Red Letters (2019) Poster


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Good vs evil
gachjamba23 August 2020
Two paranormal investigors embark on a mission to investigate the mysterious demise of a local cop.This throws them into the abyss of the underworld and a deadly turn of events follows. It's a low budget, Good vs evil flick. A good watch for the faithful.
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tiskec12 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Everything in this movie was exactly what the title of my review is: Lame.

When the guy with the psychic vision has his visions, they are really stupid and generic. At the end when he has his vision of the devil I nearly fell off my seat laughing. I'm not one-hundred percent, but I believe the devil had his right ear peirced. The image looked like a bad GWAR band show.

The part that I found the most ridiculous is when heavy metal music started playing when the devil's presence emerges. I was laughing so hard on how cliche and dumb it was.

Jesus save me from the movie.

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What is this nonsense?
wtucker-3685615 September 2020
This can be summed up in a bunch of "not's." Not scary, not suspenseful, not engaging, not believable, not thrilling, not interesting. I may have left out an adjective or two but currently too disgusted after watching this crap all the way through to exercise more poetic license. Literally nothing happens in this movie.
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Simply awful!
kevinmgonyo6 October 2020
Where to begin???

This was one of the worst movies I've watched in a very long time. I watch a lot of movies, so that is really saying something.

The story wasn't good. The acting wasn't good. The filming wasn't good. Is there much more to a movie than these three elements??

This was clearly an attempt to be a "faith" vehicle.

Save yourself some time and don't watch this. How it ever got a 4.7 rating (at the time of my writing this) is beyond me.

You will never get this time back in your life if you waste it on watching this movie. I wish I never had and I really should have turned it off much sooner.
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Nothing burger
domialenic7 October 2020
Definitely a "nothing burger". Nothing to see here. Any comment is one to many. The only thing for me is that I will no longer be guided by the IMDB ratings. This is not the first time I got bitterly disappointed and can only agree with some commentators here that this is a waste of your time if you manage to sit it out. You have been warned.
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A bunch of religious nada.
psxexperten10 October 2020
A movie made by religious people for religious audience by religious actors. If you don't believe in God, don't watch this crap. What a disappointment and waste of time. No words can describe what a piece of poo this is. Little to no plot. Terrible acting. Nothing "thrilling" about the movie at all. What was the purpose of this nonsense??
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I had to rate it a one to convey a more realistic view.
berleecrawford17 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Red Letters

This proselytizing piece of excrement is overwhelmingly intellectually repulsive. It happened to coincide with my viewing of another movie that day that purportedly was a comedy. There was absolutely nothing funny within the context of that movie but this one? I found myself laughing wholeheartedly at the ending.

Others have mentioned the absence of any individual with the ability to act. Little does the public know that the casting of the movie involved an excruciating process of locating intoxicated individuals in a local park, waking them up and asking them to do a reading and hiring them in exchange for a bottle of mad dog 20/20. They are essentially that bad.

The script is horrendous. It makes no sense, especially the ending. Which was uproariously funny in its conveyance. Imagine reading a Jack Chick tract in which ANYTHING you do in life will end with you going to Hell! The format of the movie is precisely that in finale with evil looking into the camera and stating "If only bla bla would have been saved!". He could have died like his partner who was a believer and it did not help him in the slightest. If the idiot's soul was forfeit, they could have killed him at ANY location and attained the same result instead of this elaborate, idiotic plan to get him to a specific location.

One reviewer had written there was little scripture. What movie did they watch? Most sermons I have encountered have much less scripture. Usually a line of scripture is what a sermon is based upon and delivered pertaining to it. I know.

Prepare yourself for the image of Satan that is the proverbial red entity with horns. Thankfully they cut the segment very quickly to a flash so one could barely notice it was a mask purchased from a Halloween Costume store. It was still very funny.

This is reflective of what this site has become, people that are associated with the film rate it a 10 while more sane individuals may give you a real assessment of it. Believe me. Those that rate it as a ten need psychiatric help in their delusions that this is the greatest story that has ever been filmed.

Do not waste your time watching this garbage. The only reason I am writing this is because it is insulting. Here a little fact that should surprise you. I am a minister.
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olson-6484816 August 2022
This movie has to be one of the worst I have tried to watch in a long time. After about 35 minutes there was still nothing happening. At all. Bad acting, poorly filmed, horribly written. There is nothing redeeming about this pile of rubbish. Anyone giving this above a 2 had to have worked on the movie or has never seen a movie before. No tension, no pacing, slow, slow, slow and flat out boring. I turned it off after 35 of nothing happening. Avoid at all costs and save yourself the time. It isn't even so bad it's funny. It's just flat out terrible and boring.
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A paranormal detective type UNDER-RATED
terelli23 August 2020
Excellent slo burner. Two detective freinds uncover a series of chilling events, while trying 2 find a missing deputy. One of them is kinda psycic, so it lays everything out ... nice development SLOWLY building and then...30 minutes in, and ur GLUED. 😀 Solid 7 here!
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Pretty good thriller!
dubbac-855007 September 2020
2 detectives searching after a satanic cult that kidnapped someone. Not your usual kind of thriller. Nice indie film. Enjoyable.
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Worth watching
drgill-5168716 October 2020
Watched this movie on Amazon Prime video, it was a random pick for movie night, did not know anything about, turned out to be a pretty good movie. Worth watching.
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Saw on Kings of Horror!
hermgottlieb7 September 2020
I saw the premiere on Kings of Horror.. actually expected a slasher or something but it's a good detective/mystery movie. Didn't know what to expect during the whole thing so before I knew it that crazy ending made it worth the watch!
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A Faith Based Horror!?!
FearThe990007 September 2020
Faith based and it's actually not cheesy! Real drama and almost feels like this was a story that really happened.
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Love a Good Slow Burn!
gimmeGOODmovies7 September 2020
I'm a fan of slow burn thrillers and this is definitely one of those! Lots of mystery so I was hanging on every word trying to "figure it out" as the movie went on. Really nice performances throughout. Recognized some of the actors so that was cool. Get yourself a popcorn and dig in for this one. It's worth it.
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Not That Bad, Pretty Decent Low Budget Religious Thriller.
betchaareoffendedeasily29 November 2023
I find it funny how people highly rate movies like "Nefarious" well, but if a movie attempts to give the real gospel, and not Catholic pablum, yeah, People obviously hate it, cause they hate God, we get it, you hate him. I'm not gonna pretend this is great, it ain't, but it's easily above average, though heavy handed. Is give it a solid 5.5, I thought for a very low budget film, the acting and production values were solid. The script was where things feel short, lately because it goes from being an intriguing mystery to be far too heavy handed.

Things stayed fairly light on religious front, in fact Mike was fairly subtle, until we get to the parts where Robin/Old Nick enter the picture. Suddenly things take an extreme turn into the heavy handed, and it really hurts the story, I actually thought this was a good solid story. The Good part of it is still good, and the ending was sad, but actually kind of disturbing honestly. I thought also the devil was too easily able to hurt those who were supposed to be really solid Christians, but I guess it was a bit of a parasite for the spiritual battle on earth, it's not that they were possessed or lost their souls or anything, but they weren't able to stop Satan here.

I really wished, even as a Christian some of the heavy handed spiritual and Bible talk was ruined down for the sake of further developing the characters and story, again, because I liked the story, and I felt it came at things from a different angle. Include the gospel by all means, and a few scriptures, but please please, focus on the characters and story more.
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