"Lost in Space" Unknown (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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Total Recal-citrance
southdavid11 February 2020
A few intriguing twists as we approach the conclusion of this second season of "Lost in Space".

The Robinson's execute a perfectly planned mutiny to take command of the Resolute. None of them though, have figured with just how villainous Hastings (Douglas Hodge) is prepared to be to regain control of the ship, or how long he's been planning. Meanwhile Will (Maxwell Jenkins) and Penny (Mina Sundwell) discover that Will's control over the Robot is not exactly how he imagined it.

I feel like some aspects of this particular episode drifted into the questionable science area so often visited in the first season. Much of it for me, revolves around exactly how treating the water actually works. I decided to just let that wash over me a bit. Then I didn't quite get how Maureen's jaunt outside the ship actually had the effect it did, I'm assuming its some sort of external manual override for the airlock, but what practical use would that have, other than in this exact scenario?

Still, that's not to say the episode was bad, it was nicely acted. There was lots of shifting allegiances to admire. Smith, who seemed to genuinely enjoy being part of the family again is destroyed when John doesn't believe she tried to contact the bridge, this might be the final chance for redemption lost. Meanwhile, it becomes clear that though the robot has affection for Will - that doesn't extend to humanity in general and the likelihood of the Robot willingly piloting the ship to Alpha Centauri now seems remote. You also have to say that visually, this episode is pretty stunning. The scenes inside the atmosphere of the gas giant are wonderful to look at, if apparently as people have said in the trivia section, not particularly accurate.

I'm slightly concerned that the underwhelming first season, and the fact we haven't heard anything about a renewal from Netflix yet, it might all be over soon. It would be a shame after the course correction done in this run.
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Something new!
st_heinz27 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A good episode! After many stories that repeat themselves in the process (threat, bad luck, solution, difficulties, happy ending), there are new Elements here: intrigue, tactics and the question: who is good and who is bad? The scenes on the bridge are particularly exciting. Some interesting twists and turns make the episode one of the strongest in the season. It remains exciting! And yes ... Smith is annoying and there are some female Mary Sues. So what? As long as it remains captivating, I don't care. Very good Sci-Fi.
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way too woke ???
judyolsz30 September 2021
One reviewer is upset that the movie is "too woke". Why should one gender seem all knowing etc? Wow - women have been playing second, third fiddle for hundreds of years in stories. So how does it feel to have a strong female instead of a strong male lead? Long overdue. Welcome to the 21st century.
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Empowered Maureen gets extra empowerment
RetroRick18 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The episode looks like real sci-fi in many ways. In the last episode it looked like they were even trying to invoke the visuals of star wars, not least in making the Jupiter look and behave just like the millenium falcon. The problem here is a subjective one, just too much Maureen Robinson who incidently keeps being referred here to as "Marine" by one character almost as though to suggest that she was a commando/

Well, that's what she is in this episode. She takes command of the Resolute. She designs & executes a plan to save everybody who the heartless captain planned to leave behind. She admits to making some dodgy decisions in the past that suddenly have consequences, then immediately solves the problem by grabbing a space copter and saves some more people. She takes the kids to school, defeats the dodgy male military guy, persuades the blinkered female captain that her plan is correct, cos mathematics...or is is it humanity. Or maybe female solidarity.

There is one scene where she arrives on the bridge flanked by two very determined looking women, to take over from an almost exclusively female crew on the bridge. It's just too much.

Meanwhile her husband, ever supportive & metaphorically wearing cheerleader pompoms is literally shackled in the Jupiter as though he were a wife whose place is in the kitchen.

Basically this is nothing more than role reversal & it would be easier to overlook if it wasn't so massively heavyhanded. This entire episode is just Maureen, Maureen, Maureen. We aren't lost in space. We are lost in Maureen's ego.
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Unknown Mutiny Chicken Hero (2019)
nebohr4 October 2022
In our opinion (my wife and myself) this may be the most dramatic Lost In Space episode of the season, to date. If any of the reviewers here have ever served in the service of their country's Naval branch of the military then I have no doubt that, like my wife and myself, there is a tension and a heightening of the senses whenever the word "mutiny" is heard. Combat on a vessel both with and against your own crew.

Once again Penny and Don team up to do some heavy lifting (I forget the chicken's name but she was working just as hard as she could to free Don from his shackles) only he complains that it would take 30,000 years.
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Mary sue..uhhoohh mary sue...
csteinmayer-251416 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This show is really starting to suck. Scifi that violates the laws of physics in obvious ways. Flying that kind of mass through an atmosphere and it doesn't burn up! No shielding. Just lucky!
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natashaconnor-9192431 December 2019
Such a shame, the series had started to pick itself up a bit but for some reason character arcs were completely turned on their heads. Paced increased again, more stupid lens flares, bad directing! Story had major flaws, it was bad.
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