The God Plant (2018) Poster


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This documentary has been vote-bombed by other interests.
JottaH24 May 2021
No doubt about it. It is a factually sound, well-produced documentary that's received an appalling rating by faceless voters, saying nothing to support their rating given.

This documentary can be seen on Amazon Prime right now, and it is pure truth in every sense of the word. It shows the historical uses of Cannabis, it shows how the bodies of mammals have evolved to work in harmony with the active components of Cannabis. It shows how the plant became prohibited (spoiler, racism and Capitalism) and it shows several accounts both medical and anecdotal of people having huge benefits of using CBD oil. Among other things, 3 studies carried out specifically to prove that "Cannabis causes Cancer". All of the studies showed the opposite, Cannabis FIGHTS Cancer, and they were all buried.

If we are allowed to use alcohol and tobacco as recreational drugs, then Cannabis should ABSOLUTELY be allowed at the very least for MEDICINAL use. The only thing stopping this development, is lobbying by Big Pharma and ignorance stemming from propaganda aimed at making Cannabis seem like it is "Satan's Plant".

It is not. It is a plant with considerable medicinal uses, and a far less damaging recreational use than Alcohol or Tobacco could ever hope to be.

Watch. This. Documentary. Learn how Hypocrisy is the name which runs like a red thread throughout the West's history with Cannabis prohibition, which also affected the practical uses of Hemp. Hemp, which could've saved Mankind from our dependance on plastics decades ago.
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Boring and monotonous
OJT27 December 2023
This movie may give correct facts, but is quite amateurishly made. The first 25 minutes like listening to the worst teacher you had a school, and it's all about legalization of marihuana.

Finally we get some interviews, but then you should have lost all interest in this, except if you are a fan of the legalization.

I don't think this serves to gain recognition, since the movie doe not help the case.

One actually need to make better movies of they are to have interest outside the milieu.

I can't recommend this to anyone, sorry to say.

I don't doubt it can help epileptics and others, but then the world needs better documentaries to tell this fact.
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A Truth is Revealed
Kenzter14 September 2022
I came upon this biography while researching for some writing I plan to do for educational purposes. With God as my witness this biography tells much truth. Suffering from epilepsy with uncontrolled severe seizures thirty plus years I looked for any answer or help with that. After unsuccessfully following advice from health care workers in every field, taking almost every anti seizure medication, and one surgery I was obviously very frustrated with life. Someone may be asking now "how or why did he think marijuana might help?" I never did really. Since I was at a young age I had smoked weed with friends some to have fun, but it was rare for me. The beer and cigarettes were my addiction that I'm so glad I no longer touch either of them. As for addiction, I don't have an addictive personality or I may be addicted to Kool aid! I now know how both beer and cigarettes were only adding to my list of health issues. I met a man in the hemp business with great knowledge of it. Because I listened to him those seizures are almost gone compared to the at least a few a day, and quality of life is WOW amazing! As mentioned in this biography, on days I use any marijuana products anxiety is cut to zero, the headache I usually have feels better, I sleep great that night, and most importantly it is suppressing those horrible seizures. When using it medicinally it is very important to know how. Consistency as well as finding your trigger is most important. It can be a trial and error process so patience can be as important. Not everyone reacts the same to it! The name of this biography is so fitting. As I've been saying lately "God is the only thing bigger than marijuana, because He created it."
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For Objective thinkers only.
sandeepbab18 October 2021
Well, We all know Alcohol, Tobacco are all addictive substances but has any country banned it? There are countless studies which shows that these Alcohol and tobacco kills but still they are sold, promoted and taxed.

Sugar for example is one of the biggest addictive substances which is exploited by food product manufacturers. Are all these not some sort of recreational elements which we consume? But why single out only one plant.

Anyway, Good documentary, people who does not believe everything marketers and policy makers rub on our faces can watch it. They will appreciate it.

Not for naive viewers.
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If you score this low...
suprchunk17 September 2023
...then your IQ is around that number!

The fact that one review on here is calling cannabis the devil's weed, saying that cannabis users are addicts and junkies, yet sits there in his Red Hat and says giving his last dime to a duplicitous Orange is boggling.

There is actual science behind everything everyone has ever said positive about cannabis. There is actual science for the bad stuff SCIENTISTS say is related to cannabis - but guess what? Those bad things are negligible to the GOOD things our governments let us use instead: opioids that receive monies from our Uncle Sam; alcohol that receives monies from our Uncle Sam; tobacco that receives monies from our Uncle Sam; corn that receives monies from our uncle Sam - You should get the idea by now.

There are studies by medical and science personnel that have blasted alcohol and tobacco as needless, dangerous and without any benefit whatsoever to humans, at all. Cannabis helps in removing your addiction to those two drugs that have not benefit to our health at all. Yet, cannabis, and it's manufactured ties to criminals - negating any thuggery by alcohol and tobacco! - get the bad rap?

Makes sense when you see the nonsensical "reviews" by these brainwashed trogs. I mean, how are you going to get the government to be trusted by these Red Hats after lying to them about alcohol being better, tobacco being better, and guns being better than cannabis? Hard job. Glad I don't have to wade in all that pile of human excrement to try and persuade them to believe facts. It is a thankless, and impossible task.

This movie is for people who know how to think for themselves, and not regurgitate something they read and heard from their spiritual masters for the last 80 years. Until you can convince them of what was actual before being outlawed, they'll still believe crazy ideas that this plant is an addictive junky making drug. Spoiler: it isn't.

This movie presents everything in a fact-backed manner. It doesn't dive into hysterics. But it does turn our accepted drugs of choice, and their acceptance on its head. Maybe these Red Hat trailer drunkards are sad they have been poisoning themselves this long? I know I was. They should be as mad at the government as everyone else is for the mishandling of this safer than nicotine and alcohol drug that has been kept for us needlessly.

I dare say it is criminal the way this plant has been criminalized.
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