The Curse of Halloween Jack (2019) Poster

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So bad..
epicpsychoforce11 January 2021
Jack is back and he really shouldn't be....

This is bad.. So bad..
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Jack's back - and so are the dodgy American accents
Stevieboy66616 February 2022
Andrew Jones follows up the turd that was Legend of Halloween Jack with another turd, only this one is very slightly more polished! Despite making movies in South Wales he is obsessed with including American characters but sadly he has yet to find one that can do an authentic sounding accent. This only drags his bad films down even further. One of these "American" characters is Duke, obviously "inspired" by Kurt Russell's "Snake" from Escape from New York. Jack looks laughable and his kills are largely bloodless and lame, for example one victim has a mobile phone shoved into her mouth. And what's with a guy handing out dollar notes to his daughter despite being obviously filmed in the UK!? One of the better scenes has some mildly amusing banter between a gay and a straight man. Final Girl Danielle (Tiffany Ceri) looks stunning but shows a complete lack of emotion, she also looks older than the 19 year old that she is playing. Marginally better than the first movie but I only scored that trash 1/10. Rubbish.
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Indie slasher not worth bothering with
Leofwine_draca8 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I knew I was in trouble with this one when I saw it was an indie at the very beginning. It's a sequel apparently about the titular killer who goes around butchering random people at Halloween. The film is British but often pretends to be American with limited effect. It's also a real dog, with awful acting, tame kill scenes, and a ridiculous-looking killer with a sack on his head lit by a light bulb inside. The only mildly interesting thing about it is the cover, which makes it look like a proper and professional slasher flick, perhaps along the lines of HATCHET. What a cheat.
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Tf did I watch
andybrokeninside19 April 2022
Even Sharknado is less trash. Srsly I thought it could be a good movie or at least mediocre but it's probably the trashiest "Horror"-Movie I've ever seen.
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Just why???
jake-7752423 April 2022
How do people get funding for these god awful productions. Please everyone watch it and then go to church and pray you get those 118 mins of your life back.
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Like a car crash, I could not stop watching, for all the bad reasons.
ckmfox18 April 2022
American or English? I don't know if the film makers or actors knew. This felt like someone was trying to make a feature length version of a Goosebumps episode. Terrible, but I have seen worse.
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I expected it to be a cheesy B movie but it was less entertaining
brooksdeanjon20 October 2023
OK. I was expecting it to be bad...but this just stole 77 minutes of my life. I'm even struggling at where to start with the review. I enjoy terrible films, I used to love some of the cheesy films the horror channel used to play but this was in a whole other genre. English police officers welding guns around like everyone has one, while we're on that note everyone seems to have a firearm even the public. The Dad giving his Daughter dollars to pay for a pizza even though its set in a fictional town in the UK.

The really Bad special effects. Everyone gets shot or stabbed and no blood in sight they even blow up a brick built police station then cut to the outside of a wooden cabin for the explosion, then use stock footage of a US fire department fighting the blaze. Nobody seems to be able to run. I've never been so bored watching a film. I put it on to pass the time and I honestly believe it would have been more entertaining if I had spent the 77 minutes cutting my lawn with scissors, watching paint dry or just sitting in silence.
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It's been done, and it might have never been done worse.
firstruleofmethclub18 December 2019
The titular Halloween Jack's motivation may've gotten away from him a bit in the first film, but in this one, he just straight up doesn't have one. The first two places Jack Cain strikes are the home of the man responsible for banning Halloween, followed by the house where the only Halloween party in town is taking place. As an aside, at said party, when Halloween Jack comes in and starts boldfaced killing everybody out in the open, about twenty kids start running back and forth in front of the camera about a foot away from the murderer, while another half a dozen sort off look at him apathetically and wait for their turn to die. It is genuinely one of the stupidest scenes I've ever seen in a movie. And I watch a lot of crappy horror movies. What I'm saying is guys, these movies are bad. I get the impulse - it's Halloween, and these are horror movies that literally have "Halloween" in the title, but I'd rather another go around on every single one of the terrible Michael Myers sequels that came out than ever revisit either one of the Halloween Jack movies.

Final rating:1 star - Of no value. Avoid at all costs.
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How can you make such movies?!?
Patient44413 October 2019
This is so bad, quite worse than an Asylum or SciFi channel production, and that is saying a lot.

Let's start, the plot makes little sense, the actors are all weak, the characters' reactions are laughable, illogical, and plain ol' weird at best, dialogue comes as a joke, simply put, nothing here makes sense. It is a quite boring as well, the only way it comes off better is whenever you decide to genuinely pay attention to everyone's reaction, decision, words that are coming out of their mouths. This is not how human beings exist! No, no, nowhere will you find these kind of people, not even in a horror movie!

Therefore, The Curse of Halloween Jack is nothing more than a cash grabbing attempt of a production that will be linked to Halloween thus perhaps it shall do better in rentals in that particularly period of time. And yet, I for one doubt it!

