"The Undoing" Trial by Fury (TV Episode 2020) Poster

(TV Mini Series)


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Trial by Fury
bobcobb30124 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The best episode of the show to date. We had an intense courtroom sequence that wasn't exactly realistic (there were about 100 unchecked objections) but was certainly entertaining.

I loved the comedic bit with the waiters and busboys interrupting the meal too.

The ending was surprising, but I feel like this is all a red herring.
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A theory
mathork23 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Do we actually KNOW who the victim is? Did they DNA test her and figure out that it was in fact Elena Alves that was killed? Maybee it's someone else, and Elena Alves is the killer?
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All I want is my family back.
marckline000-6724 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Can a smart kid who wants his dad and mom and himself be a family again. Leave a dried blood on a sculpting hammer in his violin case seem normal, mom finds it , oh yes dude , you need a shrink big time. Loving family , great support by family members , should be able to clean this terrible act up.
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mohmedadnan23 November 2020
A Great drama as usual from HBO! this Episode make you feel why HBO is The best..
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CoolX325 November 2020
I for one am shocked that a television show prioritized entertainment and drama over realism in a courtroom scene. simply appalling that fiction doesn't totally recreate the exact banalities of regular life and feels the need to embellish with things like "entertainment" and "structure" because we all know Real Life doesn't follow scene and act structure. i'm even starting to get the feeling the music that's played during this show is (gasp) not in the natural environment and (weeps) is added in after the fact

seriously if you're getting upset that a court scene isn't 100% realistic what are you even doing watching tv? the entire advantage of fiction is that it *doesnt* have to adhere to the rigid rules of real life and can prioritize emotion, drama, entertainment, etc, which are all things this show does well. it's definitely lost some momentum as it's gone on, and i do wish they'd more directly answered the cliffhanger from the last episode, but it's still highly entertaining and i'll definitely watch the finale

every work of fiction bends how things work in reality, even if you don't recognize it, because nobody lives their life in the conflict-laden, hyper-condensed world of story. if you seriously can't suspend your disbelief far enough to allow for the embellishment of court room drama - which in reality is not dramatic in the slightest - then i feel really bad for you and your lack of imagination. go watch a docuseries about sand
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Phenomenal and revealing.
TheFirst0130 November 2020
This episode continued the streak of good episodes. It might make you think who the killer is, but maybe it isn't. This episode was very revealing, but I feel like the people involved in the plot so far are discarded as the killer. I read who the killer is from the book, but I still don't think it's that person. They can definitely change the ending for this show. Anyways, I'm pointing fingers at one of the women from the first episode who maybe could have been jealous when she was breastfeeding her baby. That or someone from the school who envied her. I also think the murderer could have been hired by whomever the show is making you think it is. In conclusion this was a revealing episode that ends with a suspicious cliffhanger for the finale. Bring on the finale this evening.
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The kid?
globalisationana23 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Did I get that right? The kid was it? What? awful energy sending to the universe that kids kill. How on earth did he hope it wouldn't be found? Didn't they registered the family home before? Weird.
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Four episodes and then a shocking twist
safenoe1 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Hugh Grant has come a long way since Four Weddings and a Funeral, and here, episode five of The Undoing, we get a shocking twist at the end. Really, could it be, well you have to see it. The court room scenes were gripping and you kind of expected someone, just anyone, to be thrown out for being unruly. But not to be.

Connie Chung makes a guest appearance interviewing Jonathan, with Rosemary Harris (Spider-Man) making a guest appearance as Jonathan's Mum Janet, taking a video call from Grace (at 4am Janet's time).

I loved the court reporter's line ""FiveThirtyEight is reporting an 83 percent chance of conviction...down three points from just yesterday."!!
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Another BS cliffhanger? They didn't even answer the last one
roberthkolb23 November 2020
They didn't even answer the last one! Why? Who does Jonathan think did it? Why no answer?
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Nicole's face is.....
mark_obyrne23 November 2020
Ruining this show for me!!!! It's like an unmoving doll face!!! Weird as BeJeezus!!!
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Agree with most commens on this episode ... but ....
woodvillelite-123 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
My main issue on this episode was the last scene ... a violin would not be left on the floor of one's bedroom nor the murder weapon be put inside of the case. He has used the instrument and case previously so many questions on this point alone. As another poster said .... the home where they lived would have been searched so they didn't find the weapon there, but it now turns up in Henrys bedroom in his grandfathers home.

