Fisher (2021) Poster


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Every action has consequence
andyofne-7581328 November 2021
This "movie" is garbage. But not just garbage, hot garbage served in a dirty ashtray

All of the 9 and 10 reviews appear to be fake. I clicked on nearly a dozen users who gave this a 9 or 10 and they all have ONE review and all the accounts are exactly 2 months old. What a joke.

I assume these are paid for or are from people who were part of the production. If a real human watched this and gave it a 9 or 10, they are either reviewing the wrong movie or they are write fake (probably paid) reviews.

The acting here is bad, like horribly bad. Very wooden and stilted. Like regular everyday people reading unfamiliar text aloud.

There are also some pretty major plot holes like how did the 'bad guys' discover who was doing the catfishing?

I'll admit, I didn't necessarily see the ending coming but I won't spoil it for anyone dying to see this, good luck. It's painful to watch.

The movie is supposed to be about a girl who cat fishes men to buy her gifts in exchange for photos / videos. But that whole part of the movie is almost inconsequential and very thinly explored.

Also, if you're getting ready to buy a gift for some hot girl online, try doing a simple reverse image search and see if someone is sending you stock or stolen photos. You can probably save yourself a lot of money.
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Don't believe the reviews
po-34414 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First off the actors completely destroy the film. They are simply terrible. No redeeming qualities. They have regional accents. Perhaps it may have been a better film if they cast differently.

I am amazed at some of the the indie films how bad the acting. One should realize that acting can make or break a film. Obviously there is more to a film but if you want to ruin to film then this is the way to do it.

The soundtrack was not bad so this is a positive, I guess and as I mentioned the story could have been made intriguing and interesting but alas everything was ruined by those that portrayed the characters.
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Horrible acting
gweesha12 December 2021
I don't understand the people who gave this movie a 10!! The acting alone is like a -10. It was so hard to get past that alone. I'm not even sure I can finish it. It sucks.
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Incredibly Dull
RichBoorman24 November 2021
Not a terrible idea, but very poorly executed. After a fairly promising opening scene, the tone changes. The acting is wooden, and if the pacing were any slower it would be going backwards!

I've seen worse, but not much.
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I couldn't.
ic-4674330 December 2021
I tried. I really tried, but I felt like I was torturing myself by watching this movie. I made it thru maybe 25-30 minutes, and that felt like an eternity. The acting like nails on a chalkboard. I checked out after that 30 minutes.
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Ruined by the worst acting and writing you'll ever see
phantasmda19 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this film knowing very little about it, only the synopsis on here and the rating of 6.4 it had from 160+ people, this has since plummeted and rightly so.

I didn't watch the trailer as I didn't want anything spoiling but boy do I wish I had done.

Most of the reviews on here were glowing 10 star reviews from people who have only opened an account to post this one review, so I knew straight away that most of these were plants, it's kind of expected on here from low budget indie films these days. I generally ignore all of these and go straight for the more honest reviews written by people who have been a member for over a year and have written a good few reviews. And if you go by this logic, then you'll see what quality this film really is.

I'll give credit where it's due here, there was a couple of good ideas in this film that could have worked had they have been done correctly and the twist ending, even though I saw it coming a mile away, was fairly satisfying but that's pretty much it as far as positive things I can say.

The acting in this flick is beyond atrocious, I honestly haven't seen acting this stilted, this wooden and lines delivered in such a cringeworthy fashion in a long long time.

The main girl, though very pretty, just can not act, some of her line delivery is awful and at no point does she come off as anything other than someone 'acting' The Indian friend she has is even worse, not only can she not act for toffee but when she speaks, she just stares off into the distance like there's just no one home. There's no expression on her face whatsoever. You'd think from what I have said that these 2 are the worst actors in this film but you'd be wrong.

There are scenes involving a police officer questioning people and another with a headmistress that are painful to watch. The acting from these 2 is probably the worst I have ever seen in a movie, the headmistress especially.

The only people in the movie that even come close to pulling off any kind of performance are the black lesbian friend, the religious scorned wife and her nerdy son, everyone else are awful.

