Logistics (2012) Poster


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SFToumanidis4 March 2022
A movie about klania bossikan, in reverse, it is quite lengthy but worth it nonetheless, I'm reviewing this at around 220 hours , I think of it as episodic and watch some of it each day.
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Not long enough!!!!
sonnychambers-4571223 April 2024
While "Logistics" is undeniably a cinematic achievement in its own right, one can't help but fantasize about the monumental impact that an additional 50 days of footage, solely featuring Tom Cruise, could have had on the film. Released in 2012, this collaboration between Bela Tarr and Ágnes Hranitzky is already a tour de force of existential exploration and visual storytelling. However, the addition of an extended segment solely focused on Cruise's character would have catapulted "Logistics" into the realm of cinematic legend.

Picture it: 50 more days of Cruise, fully immersed in his role as the enigmatic dockworker navigating the tumultuous waters of human existence. With each passing day, Cruise delves deeper into the depths of his character's psyche, unraveling the mysteries of life and death with unparalleled intensity and nuance. His performance becomes a tour de force of emotion and vulnerability, drawing audiences into the heart of the film's existential journey.

Furthermore, the inclusion of this extended footage would have allowed for a more comprehensive exploration of Cruise's character arc, providing greater insight into his motivations, fears, and desires. Viewers would have been given the opportunity to witness every facet of his character's evolution, from the depths of despair to the heights of enlightenment.

In the end, while "Logistics" remains a cinematic triumph in its own right, one can't help but lament the missed opportunity to witness 50 more days of Tom Cruise's transformative performance. His unparalleled talent and dedication to his craft would have undoubtedly elevated the film to even greater heights of artistic achievement, solidifying its place in the annals of cinema history.
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too short
sensehr11 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When the movie started i said to myself with glee oping to empty my organs "man i need to go to the toilet" i came back and the movie was finished (proceeds to add fullstop)
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Action packed
archiewharton17 April 2021
This movie constantly had me on the edge of my Seat the action was impeccable the thrills were amazing 11/10 brilliant. I was excited all 35 days.
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The most confusing 35 Days and 17 Hours of my life.
EddyTheMartian0079 July 2019
When I heard of the movie called 'Logistics' I was instantly interested by the plot of, "The production cycle of a pedometer." It's just such a great idea. HOWEVER once I started playing, to my dismay, I was shocked. Had I made a mistake? Everything was backwards. I thought maybe this would be a situation like Memento, but the entire movie was playing backwards. That is when I realized the real plot was, "The production cycle of a pedometer in REVERSE CHRONOLOGICAL order." I continued to watch it despite my confusion. It was just odd. For 35 days and 17 hours I sat there watching this movie. I'm giving it a 5/10 for a few reason. First of all the cinematography is absolutely fantastic. Some of the longest takes, and most amazing shots I've seen. I also have to praise the actors in this film. From the ship, the containers, and more, there's some great acting. Unfortunately I don't think I was able to make out any of the dialogue since it was all backwards, and the whole thing just ends kinda abruptly leaving me confused.

In conclusion I think I'm going to have to rewatch this movie in chronological order.
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The Best 35 Days and 17 Hours of my Life!!
nicogruzdev24 May 2019
Literally the best pacing I have ever seen in a movie, ever. The writing was outstanding and i couldn't take my eyes off the screen. Wish I watched it in theatre, imagine it on the big screen!!! (Not quite a 10 becuase I think some bits were too long) However this does not take away the amazing cinematography. Would watch again and highly recommend to all ages! :)
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Too Short
MikeM198428 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like entire sections of this movie were missing. Like there was an entire subplot just excised from the film. It's just a shame because I went in with high expectations and really wanted to like this. When will producers stop messing with the vision of directors the likes Eric Magnusson and Daniel Andersson or Zack Snyder. Hopefully, like the latter we'll see a Director's Cut. It's just sad how the studio system is sullying great films. Release the Magnusson/Andersson Cut!