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Not really worth the effort...
paul_haakonsen8 October 2019
This 2019 movie "The Curse of Halloween Jack" was just a tad better than the 2018 movie "The Legend of Halloween Jack", but not much mind you.

"The Legend of Halloween Jack" is by no means an interesting horror movie, nor is it one that offers anything of any interest or innovation to the horror genre. The movie quickly settles into a monotonous pace and doesn't really get out of that pace, which makes for a less than generic and mediocre movie experience.

The movie should get some points for trying, and also for actually turning out to be better than the 2018 movie. But truth be told, you don't need to be familiar with the 2018 movie in order to watch the 2019 movie. There is nothing lost by not having seen it, as this movie doesn't require anything from the audience in terms of thinking and paying attention.

The acting in the movie was adequate, taking into consideration the limitations of the script and storyline.

As for the villain, Halloween Jack, well... Let's just say that this was nothing majorly interesting, and the character was pretty laughable actually. A scarecrow come to life with glowing lightbulbs inside his sack-head. Sure, why not... This will not turn out to be a memorable slasher character, not even in the slightest.

All in all, "The Legend of Halloween Jack" wasn't particularly outstanding, and I am rating it a mere three out of ten stars, because it was quite boring actually.
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So much better than the first movie
michaeldorris-7207014 October 2019
Its obviously made in the same low budget way as the first one but this is a much superior sequel. Better atmosphere, better actors (the lead detective and the bounty hunter are awesome), better death scenes and a better mythology for Halloween Jack. A significant step up from the lukewarm original.
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A lot of fun
jasondaniels-699709 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know how to categorize this movie as it sways between horror and dark comedy and at times gets plain silly. But it was a hell of a lot of fun. The kills are not that gory but there are some inventive moments including Jack killing a character with a cell phone. It doesnt bring a whole lot new to the genre but Jack is a very watchable villain and overall the movie manages to entertain. Worth a rental for fans of low budget slasher flicks who like their horror with a big dose of humour thrown in.
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Tortuous 118mins.
jhmoondance12 March 2022
Eeeeee this was the crappest movie I have ever seen. The whole story was pointless n totally pathetic. There was no tension no suspense n no atmosphere at all. It just drudged along for 118 torturous minutes.

The acting was diabolical n the characters were so bad that they could not decide whether to be English or American! So stiff n wooden.

The ending was so predictable n so lame n disjointed.

I am afraid to say that I do not recommend this movie even if you are slightly interested as it was so so bad.

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ghosthome-4768027 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Writer of this movie really needs to stop and look for another job. Wow this was just hideous movie ever. Everything from actors to whole script why would they think it's good movie? I feel embarrassed for the cast. Ps the girl playing 19years old- more like 40year old🙄
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Horrible movie...
skipperscabin5 January 2023
If you are looking for a horror movie, then this is not it. No horror, no excitement, no atmosphere and the poor attempt to make realistic kills are so badly done. The only horror here are the movie itself. Total B-Movie with bad actors all around. Sadly it's not possible to give a minus review. It's a -5 for sure.. It is a puzzle to me, that movies of this kind is still being made, and just as much a puzzle to as why a streaming service like Netflix, decides to actually show it. I do know that movie makers and game makers have free hands, but come on, even food, clothes and other products have some kind of quality control. What a waste of time.
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It's a Parody folks
m-skee19 April 2021
I can't believe how many reviewers are taking this movie seriously. It's not supposed to be good horror, it's imitating good (and bad) horror. The entire thing was made up of bits and pieces taken from other movies. It poked fun at those same movies. Halloween 5: The Curse of Michael Meyers, The Fog, The Thing, My Bloody Valentine, among many others.

Don't get me wrong, it still sucked, but I think you should at least understand it before you rip it apart.
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if anything, this deserves no stars
codyandgray31 October 2022
So, as we are currently watching this, this has to be the worst freaking film I've ever watched. I have had scarier experiences on the freaking toilet.

I can describe the only BTEC media meets GCSE drama and have a child.

Initially, I only clicked on this because we seen it and it had a decent 10 second clip. I think that was the only decent thing about this movie. Everything else has been nothing, but completely utter dog poo.

Also, the confusion between the British setting, but the American accents and currency used in one random scene. Confused me as well as the monotone acting on the NPC type movements from any other background character that seem to lack any common freaking sense.

We were actually watching this for a Halloween movie, however, I just wish I watched anything else.

