Israelism (2023) Poster


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The Unlearning of the New Generation
qqwtq23 December 2023
Powerful and Relevant - about the new generation of Jewish young people who have discovered the misinformation they have been brought up to believe as true. It highlights their journey of unlearning and then advocating for those who they thought were their enemy. Challenging the concept of Birthright and enlightening with a new vocabulary from on the other side of the wall; "occupation", "settlement" and "apartheid"... the unmentionables. Thank you to the producers and participants for showing your face and in some cases even giving your name. It takes great courage and commitment to rise up against a powerful machine. I applaud you.
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Incredibly poignant and as a Jew, it's a must-watch.
BKinsomniacslullabies20 January 2024
This film is SO enlightening. As a Jew who grew up thinking Israel was salvation -- a paradise -- and a safe haven, you realize the adage "too good to be true" is a more of an acute reality of its existence.

Yes, Jews have persecuted for ages, but what right do we have to transfer that trauma to another population? We don't.

What's happening in Gaza is heart wrenching - knowing this film was made beforehand is also interesting.

If you're a Jew, please watch this film. You need to see what it's like "on the other side" of the fence. Especially because there's nothing left of it.

Israel has a dark history that it's trying to cover up and forget and it's giving all Jews a bad name.

If you've seen the documentary Jesus Camp, Israelism is almost its Jewish counterpart. If you are or were among the Hebrew school-going, youth group, Jewish summer camp and Birthright crowd, please, I implore you to watch this with an open mind.

I'm giving it 8 stars instead of 10 because I wish it added in a timeline of the history of what happened so viewers can digest it better. And it never addresses the development and plight of Hamas which I think is a huge miss.

Even still, incredibly important and extremely well done. Thank you for making this.
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Very good especially for those who need to catch up
christymbryan21 November 2023
Since October 7, we've been on a very fast track of getting up to date on over 75 years of history. It's possible most things in this documentary are less new than when it came out nine months ago. However, I watched it with my mom which was perfect for her. I recommend highly for you or those you know that need some of the basics. Others, have mentioned it being anti-s*metic. I see no evidence of this. It's typically referred to this way by zionist.

If you look at the reviews based on country, its quite revealing.

Those giving the documentary "1" star are primarily US and Israel. Clearly biased reviews.
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A must-see for young Jews
pinih-120 November 2023
I have seen Israelism twice and both times to filled showings to young American Jews who were enthusiastic in their responses as the film resonates with their experiences growing up in the American Jewish community.

I myself have grown up as a baby boomer, and it was a revelation to me as to how the Jewish educational system has changed since I was a youth involved in it. The movie goes on to follow the experiences of young people who for the first time have opened and questioned, the approach that they have been taught and exposed to in their pre-college years And then, finding that the issues were much more complicated, then the organized American Jewish community is willing to reveal.

I personally would urge any curious young person to see it for themselves, and not let the attacks on the film discourage them from seeing it.
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Amazing Film!
ttofete21 November 2023
I loved this film. It wonderfully displayed the realization of events and helped me understand the perspective that one may have that differs from my own. No one was highlighted in a bad light it only showed true colors and I didn't come out disgusted by anyone if anything I'm more hopeful of how to advocate for change in a flaw system that the film so clearly explains. I also feel this film is the complete opposite of antisemitism and in fact shows the real threat that's out there that I didn't know is so clearly still at large. It highlights the beauty in inter faith inter culture relationships and encourages hope in humanity. Great film!
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Really insightful
sbjayawarden21 November 2023
This was really insightful and powerful! Power to the jewish people going against the grain and speaking up for the things that they see. This was really well done too by showcasing people who still are indoctrined without making it aggressively negative. I think it gave an objective view of how indoctrination happens and the need to question narratives we have been taught not only in this circumstance, but always. I think this was done with good intention and if you want to see why and how people are made to think bigoted thoughts without taking away from the manufactured fear that fuels it, in a really delicate way. Fully recommend everyone to go in with an open mind.
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Very insightful film
ddamen-5591621 November 2023
Seeing Israel through the eyes of the disillusioned Jewish community was very insightful. I am guessing that the poor reviews are from the "pro-Israel" crowd. Highly recommended for anyone looking to learn more about the heartbreaking history. I enjoyed hearing first-hand account from former IDF soldiers and Israelis on their birthright. I really felt sorry for these young Jewish people who felt indoctrinated and betrayed; they really look tortured as they learned the history of the occupation and creation of Israel. The scenes from the AIPAC conference were also quite shocking. The film flies by quickly, and I imagine it could have been much longer.
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A very important film
christinareyna-511-8891521 November 2023
A very important film for particularly Jewish people, by Jewish people, but also for anyone supporting human rights, particularly the liberation of the Palestinian people.

