"Supernatural" Moriah (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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Awesome Set-Up for a HUGE Season Next Year!!
StorieLuver26 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Drove home from work tonight with "Carry On Wayward Son" and the rest of my "Supernatural" playlist blasting on the car stereo (not a '67 Impala or a cassette tape, sigh!), put my Winchester Surprise in the oven, popped open a beer, prepped my cherry pie and got ready for tonight's finale. And sweet merciful awesome, what a finale it was!

1) You've got to wonder whether this episode's script was written before or after the decision to make next year the final season was made. If it was AFTER, then oh the meaning behind some of the lines during the boys' argument with Chuck in the graveyard:
  • "Our entire lives..Mom, Dad, everything. This is all you...because what? Because we're your favorite show? Because we're part of your story?" Doesn't that sound like it could be directed toward the fans in a semi-accusatory way, like "How can you crazy people actually enjoy watching the characters you love so much endure so much suffering?"
  • And then (in reference to the first apocalypse back in the Season 5 finale, when the show was *supposed* to end) it continues: "Where were you, just sitting back and watching us suffer? So we can do this over and over and over again-fighting, losing people we love? When does it end?" Doesn't that sound like actors who are burnt out in their roles? Jensen and Jared did say it was a group decision to end next year...

2) Aw, that bro-ment scene in Dean's room when he tells Sam what he's planning and Sam insists he can't lose anyone else? ALL THE FEELZ!!!

3) Motörhead's "God Was Never On Your Side" was quite the on-the-nose choice for the closing montage, wasn't it? And if Chuck Almighty is indeed the Big Bad for next year, then the boys definitely have their work cut out for them.

AND THE GIGANTIC CHERRY ON TOP: 4) Those Season 1 call-backs at the end!!!! Constance the Woman in White from the VERY FIRST pilot episode and Bloody Mary too!! We are clearly set up for the "go big or go home" season Jensen promised for next year! If anything and everything that the boys have killed over the last 14 years is back, then ANYTHING can happen next year! Imagine who we could see: Crowley? Madison? Jo? Original Bobby? Lenore? Benny? Adam? Kevin Tran? Uriel? Zachariah? Dick Roman? Eve? Lilith? Yellow Eyes? We could be seeing ANYONE next year! It's going to be SO bittersweet!!
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chriswhagedorn26 April 2019
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Did Supernatural just pull off its best plot twist in the history of the show? Absolutely. What can I even say? This episode will go down in Supernatural history. What a phenomenal way to set up the final season. If Andrew Dabb was trying to come up with the craziest twist that no one in a million years could've anticipated, he sure pulled it off.

God himself is the final villian? It tops every other plot twist the show has ever had. Dean selling his soul to bring Sam back to life? Nope. Lilith is the final seal to raise Lucifer? Nothin. Metatron tricked Castiel into expelling the angels from Heaven? Gadreel is steals Sam's vessel? Dean kills Death? Jack kills Mary? All of these are extremely surprising moments that will always be remembered, but NONE of them are as impactful and widespread as the simple reveal of Chuck being an asshole. Not to mention the fact that he's trying to "clean the slate" by releasing literal hell on earth.

This may be the craziest thing Sam and Dean have ever faced. But in a story all about saying "screw you" to destiny, I think it's safe to say that they'll find a way around this one just like they have so many times before. Chuck wanted them to follow his rules and play his games, but he should know by now that's not how the Winchesters roll. Going into this final hiatus of my favorite show, I just want to say one thing: Our boys have a lot of work to do.
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roienhossaini26 April 2019
This episode just blew my mind! I never thought it was gonna end like this? Now we gonna have to wait 6 months, to see season 15... the last season ever...😭 But i know it's going to be the best season of the series. It's going to be legendary!!! 2005 - 2020 #SpnFamily #SpnForever
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He is the monster at the end of this book.
Sam_Ash_7626 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, I'm completely blown away. As a viewer of Supernatural across the years, I love and adore this show to pieces, it is probably my all time favorite series. There have been major ups and downs across the show, but one thing is definitely consistent, the acting for our main protagonists. That showed in tonight's excellent finale.