There's not one character in this film I cared about and it was just so utterly boring and dull. A vast majority of this 2 hour monster is spent watching young girls talk and make craft projects, nothing happens to excuse this run time. There's literally one scene at the start of the film and one at the end, the rest of it is talking, young girls relationship issues, a bullied boy, a mother who's upset and hallucinating because she thinks her pastor husband is having an affair, more young girls talking. Oh, and there's a window cleaning and sweeping up montage that goes on forever. It literally is just scene after scene of a kid washing the same windows, sweeping up balls of paper and looking into a toilet with a plunger, it's tedious.

There's about 5 different plot threads that go absolutely nowhere, only there to serve as red herrings for who the killer is.

Some of the action scenes (and I use that term loosely as there's like, 2) are hilariously bad, man in a mask with a knife grabs weak young girl and stabs her in the leg, she kicks him and runs off to the bedroom, looks around the room, runs to the window and looks around outside, hides under the bed and looks around the room again and all this time, the man with the mask is ONLY JUST getting to his feet. So this young girl gave him 1 kick to the chest and it put him down for 5 minutes??? And to make it worse, she does the same thing again a few minutes later, it's woefully staged.

And now lets get to the absolute worst part of this film, the writing. Seriously, the dialogue in this movie is so bad, it's so eye rollingly awful that it's no wonder none of the actors could give any kind of performance.

Some of the dialogue and how it is written just baffled me, people don't talk like this, people do not interact with each other in the kinds of ways they do in this film, most of the lines of dialogue are just bizarre.

And just one final note, as with everything that seems to come out these days, this film has a check box of things that absolutely have to be in a movie these days to jump on the diversity train.

White girl with a black boyfriend CHECK! Indian or Asian character CHECK Lesbian or openly gay character, usually with short outlandish hair and tattoos CHECK Horrible redneck drunk white male character who just does nasty things for the sake of it CHECK It's getting boring. You can represent different groups of people in media without trying to shoe horn one of each stereotype into EVERY movie that comes out.

Overall, this film is bad, it's really bad, it's cheap looking, has some awful camerawork, sound design is all over the place, it has some of the worst acting you will ever see and the writing and dialogue is just beyond a joke. It's overly long, poorly edited, boring as hell and was just a completely joyless watch.

Do yourself a favour and avoid this one, there's far better Turkey's to enjoy this Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Oh and family members and friends of the production staff, please feel free to downrate this review like you're doing with most of the 1 star reviews on here, my life doesn't become any more negative because you gave me a thumbs down on the IMDB, so click away, this film is utter crap and I stand by everything I have said :)
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You've been punked
wtnmsmhdz10 November 2021
If anyone believed the ratings and watched this based on that, you've been punked. Worst acting ever. The story actually had promise. But it it was just horribly delivered.
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Amateur high school level movie
cclarkalbritton30 November 2021
Hilarious This movie is staged like a serious film, but it is hard to decide which is more amateur, between the beginner High School level acting the inane plot, the bad amateur writing, or just the overall amateur production and direction. I watched all 2 hours of this fake movie wondering when it would develop into something legitimate. Spoiler alert, it never does. This movie if it was a serious attempt at a film, is a complete failure. But it may have a second life as a comedy or a counter example of film making. This is not the worst movie I have ever seen, but it is among the worst five or so.
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Worst acting I have ever seen in my life
edett200313 December 2021
Literally not one person can even remotely act(ESPECIALLY THE TEACHER'S son...OMG AWFUL. How could they not find ONE decent actor out of all these characters?!!? The main characters best friend is supposed to be in HS with her...yet she looks like she is 35...I wanted all the characters to die at the end. If they spent over $1000 making this movie you would never know it...and that would be too much money for this piece of garbage. Anyone that gave this film a score of over 3 is either in the movie using a fake account or friends with someone from this atrocity.

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Poor production value
burgerman9320 February 2023
With a better cast and shorter run time, this may have been a watchable thriller. This main character was not crafty at all (for instance she used her normal email address when she lured catfish victims).

But funny enough the catfish plot was overshadowed by a bunch of randomized scenes of Clara's classmates. Most of the high school cast members had nothing to offer here. I sort of could appreciate the sinister and insane Mrs. Roberts character, she added some horror.