It confronts the indoctrination for the support of Israel and any cost, and right now, the unquestioning support for Israel, is very dangerous for Jewish people.

I've seen this film twice and hope it becomes available globally. I feel it has supported the self-education I've been seeking to understand how and why Israel is bombarding Gaza and the West Bank and committing war crimes with the backing of the U. S. and the U. K.

Kudos to the film makers for their bravery in making this film, too. I wish they could do Q&A after every showing.
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Thoughtful and Provocative
sarahorneglass18 December 2023
If you have an open mind to a broad range of views of the Jewish people (in particular young ones), I would recommend this film. It certainly made me thoughtful about the role propaganda plays in the selling of ANY nationalism (including our own) and how it can serve to hide what needs to be changed and history.

The film was made by young progressive American Jewish filmmakers - who are questioning and exploring the marketing of Israel that they experienced growing up (essentially a "Disneyfied" version).

It is not anti-Israel but rather thoughtful and questioning. How we should all be, even if all the answers are not known. Also, it has quite a broad cast of people interviewed. I am really glad always for young filmmakers and artists who push back and create.
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Incredibly Important
timetoshine-7532321 November 2023
This is an important eye-opening film. What it does best is serve as an exposé. The voices in this film are across the board in how they want Israel to be seen and represented and their experiences of the meaning of Israel. I believe everyone should see this documentary, because it is an unflinching look into the world of Israel as a nation, how it's represented in the Jewish community in the USA, and about Israel's relationship to Palestine. Please give this movie a try with an open heart and open eyes. It makes sense that people believes this documentary is controversial, but just because something is challenging, it doesn't mean it's untrue.
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Young, Jewish US Israel backers have their eyes opened when living in Israel
thesbrian22 November 2023
A lot of "1" ratings with nothing substantial in them looks like an organized smear campaign. The film is not an "opinion piece", it's an account of growing up Jewish in the US, going to Jewish schools, joining Jewish community organizations, and learning unqualified support for Israel. Going to Israel opens their eyes to a very different reality than what they had been led to believe. It's personal accounts of real people who have to come to terms with life-changing realizations. Visiting Gaza and the West Bank, even joining the Israeli Army gives them a perspective that this film brings across vividly and heartbreakingly. Not to be missed!
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Amazing and insightful
irinaggrekova21 November 2023
Look at one star reviews and this should be your starting point, because after watching the movie, you will know what exactly those people who leave bad reviews are doing and why.

Don't expect a deep historical dive in and do not look at it only in the context of the recent events. The movie is showing how a huge propaganda machine has been working for decades, how young people are put through a well design process that often misleads them and creates a dangerous illusion that is quite harmful in its nature. Be ready to challenge your believes, ask questions and seek answers.

I highly recommend to open your mind and follow those amazing people's story, be compassionate and remember that humanity is above capital gains.
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Uncovers truth
suavesalamander21 November 2023
Digs past the narratives that mainstream media loves parroting. This documentary is a refreshing take from two Jewish filmmakers that was likely upsetting to many of their friends and families for exposing some of the brainwashing that takes place to kids raised with a biased education. It takes a neutral stance and demonstrates both pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian viewpoints, excellently contrasts their perspectives, and lets the audience come to their own conclusions, unlike some other 1/10 comments (bots?). Slowly but surely, more people (Jewish, or otherwise, or secular) are awakening to the truth of the situation in the Middle East. Watch, support, share, and converse.
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Excellent film, so relevant in this moment!
mohamedaljaabari26 November 2023
Excellent documentary, it is eye opening in how it exposes the indoctrination of young people to a political ideology and how it becomes part of their identity, preventing them from being critical or from seeing the world from the other's perspective. The biographical approach and the way the creators document their experience makes them the best people to create a film about this issue. It is also one of the few films that shows the people on both sides of the conflict in a very personal way and how their life experiences shape their ideas. I am sure there will be a lot of criticism of this film as it uncovers many uncomfortable truths and goes against the biased narrative of the Western governments and media. I have a lot of respect for the creators for this work as it is not an easy topic to cover and theywill come under as much criticism as the critical acclaim they receive. It is as relevant in the is current time as ever.
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a decent review of the current situation in Palestine\Israel
iankirkman21 November 2023
If you know nothing about what goes on in Palestine\Israel this is a good start.

