"Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." What We're Fighting For (TV Episode 2020) Poster

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Poetic Justice
colvinanton13 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The writers definitely did a great job of tying up the character arcs and giving each and every one of the members a great end. Also there is a huge amount of poetic justice in this episode. With Victoria Hand killing John Garret and don't even get me started on May. Having may basically be the parent to flint was a perfect end to her arc. Throughout the show we've seen how her decision to kill an inhuman child has haunted her and for her to story to end with her being a parent to an inhuman child is a true poetic justice. Everything came around full circle with all good ends. A truly memorable finale this is.
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They stuck the landing!
Maxidelgado_1913 August 2020
I will be forever grateful to my best friend, she was the one who told me that it gets better after the first 10 episodes, so i gave it another chance, I didn't expect that i would end up loving the characters and the show in general so much, to the point that i can say i love this more than the mcu (movies). And after 135 incredible episodes full of action, joy, outstanding writing and acting but above all heart, episode 136 ended all that beautifully.

Here's one for the most underrated, incredible, loved tv show of all time.

Goodbye, agents.
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A lovely farewell to a brilliant show.
namob-4367313 August 2020
Agents of Shield has been with me for a long time. It has been a shining beacon of TV, something I could always trust. During the show run-time I have moved countries 3 times, broken up a long relationship, and meet what I believe to be the love of my life. But during all those ups and downs AoS have been there like a trusted friend.

Sadly, it is over.

I do not mind admit I cried rivers during the final two episodes. Episodes that despite minor details were absolute fantastic. Hard to imagine a better more suitable ending for these amazing characters.

I feel so sorry for all those that gave up on this show after the first 10-11 episodes. This is TV at its best. But I would even take it a couple of steps further; this is the best Marvel has ever done. Better than any of the movies, better than any other tv show, better than most comics. AoS is the best superhero show ever made, and it is definitely top 20 (perhaps top 10) of TV of all time.

We got a great ending, but by God I want more. This cannot be the end? Can it?
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Nothing short of amazing.
GomezAddams66613 August 2020
I have been watching from the moment they took on their first mission, and even though they had previously written the season five finale as the ending, I am so thankful they gave us this much more satisfying conclusion.

This amazing series has now established itself not only in the pantheon of must see Sci-Fi TV shows, but also as one of the very elite group that has an astounding final episode, because if one thing was clear from the very beginning is that all bets are off, and the producers are not afraid to sacrifice a piece or two if it will mean the larger picture will be better for it.

There was no way to predict the outcome of this astonishing final chapter, that reverts to the foundation of what S.H.I.E.L.D. has always stood for, the protection of humanity, no matter the cost.

Well done, guys.
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Insane! Insane! INSANE!!!!
paulchristechgod13 August 2020
That's how you do a series finale.Nothing left to say.This show has gone down as one of the best most underrated pieces of art.And the MCU connection, WOW.
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Absolutely phenomenal
piggy-3459813 August 2020
Been watching this show since day one, it's the only show I watch live anymore. It's meant everything to me, I've loved it more than anything. I've never been so goddamn happy in my life while simultaneously so insanely sad at the same time that it was ending. When the writers said they made this finale with the fans in mind, they really meant it. I couldn't have asked for anything more, it was so perfect and there were so many ties back to the first episode and season and it blew my mind in so many ways. This show will always have my heart, the characters will always have my heart. Absolutely phenomenal.
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thewatctchingman13 August 2020
Literally my first review, I'm glad I stuck with this show since day 1 and really didn't want it to end, easily in my top 3 all time.
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Nothing will be the same..and that's OK
noorea-8514713 August 2020
I don't know if I can be subjective about this show, I've been watching it for 6 years and it is my all time favorite show so I was dreading this finale. Thankfully it did not disappoint, the end was bittersweet, beautiful and satisfying! there were great action scenes, some cool time travel shenanigans and a lot of emotional moments. I will miss this show dearly...thank you for the cast and crew for the amazing journey!
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toccoj13 August 2020
With fulfilling answers, proper endings, epic battles and bittersweet goodbyes making for a satisfying ending, this was the perfect ending to the best show.
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This is it ladies and gentlemen!
MamadNobari9713 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
We're finally at the end at the show definitely doesn't disappoint. This season was in no way a perfect season, it had it's mediocre episodes and it's amazing top notch ones, but overall was one of the best seasons of this show.

I've had my problem with this season mostly about the main villain and although Nathaniel did a good job with everything he did and kinda did a lot more than other bad guys of this show did, he still was kinda annoying and mediocre mostly because of acting like a little boy that didn't get his ice cream all the time. And the only thing that kinda confused me more than annoying me was Deke staying behind, cause from what I was watching there was no need for someone to stay behind and just press button as there were many many other agents there that could've done the same thing, but still I get it and it's nice that Deke stayed behind and became the director, but the reason for it is confusing to me.

But the writers really didn't disappoint and ended the show nicely and wrapped everything out with the plotlines and specially with the characters.