The twist that God ended up being the ultimate villain made complete sense to me, because I'd always been outraged that God had never helped the boys when they're struggling and going through hell. Seeing him come back to be the ultimate villain of the show was one of the best TV twists in history. It felt like watching all 300+ episodes was worth it because everything across the entire series that Sammy and Dean have killed is back.

I cannot wait for season fifteen, and I'll miss this show to pieces. However, if this is the kind of writing that we're expecting, it will end on a high and this is the best way to do exactly that. This was the best episode since "Swan Song".

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Full Circle, WOW
sscialli26 April 2019
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Only God knows what will happen now as Jack is killed by God, Sam shoots God and then every villain/demon/ghost they ever faced is now out for Winchester Blood! This could have actually been the series finale! Now the next season is when the fun will amp to the 9's! Nothing like the big surprise happening at the end too! WOW!
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Well... Death warned us!
shixas2 May 2019
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Well, God turning bad it's not really a surprise... In "Two Minutes to Midnight" (S.5 Ep. 21) we had this interesting revelation:

Dean: I gotta ask, how old are you? Death: As old as God. Maybe older. Neither of us can remember anymore. Life, death, chicken, egg - regardless, at the end, I'll reap Him too. Dean: God? You'll reap God? Death: Oh, yes. God will die too, Dean.

That's why Billie is coming back and needs Jack's help... If God wanted Jack's death maybe it's because he can kill him, and then, it will all be like Dean quoting John Lennon's song (Imagine) in "The French Mistake" (S.6 Ep. 15): "No hell below us, and above us only sky!

The End
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Supernatural, as it must be.
Alexandra_Vas_427 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First of all let me say that this was a great episode with an unpredictable ending and with clever writing. The episode overall was way different that other season finales. It started with an idea that fits a filler episode and with great meta references. We see Jack as a powerful being once again, that can control the whole world with just a thought of his. As the episode continues we are anticipating the finale with Jack dead from Dean's hand or with Jack releasing his power against the Winchesters. God is back and we all think that he will do something to help with the whole situation or leave again with doing nothing. What I personally didn't expect was for him -the great writer- to turn into an evil character that will release the Winchesters biggest fears. That was probably the worst thing he could do. With a snap of his fingers he ''deleted'' all the fights the Winchester had given all these years. The fact that the 'plot twist' happened in the final ten minutes made the episode even more shocking.

I want to comment on the whole 'God' thing, that has been going on for a few years now on the series. I can't comprehend all the critics about supernatural trying to pass an anti-Christian message now that God appears as the bad guy, while all the years previously, with all the biblical creatures being distorted, not that many people were bothered. From the beginning Chuck was represented as someone who was playing with the existence of the boys not telling them who he is and while writing their life story. I think that Chuck is the representation of God that people have on their minds when bad things happen. He is not there to help, he is constantly on a trip and he wants humans to deal with everything on their own. We pray to Him when tragedy strikes and at the same time we are wondering where has he been when it happens. Chuck is not the God that we believe in. He is the God that wasn't there when we needed him. He is the part of God that has crossed our minds once in a while, the God that didn't help when he was needed, the God that has forgotten about his creations. He is not the righteous God that we pray to. I believe that the writers chose to give him a human name because they didn't want him to be the God that people believe in. They wanted him to be a God with flaws that isn't great and is not perfect. The God in the supernatural world, a world that not everything goes as we want it to go. The writers had the courage -or the audacity- to make him appear as a character on the show, but in the end they want everyone to remember that he is just a character. God is unknown to everyone and the only thing we can do, is to believe in Him. If people get offended by his representation on the series, then they should have stopped watching supernatural years ago. God is not flawed now, he was always like that in the series. He was selfish and didn't really care. He wanted free will but at the same time didn't. He is the God that we sometimes doubt. Supernatural -even if it is named like that- was always a show about human perspective. The good angels aren't always that good, and the evil creatures aren't always that evil.

