"The Stand" The Vigil (TV Episode 2021) Poster

(TV Mini Series)


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The Dark Man Rises
Gislef21 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As with the last episode, the scenes with Flagg and New Vegas are for the most part more interesting than those in Boulder with the "heroes". And the interesting scenes in Boulder are with "bad guys" Harold and Nadine. Credit to Owen Teague, who manages to convey some depth to Harold. Because the production staff doesn't bother to.

Maybe evil is more appealing than good. Maybe that it's Flagg does something. It's evil and destructive, but somebody doing _something_ is more interesting than a bunch of people in Boulder doing much of nothing. Yes, God is silent and mysterious and all that good stuff. Literally. But at least with Flagg, there's a sense that he's doing something. And that makes for more interesting viewing.

Even the part in Boulder that are more suspenseful, like Nadine planting the bomb and Frannie breaking into Harold's workshop, are centered on the bad guys.

We get Trashcan Man, played by Ezra Miller and set up by the costume department to look like someone out of 'Mad Max: The Road Warrior. Which is... a way to go with the character. Not a good way, IMO, but it is a way. We don't get anything with the Kid, or see any of Trashcan Man's trip to New Vegas. Not that we did in the '94 series, either. But if a remake can't fix the mistakes of the past, what's the point?

I could live without the Kid, and clearly the production staff. But we don't get to see Trashcan Man's trek from Indiana to New Vegas. Which strips him, and Flagg, of a fair amount of backstory. And that's the problem with a lot of the mini-series. A lot gets skipped over, and the result is a lot of shallow characterization. We get more of Flagg and Abigail. The former because he's the "big bad", and the latter because she's played by Whoopi Goldberg. And to borrow a phrase, "attention must be paid!"

I don't think that we've gotten a lot of pretty much anyone else. Lloyd seems a more filled-out character than Larry or Nick... which just seems wrong. Granted, Nick gets short shrift in the novel, too. Here, he's ushered off-stage with nary more than a grimace.

So the bare bones of the novel are here, but the meat seems to be... missing. Besides Nick, another decent character who gets skimmed past is Judge Davis. The production staff couldn't even give her an on-screen death. What was the point of her going to New Vegas as a spy? She holed up in a motel, then apparently turned on and drove off to the border where she gets killed off-screen. And? What was the point of her, other than to have three spies? It's either a waste, or sloppy writing, or both.

But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. What do you think?
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More silly than suspenseful
grlym-4684927 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
An example is how the pregnant lady is caught in the psychos bomb making basement. She yells in fear as if she is in a dungeon locked away forever. So stupid. Hello, you have all his tools, dynamite, etc to get out.

Just silly
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I thought it was great!
kirbie-3448127 January 2021
Best episode so far. I'm really getting into this now. I thought the explosion looked great; I'm not sure what that other reviewer was talking about. I am really enjoying it.
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this show is starting to lose me
nerrdrage23 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Ever since this series revealed the Las Vegas scenario, it's gone downhill.

The depiction of evil here is very problematic. Apparently you are evil if you: have anything but a white bread sexuality; suffer from mental illness; have a traumatic past; or like to dress up like Mad Max. It's hard to take the evil characters seriously when they look like they're on their way to ComiCon.

I'm missing something about the spies plot too. What exactly are they supposed to be finding out, at great risk to their lives? That Las Vegas has turned into one big sexy ComiCon? If Satan really is running things, wouldn't you assume he can tell who the spies are by looking into their hearts or some such? And why would being mentally handicapped be a defense against Satan's telepathy? If this was explained in the novel, they sure left it on the cutting room floor.

The one thing that would make sense is for the spies to ascertain whether or not Flagg is Satan or just a normal human being who's really good at organizing people in a crisis and has a very libertarian philosophy.

Which means that Dayna should have been focused on getting evidence of his supernatural powers, which she might have learned about by asking other people about their amazing leader, rather than taking the huge risk of seeing him in person. If he's inclined to show off his Satanic powers, the masses would have seen it by now. If not, he's not going to levitate just for Dayna's amusement, and it would be far too dangerous for her to ask.

And if this was the mission, then it makes no sense to send Tom as a spy, since the job requires someone with personal finesse and verbal skills to ferret out the truth.

Then we have Stupid Villain Syndrome. Harold locks Frannie up in a basement...with a window! Did he think she was too pregnant to break the window and climb out?
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Aft messing with the series, they messed up with the Trashcan man too.
Fella_shibby28 February 2021
I had lost all hope with this new version, saw the 5th episode on 20th Jan n took a break of 38 days to check out this 6th episode and it is terrible. The worst thing is the Trashcan man. So much overacting n unnecessary squeaking. Rather than being an enigmatic n mysterious dangerous fella, the Trashcan man in this one is very irritating. And what's with all those sex scenes without showing the nudity or the act.
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crossjeff19028 January 2021
Trash can man was not written this way. God awful acting.
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Wrong wrong wrong
paulwattriley23 January 2021
Not only is The Stand 2020 all over the place - Boring - a lot of the characters are just meh! Trashcan man is an awful Trashcan man and not the 1st character this reboot has made an utter mess with. Also it amazes me how people think CGI is great it is great for some things but others its terrible - explosions in 1994 look more real than that pathetic clip they should us in this episode - it look as fake as fake could be and maybe why they edited it and we only saw a small glimpse of this awful Trashcan man doing what he does do best.
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