Some people might have a problem with how everything wrapped up and how they defeated Chronicoms and what not, and that it was anticlimactic, but if you think about it there weren't any other ways to do it and there wasn't any loose end that they didn't tie up, so they did a good job with it.

The Spy's Goodbye 2.0 at the end was very nice and it made me smile more than making me cry, because even though they're not together anymore, they're still gonna see each other again. With the original Spy's Goodbye I bawl my eyes out every time I see it because it is very sad, but this one, well it's the end of the show what do you expect?

And also, Lola is back! I'm so happy we get to see Coulson driving this baby with shades on one more time!

Anyway, very good ending to the show, something that's is rare nowadays *cough* GOT *cough*.

I've had a lot of fun watching this show these years, it made me laugh and it made me cry, it had it's ups and downs but was never short of a masterpiece. It is one of the best written shows I've ever seen, the whole season 4 alone is better than any Marvel show from Netflix (apart from Daredevil and The Punisher).

This show even though not being directly canon with MCU and the MCU just chose to ignore it, still taught me a lot about MCU, about what is S.H.I.E.L.D and what is HYDRA and the history of these two and how Inhumans came to be and their connection to HYDRA. I will never forget the amazing characters of this show and their journeys together.

Thank you Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D for years of entertainment and emotions. <3
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Perfect ending for an amazing show
agentsofsword13 August 2020
This is just amazing and how it connected to the mcu This is literally the best ending of a show for me quake vs nathaniel is epic everything is epic I don't have the words to describe it.
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A very big smile on my dial!
silkyheineken13 August 2020
What can you say that hasnt already been said? An awesome and very satisfying end to a show that I've honestly enjoyed over its entire run. I tip my hat to the entire cast and crew. From a fan Down Under to all the other fans, I'm sure you'd all agree its been one hell of a fun ride these last 7 seasons. Bravo Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D p.s. Who knew that Coulson would end up being the funniest and my fave character lol. Cheers and looking forward to the spin-off shows (pretty please lol).
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Internet-Police14 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Too many cop outs for this show. They are afraid to take any chances with this. People die and come back like a mid day soap opera. Daisy should of died and given the show something more solid. The entire plot was thrown together like an afterthought like they were writing it as they went along and didn't know how to end it. I was disappointed for this entire lame season and I am glad it's over now.
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I just feel nothing.
EddyTheMartian00714 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know where it went wrong, but in a finale that I should've been engaged, and sad, I felt nothing. I think the beginning of the season with the time travel stuff was really good, but now looking back at it, most of it seemed forced and pointless. Once that storyline was mostly over we got new villains, which I can't even remember their names because they were so lame. The chronicoms see these incredibly advanced robots, with massive space ships, tons of soldiers, and they can't take out this small group of heroes? They survive the stupidest things countless times, like when the entire ship blew up and Daisy was literally in space and she somehow survived. They literally joke about it at the end of the episode. Nobody died, this show has 0 stakes, with SO MANY fake deaths, and revivals. Coulson died so many times it's not even funny, and he's basically fine since he's an LMD. EVEN DAVIS is back for fan service, when he literally died last season. I guess everyone can be an LMD. There were too many convenient and dumb moments like Daisy's sister just turning all the chronicoms into good guys like nothing. Also are we ignoring the fact that they just left this timeline where all the shield bases are destroyed, and some of the characters won't exist. Anyways I just don't care. Usually I'd actually try to make a seemingly coherent review instead of random thoughts without editing, but I honestly don't care anymore. I'm glad it's over.

For the most part I did not enjoy this show. The first 2 seasons I found to be mostly mediocre, though they had some good elements here and there. I barely remember them even though I binged seasons 1-5 just as season 6 aired. Season 3 I found to be okay. I thought the inhumans storyline was more interesting and the team dynamic got better, but again I genuinely can barely remember anything from that season. Season 4 and 5 were the only seasons I truly enjoyed throughout. Ghost rider was just dope, and the hydra storyline really came together really well. Plus it was cool to see a simulation storyline. Season 5 in space was awesome, but it faltered a bit in the second half though I still enjoyed it quite a lot. Season 6 was just a mess with too many storylines and disappointing pay offs.

This season I'm a bit mixed. I did enjoy most of it up until after the time loop episode, which was truly amazing. After that though they introduced new villains, who were not only badly written, but acted too. They were just cliche and one dimensional. I don't understand how chronicoms can possibly lose, but okay. The entire storyline just became nonsensical, and things just didn't make sense anymore. I apologize for this review being a mess, but I just want to get my final thoughts out, and move on from this show. Overall I just think this was a bad finale. The villains were bad, it was contrived, non sensical, and dumb. I can't believe we waited an ENTIRE season to see Fitz too, but whatever those were the least of these episode's problems. I don't know what else to say. Goodbye Agents Of Shield. Thank you for 2 great seasons.
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Man, this is the best ending I've seen this year !!!
ahmedgorshy15 August 2020
Man, this is the best ending I've seen this year This show has been underestimated for a long time. It must stop that and enter it into the list of the best. After this ending I do not have much to say The ending is perfect
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End of an era
markm-0077513 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The finale was awesome! Wrapped up most of the stories in a satisfactory manor. Just would of liked more Fitz this season, but they found the way to make it make sense. Knowing that certain story beats were expected, I loved how they brought everything back to a point that was not just pulled out of a hat, but written in a way that actually was the ending they wanted from the end of last season. Unfortunately one member of the team was left behind in 1983, but even that bittersweet moment led to their dreams coming true. (Trying not to spoil). The sudden promotion would be interesting to follow up on one day.