Anyway, that was probably even better that the season five finale and I hope that the last season of this series, that has been going on for fifteen years will be as it must be; epic.
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The Beginning of The End
alirezamatrian26 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
You Want The End? Here it is! i think this episode was an absolutely epic one, in a meta way. chuck showed that everything until now was nothing actually, the whole apocalypse take number one and two, lucifer, azazel everyone from his point of view are just some players in a big game.

and now, the big game has come to an end.
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We're on endgame now.
vinihdavi26 April 2019
This episode was the culmination of 14 seasons saving monsters and hunting things. Legendary and epic episode with a disturbing ending. The Great War has Began
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Amazing finale
Toxin4426 April 2019
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This was one of the better finalies of the series. It sets up the last season perfectly. Every one is back and it's going to be a battle royal in the final season. I noticed that some people take issue with Chuck's turn but they seem to forget the first testament God, with the vengeance and wrath. The Winchesters ignored his will, pushed him, questioned him, smashed his guitar, showed him disrespect and then shot him.... time to raise the dead and bring on the end of days. This last season will be a free for all and I think we are in for a good season. Crowley, Yellow Eyes, Lucifer, who knows maybe even Cain and the 4 Horsemen could all be back.
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Holy Crap!!
prathameshbhole-5494526 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This has gotta be the most heavy finale ever... Heavy, in terms of ending on a very very high tone.. Acting by the everyone was on point as always, but thats not the highlight of this episode... This episode has a solid grip on the storyline, and you'll never expect what happens in last 5 minutes of the episode..... I give this 10/10, because well, it deserves 1000/10
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pejon-4654319 July 2019
Wow!!! I nearly jumped off my chair watching this episode! never thought they can make such finale after all these years,now i can't wait for the final season. Thanks for the brilliant writers. Great song choice at the end of the episode though
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Kingslaay4 May 2019
A unique season finale where it wasn't all packed with action and a big showdown. We see Chuck return and supposedly look to help the Winchesters with The Jack problem. The twist was having the brothers turn and confront Chuck accusing him of making them play painful roles for him. If we think back to the apocalypse days the brothers were constantly told to play their roles. This is some good writing as it is a continuation of that theme. The show and all its villains somewhat come full circle as they were all challenges that Chuck wrote for his amusement. In a way it was also a wink to fans who have complained about bad writing in the past when Chuck acknowledges writers are liars and underplays the role of writers.

The scene is set for the final season of this beloved show. I can hardly believe it, I've been with this show since day one when that hitchiker ghost was picked up. How far we have all come. Bring this final season home boys!
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Very unhappy with the way the show has gone, major spoilers throughout the review
AngelGG4 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Basically, they have set up God as the major endgame villain for the final season, and Sam tried to kill him. Yes, Sam tried to kill Chuck in this episode.

In a nutshell, they have set it up to make Lucifer's son Jack, the Empty, and the reaper Billie, united as heroes for season 15, and God as the enemy. ? God has never, ever been evil in this show.. He's been absent, but we knew he had love for his creations and gave them free will. The God we saw tonight, did not even have a smidgen in common with the God we saw in Season 11 (who was clearly described as being a pure force of light in the yin/yang balance). It's like a complete 180..

We have found out that we are just entertainment to God, and he loves watching his stories play out, and he doesn't *really* care about any of us.. In Season 11 he was loving, compassionate, saved the town and more. You could clearly see his inherent goodness and warmth. You could clearly see the sincerity and love, as well as pain, he felt for his creations. They also had a rough stab at POTUS this episode which I thought was really nasty.

I used to think of myself as the show's biggest fan and even marathon the entire show from season 1 episode 1, every year when a new season comes out. I have spent a lot of money on purchasing the show, both hard copy and digital. Never in my wildest dreams did I think they would go down this horrible path. I will force myself to watch a little of the final season to see if there is more to it.. What I am hoping is that somehow the darkness corrupted him during all his time spent with her travelling, and there is an explanation for the sudden shift in Chuck's character.. and that of course he becomes good again.

