showcases the characters' desperation but also their strategic cunning. Here, the cinematography and pacing keep viewers on the edge of their seats, effectively conveying the urgency and danger of the situation.

Character development is particularly strong in this episode, with Alicia's transformation into a hardened leader being a focal point. Her actions, driven by a mix of revenge and survival, are portrayed with a depth that adds layers to her character, challenging viewers' perceptions of morality in a post-apocalyptic world. John Dorie's storyline provides a poignant counterbalance, highlighting themes of love and hope amidst despair, which is illustrated in his tender moments with Laura-Naomi.

Thematically, the episode delves into the consequences of choices made under duress and the impact of loss on personal ethics. The moral complexities of survival are examined through the lens of each character's actions, particularly Madison, whose past decisions continue to reverberate through the present narrative. This thematic exploration raises questions about the true nature of leadership and the sacrifices it entails.
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Doesn't make sense
jutn-holly5 June 2018
I don't understand how the writers and producers could have watched the final cut and thought 'yep that was great'. The actions the characters take make zero sense to the point were it was actually annoying to watch. Its like they struggled to come up with a reason for the baseball field failing. It was so dumb it hurt. First of all what do the 'bad guys' want. What Alycia and nick did made zero sense, the scene where they were just sat in the car not moving is the dumbest piece of footage I've ever seen. Why don't they open fire on enemies that approach? you cant just pretend there's some rules around engagement its stupid.
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this makes no sense at all. - Burns off the kudos of the first few S4, episodes & them some
Rob-O-Cop5 June 2018
From a slip back into the old trope of smart people doing stupid of last week, to this, what the Heil are these people doing and why? This episode made no logical sense at all. They never explain or give any indication why the vultures would bother putting all this effort and energy into a spoilsport move. I mean it would take a lot of work, resources (shiny well maintained trucks, anyone notice that?) and effort they could better put into virtually any other activity to get them ahead. They just don't seem like those kind of psychopaths, and the whole 'got to look after him but then he's bad, but is he'? who can keep up with such badly defined characters and such a erratic, illogical, dancing plot. Impossible to follow or make sense of, this is nonsensical. And their best new character spends the whole episode playing half dead with a bullet in his chest while people sit over him joking and talking and driving for hours, like there's no rush, maybe there isn't. Something went good there for a few episodes at the start of S4, and then it's just gone back to worse than the bad it was already at. We're all sitting here thinking "I could write a better story than this", and we totally could. Let's not mention the ridiculous end stand off and the clueless let's sit in a car and be surrounded by a zombie hoard like we've never seen them before. Sure, put your characters in peril, but please do it in a way that doesn't insult your already stretched and ready to give up audience even more.
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Half a season of two different timelines and a boring side-story
ofbodin-966-48552020 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, there is no suspense for the first half of this season. We already knows who lives and dies, since we've seen the future several episodes ago. After a cringy shooting scene where the group is severely outnumbered, but still winning (how?) they get warned about the "creative and never before seen" trick to use zombies as a weapon. They are EXPECTING an invasion, and they know the trucks are loaded with zombies, yet the people at the walls make NO ATTEMPTS WHATSOEVER to shoot the people coming out of the trucks before they open them and let the undead out? Is every single person in the apocalypse an idiot? And if so, how on Earth are they even alive right now? Stupid decisions or the disability to take action in the face of imminent zombie-danger is a stupid plot hole that irritates me. This is a show I WANT to like, because I love zombie stuff, yet Fear The Walking Dead keeps making me hate it and write bad reviews about it. Oh, and it's been half a season since the Dam got blown up and we still haven't SEEN what actually happened after that. It got mentioned in passing by Strand. Something about a cave and Madison helping him. That's it. We don't get to know how the heck they even got to the stadium!! I am so ANNOYED by these plot holes and naive, stupid decision-making. "Oh, look guys! There's the trucks filled with zombies. Let's wait and OBSERVE while they unleash them upon us in plain sight. No, no! Don't shoot them before they do so! WATCH IN SUSPENSE INSTEAD"

