"The Witcher" Bottled Appetites (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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Lilac and Gooseberries
pvsteijn21 December 2019
After being slightly let down by the last 2 or 3 episodes, this one deserves praise.

The dynamic between Geralt and Yennefer on screen is portrayed very well. The dialogue during the bath scene is probably the best we've seen so far. The story about the Djin is well done too and, at least for me, doesn't leave an awful lot to be desired. Ciri's story has been slightly stuck for the past two episodes or so without really progressing her or the characters around her. Good to see her story pick up again. Nice use of the doppler too, great to see.

My biggest critique is the same as I've had for the entirety of the series so far: pace. There has been little to no effort to establish the world, the stories or even the characters and make it into it's own, 'whole' thing. Especially the use of Geralt's short stories is all over the place and become extra confusing due to the fact that both Ciris' and Yenns' stories, on the contrary, are linear. I can only imagine the confusion if you haven't read the books.

I'll confess I'm softer on this show than I would be if I wasn't in love with the source-material, but the pacing really needs to be worked on for the second season.
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I like it!
ajk-7834721 December 2019
This whole season so far does have the fault of just having side quest after side quest which isn't necessarily a fault of the writers of the show. The first season is based on the book The Last Wish which is a collection of short stories. That is why this show doesn't feel connected right now. Because it's based on short stories that aren't really connected. I assume they will not get to the actual books (Blood of Elves) until season 2 or 3. My hope is that one they get to adapting the actual books this series will get better and better and not have the fault of not feeling connected.
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I had a night like this once
TheCorniestLemur25 December 2021
I'll spare you the full details, but it was similar insofar as I was looking after a friend who was incapacitated somehow, and somehow it led to me getting with a "very sexy, but insane" witch, and if you want to know anymore than that, you'll have to track me down and ask me yourself.

Anyway, disregarding my personal nightly affairs with witches, this episode is kind of a trade-off with the previous one. While there's not really any pointless stuff in this one, I also don't think it's as well directed as the last episode.

But in addition to there not being any pointless stuff in this episode, there's also nothing I didn't at least enjoy. Ciri's parts are kept to a minimum and are getting a little more interesting to me, and Geralt and Yennefer's plotlines converge for the first time here, and what ends up happening is pretty cool.

I guess I did find Jaskier a little annoying this time, and there was a part of a particular scene that honestly made me burst out laughing when it wasn't supposed to because the dialogue was really awkward, but it's still far better than the start of this series would have ever suggested.
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Important storylines come together in beautiful details
sam_l_kay22 December 2019
This episode sees one of the key storylines of the series be told and all in all does a great job of it. The humour and most of the drama comes across really well and it's a pretty faithful adaptation of the books.

Ciri's story takes a new and interesting turn and I'm looking forward to seeing how this all plays out. Little disappointed we didn't get to see the full mystique and enchantment of the Brokilon Forest or the Dryads but hopefully we return to it later in the series.

Solid episode throughout
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And it picks back up again!
whiteblade-147823 December 2019
The only reason this episode isnt perfect for me is because the climax/most intense scene drags on a little too long and starts to lose its drama.
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Just what we needed
aboalhyjaa22 December 2019
After the first 3 episodes that didn't really affect the story and i *as someone who didn't read the books or played the game* didn't really catch up with the story this game episode was the thing that pulled me together and forced me to continue watching this awesome show.
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Fifth episode
leonidasstathopoulos21 December 2019
The Witcher succumbs to the spell of a lustful witch, but not for long
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Perfect Episode!
chrisokram26 December 2019
There wasn't that much action in this episode, but in my opinion everything from the music to the characters to the storytelling was on point. Gerald was played perfect, as always. I also liked the performance of Yenn a lot, although I have to say I haven't read the books. This episode was less dark and grimm than the previous ones, what I found refreshing.
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Lustful witches.
cruise0113 January 2020
4 out of 5 stars.

Good episode. Geralt comes across a Djinn that affects his friend. He crosses paths with Yennefer who is trying to find a cure to her fertility.