There was too much religious propaganda as well. The movie almost looked promising near the end, but it didn't have enough of an energy level. Skip it.
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It's far from perfect but I enjoyed it.
silvery_shamrock18 November 2021
It's a INDEPENDENT FILM... what were you expecting? Hollywood production values? I think they did a damn good job. So why are so many people bitter here? Is it because they mention God in the movie? If that's a problem then that is YOUR problem.

Rant Over.

The good: Cinematography above average even really good for a budget that had to be in the six figures if not less. Someone has had some training with lighting and blocking scenes. All fundamentally sound. Even when they do something like breaking the 180 degree rule, they do it in such a way that is impactful. Like when Mrs. Roberts confronts Clara.

Some nice uses of camera movement in a few scenes as a storytelling tool.

Not every scene is a work of art but it's solid camera work for sure.

The plot. I thought it was interesting if not a bit convoluted. You have to pay attention to details. I realize this is difficult for this current generation but there was definitely a story here.

The acting is average. It's not terrible but it's definitely better in some spots than others.

I really liked the ending, the score and the sound design, which was way above average for this kind of film.

The Bad: The dialog is not the best and I think that it makes the actors seem worse than they are. As a writer myself, it's easy to substitute exposition for dialog. So in this sense, yes the film is not the best. The script weighs down a few scenes and makes them feel unnatural. The whole of the film is not like this, however, as towards the middle of the film it felt much more natural but it took a while to get there...which leads me to...

The length of this film. If it had been just 10 minutes shorter then I think more people might stick around longer for the climax. Otherwise, the editing was tight.


I liked what they tried to do with this. It's not 100% successful all the time but it had enough to keep my interest and enough intrigue to carry it through. So don't listen to the reviews saying it's "the worst movie ever made." It cleary is not. Watch and decide for yourself.
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Fun Independent Film
willie-in-wala10 November 2021
Had fun watching this one. You can tell the filmmakers put a lot of work into it. It has its shortcomings...mostly on the budget side though they got good production value out of what they had. Some of the shots are beautiful if inconsistent.

If you are too stuck up to give independent films a chance then perhaps you should pass on this one but for me it harkens back to the days of mid 80s cinema. Who doesn't like movies from that era?

The acting is fine. Better than most low-budget productions. In particular, the woman who plays Mrs. Roberts does some nice work here. The actress that plays Clara is also very good for the most part and Kimmy almost steals the movie...until... well that would be telling.

It probably could have used a trim or 2 here and there but I never felt bored with it. Like the movie "Coherence", another good Indie Flick, it all came together by the end and then the length of the whole affair really didn't bother me.

I look forward to seeing what these filmmakers do in the future if they keep it up.
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Absolutely the worst movie ever made!
sarahstamm-944083 November 2023
I saw a review saying it wasn't that bad?!?! Did we watch the same thing? Our 7th grade film project was better than this ridiculous movie. I'm not going to put any spoilers in case some brave soul wants to watch this but I strongly advise you not to waste your time. The acting was beyond horrible, stupid plot and it looks like a school project. One example: Main character is painting a poster board and has a blue paint smear on her left cheek, the very next scene it miraculously moved to her right cheek. It's absurd and I have no clue how this was released for viewers and why it's on my Amazon Prime. I am not exaggerating when I say, I could write a better script, film it better and get better actors and actresses. Don't waste your time.
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Low budget, low quality
FinneganBear31 December 2021
Poor writing, poor directing, poor continuity and especially poor acting. Very, very poor acting throughout. The movie is also way too long at over 2 excruciating hours. The movie plays like a high school project. Although I suspect some high schools would do a better job. Unfortunately, it's not laughably bad. It's just "I wish I hadn't watched this" bad.
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Overlong and creepy
marcelmesa27 February 2022
After almost two hours of this boring movie I could not make it to the end so I read the reviews for the spoilers in it to find out who did it because I did not want to go back to it that's how bad it's all irrelevant this movie was. If there was a killer in this movie they failed used him to the advantage of this movie, this movie is a whole bunch of a whole bunch of other things that don't have anything to do with killing or this is not a horror movie. Movie made me feel bad about not reading the Bible often enough. I read other reviews for this movie and a lot of them said that all the acting was bad the only acting I could see that was truly bad was from the Indian girl not a good actress. 129 minutes was way too long and they didn't they didn't need that long such a boring story movie had a good premise but they wasted it.
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Stiff acting
catgrrl80930 November 2021
All the lines seemed stiff and awkward, like everyone was reading from a poorly written script. Even a Lifetime movie puts this to shame. The acting is so basic.
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A Window Cleaning Montage
revvoice9 November 2021
This movie is perfect for the night you need a movie to riff on and is perfect fodder for an MST3k style party. Independent around every corner with iffy directing, hysterical editing, strange line reads, unnecessary montages, and - the worst part of all - completely fictional reviews by, what I assume, are the family of the people involved.
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Not as bad as many claim
jdorego3 December 2021
Yes it is longer than needs to be. Plenty to chop out. Mostly the church scene. Acting not as bad as some say. The lead actress Lilly Leann Wright shows a lot of promise. Her two friends not so much.
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Pretty poor all around but one silver lining
robert-koss20 November 2021
Script is poor - meanders and is scattered.

