Hit & Run (TV Series 2021) Poster


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A good series sadly cancelled after a single season
Tweekums16 February 2022
This Israeli series opens with protagonist Segev Azulay being attacked in a New York jail. We then move back three weeks and see how this Tel Aviv tour guide came to be in a jail on the other side of the world. The event that triggers everything is the death of his wife; she is killed by a hit and run driver. At first it is assumed to be an accident but it soon emerges that those involved have left the country and headed to New York. Segev starts to suspect that it was no accident as a man he helped put in jail is also in New York. He flies out and meets old friend Ron Harel and journalist Naomi Hicks, who he was once involved with. The more he investigates the more he wonders about his wife; what he learns suggests she wasn't the woman he thought she was. The investigations lead to some very dangerous situations for Segev and those helping him.

I largely chose to watch this series as I'd enjoyed Lior Raz's performance in Fauda. Once again he doesn't disappoint, bringing a gritty and believable toughness to Segev's character. I was a little surprise, given that it claimed to be in English, a significant portion of the dialogue was in subtitled Hebrew... personally I prefer this but fear people not expecting to have to read subtitles may have dropped the series leading to it being cancelled after a single season. The story started well and kept me gripped from start to finish; there are plenty of twists and turns and lots of gritty action. There is a real sense of danger even for major characters. The cast is solid throughout. Overall I thought this was really good; it is just a shame that it was cancelled after just one season. Many questions are answered but new ones were raised that left me wanting more. I would recommend it to viewers wanting action and murky drama but caution that the lack of a proper conclusion is frustrating.
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Quite impressive!
yaseerrizwan6 August 2021
Gripping. Good storyline and direction. Gets better as it progresses.

Lior has done justice to his role. Second Israeli series for me after Fauda - keep it up with the good work.
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Too many scenes in the dark
ealander8 August 2021
I was excited to see this because I loved Fauda. The first few episodes seemed like they were building to something, but then the plot degenerated to a bunch of running around, fighting and driving around in the dark. So many scenes are just too dark to follow. The last episode was so dark I couldn't really tell who was in the scenes. Not sure why they couldn't just turn on some lights.
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Argyll1211 August 2021
A married tour guide with a daughter seems an unassuming guy but it turns out he has a particular set of skills honed over a lifetime which make him a nightmare for bad guys, and his friends, too, whom he seems to be trying to get killed. If you don't do what he wants, he will search for you, he will find you, and he will kill you.

A decent show but Segev and many others keep making silly moves. Segev is stupidly confrontational with everyone he meets. We're supposed to excuse this because his wife died. He's very demanding of his friends without offering much to them in return. He also seems to make little effort to hide or conceal himself yet the authorities are mostly unable to find him, or hold him.

The show is filmed mostly in darkness to contribute to the serious tone? The serious tone is supposed to make the audience take everything seriously, but the show could use some comic relief.
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Awesome storytelling, starts a bit too slow tho
patrios-562847 August 2021
Lior Raz is back! After Fauda, he hits with a great - less political - story that is very well produced, has great actors and is deeply written! Starts off a bit slowly in episode 1, but is worth to keep watching!
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Too many Cooks spoil the Broth
pietclausen9 August 2021
An overdone, never ending story, with twists and turns until one doesn't care anymore. The use of Hebrew is also difficult to follow as the subtitles don't stay on the screen long enough, if at all. Many scenes are in total darkness, thus one cannot see what is happening. The story is incomplete after 9 episodes, so it appears there will be another season. Once again a Netflix product gone to waste.
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Why so much criticism!?
samanthariley-314209 August 2021
So many whine about dark scenes, never had that issue... could suggest these people adjust their TV settings lol. Good fun and great twists, loved it! Bring on season 2.
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Why So dark ?
pritigiri98 August 2021
I wish the scenes were not in dark so much. I am liking the Series though.
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From the creators of Fauda
guido-cremie7 August 2021
Thrilling story, a mystery unfolds. A multi language show, so some may find it hard with subtitles. But it shouldn't stop you enjoying another great production from Lior and co.
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Expected more.Much more.
Arik_P15 August 2021
A partially wasted opportunity for a good thirller .A good idea,with an unnecessary complicated unreal plot that got twisted and almost consume itself. Lior and Gal and the rest are doing a good job .Maybe another season can revive the first season? Creators of Fauda can do so much more.sorry for the 6 score .
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This sort of story depends on the denouement
Nozz20 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In a way, this is the sort of story that Hitchcock did to perfection: A guy is living a quiet life and suddenly finds himself caught up in a mystery that it's up to him to figure out. Except that in Hitchcock the guy has no special training and his life is at stake. Here, the guy is an ex-commando and nobody really wants to bother him if he'd only stop assaulting everybody he suspects. Anyhow, the plot is driven by the question of what's behind the mystery. I'd have excused a lot if the answer in the season finale were more satisfactory, but unless I misunderstood, it had to do with secretly recording something that, if you stop to think, was too simple to require recording at all. Or maybe I did misunderstand, or maybe there's a more yet to come in the second season-- which, like most commenters here, I would suggest shooting under brighter bulbs.
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Great show good plot ends with Uber cliffhanger
jeffkresse-814-3459698 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So former Israeli agent survives four years in a Mexican prison after a mission in Mexico and becomes a tour guide in Israel, marrying a US citizen ballet dancer who has moved to a prestigious ballet company there. She is killed in a hit and run in Jerusalem on her way to a flight back to New York to interview for another position.

