"Supernatural" Lebanon (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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Best episode ever!
zblinkchic8 February 2019
I have been watching this show since it first aired. I have a lot of favorite episodes but this one I have bring dreaming of. Man I wish this was how show would be from now on, the family together handling the family business! Loved it!
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14 seasons summoned up to this episode!
harrykumarghai-ghai8 February 2019
Never do the reviews, but this episode will be in my heart forever! That's what supernatural has been, all about family! I really paused at the moment when they all were dining together, loved the episode!
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Broke My Heart in Two
De-rel8 February 2019
This episode may not have been the most epic of all, but certainly for longtime fans like me, it was something exciting and touched the hearts of many hunters who long ago expected to see scenes like this, and see the family reunited, even for a brief moment, was something that touched me a lot, and made me want to cry. For me this is one of the best episodes of all for the meaning that he is.
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magnum-ajt9 February 2019
Remember when the show's premise was about two brothers searching for their father? Great revisit
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Super emotional episode
JoeyBagOfDonuts8 February 2019
Excellent touching episode. And I loved how the final music track was the same as the final episode of season 5.
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Winchester Closure on 300th
nightringer-768408 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's the right story with the right drama and twist.

Zacharia can be skipped, won't change the main story, but a good touch seeing Castiel without Winchester's friendship.

Must see for Supernatural fans.
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Papa Winchester
asfan-886608 February 2019
This is one of the best episodes I've seen in 14 years! I'm so glad he came to visit! 😭
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shcoleman10 February 2019
I cried practically the entire episode. Just such a great episode!
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Family reunion
sweetiegirl222818 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I cried when they finally meet their dad again.. then when he had to leave I cried again wow this is the BEST episode I ever had.... so emotional lol it's the best time for JDM to show up on 300th :)
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sscialli8 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The return of John Winchester~! The return of Zachariah~! The famous Winchester Casserole~! Time traveling again!
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A bittersweet gift for the SPN fandom.
LeaAnnSD8 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not going to lie, I love Kurt Fuller in everything he does. Even when he plays dick angel, Zach. H

The real amazing part of this episode is that the Winchester family is finally complete again! And even though it couldn't last it was so superbly done. I broke my heart.
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Learn the rules of Narratology Warning: Spoilers
This episode was exactly what Singer and Dabb said it would be. It was for fans who have watched since day one, and that was it. As one of those fans, I was disappointed. I wanted more. I wish the writers would pay more attention to the rules of narratology and less to placating fans. Good storytelling will make fans happy even when it isn't what they think they want. Dead dad reappearing should do one of three things: provide a major reveal, solve a problem that cannot reasonably be solved another way, or give serious closure. The writers and fans have touted that last one, but for me it wasn't there. There were no in-depth discussions and no addressing of issues. Maybe it's because it comes a little late in their development. In many ways Sam and Dean have provided their own closure. They have come to terms with their upbringing and accepted their fathers shortcomings. For Dean's hearts desire to be a family reunion felt off to me. As Dean is self-sacrificing, I would expect his hearts desire to focus on someone other than himself, but I would have thought it would be Sam or Jack. Additionally, the premise of the story felt like lazy writing. They just happen to find a pearl that grants wishes, one they weren't even looking for?? Really??? And summoning John from 2003 robbed the episode of the one thing it could have done: finally solved the mystery of what happened to John. They also could have closed an old wound of Dean's, that feeling of inadequacy next to his father. I have always thought that Alastair lied regarding John being tortured and not breaking as Dean did. Though it has not been mentioned in a while, that is a wound that has never been closed. This ep could have established some canon, could have cleared up, clarified, or even rewritten a few things from the past. There was so much opportunity for this episode that was wasted. It was an excuse to bring back Jeffrey Dean Morgan instead of a valid reason. The episode did, however, have some good points. Seeing the boys interact with the town and getting a glimpse of the towns people's impression of them was interesting and added a new dynamic. I liked the kids, particularly Elliot. But my favorite moment was Dean and Marta, the woman at the post office. Seeing her respond to Dean when she didn't respond to Sam, and the look on Sam's face, was priceless. Nice to see Dean's still got it. Not a bad episode, but for the 300th, and the return of Jeffrey Dean Morgan, it could have been so much more.
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piierogis17 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
With the show going on for 15 seasons, it was pretty much inevitable that John Winchester would make a reappearance. They've already brought back Mary, so why not John? But while Mary got a whole storyline with good character arcs for both her and the boys, John got... this.

