Who Said You Can't: African American Women in Science (2023) Poster

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Outstanding Documentary for Everyone
mactortorici9 July 2023
"Who Said You Can't: African American Women in Science" is an outstanding documentary. Thought provoking and timely, each of the interviewees carry the message to young women that they are needed in the medical field and in the sciences. Each interview shows specific examples of how each woman, through careful planning, dedication, hard work and resolve, succeeded in their field no matter what physical or hidden barrier society put up to stop them. This was true whether the barrier was the blatant and public racism of the 1950's and early 1960's, or the not so public "below the radar" racism that exists today. In each case, the true devotion and love of caring for people of those in the medical field, and the true fascination with science and belief that it was a value to society prevailed.

It is true that these interviews are of particular value to high school and even grammar school students, both male and female, of any cultural background, to demonstrate the skill sets they can use to plan for a technical career no matter how complex and far off it seems; even preparing them for the flexibility of developing a workable "Plan B" career from their background if things change. However, the courage demonstrated by these women is an inspiration to anyone: showing individual spirit can overcome the barriers society puts in its way.
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Inspiring and Thought-Provoking Project
favors_ronnie7 July 2023
"Who Said You Can't: African American Women in Science" is an inspiring, thought-provoking and timely documentary that sheds light on the remarkable contributions of African American women in the field of science. Through compelling storytelling and interviews, it showcases their victories over adversity and highlights the importance of diversity in professional scientific pursuits. This film is a must-watch for anyone seeking to broaden their understanding of the groundbreaking work done by these remarkable women. It's a lesson on the power of prayer, determination and perseverance. In the face of entrenched institutional racism.
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Interesting and very human
directortim201226 May 2023
"Who Said You Can't: African American Women in Science" is an excellent documentary. It's about eight African American women - some present, some trailblazers who worked in the past - who have laid down a groundwork for other women of color to follow them into the sciences. The interviews in the film are wonderful. We get a sense of how men were historically allowed to go forward in the sciences, while women, especially of color, were denied those opportunities. And how these courageous, intelligent women broke in to the sciences nonetheless, and are inspiring younger women to follow in their footsteps. In times of climate change and pandemics, few things could be more important than STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) knowledge. And beyond that macro importance, women fighting for inclusion is just incredibly inspiring. These are real life "Hidden Figures" women. I loved this doc and can't recommend it enough.
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A must watch for EVERYONE!
mettlesetdesigner26 May 2023
Who Said You Can't: African American Women in Science is a touching and heartfelt documentary that explores the lives of African American Women in STEM. This documentary touched my heart. The strength, perseverance, resilience, adaptability and courage these women show through their real life stories are a little heart breaking and truly inspiring. Dr. Cordel Parris, Dr. Alice Pendelton and Nurse Earl Dean Joseph will forever be burned into my mind. If you only watch this documentary to hear the stories of African American Women in Science you are missing the best part. This is not JUST a doc about African American Women, this doc is a roadmap of how to be successful when society says you can't. A must watch for EVERYONE! Thank you filmmakers for sharing these stores.
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Important and Inspiring
RBIves-202-7253529 June 2023
Super inspiring stories from diverse backgrounds. It can be easy to look around today and be supportive of black, female, and/or handicapped people in STEM careers. At the same time, it can be easily easy completely overlook the amount of hard work and perseverance it took for those people to reach these positions in an era when it was significantly less likely. Against all odds, they were the pioneers to normalize what we see today. Hearing their stories is a stark reminder of the changes we've seen in their lifetimes.

With the amount of adversity some of these women faced, it's a wonder that they went as far as they did. It is a testament to their kindness, character, and commitment to helping other people which carried them through and we all have something to learn from their experiences. Thank you for giving these women a platform for telling their stories.
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A deeply moving and poignant documentary
fredunderland12 November 2023
"Who Said You Can't: African American Women in Science" is a deeply moving and poignant documentary that delves into the narratives of African American women in STEM fields. This film unveils the remarkable strength, perseverance, resilience, adaptability, and courage displayed by women through their authentic life stories. However, this documentary transcends its focus on African American women in science. It serves as a powerful testament to human resilience and determination, offering a heart-wrenching yet truly inspiring portrayal of individuals overcoming societal challenges. While the stories of these women are undeniably compelling, the true essence lies in the broader message-it's not just a documentary about a specific demographic; it's a roadmap for success in the face of adversity.

For those who believe they are merely watching a documentary about African American women in science, the true brilliance of this film may be missed. "Who Said You Can't" is a universal narrative of triumph over obstacles, making it essential viewing for everyone.
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