This should be a first watch for folks looking to expand their knowledge and learn about the full story of Israel.

It shows the transformation of young American Jews learning about the apartheid state in the Middle East.

The young jewish activists in this movie are thoughtful and brave and show that you don't have to be stuck in the dogma you were raised in.

The duplicity of AIPAC and The Anti-Defamation league are showcased and highlighted.

The movie also deals with anti-semitism and the knee-jerk reactions of Israel supporters who label anywho supports Palestinians as Anti-Semitic. But also how that misses the real anti-semitism that is rising in the world.
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A must see!
myrahindus21 November 2023
This film exposes so many prevalent myths, particularly the one that all Jews in the U. S. support Israel. More and more Jews are speaking out against Israel's decades long occupation of Palestine and also spesking out against this current war. Particularly in this time of another brutal war, we need to watch this film and discuss these issues. This is an important political movement that is quickly rising and is so necessary. It couldn't have been released at a better time. I loved the fact that this is being led by young Jews. I wish it also had included more clips of older Jews who are very active on this issue, since not all participants in this movement are young!
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Journey of Reckoning: Transformations in Jewish Perspectives
haggwalgoo21 November 2023
This insightful film, produced by Jewish creators, captures the personal journeys of its makers and a growing Jewish movement reevaluating support for Israel. Focused on two young American Jews, including an IDF soldier, the documentary unfolds their shift from unwavering backing of Israel to critical assessments of its treatment of Palestinians.

The film explores why many pro-Israel Jews are reassessing their lifelong allegiance, often prompted by firsthand experiences in the West Bank. It also issues a warning against conflating criticism of Israel with antisemitism, especially pertinent in the midst of the Gaza conflict and a surge in antisemitic incidents.

Amidst the complexities of the Middle East, this documentary serves as a poignant exploration of the profound transformations within the Jewish community. It offers a crucial lens into the evolving dynamics and divergent viewpoints, providing valuable insights into the nuanced discussions shaping perspectives amid global turbulence.
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Compassionate and comprehensive
smolkitbean28 November 2023
This documentary presents a compassionate and comprehensive window into Zionism from the Jewish perspective, and how many Jews, specifically American Jews, are beginning to deconstruct what they've been taught and come alongside Palestinians in their struggle against the occupation. It portrays both Palestinians and Jews as people deserving of dignity, while at the same time clearly illustrating the shocking disparity of their lived experiences. It's an excellent film that uplifts the idea of multi-religious and ethnic solidarity in the face of oppression.

This film does a very good job dissolving the "bond" between Israeli and Jewish identity by showing how Israel, as a political entity, strives to maintain a good public image in America above all else, often to the detriment of Jews in America. It discusses anti-Zionism while condemning anti-semitism, but also makes the link between Israel's need to ingratiate itself with powerful politicians, who are often bigoted themselves. These politicians then inspire bigotry in their followers in a way that negatively affects Jews. The film argues that the only way to truly eradicate anti-semitism and make a safe place for all Jews is not by creating another system of oppression, but by calling out all forms of injustice, and participating in radical allyship, which includes both communal action and self-education. It's an excellent movie for those who are not well-versed in the history of the occupation or have maybe grown up hearing a lot of the same Zionist talking points as the people interviewed, and I hope that many people will watch it!
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Must see. Must share.
NadiaShimunova2 June 2023
This film refreshingly avoids preaching to instead goes deep, through the lenses of two US Jews, on how easily they were indoctrinated into what it calls "Israelism". US Jews watching, like me, will identify how normalized and out of sight, the oppression of Palestinians is, and learns from each person, what it took for them to zoom out, and choose to stand with Palestinians and human rights defenders for the safety and humanity not only of Palestinians, but Palestinians and Jews.

The film also offers an insider's peak, with a lot of rich, archival footage of IfNotNow, a movement of young American Jews who formed after the 2014 bombing of Gaza, their incredible growth across the nation, and their goal of ending US Jewish support for the occupation.

