Christmas Everlasting (TV Movie 2018) Poster

(2018 TV Movie)

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Everlasting Christmas
TheLittleSongbird6 April 2021
Hallmark Christmas films do have a tendency more often than not to be very predictable, cliched, very cheesy, too schmaltzy and over-scored, the worst of them also contrived and unrealistic. There have been many times where they have also been very cute, warm hearted, heartfelt, charming and appealingly acted. Really did want for 'Christmas Everlasting' to be all of those latter adjectives, as Hallmark have shown quite a number of times that they can make watchable films.

'Christmas Everlasting' is one of those watchable films. Actually thought that it was quite decent, it was far from perfect and didn't bowl me over but to me there was a lot that was good. Am another person who appreciated the diversity, not that not having any would have been an issue and really shouldn't be an issue when critiquing films and television, and it was brave for 'Christmas Everlasting' to have a death during the film which is rare for Hallmark (known for films that generally aim to have a feel good element).

It does have its issues. It does lag in the pace in the middle act where the storytelling is slight in spots. Some of the final act is on the contrived and over the top side.

Do agree that Patti LaBelle doesn't register very well in the film. She comes over as too hammy, which jars with the tone of the rest of the film, and she and the characters felt out of place.

Much in 'Christmas Everlasting' is good. The production values still manage to be great. It's not too drab or garish in photography, the editing didn't seem rushed or disorganised and the scenery has a real charm to it. Often have found the music a problem in Hallmark Christmas films, but 'Christmas Everlasting' is one of the few times where it not only has not been a problem but actually one of the best things about it. One cannot go wrong with a healthy amount of the great Nat King Cole.

The script didn't come over as corny to me and had genuine emotional impact. Personally did not think that it was too syrupy. The story is not as predictable as most Hallmark films and for a Hallmark Christmas film it was actually different with a more serious subject matter. One that is executed with poignancy and honesty, without being mawkish. The ending is poignant and is not as pat as most Hallmark Christmas film endings. Mostly the characters were written fine, with a very relatable female lead character. The acting is on the most part fine too, Tatyna Ali's performance is very moving.

Bottom line, decent with the best assets being very good but there was room for improvement. 7/10.
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Unoriginal and by the numbers middle definitely hamper the film but it's still one I enjoyed
r96sk9 December 2020
Very good opening and ending, the unoriginal and by the numbers middle definitely hamper the film but it's still a film I enjoyed.

'Christmas Everlasting' does feature a fair amount of heart, I cared for the main character - Tatyana Ali's Lucy. It's a good story, one that isn't all that usual for these festive television films. Unfortunately, as noted, is does hit the beats that those aforementioned productions would during the middle part - which is slow and uneventful.

Ali, as well as Dondré T. Whitfield & Dennis Haysbert and a few others, are pleasant to watch though - which stops the film from falling down the rankings. The trio of characters, spearheaded by Amanda Brooks, are strangely written, I will say.

All in all, it's worth a watch.
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Christmas Everlasting
JoBloTheMovieCritic20 July 2019
6/10 - good cast, but there were several plot holes that undermined my enjoyment
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Kirpianuscus14 November 2020
A real beautiful Christmas film. For Dennis Haysbery, for portrait of family, friendship and comunity, for the cat and for blankets and, no doubt, for romance. Short, just beautiful.
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A step up
caseybones28 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Finally Hallmark has put a person of color in a leading role. Unfortunately, it made the deceased sister an unwed mother which I have never seen in a Hallmark movie with a white lead character. And, of course, the supportive friends were all white. Racism much?

The story was a tiny bit better than most of the schlock that Hallmark pumps out in their endless stream of Christmas movies. Of course, the two lead characters fall in love which is no surprise to anyone. I didn't see much chemistry between them but they were pleasant enough.

I didn't hate it, I didn't love it but at least they didn't use the same industrial strength curling iron to create identical hairstyles on every female. I just wish Hallmark would come up with one new, innovative idea. The same old recycled plots gets old fast.

Loved the deep voiced uncle who stars in auto insurance commercials! I could listen to him all day long!
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Not plausible?
MickyG3332 January 2024
6.1 stars.