If I had to describe this episode in one word, it would be saccharine - it's super sweet to see the whole family reunite! It's good to see them be happy after they've gone through so much! (even if it, weirdly, happens while an apocalyptic threat looms in the very same room and is not even recognised)

And... that's it. It's all sugar and not much more. And I could have accepted it if it was Mary being brought back from the dead for one episode while John had been back permanently. But it's John! And when I think about the relationship between John and his sons, the first thing that comes to mind is Dean lashing out about him, long ago, in s03e10: "My father was an obsessed ***! All that *** he dumped on me about protecting Sam -- That was his ***! He's the one who couldn't protect his family! He's the one who let mom die! Who wasn't there for Sam! I always was! It wasn't fair! I didn't deserve what he put on me!"

Sure, it's been years. Their dad is dead and they miss him. It changes things, it makes you remember the good rather than the bad. Still, watching this episode was one hell of a whiplash. Are we ignoring everything that was estabilished about John Winchester in the early seasons in favour of a nice family dinner?

It's not like John Winchester couldn't make an appearance in a more interesting way. We could've finally learned what happened to him after s2 (we later get a mention that he is in heaven, but up to that point there was nothing). There could have been a proper conclusion to Sam and Dean's relationship with him - maybe they still love him because he's their father, but he also abused them terribly and deprived them of a proper childhood. We could have seen Mary confronting him about this. John is a complicated character and should be treated as such, but it all got abandoned in favor of family fluff. It reads like a mediocre fanfiction.

Seeing how fun the 100th and 200th episodes have been, I expected something more.
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stylenpunk9 February 2019

Waited so long for this, finally it happened and whats better than doing it on the 300th episode.
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Best Episode Yet!
Floridasunshine878 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is the best episode in season 14. I felt so touch at the very end when they all cried and when John left them and i seriously was gonna cry myself.
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songod-9500311 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
An episode like this is the reason why viewers stay with a show season after season. Sure, all shows have to justify themselves each season and no one truly can plan a 300th episode or anything like what we saw here but, like the stand-out episode when Buffy's mother died; there are episodes that transcend "just another show" and become bigger than the whole.

"Lebanon" was such an episode. The return of John Winchester was handled in a way not only fitting of "Supernatural" but of any return from the beyond character in any such show. It was both joyous and heartbreaking.

Kudos to Jeffrey Dean Morgan, taking a break from "The Walking Dead", to return as John. As the eps says, it has been since 2003 when his character died. Morgan said he never imagined the show would last so long and was, like his character, pretty proud it has.

Nice to see Cas at full power again, if only for the alt reality created by the tear in time. We need more full power Cas!

Thank you show runners for rewarding the long time fans with a truly episode to remember.
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I got goosebumps
Kingslaay9 February 2019
Nothing beats a family reunion and what a way to mark 300 episodes. A nostalgic episode that was about family. It has been years since (John Dean Morgan) has been on the show. Despite that he is referred to so many times and was so influential in everything that has happened, similar to Ned Stark on Game of Thrones. Gone but not forgotten.

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Made a grown man cry
nph1911 February 2019
Seeing the Winchester family together. A tear jerker. I hope to see more Jeffrey Dean Morgan. He steals the screen. One of the best episodes ever
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Excellent episode in every aspect! Emotionally, the short story, and the spectacular clever acting!! I loooooooved it❤
AbyBerry9 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is and will always be my favorite episod. The feelings and emotions I had watching it is sooo beautiful even though it's painful and sad. The acting is WOW!! Specifically that specific moment of John hearing Mary's voice and his face just says everything!! What A Great job Jeffery Dean Morgan!! That, and the moment when they are saying goodbye, Dean and Sam's face expressions, omg these guys are great actors, Great Job Jensen and Jared, I love you both, and I am sooooooooooo happy and actually it made my day to know that there'll be a 15th season, woo hoo.... I can't imagine my life without Supernatural, without you guys... Hope this show will last as long as I live, I don't know how but I still hope so ;) God bless <3
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Absolutely Magical, Best Episode in Recent Memory!
swolfmoon9 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After last week's emotional ending, I was really curious to see what was in store for the Winchesters this week...and this show did NOT disappoint. I actually had to hit the rewind button when I saw Jeffrey Dean Morgan's name in the guest star credits. I thought that surely it was going to be a before unseen flashback of some sort...or maybe one or both of the guys get sent back in time??

But no, oh no...Daddy Winchester gets yanked through the timey wimey from 2003 and into the present. The how is a little annoying, but once it is explained and you think about it, it makes sense. I think the timing is interesting, as the next half of the most recent season of The Walking Dead starts back this Sunday, and if you are following that show at all, you'll know that Jeffrey Dean Morgan plays a baddie named Negan, who we all saw break free of his captivity at the end of the last episode before it's break. But I don't care.