Good episode. Good storytelling with the script. Yennefer and Geralt coming across each other is awesome. Be aware of some graphic nudity with an orgy scene.
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I wish I could like it more
marianolongo10 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Love how everything is set up in the show but for me there is a huge problem and that's the acting sometimes... the bit when Geralt goes back into the room to save Yennefer; those three minutes are probably the worse acting I have seen in a long time. Am I too fussy?
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Geralt and Yennefer meet at last. Warning: Spoilers
That's a great episode that is held on his feet thanks to the interaction between Geralt and Yennefer.
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Where is this all leading to?
k_g_barreto29 December 2019
It was not a bad episode, but we've passed half of the season and things stiil aren't clear to me. The antagonist, that is clearly the Black Knight, is not intimidating, not for me, and we seen so much little of him, I wonder if he'll be developed or will be just the bad guy. Two timelines crossed finally, it was a good moment with Geralt and Yennefer, and Ciri's arc is really uninteresting. If there's one thing that is constatly great in this series, is the photography, and watching it in Ultra HD is a good experience. I expect more from the writing and I hope the last three episodes does some justice.
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not my favorite
ivko14 January 2020
From the score I can see that a lot of people seemed to like this episode, but for me this felt like the first slip in an otherwise solid season. The plots of previous episodes have had events unfold in a way that felt very organic given the rules of the world and the personalities of the characters. So things may have been fantastical, but it was easy to suspend disbelief and imagine that it could have happened the way they portrayed it.

But in this episode felt like the writers needed everyone to get from A to B so they just kind of had people do stuff to make it happen, even if it wasn't consistent with previous behavior. Geralt, who was in previous episodes an extremely practical person, has a rather straight forward problem. But instead of trying to solve it in a straight forward way, he suddenly decides to try an absurdly over-the-top solution. It makes so little sense that they even felt the need to have one of the other characters comment on it, pointing out that Geralt's actions didn't seem in line with someone trying to solve his problem.

The other issue I had was with Yennefer, who started out as a sympathetic character earlier in the season but really becomes borderline unlikable here with her constant self-pity and cynicism and an overall "me first" attitude. Her character doesn't feel in the right place for establishing the beginning of the epic story her and Geralt are creating in the lore of the world. But despite that other characters like the bard just do a complete 180 and immediately get on board with lofty proclamations by the end that seem disjointed and unearned.

Needless to say, this is just all my opinion, and I'm still loving the first season, but for me I wasn't crazy about the flow of this episode.
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Good episode.
LegendaryFang5620 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Another very good episode. Just like the previous one. Two good episodes in a row. Nice. As dull as I find Ciri's part in each episode to be compared to the rest, I'm glad we're getting very little of her so far. It's giving more time for Geralt and Yennefer to catch up, timeline-wise. Not only is that a plus as far as getting everything on the same track is concerned, Geralt and Yennefer's storyline, respectively, are both all the more interesting now that they've met each other. Hopefully, it'll now be the both of them having adventures of sorts/an adventure or two while simultaneously catching up to the present timeline, together, not separately, like it's been up to this point. I mean, why else would it go back to the latter now that they've met? Either way, I'm cool with it.
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great ep but.....
harrypickard10 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Lots of good magic and action and some arcs coming together liking the series BUT come on writers pay attention !!! the doppler didnt have to drink the water ?? kinda lazy i get it though
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An entertaining episode; a great blend of humour and drama
DVD_Connoisseur30 December 2019
"Bottled Appetites" is a solid episode, perfectly balancing light relief with genuine drama and suspense. There's a real sense of peril when Jaskier is throttled by a rogue djinn (a genie from a bottle) and the search begins for magical treatment of his injuries.

Finally, Gerald and Yennefer cross paths and it's a memorable first encounter.

9 out of 10. A fun episode.
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The best episode so far
wabevilacqua26 December 2019
This has to be the best episode so far, and at a good time too, since the last few episodes have been quite lacking.

There's a lot more respect to the source material in this episode, especially Geralt and Yennefer's story. Geralt's witty and dry personality is in full display here, instead of the brooding, edgy hero who only communicates in grunts they were portraying him as. His dialogue with Yennefer is excellent, and the overall plot is very faithful to the short story (which, in my opinnion, is the best one from The Last Wish).

Ciri's plotline continues to be uninteresting as hell though. I really don't understand the choice to include this plotline at all in this season so far. It has only contributed to the convoluted timeline. Maybe it's because she's a beloved character from the third game.

