"The Witcher" Before a Fall (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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It's all coming together
k_g_barreto30 December 2019
Finally, all the storylines are in the same period, and it happened in a great episode like this one. Geralt and Yennefer storylines are the better one by far, both Henry Cavill and Anya Chalotra have really good perfomances in this series, this episode just solidifies this. Can't say the same about Ciri, I like her character, but Freya is not that good portraying her, but she's new in this, and I know trough the series she will improve. It's was a shorter episode, so the pacing here was one of the high points, some of the previous episodes just felt longer than needed. It was a nostalgic episode as well, revisiting previous memorable moments of this very season, a decision I don't like, but it was necessary. Before a Fall, the penultimate episode of Season One, is one of my favorite episodes and I expect that the last episode is as good as this one.
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Not a sidequest!
rjmhulst27 December 2019
A pleasing, exciting episode that met all my expectations for season 1.
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Slotting the pieces together
DVD_Connoisseur1 January 2020
"Before a Fall" ambitiously slots the plot together and brings the viewer up-to-date with events so far.

A solid episode, I'd recommend it be watched in close succession to its predecessors for maximum effect.

8 out of 10.
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All the puzzle pieces come together!
vacila22 December 2019
First few episodes left me confused with timelines and action, but it all comes together in this episode and I love how they showed the storyline. Firstly confusing- it all makes sense now. LOVE IT!
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pvsteijn21 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I've been frustrated with this show. The focus on three main characters has made for some messy and sometimes rather confusing use of different timelines. There hasn't been enough establishment throughout it, which sometimes made it hard to follow - even as someone who has read the books.

I'm pleased to say they tie together the journey's of our characters, which all meet at the sacking of Cintra. This was desperately needed, because I was slowly losing my patience with the messy script, especially because you can see the amount of potential.

It's well done and brings us to a point where the show can sort of 'right it's own wrongs' of being messy in set-up for the second season during the last episode. I really enjoyed this one because of it - not only was it a good episode on multiple levels, it provides some much needed clarity and structure to what has been a promising but rather messy start to this show.
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Now we're talking
aboalhyjaa22 December 2019
Ive been waiting for things to burn up like this from the first second of this show. I actually admire the work they put up in this episode 👏🏻
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Second time around.
GraXXoR21 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I am watching the first season of The Witcher for the second time.

I will say that I'm enjoying it even more this time around.

I now understand the time lines -which were not clear on first viewing- and really appreciate the skill involved in tying all the different stories from the collection of Polish short stories this season of The Witcher is based on into one coherent plot. The way they brought the story full circle, back to the first major conflict and tied up all the threads is a job well done, indeed!

This, for me is the key episode of the season. All the different stories, all the different destinies finally come together here for what could have been a series ender in and of itself.
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Past and present!
amindostiari24 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode revealed everything. We are in the present with Ciri and we are moving forward and we go forward with Geralt to reach Ciri. The shortest episode but the most useful!
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A true Witcher should never abandon poultry in distress!
lirmihn11 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I knew if I kept at it I'd figure it out & really like it, or throw my hands up in disgust & stop watching.

It's the former.

.................... Spoilers......................................................

Pros & Cons (imo) Pro: Henry Cavill, Superman to some, Charles Brandon to me. His gruff monotone was a bit off-putting at first, but it grew on me as I got to know the character.

MyAnna Buring, beautiful madam from Ripper Street, perfect in her role as magical Headmistress.

Seriously gorgeous & immersive scenery & sets Many other good actors Really a Good story

Cons: Coming in with out a clue (no novel, no game knowledge) is CONFUSING. Many reviews re this, so I won't belabour it.

If a story really takes you to its universe, I find it superfluous & painful to kill off animals & animal-like creatures just for the shock & gore value. Not crazy about graphically dead infants either. Scene & setup did just fine imparting Yennefer's longing without it.

Some of the dialog feels really clunky & awkward at times.