This episode was amazing, and I brought me to tears more than once. I loved the ending, when it was thought that no one would remember, but they all seemed to. My theory on that is that the dream he thought he had, he told the boys, and they remembered and then when it happened in the future, they were able to retain the memories afterwards because they knew it was going to happen ahead of time. In fact, that's probably why Dean messed up and wished for his dad to be there instead of getting rid of Michael as he was supposed to do. Just my thoughts.
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The Best Episode so far!
giorgi-zozra10 February 2019
Everything great!! just great!! this episode is like must watch before you die! loved it
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Finally we see John
shwetafabm9 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have wanted to see John forever. I wanted to see him in S4 when Sam was having detox hallucinations but i got the mom instead that Sam only ever saw as a ghost, i wanted to see him in a recalling, as an apparition whatever mainly because the focus on the mom never made sense to me like how in S10 finale the photos Dean sees have the mom but not the dad. I just don't feel any connection to Mary, none. Not much happens tho. Has some funny moments. I think this is the first time in a long time i actually laughed when Dean made the best worst thing joke to Sam, best joke of the series maybe. Also really loved seeing a particular angel but i don't understand why it was written so strange, like they really sucked at what they were supposed to do. As for the plot... Michael from apocalypse world would not be a problem and seems like the world didn't manage to raise Lucifer...my only sense for their decision is that they didn't want to lose their identity and the off chance the apocalypse gets started. Also did it really make sense that the time traveled John appeared and not the actually soul in heaven because i totally thought John was talking about a heaven memory.
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Boring Ep Where Everyone Is Out of Character
marmar1329 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
They wasted the 300th episode of a show whose primary message is "Family Don't End With Blood" on the Winchesters' crappiest blood relative. And they didn't even do it well.

The first 20 minutes of the episode are spent on a subplot that goes absolutely nowhere and makes the boys look like idiots. Sam and Dean leave the Impala, which is FULL OF MAGICAL ARTIFACTS, unlocked and it gets stolen by some teenagers. They retrieve it and defeat the ghost of John Wayne Gacy. K.

The core plot is that they use one of these magical objects (a pearl) to give Dean "what his heart desires." They think that'll get rid of Michael, but instead the pearl pulls 2003's John Winchester out of time and into the present for a family reunion.

And that's when I expected the John Winchester Rehabilitation Hour to begin. Because anyone who has paid any attention to this show knows that John Winchester was a terrible father and that Bobby Singer is the boys' real dad. This isn't open for interpretation. Sam and Dean both talk about it... a lot. They talk about being raised in hotels, about going hungry, about Dean being shipped off to boarding school any time he "made dad mad," about John's terrible drinking habits, about how Dean was cleaning up John's messes even before their mom died (at age FOUR). It has also been mentioned MULTIPLE TIMES since Mary's return that the way John raised the boys broke her heart. It's a core element of her distress. Bringing John back had the potential for some juicy material.

There was an episode in Season 12 ("Who We Are") where Dean hashes out his issues with Mary, and afterwards they begin repairing their relationship. Mary was dead for 30 years and the show felt it necessary to give us that moment because Dean needed it. So naturally, I expected Dean's "heart's desire" in this episode to be getting closure with his awful father.

Not so. John Winchester is immediately forgiven for everything, and "Lebanon" presents itself as a warm and fuzzy family reunion. John isn't at all suspicious of being tugged out of time and is suddenly a nice guy. Mary forgives him for everything and immediately becomes hot for an old dude who should be unrecognizable to her at this point. Sam forgives him for everything. Dean doesn't even entertain that he needs to forgive him for anything.

None of this works on any level. It's complete schlock made to appeal to the audience's member berries. "Member when Jeffrey Dean Morgan was on this show? I member." Yeah, I member too. The show is better without him.
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best episode ever
rokondrum8 February 2019
This episode outruns all before, even scooby one. i would like to see ''him'' again but this was enough. so emotional and so beautiful. this was great
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Giving the Fans Closure
asavig23 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
When the writers/creators decided to bring back Mary, I feel that a lot of fans, myself included, were given a double edged sword. On one side, we now got to experience a mother/son(s) relationship that had never been apart of the show before, however, people may have thought the line "giving you what you need" could have been John. If the show had given the viewers John back, we could have seen a relationship get fixed that people felt they needed since season 2. This episode gave fans the closure they needed for not only Dean, but Sam and Mary as well. Sam and John always had a terrible relationship, so to see them hash it out and get their own closure, it meant a lot. Even though we only had John Winchester back for forty minutes at best, it was the closure everyone needed and the writers did John, Mary and the boys justice.
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