"Mom" Jell-O Shots and the Truth About Santa (TV Episode 2018) Poster

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Very Sad
mlbachorik-8449326 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Violet is a little more sophisticated than she used to be, but she's still bitter and a user. It's sad for Christy that she longs so much for a relationship with her daughter who is unwilling to forgive her. I think the thing that bothers me the most about this episode, however, is that Violet and Bonnie seem to have such a loving relationship now. Violet's a snot, and Bonnie just accepts her rejection of Christy.
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The importance of this episode made me write my first review lol
glennsangers-2102715 November 2022
I see people either love or hate this episode.

Through the show Violet was an unbearable character, but with this episode she turned out to be one of the most relatable characters i've ever seen in any show. The way she was talking about Christie was a bit too hateful/resentful though.

This episode is very important to people who are trying to let go of a toxic family member or already have done that. It shows that it's okay to move on from someone who has made a huge negative impact on your life even though they have bettered themselves. I think the problem is that this episode was mostly from Christie's perspective which makes people want Violet to forgive her mom, but they have to understand that Violet doesn't really see her as the mother figure she needed because she never had that as a child. Emotionally they're strangers. Violet has a motherless void that never can be filled or fixed, how hard she and Christie would have tried. You can only try so many times.

This episode was really important to me and was the exact thing I needed to confirm I made the right decision that I cut ties with my dad 3 years ago. I hope this episode helps people who are experiencing or have experienced the same thing as well.

It's okay to let people go, no matter how related you are <3.
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Realistically told.
kellielulu25 June 2022
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Let's not forget Marjorie and her son were estranged for thirty years before they reconciled. Christy even took his view understanding what he had been through. Let's also not forget Christy couldn't get through an episode very often without calling Bonnie on one thing or another . The difference between Violet and Marjorie's son and Christy is Christy also went through the same addictions and understood from that perspective as well. She and Bonnie also had an estrangement which ends with the pilot episode. I don't know if they planned to reconcile Christy and Violet before the end since Farris left before the end of the series. I understand it Christy had made a lot of progress and was in a much better place but Violet couldn't get past that it didn't happen sooner. Roscoe also decided he wanted to live with his dad and Candace. I like to think that at some point Christy and Violet would have a relationship if Marjorie and her son could do it there is hope for Violet and Christy but ragging on Violet doesn't change that Christy's alcoholism affected Violet's childhood. It would have served no purpose for Bonnie to be against her granddaughter she understood with Violet because she had to listen to Christy's berating her for her failings as a mother. Why shouldn't she be there for Violet? Bonnie was slowly getting better she didn't turn her back on her daughter or her granddaughter.
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What a sad episode
amyjclark30 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Wow-bring back Violet only to see a bitter, immature person who can't forgive her mother. I love this show but really hate the fact that Roscoe and Violet (and Baxter-he's awesome) have disappeared. The show isn't as much "Mom" now because of that.
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Bad or uninformed comment
franglo_x26 February 2021
This was not unfair or a bad episode. I endured the father version of christie and nobody can dare assume when the slate is clean when a child must grow up light yrs ahead of others due to a inempt parent or parents, what have you. Problem is you see the character and actress and the sweet funny side but i assure you its not funny when your mother is crying in the bathroom and the father is passed out drooling at the table ,slopping food allover his fool self. Or when as a 14 yr old you have to kick his drug fiend homies out the motel room he so lovingly provides his family while your mother is scared senseless of the ppl in her home,especially when the home is a tiny motel room barely bigger then a cell. Or maybe its when the father had the idea to have his daughter date his dealer for a rebate - that never happened as i had to put a quick stop to that situation. Do not dare compare a tv show to how ppl should handle real life,but if you must,this episode is actually very important to note how far and and how much an addict can brutally affect the immediate ppl in their lives. In this case we know ,because its a show,that christie improved herself and is a charming woman. But never forget your only a child once. A tv or a car that is robbed can be given back. Not one ,not ever, can a childhood be replaced.
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A Harsh Truth Story Told Well
showlowjoe8 April 2022
Throughout the run of the series, Sadie Calvano has been nearly almost too brilliant an actress as the unsympathetic and mostly unlikeable Violet. This episode seems to put a possible period in her run as Violet.

The thrust of this episode is Christie once again attempting good relations with her bitter daughter Violet. Additionally, Bonnie is the good cop while Christie is the bad cop. It's an excellent episode about many alcoholics' truths (I am one) that's iincredibly well written and performed.
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Could of been handled better
peacefrog222-28 September 2019
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I felt that Violets podcast was a little harsh. Her point was valid about losing out on childhood due to essentially being the parent more often then not. But she seemed to completely forget that Christy also went through the same thing in her own childhood and understand well what she put Violet through.
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Vicious Violet, Alone At Last
Johnny_West26 February 2020
Violet was always a nasty and selfish character. When she was pregnant out of wedlock, she ruled the home like Princess Malevolent. When the baby was given up for adoption, Violet had a bad attitude about that, and did not want to see the photos of the baby in the new home, or to visit the baby. Christie, Bonnie, and Violet only visited one time, even though it was an open adoption and they were welcome to keep in touch with the baby. Overall, Violet has always been a repulsive character.