Also, have to say one thing, Henry Cavill's acting shows its limitations a few times this episode. The scene where he takes Jaskier to the doctor, he has the most neutral, monotonous "nothing" expression possible. I know, Witchers aren supposed to have extremely subdued emotions, but still... Not even a slight frown of worry or distress.

Still, great episode. Just when I was thinking about dropping the show. Let's hope it keeps up for the next episodes.
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Last Wish
matheuscmcarlos29 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Such an amazing episode!! So good to watch it! Please include Jaskier singing The Wolven Sotrm (Priscilla's song from the games) in the next season, please please please I would also love to revisit Brokilon Forest and for the show to develop a little bit more the Dryads, and the Scoia Ta'el, I can see how this could go off the rails but... could also be great!
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I just do not get it
kristi237423 December 2019
I am still somewhat confused and there are so many plot holes. I was thinking I would read the book, so it could fill in the gaps, but that does not even interest me now. I am going to rough it out because of all the hype, but I am having a hard time finding any interest in the story or the characters. I suspect all the RAVE reviews are from book readers. They will love the show no matter what. As for going in cold turkey, enter at your own peril . Haha! ;-P
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good job
Kirpianuscus13 January 2020
The dialogue, in bath, between Yennefer and Geralt, the djin scenes, the Ciri adventures ( reminding GoT) , the magic of Yennefer behind the first meet with Geralt, reminding a sort of Eyes Wide Shut ( the mask is a clue) are the virtues of this adaptation of the first volume of serie. And , no doubt, the job of Henry Cavill in a difficult role ( the comparations are the lead motif ).
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Finally transparency!
amindostiari23 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Finally, the two main characters came up with an interesting theme.The story goes fast and an interesting future awaits.
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All in all good, but first big discrepancy from source material
paolozavatta1 January 2020
I liked the Geralt part, it's pretty similiar to the book, Jaskier it's perfect and Cavill is always very good as Geralt. It's a decent episode that start to bring things together. What i didn't like it's the Ciri part: it contain a very big discrepancy from the source material, and create a random new bad guy, just to avoid using certain characters as the moral grey area obstacle in the future for Geralt (on the contrary, here are used as a source of wisdom). This show continue to be goodish, but bittersweet, because with a little more effort it could have been better.
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GIANT plot-hole
0w020 August 2020
Why didn't they make Mousesack drink the waters of truth?! It's pretty damn obviously that they could just have given him the water to drink to test if his intentions were true... this is a GIANT plot-hole and it alters the future of the entire series... I can't believe that they allowed such a massive oversight in the story.
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AyonSahaa15 May 2022
A solid episode! Good cinematography and storytelling. Ciri's adventure here reminds me of GOT. Oops! Geralt and Yennifer's chemistry is well suited.

Again, there is a lot of confusion here. Let's see what happens next.
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love this show
moviesfilmsreviewsinc1 January 2022
It's been a long time coming, but with episode 5 The Witcher finally gets a move on with its overarching plotlines. Geralt and Yennefer meet for the first time, and Nilfgaard actually enacts a plan to capture Ciri. There's notable character development across the board, and a stronger feeling of coherence between the show's separate threats. Similarly, it is exciting to see Yennefer going all-out as a bitter and selfish character during her first encounter with Geralt. We've been on quite a journey with her, and the sequences with Kalis' baby in the previous episode tie right into her manipulation of Geralt here, as she attempts to use the djinn to reverse her sterilisation. The time we've spent with Yenn helps paint her story as a tragedy, which successfully prevents her from becoming the piece's villain. This party serves to bring the character's anger to the forefront, but the more overt scenes in which she parades around naked with a womb painted on her abdomen feel silly rather than chilling, and that, unfortunately, undercuts the sense of darkness that the episode is clearly attempting to convey. That darkness is also misserved by a few directing decisions throughout the episode. It finally feels as if The Witcher's elongated prologue is over and its individual threads are being pulled together in order to advance the overarching plot. The events of "Bottled Appetites" have true consequences for the story; Geralt and Yennefer have begun their relationship, and Nilfgaard's plot to capture Ciri has not only been put into action, but also succeeded.
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