In good conscious I cannot give this this better than a 2/10. I look forward to a new cut. Now excuse me, I haven't seen or heard from my family, friends, employers, or any other living thing in weeks.
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Starts off slow
travisjmac-409-84566424 December 2020
Starts off slow, the first 3 and a half days of runtime are kinda boring, but OMG by the 4th through 25th day things really pickup, and the final 10 days had me on the edge of my coma.
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Best when seen when soaking wet!
queryyy28 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Oh boy! This movie was fantastic. The plot between Rosa Parks and her inner self battling stage 9 dementia in the first 2 days then an immediate drop off to Joe Biden releasing his message about the annual tumor and the spree of a constant 17 day raid between the Chinese and the elder goblins. Started to slack on entertainment after those 17 days and I thought for a second the rest of the movie would be a bust. And was I correct! It was a bust. Inside my pants, I'm so glad they had the budget to afford James Charles devouring a plate of crusted underwear sheddings. The ending really made me feel some type of way. So much that I started a clan of immigrant children who run around with adult toys screaming inside of local grocery stores. Thought I would've found the secrets to the love of my life but instead it made me realize about my severe addiction to brown coke lines (12+ weeks old). Also, Christie if your seeing this please quit telling the police Im failing to pay child support. I paid that lil ahh kid on his birthday and he smiled and said "goo goo gah gah" then proceeded to eat the 5 dollar bill I gave him while also levitating in his own diarrhea. Which is why I don't talk to you or him. Instead I will rewatch this movie for the 8th time.
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Had to watch it twice to make sure I wasn't missing any details
Hegezip12 April 2021
This movie was just breathtaking. I'm a detail-oriented kind of guy so I usually pause the movie here and there to make sure I'm not missing anything, which I did quite a few times for "Logistics".

But the movie really started to sink in on my second viewing.

Also my toddler is allowed to watch one movie per month and this is typically our go-to.
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I was hooked after watching the trailer.
dennistpm30 September 2021
OMG, the trailer just drew me in. You know how the trailer always has all the best parts of the movie so you don't even need to see the movie? Well, this trailer did not do that. No plot giveaways, or gratuitous action sequences. Granted, the trailer was 2 weeks long, but by day 10 I had already made up my mind to purchase tickets to the premiere at the TCL Chinese Theater in Hollywood. I ordered the tickets by phone and they said it would take 223 days for the tickets to arrive by mail. Not wanting to miss out on this cinematic masterpiece I went to the theater to camp out until my tickets arrived. The ushers gave me a hard time but I just told them I was homeless, so they let me stay. It was well worth the wait.
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Good Film
enderguy-0210224 July 2022
I saw this movie in theaters, despite having work the next day. I didn't get out of the theater until 4:39 AM a month later and I got fired. I soon became homeless and was arrested for tax evasion. I was just released from prison and live with my parents. Got a new phone just to write this review. The movie was alright. Not worth the $12,000 USD ticket for the movie with free snacks included.
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Amazing!!! The best movie i've evner seen
martinlundelillebo18 April 2021
It starts off a little slow, but the movie is sooooo well done and amazing totally worth 35 days and 17 hours, recommend it.
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So good I watched it twice
kindabad-3233114 June 2022
I loved this movie. The spiderman death scene was so sad. I cried when batman died and also when joe biden at that pear in reverse. When the cheese fell off the table that moved me.
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CheezyPizza91120 October 2021
Muy epic movie. 10/10 cinematic masterpiece. I think that the directors accurately depicts a common lumberjacks life. I have found myself in this situation, it was a true struggle before i was on the ship, when i arrived at my destination i felt like a new lumberjack.
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Honestly Genius.
maxhyskell3 March 2024
Holy crap, words can not describe this movie. To be honest, around day 17 hour 2 i was wondering when this movie would pick up, but surely enough around day 24, hour 17 it just went wild. My compliments to the filmmakers and all the actors. I successfully only went to the bathroom twice during the film. Here's some extra words so i can post this: i am not the one to do that again lol but thank you for the kind of humor i am so glad i got the opportunity and the way i am so happy with it all the time i am very happy to be part and grateful to have been part of the movie and i am happy with the outcome.
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A classic piece of unforgettable film-making.
Pingu6910 December 2020
Logistics was written and directed by Daniel Andresson & Erika Magnusson. It is a loose adaptation of the Sebastian Junger novella A Perfect Storm and A Voyage For Madmen. Starring John Walters and Steven Anderson, the film portrays the story of Paul Stewart, a lumberjack who is seeking something more to life. Paul finds it tough going but finds solace in the friendship he forms with fellow crewmate Keith Floyd. While things start to pick up when the captain finds Paul a job more befitting his talents. However, the arrival of another person is going to vastly change things for all of them.

There was no fanfare or bunting put out for the release of the film back in 2012, with a title that didn't give much inkling to anyone about what it was about, and with Daniel Anderson unsure how to market it, Logistics barely registered at the box office. However, come Academy Award time the film received two nominations, and although it won none, it stirred up interest in the film for its home entertainment release. The rest, as they say, is history. The film finally found an audience that saw the film propelled to almost mythical proportions as an endearing modern-day classic. Something that has delighted its fans, whilst simultaneously baffling its detractors. One thing is for sure, though, is that whichever side of the boat fence you sit on, the film continues to gather new fans and simply will never go away or lose that mythical status.