The screenwriters should be ASHAMED of themselves for doing this to a show that could have been so much greater.
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jaredrobertcollins13 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The last couple episodes made me wonder why i still watch this show. Especially after killing off one of the best characters. Then they kill off the main characters because alicia decided to let themselves be surrounded by zombies, while in a car? Couldn't drive and i dont know, not get surrounded. Maybe go back the way you came while honking to lure at least some of them away.
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francoisxavier355 June 2018
Why someone decided it was a good idea to copy the Walking Dead ? FTWD had its own style but since the beginning of season 4 it's pretty much the same : confusing timeline with a lot flashbacks, boring monologues and characters talking about their feelings, washed out colors, characters doing stupid things. It's pretentious, it's boring, it's lame. Adios FTWD and thanks for the ride.
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cbradxl10 June 2018
You started off so well with Morgan onboard. And i always felt FTWD had the edge over the originsl TWD but now it appears they have both gone to xxxx

Who on earth advised these writers that flashbacks EVERY EPISODE was a good idea???

It works with Westworld because they know what they are doing. Here it just seems like complete overkill and lets just do it cos everybody else is.

Absolutley tragic how this show has been ruined!!
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ProducersGuide4 June 2018
From the moment this season started .. all episodes are like this...







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Lazy character and plot writing
joe-hookham23 December 2020
Unbelievable character decisions and motivations. There have been some great episodes and character development in this show but this episode really folded it in. How did this sorry excuse for a script make it to screen? They're just trying to force the plot along and create drama.
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Unbelievably bad
Survival of the Stupidest!! How is it possible to take such a weak outlook of what we would presumably be and do?
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holydolls13 February 2021
Nonsense after nonsense. This episode was too much.
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As boring and stupid as it can get
rtaborda865 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers

Flashback after flashback after flashback, basically you can watch the first 5min and the last 5min and you haven't missed a thing... And also regarding some characters decisions (trying not to spoil to much, if there's even anything to spoil) are just as brain dead stupid as it can possible get. First time I watch an episode of FTWD and feel like I just wasted 45min of my life, which I could get a refund of my time and just skip this episode altogether. I seriously hope they won't keep going with this flashback stupidity.

Watch it if you really have nothing else to do, and even then I'm not sure if it wouldn't be more enjoyable to just look at a wall for 45min
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Sarah-l-Lapham11 June 2018
This episode jumped around so much. It makes me sick. Just give some actual straight TV time. What's up with the writers for this show? I swear... it's like Dadaism was to Fauvism, just a punch to our system and we don't get it. However, Dadaism carved the way for Surrealism and I just don't know if this will pave the way for anything salvagibly decent.
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More Flashbacks / More Nonsense
panagiotis19936 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
More flashbacks... nooooo... Naomi works for the enemy? Why? How? Damn the little girl disappeared like Batman. People are killing and shooting each other and all Althea cares about is filming it. Victor and the rest of the group were shooting at Althea's car? Why? Nick is dead, I don't like seeing him in all these flashbacks, it feels weird. The leader of the enemy group is such an uninteresting character. The fact that everybody seems to care so much about Mel in this episode feels weird. This episode was empty. It feels like they don't know where to go and what to do with the characters. The plot and structure are a disjointed mess. This is worse than the previous 6 episodes. Really disappointed. My rating is 5.8/10.
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The Level of Stupid
meltingmel1 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
...I am pretty hardy these days watching FTWD because I'm binging. So I see the show with different eyes then when I was watching on a weekly release.

But this... was an entirely new level of stupid. It definitely felt like brand new writers tackled this - the good ones took a joint vacation.

I know kids make us blind sometimes. But I would've just gagged Mel and walked away and kept my own kids handcuffed to me.

I mean. Realistically I would've left. Or had a serious escape plan for the whole stadium.

Almost every character was really dumb in this episode and just... ugh. It was painful. Even for me!!!
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Apparently Land Rovers won't drive if filled with stupid people.
tedhamer-491-3417939 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show has really foolish uninteresting characters, Main characters die for no reason. Every time a serious threat appears some previously gun happy character tries to defuse the situation with ...hugz yall!