Also agree with other poster that the courtroom and restaurant scene would not have happened in real life.

I am still sticking with my original thoughts ... Franklin, Grace's father did it. But still have a gut feeling Grace's girlfriend has something to do with it also.
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Mortified, horrified, and asking for more
adlerjon28 November 2020
This episode was lit - tense misunderstandings and unanswered questions is what I live for.
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Noah Jupe
yusufpiskin24 November 2020
My personal opinion; Noah Jupe is the most talented actor of the last 20 years. I was very excited to see his name on the cast. But for some reason his hadn't performed. And now is his turn. I'm very excited about the next episode.
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Implausible courtroom antics, needed professional advice
ramenb23 November 2020
This show really went off the wheels with the courtroom scenes. No attorney or judge would allow the bickering back and forth from the witness stand as both the detective and the victim's husband were allowed. No defense attorney would have passively allowed the crime scene photos to be shown as being too prejudicial over probitive value. Defense attorney continually testifies without objection, also. I also have a very hard time believing that a family would leave the courtroom and then sit down to a formal lunch with so many witnesses/servants/interruptions after the emotional gut wrenching testimony of the trial. This show is barely more than an evening soap...weak writing. Definitely not worth missing Chiefs vs Raiders.
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Nyouq1 July 2024
WOW!!! What a twist, I was not expecting that, this episode was perfect, the acting, the cinematography and the writing. Even the music was amazing.

This show is like a pendulum, one minute it's the sociopath husband, then the wife, then maybe the husband of the deceased, then it might have been a jealous lover now it might be someone you would least expect!!!????

I'm taken aback, I can't wait to see how this plays out, my only issue is that they misrepresented the professionalism of the courtroom but for me personally if it adds to the tension in the film I'll give it a pass. They made it work!!!

Great episode, 10/10. Thank you for your time.
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How come this happened?
ubasarsahin25 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First things first, I'd never have thought that I'd give a low rating to a production which Nicole Kidman, Hugh Grant and Noah Jupe all together starring in. That's sad and shocking. With this episode, the show literally lost me. I suddenly stopped worrying about to find out who committed the murder and felt the lack of excitement. I didn't even care what to see next. This is the last episode before the final and I thought it'd finally do something. But it just kept it's slow pace and tried to fill up the time. It was like they were really trying to complete 60 minutes of episode and I hated that. If there was no much to show, they could have cut one episode. At the very last seconds it finally showed something but I wasn't interested anymore. I wish it didn't made me feel that way and I hope that the final episode will get my attention and surprise me somehow.
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[6.6] The somnambule
cjonesas8 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The worst episode so far with 99% fillers and a 1% seemingly "shocking" last scene. As the penultimate episode, it just shows very poor writing even if the last one is stellar, which I doubt very much.
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poorly written episode
druhanp25 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I agree that a courtroom drama doesn't have to be realistic, however this didn't even rise to the level of TV courtrooms. The child is in the room when the crime scene is shown? Really? Oh, the horror! The melodrama!