Don't ever watch this movie unless ur a child.
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Lazy Halloween cashgrab.
annemariefix19 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is boring and dumb, but also baffling. Set in Dunwich, Britainmerica, it mostly serves to remind viewers of other, better movies about towns haunted by the memory of a halloween murder spree. The movie refers to the Halloween series, in a failed attempt to make itself look like an homage, rather than an unambitious cynical cashgrab. The characters are flat, the costume of the murderer looks bad and the effects used on his voice are corny. Nobody is good at their job or basic decision making. The "terrifying Jim Jones style cult" is neither terrifying nor Jim Jones like, it's just silly, though admittedly pretty based apart from the murdering the world thing. The police can orchestrate a giant occult coverup, but lack peripheral vision or spacial awareness. The soon-to-be victim teens are utterly forgettable and interchangable, and the deep dark secret that is hinted at is predictable and lame. No good kills, terrible effects, terrible acting, but a wide variety of inconsistent accents. Watch this if you want to feel good about Halloween 5 by comparison.
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Jack, ya deserved better.
reb201421 November 2021
I like the character of Halloween Jack, although I do feel that Jack should be a whole lot dirty and tattered. He doesn't come off as that frightening when it looks like the rope and burlap just came from the nearby farm supply store.

The acting was so-so. A number of the kills are off screen or unimpressive.

The fact that the grizzled old man who has been after Jack knows about the Druids doesn't know how to say Samhain comes off as amateurish. The correct pronunciation is "Sow-win."

Although the listing here states that the budget on the movie was an estimated $1 million dollars, I just don't see it.

Apparently, a million dollars doesn't go as far as it used to.
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Moderate offering from North Bank Entertainment.
parry_na1 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm really at a crossroads with this, the latest film from Andrew Jones' prolific North Bank Entertainment company. This sequel to 2018's 'Legend of Halloween Jack', this production is a similar mix of the good and the not-so-good. The problem is, after so many projects, the not-so-good elements should be better than what we have here.

It is a step up from the previous instalment, however; Halloween Jack's appearance has had a few tweaks, and his glowing scarecrow appearance looks pretty good in an eccentric kind of way. Any sound issues prevalent in previous films are absent, and the acting is all pretty decent.

However, we do get the usual mix of accents, which makes it difficult to pinpoint where the gruesome action is supposed to be located. Cockneys, RP, Welsh and American accents all rub shoulders together. The Americans in particular sound unconvincing to this UK ear, and must give genuine United Statesians toothache. The location is listed as Dunwich in Massechusetts, bit it might as well be Suffolk.

Halloween Jack's motive seems to be to kill as many people as possible. The kills are spectacularly under-produced, with cap guns and a distinct lack of gore. I wondered if this film was supposed to be a family friendly horror, but the frequent profanities would indicate otherwise. There's a massacre at a Halloween party, where a handful of people we've been made familiar with are knifed. The other partygoers respond by running around the living room and screaming, but make no attempt to leave the house. It is a masterpiece of understatement, and it gives the impression that no attempt has been made to create any tension at all.

After a brief chat to bearded weirdo Duke Tanner (Peter Cosgrove), Danielle (Tiffany Ceri) - whose previous most daring exploit was to defy her father and attend the afore-mentioned Halloween party - suddenly becomes what we are invited to imagine is a gun toting bass ass. Despite the prolific Ceri's best efforts, it is a lukewarm transformation.

I like that North Bank Entertainment exists, and I am glad they have reached a level of success that allows them to make a growing number of UK/Welsh horror productions. But it frustrates me a little that they don't progress artistically a little more. Their best film, in my view, remains their very early 'Theatre of Fear (2014)'. My score is 6 out of 10.
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Worst movie ever Warning: Spoilers
No legit deaths or reactions and the worst sound effects ever!!

Like who dies of a Broken jaw or getting pushed on to THE couch.... -1000.000 stars.

We just laughed and thought it was ridicoulus and nothing about it is legit and poorly finnes, No Good acting att all.
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I love Halloween Jack
aleksandercieply28 January 2021
This character is amazing i dont know why it has so many bad reviewes
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slightly better than some, the kills were good
LetsReviewThat2621 April 2022
This film was slightly better than other low budget movies. The acting was a little dodgy but some of them were ok. Also the mask the killer wears was actually pretty good and if given a bigger budget it could really have been extra scary. The kills were good but there were pieces of dialog that didn't really go anywhere.
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Wish the costume was better.
dlmyst-2981311 September 2020
Could have been good. It has a good plot/storyline for a slasher. However the subpar acting and murder scenes really cheapens the movie. Not all the actors were bad though but the hunter guy was the worst of them all. I wonder if they'll make a part 2.
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"The Curse Of Halloween Jack"
bztjwxzd28 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was terrible, the acting was dodgy and the Murders involved in the film were terrible.. 1 murder in particular has annoyed me and it's the murder with the girl and how she got her phone stuck in her mouth and she died.. I get that there could of been a stabbing involved with this part of the film but it's not realistic. You can tell that they had a low budget through watching the first 30 minutes... I thought to my self "this looks like a GCSE drama, because it's that bad"

Watch this film if ur not into horror and just getting into it but this movie in my opinion was crap. Waste of time.
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