Okay, that sets up the beginning. Husband has teenage daughter from a previous marriage to an Israeli attorney and the new family of three all live in this unbelievably majestic home in spite of the fact that both of their occupations would never support it. Really nice home but not believable.

We are introduced to potential suspects beginning episode one and discover along the way she was a CIA operative who was having a continuous affair with an Israeli with a dancer fetish about 20 years her senior.

Husband flies to USA and eventually uncovers the truth, and that his deceased wife was about to transport secret intel on the US Presidents son for supposedly selling state secrets. He also learns she was perpetually unfaithful with this much older guy, who himself has secrets.

The husband is involved for crimes (murder of bad guys) in the USA while getting more information, offered a deal by the CIA but violently breaks free and in the end he discovers his ex-wife has been murdered and daughter taken.

That's where is ends, yes in a major cliffhanger that we may or may not ever get resolution for for at least a year, if Netflix decides to give us a season two.

Eight blazing stars for script and acting. Let's hope Netflix graces with a season two because it would be well worth it.
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Why compare?
kenfromcanada12 August 2021
Yes, Fauda, Lior Raz's series before this, was, 11 of 10 good.

This is a stand alone, different series. And it is good. Raz is Raz, you liked him before, I like him now.

As to 'dark, sound, too violent, etc', what where these others watching?

A good watch, (I am only a few into it admittedly), I am happy.
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A series that begins Israeli and declines by wanting to become an American.
danybur9 October 2021

Another series that goes from more to less, which promises to be a police thriller with mystery and class and is mutating into a dirty police thrilelr of revenge and action with elements of espionage, while it is convoluted and accumulating unlikely and even confusing situations. The monotonous performance of its protagonist, who turns non-stop from a loving husband in love and father to an impulsive, violent and irascible (and unbearable) type of arms to take, does not help either.


Segev Azulay (Lior Raz) works as a tour guide in the city of Tel Aviv. Her life undergoes a radical change when her wife, an American dancer, is run over and dies in the accident and those who run her run away (a hit and run). From a certain point on, Segev begins to doubt the "accidental" nature of the incident and undertakes a feverish investigation to find the perpetrators of it.

We are facing another series that goes from more to less, with a magnificent first chapter, well directed, well planned and very intriguing, but that begins to sink as it tries to become more and more American and less Israeli. What promises to be a mystery police thriller is mutating into a dirty police thriller of revenge and action with elements of espionage, especially from the moment the action moves to the United States as a sort of Hard to Kill Israeli in New York.

The plot of this series by the authors of Fauda begins to twist and accumulate unlikely and even confusing situations. Among the implausible (and structural) we could include the devotion that Segev arouses among those close to him (a police cousin, an ex, a friend) who suddenly dedicate themselves full time to supporting him in his investigations and putting themselves in serious risks. Of course, Segev carries a past that accounts for his nonstop mutation from a loving husband and father to an impulsive, violent, and irascible type of gun-taking.

Another serious problem with Hit & Run is Lior Raz's lackluster performance, with practically the same grim expression throughout much of the series, a monotonous performance that makes his unpleasant character at times unbearable.