The father says he suspects who did it and...crickets? I was prepared to give the show a 7/10 but this episode was a hot mess of poor writing and acting. I was expecting the kid did it, but now I'm waiting for this to be a red-herring and gramps actually did it.
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what is going on, kelley?
ismaelfer200530 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I waited to binge-watch the last two episodes so that i don't get easily disappointed with a poor finale. where do i start? the strong point of this show is cinematography. it has a very classic and higher class point of view of the things, shown in every risky shot they make. i like to believe this episode was the beginning of the show and not the last four, that now i realize weren't really necessary. the acting is strong and wild. nicole kidman is still the lowest point for me, unfairly. this role doesn't live up to her incredible acting range and i still believe they didn't look at the great opportunity of having her portraying Elena and Elena's actress portraying Grace. anyway, hugh grant has really given us an emmy-deserving performance of a very doubtful character. also the kid, noah jupe is a great newcomer and i believe he is going to appear way more on tv from this show on. the lawyer was extremely good this episode as well. i expected more from lily rabe and sutherland but apparently, the writing is really off the leak of these actors. i almost forgot, HOW DARE YOU WASTING SUCH AN AMAZING ACTOR LIKE EDGAR RAMIREZ FOR SEVEN LINES ON EACH EPISODE? talking bout the writers, i am disappointed i must say. david e kelley is one of the most wonderful tv writers i have ever seen and yet this show was not the case. i understand this is an adaptation from a novel book but it never stops feeling like it. i feel more like i'm reading a very exciting book rather than an adapted tv show. and even though the production design and the cinematography are STUNNING, doesn't change the appearance of a novel book, just filmed. i expected the court scenes to be like big little lies with witty dialogue and strong performances, taking the main characters to their wits end. yet i find a prosecutor saying the words "and hitting her" over six times as an introduction to the jury. i am quite disappointed, i must say. but not enough to label it as a bad show. its a great miniseries, just not a david e kelley's miniseries, nor is it nicole kidman's best work.
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Wheels falling off
chunkylefunga30 December 2020
Lack episode wasn't great and now this one is even weaker.

Very predictable storyline, no surprises at all.

Sadly the beginning of the show started well but now I just want it to finish. Glad there's only 1 episode left.
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Trial By Fury
foxbrvar20 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Undoing: Já Devias Saber (2020)


1st Season

Episode Five - Trial By Fury

I don't want to get ahead of myself, but let's go, assuming it's him, from the beginning he's showing signs, first of all, in the second episode, when the father disappeared he was shoving excuses down the mother's throat, in that bump he gave his son of the woman, it seemed that her son looked at him scared, and a speech from his own father in which he tried to ban his son's cell phone, but "it looked like he had become The Exorcist, I was scared and I gave the cell phone back to him", It's strange for a father to be afraid of his own son, right?

Episode five of the first season of the Miniseries The Undoing: Já Devias Saber watched on May 19, 2024.

Rating: 3/10.
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Is this an old episode of the "The Practice??"
hpcmakeup23 November 2020
I've seen all of this..a million times in a million different David Kelley shows. I feel like Dylan McDermott is about to storm in screaming "Objection". If Nicole Kidman didn't do this show it would have ended up on Hulu or worse..Apple TV.
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This is a great attorney?
silverton-379594 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After the totally unbelievable scene with Jonathan and Grace together in public on the river walk, we have this "great attorney" telling them that they need to present another suspect. That's the kind of thing some writer would come up with if he knew nothing at all about criminal defense law.

It is not the job of a defense attorney to find "the real killer". Any one of them that tried that tactic in court would be guilty of legal malpractice. The defense doesn't need to prove their client's "innocence" (another incorrect word in court), but to refute the prosecution's evidence or introduce doubt in the minds of the jury.

Writers love to throw that word, "innocent" out there in courtroom scenes. The defendant is either guilty or not guilty. The jury finds the defendant not guilty, without ever using the word innocent.

The great attorney goes on to allow the crime scene photos to be shown, though they were obviously prejudicial, and she also went on to testify at length when she was cross examining the husband of the victim.

It was treated as a revelation that Jonathon is a psychopath, by his mother's description of his behavior after the death of his 4 year old sister. Grace's dimbulb lawyer pal, Sylvia says he's a sociopath, but he's more accurately describable as a psychopath. Grace has to be the dumbest shrink in NYC to have been married to that psycho for those many years and never even snapped to that fact.

On the heels of that revelation, Grace finds the murder weapon in Henry's violin case...

So far, this series has displayed some truly bad writing. Maybe they'll do better in the last episode.
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