However, if Chuck is indeed the main villain in season 15, I will watch the season 11 ending again up to when Amara and Chuck leave and are happy together, and have that as my all time ending. Appalled, and completely shocked at the direction this finale took. I am absolutely devastated with a show I have previously adored for 14 years.
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I'm totally freaked out this season 14 final episode
magaven-mcbride26 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
God's slap fingers start the end. I'm freaking shock ghosts, ghouls, woman in white and Bloody Mary everything is back. I'm so excited next season. I'm shaking 😱😬
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nikoletaspn27 April 2019
I can't believe what I just saw! Awesome scenario, awesome storyline and an UNPREDICTABLE ENDING! I am sure the writers know how to end the supernatutal story and I think that we are ahead to a big time finale!
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igrovouostrov26 April 2019
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The ending of season 14 is the prehistory of the show The Walking Dead, now we know what happened
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Jaw on the ground.
sonofdisaster1829 April 2019
After 14 seasons Supernatural is still finding ways to surprise me. I can honestly say I did not see any of that coming. The entire episode from beginning to end, was solid. It didn't drag at all and had a great pace for an episode. It will no doubt go down as one of the better Supernatural finales ever. The all out mayhem that transpired in the last 10 to 15 minutes was on the level of "Swan Song". Was it better?..I don't want to say that but I was definitely more shocked. The only thing I might have changed was edit a little bit in a couple scenes but other than that it was great. I felt it had one of the better cliffhangers and it set up the last season in such an exciting and anticipated way that Supernatural fans(Including myself) are DYING to see everything that transpires. The aftermath and consequences of what has happened are going to set up the best and most exciting season of Supernatural ever. The stakes are higher than ever for the Winchester's. And its going to be one HELL of a ride(pun intended).
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joeyportelli-9307826 April 2019
Feeling blown away..... I can officially say that SUPERNATURAL just delivered the BEST episode and MY FAVOURITE ever! Can't wait for what the last season has to offer!
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Amazing set up and pay off
dennisuitappelscha26 April 2019
The set up of the last few seasons (11 to 14), and even of the fourth and fifth season, is paid off spectacularly in this episode, with the somewhat predictable yet unbelievable twist that sets up for an amazing last season that will pay tribute to all the seasons before it.
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Oh my Chuck
soraqah-2209322 May 2019
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This episode was one of the best episodes in the entire show. Absolutely amazing the way that they concluded the season. This was the perfect build up to the series finale, Season 15. Big big set up for the final season. Chuck (god) is most likely going to be the main villain that they have to defeat in Season 15 and the main villain of the entire show. The person who has been constantly manipulating the lives of Sam and Dean for his own personal reasons. Having them go through so many trials and tribulations, death, defeat, etc. God didn't care about Sam and Dean. He only cared about his story, the way it was written, and how it was portrayed. Everything else was just pawns. Now, with only one season remaining, it is about to be crazy as hell. The final apocalypse and end to the Winchester Brothers. Now whether it is a good or bad ending for them I have no clue. I'm guessing that this means the people who would have to take down God would be Jack ( I know he died, but he is in the empty with Billie and nothing and they are probably going to conspire for a plan to take down god), Sam and Dean obviously, Cass. Honestly, it's probably going to take everything and everyone. Can't wait to see what happens next. I hope Sam and Dean finally get some peace and happiness when the show ends because their life was nothing but suffering.
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One of my fav episodes!
L_Dog71129 April 2019
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Literally made this account to say I understand why Christians might get upset, I'm not religious, but at first I also questioned why Chuck was acting so differently to how he used to. However Sam and Dean did push Chuck multiple times throughout the episode, and God is known to punish those who do so.

It's supernatural's way of trying to make the last season the biggest of all. Each season they try to top the previous one, and they've already covered God, the darkness, and a nephilim so by bringing everything back that they've already tackled makes it a huge step for supernatural. It makes the last season unexpected yet nostalgic, making it a perfect finale for fans who have watched since season 1.
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Brilliant finale
swadwolf126 April 2019
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This is gearing upto one kick ass final season,so 1st things 1st chucks the big bad who saw that coming? Not me for sure and he finishes up bringing back everything the boys killed after killing jack who ends up in the empty with billy the reaper and what I imagine is lucifer so I'm guessing they'll help take chuck down also will amara come back? I really can't wait till season 15 starts but it's gonna be sad since it's the last one anyway this finale is one of the best will the boys and cas make it outta the zombie horde in one piece?
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Hated the ending. Enjoyed the episode though.
axe_pagode26 April 2019
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I really hated this ending. I'm scared where this might go. After 14 seasons, I suspect it is difficult to come up with great ideas without jumping the shark. God is the monster? {sigh}
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I really don't know what to say
mabkhot12 September 2019
How did the show become so ridiculous ?

really miss Season 1, 2 " hunting things , saving people " ......
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