In this episode, it turns out Violet is making podcasts so she can make money from her "Poor Me" life. Christie is the villain of Violet's podcasts. For the sake of this TV episode, the podcast is supposedly popular and making money. Someone in law school who is studying with Christie, has heard the podcasts, and tells Christie about her role as the evil Mom in Violet's stories.

Christie and Bonnie go visit Violet to find out what is going on. Violet rips out her Mom's heart, and then drags it across the floor and kicks it out the door. I guess that the dynamics of this family are realistic for a lot of sad and bitter people. Maybe Violet has the right to hate her Mom, but then Violet has spent her life shifting blame to everyone else, and she was always a nasty and lazy character. There is no love lost here, and no Mother-Daughter relationship. Just anger and bad memories.

I was really impressed by Christie (Ana Faris). She really did a great job reacting to all the hate from Violet. I wonder if Violet will ever be back as a guest? Will there be reconciliation?? Will Violet crash and burn, and come back as a hard-core alcoholic or ex-convict, or both??
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Bethh1004-822-7616888 February 2020
This episode upsets me every time I see it. This comes out of nowhere. The last time we saw Violet she was moving in with Luke and talking to her mother and then a long time goes by with nothing about her. Cut to suddenly she's bitter, humiliating her mother, and mean as hell. No transition. Violet had plenty of time with her Christie as she started improving her life so really, again, this was out of nowhere. Christy is being encouraging and Violet says I don't need your approval. Yet she's been talking to Bonnie all this time like Bonnie is faultless. This just makes no sense with the arch of the rest of the series. I hate it very much and I wish it wasn't part of the series.
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bad episode
kim021286 May 2019
I love this show, and appreciate it's honesty dealing with substance abuse. It is great to see so many wonderful actresses at work. This episode was wrong, Christy has more than apologized to Violet. This was not a necessary story to tell.
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Horrible episode
dianewilliams-287079 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is such a horrible episode. It makes no sense that Violet would hate her mother so much but think Bonnie is so awesome. I know this is just a TV show, but this is episode is so annoying there is just no reason to watch it.
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PRMan5231 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Happy they got rid of Violet. She was always nasty, and she was awful to her mom in this episode. There was really no reason to tell this story. The show is better off without her.

When Christy and Bonnie show up at Violets apartment, she looks at Bonnie and says "you weren't supposed to tell her where I lived". And she just gets nastier. Good riddance Violet.
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Violet shouldn't have returned
bdbj_718 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately this episode is not good. The Violet character should have stayed out of the picture. She should not have been so high and mighty. She drank, did drugs and gave away her child. I am glad this is the last time we have to see her.
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The return of an unpopular character
robwoo-238174 August 2022
I didn't need to watch this episode to know that Violet is a horrible person who blames her mother for everything. The only thing I don't understand is how Bonnie is a life saver. Violet was seventeen and pregnant before Bonnie showed up in her life. This episode was unnecessary and a waste of time.
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krgoldman-564485 April 2022
Violet is a horrible character. I understand that she had a horrible childhood. But so did her Mother. Bonnie could have brought that up and helped her daughter. Instead Violet acts like she is the only victim in the situation. Glad the character is gone!
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Unacceptably nasty and cruel.
ggm-6195917 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Love this show. Love everyone except Violet. The show is Incredibly funny and well written but this episode is just horrible. Violet acts like such an angry brat and is completely narcissistic towards her mother. Violet thinks it's a great idea to humiliate her mother and air their business on a podcast. Which in real life would not help at all. It just causes more pain. She understandably needs to work through her feelings of neglect and has a lot of growing up to do but instead just wants to wallow in self pity and be vindictive towards her mother who clearly has tried to make amends and turn her life around which is a far better story than this brat Violet. To air a show like this, gives toxic people the idea it's ok to be cruel to family and it's unacceptable. It was painful to watch and also didn't make sense since Christy life was victimized because of her mother Bonnie who neglected Christy but Violet doesn't have a problem with Bonnie and has a relationship with her. She's a hypocrite and I'm glad she won't be back. It was an awful episode.
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This doesn't make sense!
Warning: Spoilers
I've never understood this episode. It's like the writers forgot where they left Violet last. She was drinking and doing drugs. She manipulated and stole money from a man she promised to marry so he could get a green card. She then left to live with Luke and very obviously was manipulating him too. She was always a horrible character but this is just out of place. She saw that Christy was sticking to her recovery and making real changes. I understand she grew up with an alcoholic mother and would have a lot to deal with but she doesn't even acknowledge that her mother had been sober for awhile when she left. The love for Bonnie doesn't really make sense either. She didn't know her until she was pretty much grown and knew she was a much worse mother to Christy. Why does she get a pass but not her own mother. She was needlessly cruel. This is just not a good episode.
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Violet sucks and they shouldn't have brought her back
Deedyrose19 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I know it doesn't matter now but I wish they never brought her character back. I'm sure that her character had a lot of pent up childhood trauma but there is a large difference between your mother making the constant and consistent effort to try and improve herself and admitting and acknowledging her failures versus her acting like she was the perfect mother that did no wrong. Like I know this is fiction but I wish someone would have told Violet to stop complaining and go to therapy because she'll never truly heal if she's constantly stuck reliving the past like it's still the present. As well Violet has always sucked as a character in taking responsibility for her own actions.
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