Overall, I'm pretty hooked here, no story is perfect & there's a lot to really enjoy. I've finally "clicked" into the forward backward sideways rhythm of the time line, although sometimes I have to see the next episode to be sure it's what/where I thought it was.

Excited to see the next seasons!
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Not as good as other episodes.
LegendaryFang5620 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the least enjoyable episodes. Mainly because there wasn't that much in between, like with the previous episodes, now that we've caught up with Ciri's storyline. So this was basically the premiere with additional information from Yennefer's side of things a little before the present scenes in it, which wasn't that interesting, and Geralt's side of things, from before the present events of the premiere to during the present events of it.

At the same time, this episode was definitely necessary, to fill in blanks, to connect everything, but only because the writers decided that having three separate timelines and not doing things in chronological order was better, for whatever reason.

Watching what's been going on with Geralt in the past has been the highlight of each episode, and I'll miss it dearly, but thank God this goofy timeline business is over with. I guess you can say this is the real premiere of the show, despite as necessary, enlightening, and needed, like everything with Geralt and Yennefer, respectively, was, up to this point.
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Great Storytelling
chrisokram28 December 2019
I love how they use different timelines for telling the story. At first it might be a bit confusing but it's so satisfying to see all the pieces coming together. The episode was too short for my taste, but there was definitely put a lot of effort into it.
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Finally!!!! A map!!!!
sadako1120 January 2020
Yes!! Finally we get a little glimpse at the Witcher's world and kingdoms!! A map!! The producers doesn't seem to understand that a show with sooo many kingdoms and places needs a map to make that world feel real. To give this world cohesion and help the audience understand it.

Apparently the producers of the show don't play RPG games. World maps are one of the most important aspect of this kinda games.

Contrast this with GoT that showed the Westeros map in every single episode. The audience knew the names and locations of all the kingdoms.
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Worst episode so far.
Maddy-the-Weinerdog14 March 2020
Does anybody know what's happening? Anybody who didn't read the books?

It's like watching the Lord of the Rings movies, where they play scenes from three movies, in random order, and leave out basic information.

Yawn. Snore.
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The episode that brings everything together.
revparu3 January 2020
This episode of The Witcher is greatness personified. The answer to all the lingering questions lies in this. The opening 20 minutes gave me goosebumps. Such is the power of the great storytelling. All the prices fall into place. Well directed.
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Best so far.
andrejsolehnovics25 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Great episode, at least on par with GOT at its best. Accurately measured use of magic and other such stuff was a major contributing factor. I think this is the case where less is more.
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A good penultimate episode.
It's epic, fun and again we enjoy the complexity of the character of Jennefer in all its glory.
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Great story
moviesfilmsreviewsinc1 January 2022
The penultimate episode of The Witcher's freshman season resembles the show that many fans likely expected. Grand in scope (albeit not in physicality), it places Geralt, Yennefer, and Ciri at the crossroads of a potentially monumental conflict. Armies march, mages scheme, and Geralt approaches his goals with singular purpose. After a season-long struggle with structure, it finally feels as if the show has found itself. Essentially, all that separates our heroes now is geography. There's a real sense of satisfaction as these pieces slot into place, but it's impossible to ignore that this is partially down to relief that the messy narrative structure actually finds a way to resolve itself. Geralt's visit to Cintra on the eve of Nilfgaard's invasion brings him into Ciri's timeline, but also provides notable conclusions for his argument with Yennefer at the end of the previous episode. The dialogue does force this development - it would have been nice for Yennefer to realise this herself, rather than having to be told it - and while this dimension is likely obvious to anyone watching, it's good to see Yen forced to reflect upon it. The Chapter's war room, complete with giant map that finally gives us a taste of the geography and scale of the Continent, is packed with squabbling witches and wizards. Each observation they make helps emphasise the tensions the Nilfgaardian Empire is inflicting on the southern kingdoms. There's a notable building of momentum, and a feeling that this is the episode the entire show has been building towards. However, it's worth remembering that getting here hasn't been easy. The artistic sensibilities behind the season re-arriving in the events of episode 1, while fun, have come at the expense of pacing and legibility. But The Witcher is now in the best place that it has ever been, and so it's not difficult to feel hope for what lies ahead.
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Surprising twist with storytelling.
cruise0127 January 2020
4 out of 5 stars.