Most importantly, what's rare and powerful about the the film is that it's a good entry point for people struggling with the Palestine/Israel issue. It correctly sees popular US Jewish support for Israel not one of villainy, selfishness, Islamophobia and anti Arab racism (which is often can be). But one so integrated into cultural norms by our Jewish institutions that otherwise progressive people with low information, have not zoomed out to see the wide picture. To know Palestinians. To examine our assumptions. And to examine motivations of people in power who do promote allegiance to Israelism over progressivism, humanitarianism and even Judaism.
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A real depiction of the indoctrination of Zionism in the US
tzabian21 November 2023
Beautiful and thought-provoking documentary that delves into the generational shift in perceptions of Israel among American Jews. The film explores how some American Jews are educated with a narrative of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that largely omits Palestinian perspectives. It features interviews with notable figures like Noam Chomsky, Cornell West, Jeremy Ben-Ami, and Sami Awad, highlighting the viewpoints of Simone Zimmerman, co-founder of IfNotNow, and a former IDF soldier known as "Eitan."

The narrative of the documentary is centered around these young individuals who, confronted with the realities of Israel's treatment of Palestinians, find themselves at odds with the teachings of their youth. Their journey is not just a personal one but also signifies a broader generational divide, as they strive to challenge and redefine the established norms, battling the old guard to create a movement that opposes Israel's occupation and seeks to recenter Judaism itself.
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A powerful insight into how perspectives are shaped
ossianax16 November 2023
A very powerful film that takes an unusual and insightful approach.

The film is clearly about injustice, but in many ways, it is about perspectives -- how dominant forces shape perspective and how human beings can resist and reimagine perspective.

If you come to the film with an open mind, it will ask you to think about your own perspective, how it has been shaped, and whose interests it serves.

And it is also an argument for the importance of demanding justice for all. We are increasingly being told that there is only a just for 'our group', that everyone thinks in these terms, and that not to do so means missing out. Without preaching or lecturing, but rather by allowing people to tell their own stories, this film makes a quiet and subtle argument for a bigger vision -- that we can work together in solidarity, and that justice for all is the own way to bring security for all.

I highly recommend this film. It might even make you look at things differently.
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I've never written a movie review in my life
nowisee1119 January 2024
But this film got me to come straight here and type one out! I strongly encourage everyone who's wondering whether to watch it to at least start with the trailer. This is one of the most honest and significant films I've ever seen.

This film is essential viewing in January 2024, because it gives context and understanding for those (like myself) who've felt confused by the stark division amongst your friends, colleagues or family. This confusion led me to believe what is happening in Gaza was more "complex" and there was more I must have not been "understanding" about the "conflict"-thus I was inclined to remain neutral, but not anymore. This film offers great clarity and releases me from my learned helplessness and neutrality. Consider me awake.
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A thoughtful film
makenziekatherineboyle21 November 2023
This film was a thoughtful review and critique of the American Jewish relationship to Israel. The film is comprised of interviews with Jewish Americans, Israelis, Palestinians, and Palestinian Americans, including former members of the IDF, and offers a varied perspective on the ways that Zionism is propagated in Jewish American communities and bolsters the Israeli state. It thoughtfully acknowledges the rise of antisemitism in the United States with the march of white nationalists on Charlottesville and the shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue, and detangles the myth that all critiques of Israeli occupation and apartheid are antisemitic.
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Brave, courageous
hossainsaamia21 November 2023
Thank you for a wonderfully produced and nuanced film. Eye-opening and a must watch. Thank you for your courage and bravery, which is so important especially in light of recent events. The question and answer after the free screening was so informative too. Don't knock it until you've seen it, and don't believe the one-sided views until you've seen it yourself. Wishing the production team all the best and continued success. Looking forward to seeing it stream on mainstream platforms. Must watch for anyone wanting to understand more about current events, especially from the perspective of young Jews in the USA.
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A must watch if you believe in truth and justice
imercuryous28 November 2023
A must watch documentary if you truly believe in truth and justice for all human beings.

It will open your eyes to the brainwashing done to the young Jewish American minds. But falsehood can only last so long. Eventually the truth always comes out.

The narrative from the Zionist side is to always paint all of Palestinians with a broad brush of terrorism. But the documentary shows that both Israelis and Palestinians have the same hopes and dreams of living a peaceful life.

Along the same line, this is another must watch documentary: The Occupation of the American Mind.

Look it up on YouTube.
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