Acting is really poor - definitely feels like first timers or non-actors.

Silver lining is this film make me feel like I could be an actor too!
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Shut it off!
charmed333-167-6579129 March 2022
I looked at the previews and the storyline looked pretty good. Seventeen minutes in I shut it off. The acting is horrible and embarrassing, and I was watching it alone! I don't understand how people kept the movie on. I want my 17 minutes back! 😩
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Fisher leaves you satisfied and grateful you stuck around for the final act!
TheRealJohnSolo29 September 2021
Fisher, a "who dunnit" thriller, does an excellent job at setting a stage with a very diverse crew of young performers and industry pro's who culminate in a believable story of Dogma taken too far. An excellent first outing by Cassie B Productions in conjunction with Maelstrom Films and it does not disappoint.

You can tell everyone involved was recruited for talent and not what they represent which is a very nice change of pace. As such, Fisher does a good job presenting the characters as genuine people just living their lives while being caught up in an unexpected spree of murders and not place holders for personal politics.

Despite the obvious critique of "religious zealotry gone too far" it manages to pull this off without undo denigration of people who live their lives in worship which in my opinion is a very complicated thing to do and the highroad which many AAA production companies intentionally digress from.

Full of smoke and mirrors, Fisher will have you believing one truth only to discover another.

In the end Fisher leaves you satisfied and grateful you stuck around for the final act!
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A bit long but nice payoff
Mac-in-LA20 November 2021
Don't listen to the naysayers. This movie has plenty about it to like. It's a little bit too long and the dialog could be better but it has a great score, so nice shots and a cool payoff... even if a little predictable. I liked it.
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Sooo bad that It's good?
saranoone27 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Great plot concept, just poorly executed, poorly acted, writings terrible, everything is just terrible.

Almost comes off as a parody, and comes off as a "who dunit" because the direction is all over the place.

All the characters are unlikeable.

Unlikeable and stupid.

All killings take place off screen.

There's supposed to be this who done it element, but it's given away who the two most likely killers are right away. The main killer is given up pretty quickly.

The main character is unlikeable, and stupid. Has a entitled personality. Whole film is this "woe is me" attitude but yet she is a mean girl and put herself in many of these situations.

Main character doesn't grab the phone that's sitting up on top of her bed that can be used to get help while she hides..instead she hides underneath the bed right away.

Main character doesn't know who put the food in her locker, but blatantly doesn't read the note, just bypasses the fact some stranger put food in her locker..just proceeds to eat it without thought.

This film is all over the place.

It's a great premise or concept because these things happen in real life often which makes it creepy and terrifying.
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Had so much potential
princess-fairy20108 December 2021
This movie could have been so much better if it wasn't for the acting. It was very cringe. It disappoints me because the twist was pretty could but the people cast in this movie were just ehh.
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Stopped watching
mbprocter29 November 2021
Far too politically correct. I don't need it pushing in my face. Concentrate on story please you're distracting the audience with virtue signalling. I lasted 20 minutes.
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