Coming to a climax with the series. This episode is a surprise. There is a twist with the storytelling. That finally catches up with the backstory to the current time.

The script is a bit slow. This episode is building up to its climax. It was good to see this series fold.
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the circle
Kirpianuscus19 January 2020
This episode gives satisfaction to a part of audience and explanations to the other. Its best virtue - the project of architecture of the serie . And the fine use of tension. So, just a gem. Or precious key. Short, the entire circle is showed in complete form.
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Starting to drag, but still quality tv
whiteblade-147823 December 2019
Its at this point you begin to realize how dialogue heavy this show is
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The broken pieces of the past.
deepakdst15 February 2020
The past was retold from the point of view of the main characters and there link with each other. The whole episode was good and linked the broken pieces of the past but I think the story of Yeneffer is a wean point in this series not the present but the past. I think that much details were not necessary to be presented as it feels irritating and boring when you don't know the story from the very beginning. Whatever the episode was good from the story's point of view.
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Meanwhile, back in Cintra
TheCorniestLemur29 December 2021
Eugh, and just as the show was on a good streak...

And just as Ciri's stuff was getting kind of interesting too. Watching what she gets up to in this episode, I now feel like I have to question what the point of the few interesting parts it had even were. What was the point of the elf boy? What was the point of the shape shifter? What was the point of the forest tribe people? Maybe it's setting something up for the next season, or even later. I don't know, but I do know I've seen TV shows that have set up things that will happen several seasons later and still been entertaining while doing it.

Now we're just back to her running around for a few minutes at a time. Amazing.

Yennefer isn't all that much better either unfortunately, mainly because I just don't care about her and this Istredd guy, although the meeting and voting is a decent scene I suppose.

And then there's Geralt, whose scenes aren't bad, but because of the way the timeline of this show has worked, we already know exactly what's going to happen in his part of the episode, and it's not like showing how we got there is all that riveting to make up for that.

Hopefully the finale can bring it back a little.
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A Perfect Episode!
AyonSahaa16 May 2022
A twist with the storytelling. And the timeline problem is now solved. There was so much confusion. The directors have created the show with many timelines. I was confused to tie them. Now it all comes together.

I just loved the scene of Queen Calanthe's death. It is full of thrills as well as fears. Freya Allan is also good in her character, Ciri.

This episode is a surprise. It was awesome to create problems in the timeline and tie them up nicely again.
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saeidabdi1 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Bsnsndndnnznsnnzznsnnzxnnxnxnnxnbbzbbdbbxnnsnnxjjejjxjkdkkwjndjcjdkkskdkkckckdkdkkeelelldcjdhebejckduebdhwjwhskckxjsbsgevdjdmxnsnsbebebdjxksnwbwbendjdjsnssnsndnnznnsnanbababsb abbsbsbabbabsbbabs.
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Less action, but the plot thickens and the episode was still good.
forpassord17 April 2022
I am no fan of Netflix and usually find their movies flawed with plot holes, bad manuscripts and other annoyances. But this episode was still GOOD! There can never, or at least "never" be to much action in a series like this, but I would say that more action would have been more or less the only thing that could improve this episode.

What little this episode lacks in action is mostly compensated for with a great story. I particularly liked how it complemented some of the stories from the games. Even if the series is not based on the game, both the series (and most of) the games are based on the same books.

On top of that, the acting, the characters, the action that were in the episode, the CGI, the music, the plot, the atmosphere were..................................you guessed it: Good ;-)
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