What we have here is a very very standard hallmark production, the only difference is the actors are not usually seen in these sorts of movies, at least not any that I've seen lately. It has an all-star cast, Haysbert he's a well-known famous man, who only does top-notch movies. What I was unable to get accustomed to was the story itself is too standard and over done, and although the actors did very well, it's basic, and not plausible in many respects. The backstory is interesting, but the actors they use as their younger selves do not have enough resemblance to the older current actors. There were several parts of the story that I felt I could've improved upon if I wrote it myself. But I'm not a writer, even then, I know it could've been much better. The focus of the story is more about the friends of her sister, than her sister. I wanted to see more about who her sister was before and after the accident, so we could get an idea of what we were missing. So her sister is an ethereal concept that we never really understand and never will, so it leaves a gap in our understanding of who, what, and more importantly, why. The conclusion is predictable and only magnifies the point that it's not a plausible reality. No sister withholds such a monumental truth. The guilt, shame, nope. Too rudimentary. You might enjoy it, it's just not for me.
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Kleenex Alert!
kz917-112 August 2019
It's Christmas season. Someone dies. Heartache ensues during the trip home.

Forgiveness is a main theme. Who is Maeve to the deceased?

I have to say, it's not what I thought. So kudos for the answer not being obvious.

Points for Patti Labelle being a secondary character and the usage of Nat King Cole music!

Who knew Wisconsin was so diverse?!
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beachy-3843125 November 2018
Hallmark has some black characters in lead roles. And the music is much better than every other Hallmark movie I have seen this season. Why in the world would I want to subscribe to the new Hallmark station and listen to it all of the time.? However, it is still a story for and about rich people. Hallmark use to do Hall of Fame movies about regular people. They were much better movies. What happened?
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Average Hallmark
fmwongmd2 December 2018
Totally predictable but watchable under the right circumstances. All performances average; Tatyana Ali sometimes rising slightly above.
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Bring Kleenex
Jackbv12325 November 2018
This is a story that in many ways can't miss hit you in the heart. The prodigal sister, Lucy, returns home after her sister's death to find out that Alice was a person who qualified for Sainthood. Lucy is on a road of discovery as she not only learns who her sister was, but begins to become part of the life she left behind. There is even a little mystery to be solved.

I could have done without big city lawyer flexing her muscles and Tatyani Ali needs to work on her angry crying technique. Dondre Whitfield never showed a lot of warmth nor was the chemistry great with Ali.

The movie was full of sentiment, but Christmas, though prominent, seemed to be almost secondary to the story. Likewise for the romance.
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Just so so
LtlHippo30 November 2018
No chemistry. Storyline boring. Did they have to make the lead so out of touch with reality? Was crappy of the sister to expect the other sister to uproot her life for a month.
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That quilt though
sean-gilbertson20 December 2019
This was a bad movie and I have to say even though there was a lot of bokeh especially at the end, it wasn't especially Christmasy.
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Nice Surprise
Christmas-Reviewer14 July 2019
Review Date 7/14/2019

I have Reviewed OVER 500 "Christmas Films, & Christmas Television Movies , & Television Specials". Please BEWARE Of films and specials with just one review! For instance When "It's a POSITIVE" chances are that the reviewer was involved with the production. "If its Negative" then they may have a grudge against the film for whatever reason. I am fare. I am on a mission to watch every Christmas Movie ever produced. Since 2014 I average 100 a year.

I am not sure who is picking the material for Tatyana Ali but this is the 2nd Christmas theme film I have seen her in and both were way above average.

In this story Tatyana Ali plays a big city new York lawyer who must return to her home town for her sisters funeral. In order for her to inherit the family home she must live in it for a week.