Of course, there are some situations of tension and action and violence well resolved and better performances, such as those of Moran Rosenblatt as the police cousin, Gal Toren as the friend or Gregg Henry -actor in several Brian De Palma films- as the father of his wife. But this is not enough to save a series that plunges into a routine mediocrity and becomes endless.
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You will want to binge the whole series
joellevy-404-2408557 August 2021
I had no idea what this was and am glad I watched it. Watched it in 2 days. Original, international, story that takes place in Tel Aviv and NYC. Murder mystery that sees an ex hit man with a new life get thrown back into his old ways when his wife is killed in a hit and run. But things are not what they seem. And people are not always who you think they are. Unravel the mystery alongside the main character, with every episode uncovering new secrets . A must watch!
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mageh7 August 2021
I give it a solid 7. Yes, it is not Fauda and acting is not always perfect. However, it is still very entertaining spy thriller. A bit slow start but after episode 3, it is full of twists and turns, no dull moment. Recommend!
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dareortiz8 August 2021
This series is a amazing and will leave you wanting more. Very unique story at the beginning, and keeps you at the edge of your seat. Can't wait for season 2.
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Slow, somewhat entertaining but pointless
jc81131 August 2021
First few episodes had some twists and mysteries regarding the wife. Once the mystery was revealed mid-season, the rest of the way it was a long multi episode chase regarding a notebook (Muguffin).

Everything way to slow. Could have been better as a 2 hour movie.
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Excellent 👍 kudos 😊
canine-731658 August 2021
Just finished binging on it and loved it! Season 2 pleeeese!!!
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Great show that shouldn't have ended.
Sunflower00715 January 2023
I definitely found Hit and Run very thrilling and interesting, but sadly Netflix cancelled it with a huge cliff hanger. It was just crazy to end it without know what will happen. I would've loved to see a second season. The only flaw that I have to mention is too many dark scenes. Didn't know why they made it like that, but I also admit that the action, fights scenes, story, the mind boggling mystery, & performances were great too.

I would definitely recommend anyone to watch it, but would have to say that it ended way too soon. As for the 10 stars that I gave it to this show. I believe well deserved.
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linda-plant227 September 2021
Have to agree with most of the previous reviews.

What IS IT with modern movie directors that all scenes must be filmed in the dark ? Its not just Israel devoid of electricity, most of the film world needs to put a coin in the slot, and we the public are fed up with trying to see what's going on. Just watch any film noir of the 40's and 50's - all atmospheric without the need for a total blackout.

The story was a good one, but wished it had a proper ending, without the need for a Series 2. The main lead was as bald as a billiard ball, yet when attempting to avoid the police he neither wears a hat or puts up his hoodie !! And his tan jacket could be seen from outer space in a crowd - laughable, and he was supposed to be a Mercenary in another life ! I bet he wasn't successful.
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No lights were harmed during filming...
hdsimmons9 August 2021
....since it seems there were none used. Way too many scenes were virtually unwatchable due to the lack of lighting. So dark there's almost totally black screens. For me the whole thing diminished the entire series.
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Very dark picture
hgavin-0508116 August 2021
Can anyone explain to me why the production of this series is so dark?? I am really enjoying it but finding it very hard to see what is going on.
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I get why Netflix cancelled it...
jeffpsy12 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Hit and Run was entertaining enough for me to stay with it for 9 episodes. But what began as a tautly crafted thriller, soon ballooned into non-stop mayhem, equal parts Jason Bourne and Marvel comic book. In New York City, as the CIA and Mossad competed to see which was more corrupt, and the body count kept increasing, the plot became increasingly unwieldy, and I began to wonder, "Are the writers going to be able to land this plane!?" As it turned out, they weren't able to, and season 1 ended with a ton of loose ends. The plot had just become too bloated and absurd. Even if the producers had expected a season 2, the lack of any plot resolution was an artistic failure. That, and the extraordinary cost of producing an international series, I think caused Netflix to pull the plug. No season 2, at least on Netflix. The writers would have been wise to follow the maxim "less is more."
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This is not Fauda
espenskum5 September 2021
So you are a Fauda fan? Forget this. Bad story, bad script. Bad acting.

Why did I see all episodes?
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