Fun points:
  • The duct tape missiles
  • Aurora
  • The kiss
  • The self promotion
  • Family
  • The Epilogue (1 year later)
  • The gift
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More quake plz
dforgesson13 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
All I can say is I now want an agent's of Sword and more Daisy
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Awesome ending
TabzWachuka-193-61001613 August 2020
I'm gonna miss this show. The character development is beautiful. What a great show...I'm glad I stuck to it until the end...so worth it!!!!
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What do we fight for?
Seraphym198713 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Excellent ending to one of the best tv series of this genre. Entertaining, clever, twisted, satisfying, heartwhelming are just some of the words I choose to describe it although the ending was too perfect for my taste. It's been a long journey and after all they've been through they desreved to be happy, doing what they love. I know it's linked to the MCU but honestly AoS is it's own thing, doesn't need a "big brother". I have this hope that we will get to see more of the team members on the big screen in future Marvel movies even if they'll be just secondary characters like Coulson was in Iron Man, Thor, Avengers and Captain Marvel. Who knows? PS: Although this last season was rushed and felt like needed more episodes the ending was worth it!
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A wonderfully bittersweet ending to the best superhero TV ever made.
andrewdcoulson13 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
From the early days where everything tied in wonderfully with the MCU films, to this last episode where the show's own path comes to a fantastic conclusion, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D has been consistently one of the best superhero TV series to ever exist. With constantly evolving concepts and stories, real character development, and a heartwarming mix of drama, action and comedy, this will hopefully go down as a show to stand the test of time.

A lot of people talked about the divergence of the timelines in this series, and wondered if it was pushing towards rejoining the MCU as a whole, but I'm so glad they didn't. While the first few seasons handled the movie tie-ins with skill, being given the freedom to craft their own narrative in the last few years has helped Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D come into their own, this last episode being a prime example. The combination of not only this season's stories, but all the history behind it gave everything a bittersweet feeling that felt perfectly set, mimicking the characters themselves.

Will I be sad to see it go? Of course. Do I think they should make more? No. The stories we've witnessed were told just as they were meant to be, and we can't ask for more than that.

"A thing isn't beautiful because it lasts. It's a privilege to be among them."
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Best.....ending.....EVER!! :D
redmaxdrive28 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say, this was a great season in general and a fantastic episode in particular. It made me laugh, frown, and cry; it brought out the entire rainbow of human emotion in me just as any good drama should do.

Tamara Taylor did a great job as Sibyl. I enjoyed her work on Bones and it was refreshing to see her play a bad guy.

It was good to see that the team survived even though they had to split up at the end. Seeing where they each ended up was a special treat: May teaching at S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Coulson Academy with Flint as one of her students; Daisy, Daniel, and Kora roaming the stars; Yo-Yo leading her own field unit; Mack doing a great job as director; Fitz-Simmons enjoying married life and parenthood; and Deke running the agency in an alternate timeline. Talk about happy endings.

And Coulson decided to stick around in order to "re-evaluate" his circumstances. I just about busted a gut from laughter when I saw Lola waiting for him outside the building. He started the series with that car; it's only fitting that he finish with her too.

All in all, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is a great show and I couldn't have imagined anything better than what we got.

In conclusion, I'd like to make a virtual toast: To the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Thank you for your service and seven years of quality entertainment. It was one hell of a ride.
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Title is a spoiler
amerhamwi13 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A BABY!!!! I have not seen this coming! I LOVE HER!!

It is such a logical plot twist, yet it surprised me. I didn't understand the bed sheets at first but it all makes sense And I think Simmons cried in the time loop episode probably due to her missing here baby girl?
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Okey ending but plotholes.
martin_ericsson13 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
How on earth does Quake survive a blast of a spasechip exploding? That moment made me laugh out loud.
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The finale to our beloved show
coolalan-7599214 August 2020
Man the last two episodes are so intense! All the budget has been put into this episode, it's obvious. I squealed like a fan girl at times, cried like a baby at times, and laughed like a sitcom track at times. This finale is just perfect, there's nothing more I can ask for.
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Finally, a decent sendoff!
markwwise14 August 2020
I've seen the end of many a series, and this very well may be the finest goodbye ever. All loose ends were tied. I was left wanting more, which is the way it should be
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