This film is better than you expect. I don't want to give anything more away but trust me its a winner!
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Too Syrupy!
bilc-0194912 December 2018
This movie is way too Syrupy even for Hallmark! The story line is lacking and unrealistic, acting is over the top and bad! I do not recommend and Hallmark should employe new writers!
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Great to see a Hallmark movie with people of color
tuffybeast25 November 2018
Great movie!!! Really enjoyed it. Nice to see that Hallmark is making movies with people of color.
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Pleasantly low count on the gammon meter. No Faries though
iranu-741959 November 2019
Thankfully, not all the cringe worthy elements were chucked at this cheap Christmas film, but it still has plenty. The film focusses around an Afro American central cast and so, the male love interest looks cooler that a spam-faced Ben Pimlott type, but, he still had to wear a Christmas sweater - and look like a dick. Environmentally, the film is suspect as, an estimated 4 to 5 tons of hair straightener was used on set. As the target audience is AAmerican, Nat King Cole is weaved into every scene instead of Bing Crosby, but with the same effect of aural mogadon. We have death, sweet kids, a naughty cat, cookies ...and the making of a "friendship quilt" which, is sown throughout the script (geddit?) Tall and grey Mr Swinson is the town saige - who turns up like an advert every 10 minutes to toss out wisdom and philosophy like it were gingerbread; he's the Jesus-God-FatherChristmas character (what, you didn't know that was essential to all Christmas movies?) The film moves along with successful black lawyers getting it on, but also finding truth and zen along the way. What really stood out was lead character's continual use of a bluetooth earpiece to make cell calls - and thus strolls around shouting in numerous snowy scenes. I thought it was because the movie was made maybe 2008..but it's 2018, so, somebody in production crew found an old old Christmas gift in a drawer, maybe. This film moves along at pace, and, there hardly any white 30-something males called Scott, with a neat parting and a face like chicken mayo - so a blessing in that regard.
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Don't bother
LovesMyGarden28 December 2018
Very depressing. Don't waste your time with this poorly written drivel. No chemistry among the "actors" at all. Hallmark should have done a better job casting and directing.
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well done despite the ham
montgomerysue8 December 2018
Rarely does a Hallmark Christmas movie involve a death that occurs during the course of the movie. Usually, the viewer is told that grandma or dad died last month or last year or whenever. But here, the death is an intricate part of the plot line and it is done in a manner that is quite interesting. The actors play their roles intelligently and realistically, particularly Ali who delivers a sincere, emotive, and multi-faceted performance.The only distraction is Patti LaBelle, but that doesn't happen until the last half hour of the movie. In a small role with only a couple of scenes, the part was obviously given to her because of her name value and not any acting talent. She adds nothing to the story and, when she walks into the dining room carrying the big Christmas ham, you think, "Oh look - there's the ham carrying the ham !" Otherwise, the dialogue is well-written, the story is rather unique for Hallmark, the sets are attractive, and the main cast carries the movie off very effectively.
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Not a typical cheery hallmark movie
hashiba-2484130 November 2018
This movie was so slow and quite depressing. It was totally missing the holiday cheer and those little moments of sparks flying between the main characters. Was meant to be more of a lifetime movie, then a Hallmark holiday romance.
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Definitely a Hallmark Winner!
anthrorose13 December 2018
Every year, Hallmark presents many new movies, but some stand out above the others. This year it was Christmas Everlasting. Not only did this movie have a depth that many others didn't, but it was a truly touching story that seemed to be without artifice. Yes, it had all of the Christmas elements typical of Hallmark movies, but it had something extra -- a truly deep and even slightly sad plot with a poignant ending that was very satisfying. Bravo for giving us such a wonderful movie.
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sheilajewell8 July 2020
Such a snooze. I turned it off half way through. I applaud the successful lead Black people, but they look like they landed in whiteville. I expect cheese from Hallmark but this was painful.
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bilc-0194912 December 2018
This movie stinks! The acting is horrible and the script is pathetic! Hallmark should be ashamed!
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Loved it!
botelhofam28 November 2018
Such a good movie. Sweet and touching like you would expect from a Hallmark movie. It does have a similar formula but with a different twist. Anyone who doesn't love this movie has a heart of coal!
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Hallmark is making too many Christmas movies
stevewhite-9861525 November 2018
Nothing at all to make me watch this a second time. Really bad.
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Slow but Good
demita5316 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Even though the movie was slow, I stuck with it. But the slowness probably made me more aware of a couple of "Goofs" in the movie. I'm not able to add to the "Goofs" section, so I'll list them here. 1. At the part where Peter reads the letter, it lists the phone numbers of three people as if they can be reached at different numbers, but all the phone numbers are the same. 2. At two different times, Lucy's car is covered with snow or frost when the car should have been clean. First when she gets out of the car after shopping and again, when she gets out of the car at the lake, In both instances, the warmth of the car should have melted the snow/frost.
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