Raiders steal our stuff and shoot our friends, but they can be redeemed with apparently magic.
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The only way you can enjoy this episode....
mehdi-vahab4 June 2018
The only way you can enjoy this episode is to be as gullible as a 4-year old.
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like most ppl say, just way to stupid
dh-t2121 June 2018
There is so much!! stupid that you just wish that they would all get killed.

Basically, this series has been going to the dogs since the beginning of this season, getting more and more stupid with each passing episode.
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Action = 10 stars, cool vulture deaths. Drama = 0 stars, boring and impractical.
Bababooe5 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, last week I was bored to tears with Morgan's Give Peace a Chance. This guy acts like a Tibetan monk in the land of fairy tale. No time in human history was there peace on earth. So, what he wants is impossible, or impractical. Sorry fans of Morg. The actor does a fine job. But the writers have turned him from a human to something like a prophet figure. Lame! Kill No Kill, psychologist's nightmare, split personalities, THE MAN SEES GHOSTS!

So, now onto this week. Last week ended with Alicia Trio against The Vultures, each side automatic guns within 5 feet of each other. So, I was thinking that both sides would start shooting and most would get killed and all would sustain some kind of gunshot wound(s). Somehow, FTWD has a transporter like Star Trek, they moved instantaneously behind vehicles to shoot. I loved the psyche out and the sci-fi. Given it's TV who cares. The battle was great. Most people just shooting, nobody gets hit. Then one Vulture got it, then another and then all. The last being Mel. Very cool and brutal death. Cooked in an Ambulance, crawled to your killer, to be put down.

The part with Morg, Cowboy John with the bullet in the chest, Nurse Naomi, Altha the video-journalist without a pension plan SWAT Commander, Charlie the orphan backstabber, was ok to boring. Alt and Morg take John Naomi to find medicine, end up at the now zombie occupied baseball field. Real boring stuff here. Here we have the Z Team, like A Team but for losers. Backstabber, almost dead guy, Flaky Nurse, Video Hipster Chick, and Morg Give Peace A Chance. Good luck with that.

I guess the Vultures are all gone, unless somehow they transferred their souls to Charlie.

Flashback past with Madison Nick Alecia was ridiculous. Seriously this is what you writers wrote for the downfall of the baseball field and the Clark family timeline? First Mad helps enemy Mel and Charlie as Nick and Alecia object. Then, incomprehensibly Give Peace a Chance, Nick and Alecia help Mel and get stuck. They see a convoy of trucks filled with zombies heading to the baseball field. Now, if Nick and Alecia were properly written, they would have shot the first truck and then opened fire on the rest, stopping the Vultures. What we have is stupid compounded by more stupid. The Vultures then let loose 10 trucks full of zombies on the baseball field. Mad tries to save Nick and Al, big cliffhanger, Mad probably dies.

Look, all the actors seem professional and they're doing their jobs, but the material is crap. We get moments of family drama, friend drama, deceit, murder, bla bla bla. This show is not some highly intellectual original written piece. But it did the action well in the beginning. We get a Vulture recently zombified.

5 stars for balance.
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These ratings...
raoberth20 May 2021
...are lies. How can it have 6.7? Who gives it stars above 5?

No episode in this show so far has been a mediocre 5 at best.

Do people not understand ratings?

I have a list of 10 movies or series that are rated 9 or close to 10. Thats it... Nothing is a 10.
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Most boring episode ever
Lnyxs15 September 2023
Are you really serious? There can't be an episode this bad. They literally give all the time necessary for things to go wrong and then try to fix it. I guess the scriptwriters wrote it in their sleep. There are so many boring and bad parts that I can understand why the main characters in the series did not want to act in the series. Since we watch Walking Dead, we decided to watch it, but except for the first season and some episodes, we are disappointed. I watch the 40-minute episodes in 10 minutes, so I can watch 4 episodes a day. It's a shame for the make-up spent on the extras. I hope the acting and script will improve in future episodes.
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