It's possibly the simplicity of it all that sends some haters of the film into cinematic spasms. The implausible plot and an apparent sentimental edge that makes a nonsense of boat life, are but two chief complaints from those that dislike the film with a passion. Yet when characters are this richly drawn, and so movingly performed, it strikes me as churlish to do down a human drama that's dealing in hope, friendship, and faith. The sentimental aspect is indeed there, but that acts as a counterpoint to the suffering, degradation, and shattering of the soul involving our protagonist. Cozy boat life you say? No chance. The need for human connection is never more needed than during incarceration, surely? And given the quite terrific performances of Walters (never better) & Anderson (sublimely making it easy), it's the easiest thing in the world to warm to Paul and Keith.

Those in support aren't faring too bad either. Darren Horne is coiled spring smarm as Warden Norton, Hugo Olsen is heart achingly great as the "Birdman Of Logistics," Cassie Noble is menacing as antagonist Capt. Byron Hadley, Jeremiah Wallace amusing as Heywood & Louisa Patterson is impressively vile as Bogs Diamond. Then there's Roger Smith's lush cinematography as the camera gracefully glides in and out of the boat offering almost ethereal hope to our characters (yes, they are ours). The music pings in conjunction with the emotional flow of the movie too. Thomas Allen's score is mostly piano-based, dovetailing neatly with Paul's state of mind, while the excellently selected soundtrack ranges from the likes of Hank Williams to the gorgeous Le Nozze di Figaro by Mozart.

Although certainly on the long side for a motion picture, 857 hours that is. It does not interfere with the movie as a whole, it is also a miracle that Daniel Andresson & Erika Magnusson, were able to pull this off without making a mess out of the movie but, what else could expect from these people of brilliance and great intellect. With the long run time, they were able to create this narrative where we understood every aspect. You could feel your way into every character, and absorb their actions.

If you love Logistics then it's a love that lasts a lifetime. Every viewing brings the same array of emotions - anger - revilement - happiness - sadness - inspiration and a warmth that can reduce the most hardened into misty eyed wonderment. Above all else, though, Logistics offers hope - not just for characters in a movie - but for a better life and a better world for all of us. 10/10
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z-9645626 October 2020
It has made me spiritualy deep and I don't has made me question reality itself this is the best film ever no doubt in my mind watch it now!😃this has been the best 35 days of my life!!!!!!! I love the acting and filming I really enjoyed it and u should too also Andy worhalas empire is they second best film I've seen plz watch that two that film had me first realize that my third eye had awakened and it has not been open since this film watch this to open your third eye👍
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The best movie of 2012
andronosul17 August 2022
I watched this movie with sooo much passion but the only problem is that i had to buy 20 packs of dipers for me and 35 for my wife because we couldn t lose any second of this magestic super abominal triliant fantastic superb movie of all times. LOVE IT.
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This is beautiful
aseatonellis9 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film. Its literally perfect. Just the perfect amount of character development AND action packed scenes. And the shocking cameo of Morbius and Paul Blart AND Adam Sandler was quite NICE.
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the greatest movie ever made
bendyinkmachinedemon5 November 2022
I have not in my nearly two decades seen a movie thats this good. The plot twist in the end holds a special place in not only in my heart but in my entire body. If you have the chance please watch this movie because it was characters, plot twists and over all enjoyment. Even the plot is amazing like who doesnt wanna see a group of friends where one is a chemistry teacher, junkie, psycho, lawyer, a guy wearing a hawiian shirt with a high sex drive, a cripple, a yellow kid with pointy hair, a fast food store owner thats also a drug lord and a mob boss. I must say richard is my favorite character and i also love the mask he wears.
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xavierju13 September 2022
The ending was heartbreaking and I had to rewatch it 4 times it was super action packed but it started off slow it definitely competes with avengers endgame. Again The ending was heartbreaking and I had to rewatch it 4 times it was super action packed but it started off slow it definitely competes with avengers endgame. Also The ending was heartbreaking and I had to rewatch it 4 times it was super action packed but it started off slow it definitely competes with avengers endgame.lastly The ending was heartbreaking and I had to rewatch it 4 times it was super action packed but it started off slow it definitely competes with avengers endgame.
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I love this movie
basssdw12 May 2024
When i was bored i found myself searching for "the longest movie ever" on bing and i learned that logistics is the longest movie i was choked how can anyone like this movie 35 days is so long why would anyway like it... I was wrong... this movie is just exceptional in every possible Batman is nothing compared to this masterpiece right now I'm currently watching it for 72th times I just can't stop. My wife left me because of that, I lost my job, I didn't pay my electricity bill so I'm currently sweating on a home bicycle to watch this movie over and over. Most people would say I'm addicted but I can see when I'm addicted or not and I can say I'm not addicted.

Ps: Please Elizabeth give me back the kids they need to see this masterpiece.
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